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Show I S THE DESEHET NEWS r PROVO LOGAN OGDEN VICINITY -- aheold ImnmML eecrlra TM UMrl anl. Tel. DM Tw.afy-tklr- d 4 km KqMw OOIm. ifrt4Lake tliy. MConfer k , HwwM M 1L W. Maul. Deyert- Imgwlar Cateta DeUeny b. i.p.n4 is. Pra.o Caret., Tk. Dwcrit km,bcf.rt.nl gait Lak. Bwatk. Clap, Illy, w Me. re. .static,Clmla. T.L - "hl1" 4Unt OIUmII, u Sats-- kcr.rter. f Difficulty Settled Nav. 4. A eurt artjoa Jrtmuwd against tha Hotel Bieiow company by J. F U'Naill owsr ot wu dismissed by tt Si. Paul botsl N. Kimhatt wennes Ju4f A Jma Uy when an answsr waa fHd laying tba cu b4 been Settled out of eoutk wa Work on tba. new building baited whan Mr hJII brought no on tho ground tftat tba cortb WXll of th bcrtal aitaadad war tba north property Itna and obstructed hotel from full view of tba ul H sitting ton svenjr. fci.fbt adjuat&panta vara agreed ta and tba work .of placing terra cotta on tba north aida of tba ho 1 b tai waa begun Wadnaaday north wall wjl bs constructed upon dafinad in lihoa tha agreement. OGDCX tn fit-J- 5 'i J9 A. ohMld Hotel Encroachment jScalds Bring Death to - t NEWS OF UTAH AND IDAHO v J ? THURSDAY ft beaM Allen, 1 dr. Reperter. teIteHeery Lue The Center be reperied Skepartmeat. ( enter Itee. eeet hewe. gait Lake City, nr Deeela Many. HI ft Third Senth, Lesaa TeU Uft bssscl Utah Forests Spends Students to Read More on Roads Than Receives in Income PROVO. Not. 4 Bey, John ward Pastor Urges Power Plant Worker Ogden ft Joseph Ray Nll-aSunday wti while norkinr at the I tali Fuser Career aaaresaea th A Light rompanj plant In this died Vkf.truy n.ght inTK Y. U. ttudent on -- Books - sad city ware ll injuries th L hoaptui. fell lulu Literature at . tha Wednesday uftered when h't xh the fwsh pit creeling steam j etr and I'hn grnntont Bd of youth tn ibruat hi fete, whlfh scalded n definition, a definition hanA of xs born la Newton, youth it going to mako of Mr Neileen son f Josepn L waa hi opening thought, quoiod Aug A Vf hur- - from Daniel tt tbcUr, end Annie E ftprruw to Accaruing tbo lew of tbo tho definsltlng are hi a w. six chdursn, four ing of life for spoaker parents, three young men and women is sod thre. sisters, aided orother tho readingmaterially of good book. through Much of tho luoraturo of today, bo conART 14 UlttlMED. not ceded, of on but value; tbo Frof. T Esrl other hand there la not Nov. 4 OGDEN An laauo ot L T. Froo. and Frdts of f BWeber of our leading magastneo that college faculty. any formerly doea not have a kernel for young tiieeuMid the subit of art at 4he men it Ogden Ro- kernel ofthey are- hungry for- -that tegular mcttrg" truth. luh Wednesday tary Ho referred to numerous books. and poems of an uplifting character, and commended Suspect Held For them to the perusal of youth. He Price Tbree Burglaries was parUai-4- . Biography, Mllrriiir th lire of great men ar sspoctatiy raiCE. Kt. St. (Spcll-Mo., Ciky aiding youth to deflu wo jaluablo la of Lout., E knyder. 12, e( objects lit and Inspire them orreot.d n.or th Prleo to achievement. H calls attenfolio win, bur,lrlM of threo tion to th memoirs of J. rtorpont oorliar in th dif. Dep- Morgan la which Prleo tor told th mod of th aarrtc of Eliho Root otory claim Snyd.r ot y thertff to th -admlulon which my too, to ait great magneto. Said Morgan, Other oon.lcLloB-- . attorneys tall m what I cannot do, y Ellhu Th Slng.r Sowln, hfoehlD Rost tolls me what I can offico wo ontorod ao, th I to pay for that tolen. Thi was latr found 2?1. of ul. In a pH back of th Fraadxa The defined speaker science as undam-4. Th R.dd Mothat which men see around tor company r.port4 about lit being them and writ about. Unfortuntaken from a cash drawer. nd th many men are blind and do Bunnell ,arc claimed th los of ately Bot the around them, he few dollar. AH of tho. placo aid. The things moet of were entered by broakln, back mental felindneee. serious case Mr. to according winaooa Carver, U the failure of men to wm alao a federal fae. Snyder may what Js to be found in book He charge for attempting to aend a quoted one writer to the effect tnat loaded pistol through th malls. Th If he had to choose between cigar boa tocontaining tha weapon fame, and riches on one hand,truth, or addresaed C. E. Becker, Grand tha pursuiAof truth, fame and riches Junctiou. Colo, waa traced by a on the other hand, he would choose receipt found upon Snyder at th the latter. Urns of his arrest. Young men were urged to begin arly in life to make companions of master minds as revealed1 Utah School Champion in master books. OGDEN. Vev. j. 52, v .j s ht H IA5GAN Mqv. 4. f 8mcJ I i ports-tr- v in Utah waa ject of an addreea made Tuesday before th Lob Kiwanla club at ita regular weekly luncheon by Diet not Foreo-R- . H. Rutledge, a hose head-qua- rt -- r are in Uxden. Tbe national forests In Vtah, the speaker explained, are moetly in a line through the middle of the tats where the elevation ranges from to 12.000 feet and some run up as high as ?J A1! Jort NOVEMBER '4 f OBITUARY Smithfield Young Man to Be Honored Before Leave on Miion i Utah Pioneer of 1847 Indian Fighter And Church Worker Die AMERICAN FORK. Nov 4. 1926 special speak4alonary experiences, music. Misses er; instrumental Marie and Eva Feteraoa; remarxs. member of bishopric; mo, Bedie McCracken aad company; rename, departing missionary. A social and dance will be gives TtaureCay evening la his honor at ret ward amusement halt. th f Babe in Anns Killed When Aunt Carrying It Falls Down Stairway -- (Spe-el- U Washburn Cbtpman, 97, Utah pioneer of 1847, Indian war veteran and Church worker, died at his hows hers Isis Monday of old ageT Mr, Cbtpman was . born in Leeds county. Canada. Upper 21 miles sftove Ontario. -- April 21. 1129, a son of Stephen and A assn da Wn-bur- o Uhipnva. The farai.y em- - r to Utah tgraud iu the A. O. kmoot company , in halt arriving In the fall M f 1847. He GRAXTSV1LLE. A fall down day night proved 4. (Bps-cta- L) sen of Mr. fillister, and Mra Alfred Calluter, who died ta a Salt Lake hospital Wednesday morning from a fractured sxull. WhU the Catllstera were attendof Mrs. Caiits-te- r ing a theatre a sisterfrom the show took the baby snd fell down an adjacent, itsir was The aunt also sevsrlg inwajL. jured. - Mussolini Cheered at .A Armistice Celebration .k there ttn-- d 1856 when he waa among the first settlors here Ho was a sue ' WA9H8CRS CN IF 98 Ah. " cessful stockman and farmer. He served to the Indian wars and being interested In military rose to tbe rank of colonel la the Second brigade of the state militia. Mr. Chipman was sent to Iron county by President Bngham Young, where be helped build canals and many cities. Ito also filled a mission to Iowa to' Mr. Chipman was on of tbs first director of 2. C. M. I. of Sat Lake, Provo Woolen Mills of Provo. Amoricaa Fork Cop 's op store and County organization. Ho was the first man W bring a threshing machine to this part of the country anf also the builder of tho first one ever built here.' . Jir- - Chapmen three Vtms, his wives being Mrs. M:nd-ws- il Houston Chipman. Mrs. Marguerite V. McNtchoi Chipman and Mrs. Carolina Mayhus Chipmao. Ue had 25 children. Funeral services will be held in the Alpine stake tabernacle Friday Nov. L at 1 p.m Nov. a stairway Tuesfatal te Blaine BT HIRAM K. MODERWELL. (By radio to the Deseret News and tha Chicago Daily News.) ROME. Nov. 4. Armistice day was celebrated today with impressive simplicity tn Home. Instead of the military parade of pre- nous years, tha public ceremonies con stated merely of a. visit by Pre tiller Mussolini and h:s cabinet to the church of Santa Marls DegU Angell. where mass was said for tho souls of ths fallen soldiers. Thereafter a brief service was held at of the unknown soldier. Mussolini's car. followed by those of the cabinet, parsed rapidly down Via Nazlonale. which waa guarded the enure Imgth by a doubts cordon of, th army and militia. Dandruff Sewn Destroys the Hair kot plenty ot tbksk. U yon beautiful, flowy. silky hmlr. do by all moans got rid ot dandrutL for It HI atarr, your hair and mn tt It you don't. It doesn't do much good to try to bruoh or wash tt out. Tho eoly sure way to get rid Ct dandruff I to dissolve tt, thea you destroy tt entirely. To do this, got bout four ounres pf ordinary ltguld apply It at night when retiring: use anoueh to mototea tho catp and rub It In gently with th finger tip. By morning, nod if hot all, of your dandruff wilt bo gona, ana too or three more applications wi'l completely dissolve and entire): destroy every single sign and trace ar-vo- n; or it. You will find, too. that atl Itching and digging of th scalp WIT nop, and your hair u.ll look and feel a hundred tlmrs better. You can get liquid arvoa at any drug store.-- Four ounces la all you will need, no matter how much dandruff you have. This almpls remedy never fall. Adv. . Th, public acclaimed th Dues enthusiastically from the sldewaj k. (Copyright 1924, by th Chicago Daily New Co ) t feet. At tba time tbe Utah forests were SMITHFIELD. Nov. J. (Special.) jd - Forester Rutledge. CALLES AIDING AGRICCZrTRS g had been on Ths following program will b many of tbe summer prevalent reranges, President Calles of Msaico to 7. Nov Ota at the Sander evening, much d erosion sulting glvsn of ftreeeH in honoi working on such practical problems mfssJonsry by frequent floods In some Merrill L. Peierion. who leave th as irrigating 1.500,000 acres, ections. epectally In the Sanpete 14. 004- horses and 2.000 sets first of th week for Ssit Lk valley Since that time tt ba been aim of the forest service, the to take the M reionary Trsloln, on of plows to- - Mexican farmer forester to rehabilitate rears preparatory to leaving Nov. reported, and credit establishing agricultural the foreat ranges and rerpetuate for the Netherlands mission: banks where tiller of the aoft may summer Mies Mary pe.eeo: voOGDEN. Nov. m that: crop The drum and borrow money at reason hi rates. lio.too cattle ferag and horses and the cal solo, Mrs. Agnes Tbornlsy; rois- trumpet corps of fh American La 756.96$ now sheep will ft Sion poet, dependent upon make a firat ap national forest summer ranges will paaranea Armtatlca day In (hair new always find the forage there. poiforma which arrived here la alao It th aim of the forest Laonard Davidson. haad of service, according to tha forester, - tha orraolaaUoo tha gays that to grow and preserve the timber at drum worpa hag attained pro Utah's forest so that as time goee flcfeaey by hard work through tha on and timber becomes less plentigprlng and summer, ful la the United States, the val- Eureka Mambara Of tha Legion gtalatad Young Woman leys of this state will be able to oy other have finahead tha corpa ' with draw perpetually upom the neighDies in prank M, Browning la charge Payson Hospital boring mountains for much of their f thia gida of tha work. supply. 4. PATSON. Not. (Special) Mia At present. It was pointed out, Murray. 15, of Eureka died 12ZE WORLD S GREATEST tTo Widen Devil Gate Utah Is drawing lightly upon her Jessie the at Payson hospital Tuesday timber supplies, chiefly because of night following an operation. In Weber Canyon , strongly organised competition from Miss Murray, daughter of David forests of th northwest. These two and Rllla Sessions was OGDEN, Nov. 4 Work on tha factors, the forester believed, are born In March, 1911 atMurray Heber City. highway from Dvila Gets U Mounlikely to become less Important aa For a number of years the family tain Green In Morgan county ta to years pass. has resided at Eurska. Her parents, Mfit Immediately br tha contraNevertheless, the speaker said. one sister and several brothers surUtah foresta are ctor, company. vive. The body waa taken to Eure"In an average year like 1924. he ka Wednesday where service will Tha road of about ihrag tnUea fa Imth said. aaw of "tie money received from the be held. Interment will be in the is Water canyon part sales of national forest resources Heber City and will ha an aicellent provementfrom cemetery. in Utah Is sufficient to pay for the tha aaatem terminus highway die heaCj waits other the direct administration of th foresta f thg aaw road l&to Ogden. improvements and the sum return- Native of Iceland both; oven, ed to Utah In lies of taxes. F1EED ON LKtrOR CHARGE, Die at Spanish Fork There are, however, large sums - OGDEN, Nov, JX F. Daviv who Give imtYs work yon together. Back Richfield roads and 'trails spent iavxllf for Wag convicted In the city court reTjpist SPANISH FORK, Not. A (Spewithin the national forests of the on a failcently galling charge, double ' Shoots Nightwatchman against 4 protection are local Hot. RICHFIELD, the which waa dlamlaaedliquor stats, disIn thg Second recfpts Mias Gurdun Cvdnadottlr. k a rating of th tenth(8pecial) unaMo to par, Forester Rutledge cial) bast pubtrict court Wednesday, whan Judge With native of Iceland, died nt her bom, Disturber of Peace explained. ure. Saves time waste worry. average receipts her Monday The James N. Kimball directed a Jury to lic school typist la tba United from tb edecta ot a Min Gladys from forests in the state total stroke. She bad who muni a verdict of not guilty. , States, been 111 .about a PROVO, Not. 4. Resisting tha arwas crowned Utah Carron, exwhHo tbe state school rest average 2l!iS4lftl, BAKING EASIER. MAKES vra month. born In Iceland. by a posse of apodal pollca aad penditures amount to $482,857 56. or Jane. 24She1114. typoarrlting champion at th state- deputy TO AID IN ROLL CALL. Surviving are tiro A. Anderson. Oscar wide sheriffs, contest 7 cents an acre bold th at last spring, ly approximate staters: Mrs. was shot In the shoulder OGDEN, Nov. 4. Tne Margaret from th New Tork contest early Iceland, and Mrs. Joba Slgmandaon f tha American Had Croaspublicity annua returned JJ ednesday by Nlghtwatchmaa John TIMES THOSE OF ANY OTHER BRAND SALES . Ql this city. Wounded. Mendon roll call will be handled by Princi- today. Me Keen, just aa Anderson is Mias Hilda Dahl. state Illinois said Funeral serrtces ware held Thurspal A-- U. Merrill of tha Ogden aen-i- champion, was th first place win. to have leveled his shotgun ana -tb Lutheran Recover day church. Woman Hi achook name waa lq high ner In th national contest held la I'll gst hlmr Tbs bullet May omitted from tba llat th Naw City hall in which fired by tbe officer first . went LOGAN. Not. 4. (SoeclaJ) Mr. Funeral to Be of committees appointed Tuesday th state Tork of 44 state through a poet On the poren of the Elisa champion Held For Kidman Monk of Mendon who Right, Anderson homo before wounamg shot herself competed. In the side with a snov-gu- n Mis tbe man. Watts Helen In Tuesday after being a highly HCItT IN Anderson Is held In tbs county nervous condition for two months OGDEN, Nov. 4. Injuries about Rick College to Hold Funeral services for Mias Helen riting a decision of Chief of is reported as living and In the Wren Wilkins aad the city thg logs and shoulders ware sufFounder' Day Friday Police opinion of the attending physicians Watts 19. daughter of Mr. and Mrs OWfWt fered Wednesday night by Samuel ?.t,to.rnty 41 D the charge to be will recover. R. Walts, who died In a Salt Lak PI area, it, of 2140 Porter avenue, filed. t L. 4 (Spa-cPOCATELLO. Ida. No. 2 held will when his motorcycle collided with b. hospital at Tuesday, students and frUnda of theAccording to tho story told by 9COCT LEADEft GOING OX MIS- - n.rn. Friday In tha LeGrand cbapl .Ea, r1 mmf a truck driven by Jameg Jacobs, Ricks Tfr police officers, Anderson earns IOX. will elg Colltgg at and Interment will b. In City ceme200$ Madison avenue at Thirty-firon Friday, home under the influence of liquor bran Founder Rexburg Day ar tery. treat and Washington a vacua hsr parents and LOGAN. Surviving Kw 4. f Special) Boy Nov. I. with o parade and addraaa-e- a aarly Wednesday after being out Scouts of troop , held a meeting in thro, alat.r, Mra. 3. Louis Stockat tb tabernacle follower by a hearing istb election returns. A honor PRIZE CADET JOINS MARINES. football of the first member of the ing, Dorothy and Carol Watts. to said In th Afternoon And quarrel have n gamo started scoutmaster OGDEN, Nov Paul dance In tb evening. Mra. Anderson, in troop and assistant gwanaan. If, whs Wednesday enTbe day le reported to mark not which tbe husband was struck by a Henry Aeblscher, who leaves shortly Utah Holstein Herd listed in tha United guts marines, only on s mission Talks, commendatory tbe of tho oollego V?7?0kJ Infuriated, he founding was former captain of tha Ogden but alao tbo to the departing member were givAwards Portland shotgun and shot several en beginning of education times genior high school R. O. T. C and la Rexburg. The by Scoot Executive Victor Lind-bla- d atudenta of Madithrough a window and member of th senior high school son high school will and Bishop John O-- Adams la door la 4. Kov. RICHMOND, particlpato (Special) Aebisch-eteam r which repeatedly won tbo celebration. farewell speech Scout ring Tn shooting attracted attan his presented the Beaver patrol with In a telegram to C. Z. Harris thg Sears trophy. tion of neighbors who thhurriedly mad as a fir eet the great- president of tho Utah Holstein having summoned the police RUM AGE SALE. El COMPTROLLER DIE. est advancement during the year. Prleeian Th family guarrells said to nav aesocistlon. Mr. Gilbert OGDEN, Nov. 4. A rummage sale The troop presented Mr. Aebiscber WASHINGTON. Now. 4 patched (AP) Thatcher, manager of tb up, Anderson Utah ae will be held by the Martha Junior the book he would need dur- Stats John Skoton William, farmer knowladgo that h lost am tam withfcla Holstein herd at tbs Pscifie and Saturday. Nov. eoctaty. mission. Friday Livestock show at Portland reports ft and I. la the rooms remorseful. The ing formerly oc- Comptroller of the currency, died Er. w ths following swards mads to th his cupied by tha Clark Motor oompany. today at his bom near Richmond, shoulder at tharomored rmn LOGAN LICEX9ES. herd on Tuesday: Alrd hokpltal where Tysnty-thlr- d j street and Washington according to a special dispatch to Marl Senior yearling boll owned by A. taken Immediately after the LOGAN. Kov. 4. avenue. Specie tn Washington 8tar. accident. have been issued to 3. .Rees of Benson, first; Junior riage licenses Ohver Romeo Hsderlle. Tbain. Wyo., meifer calf, John T. Quayls, Losan, Plan for nrtondlttg tbe Weat-or- n Junior bull calf, C. Z. Harris SUBMARINE STRANDED. snd Trrsa Bennington. Auburn. first; Drama Center to Conduct Wyo Australia air mail scrrlcs dbd Son, Richmond, second: Junior ; Milton Therer Wlleon Balt A mllaa farther to Wyndham, mak4. (INS) Th LONDON, No heifer calf. Industrial School at MHdred Rfdrr. and Lake pelorts On a Jvrev n. Ovid. Ogden, third; aged route Btltleh aubmartn R--4 Is strand Play Writing Contest Lorss: Alfred Ksst-Bning tbo cow, C. H. Idaho. Erickson. Sa t Lak. fourth: two lues Mxho w and nearly 2.108 milea long, ar under ad In tho fog off Ermouth. Th Not. 4 Th Provo Far! Bird Mendon and Marjory E. year old heifer. Duf and Dumb consideration. resacl ia not In danger. Center, an organisation school. Ogden, fifth: two year old O. Parley, Logan. tha Young university unbull. 3.3. Mslkl. Smithfield sevder tb direction Prof. T. Earl of senior heifer. Utah enth; Pardo head of tbo dramatic art LOGAN XOXGEXAKIAX VOTE. ture college, eighth: seniorAgriculheifer Nov. 1X5AV, eaif. LeaDder ,h boon Peart. Richmond, elected by Longman OreenIH con. Among the hundreds who cast their eighth: i year old cow, Guy Mer-r.E. Pany and the Drama League ,f votes la Logan Tueedav was Mra Richmond, tenth. 94. the oldeet living conduct play writing Elisa King. Lomsa to and probaMr the for th state of Utah, ac- person WOMAN IS SHERIFF. cording to lnfonnniioa received by oldete to Cache county to walk to the polls. Proreasor Pardo,. SPOONBR, WiaVxoT. 4. (AP) Breeches lh contest aad Mrs. J. J, Waggoner is Wash-- ! TO HOXOK MI99IOXABT. i1 beat playa aa ,ou burn county's new aberiff. winning Id N. R. Raid, repreaent-in4 HilHYRCM. Nov. (Special.) Tuesday by a. largo majority. She tha company. In a letter to Pro- g liard L Rose who leaves shortly for succeed her husband, th former fessor Pardon Th winning will be honorth British mission, playa aberiff. ba to tbe not ed at a farewell testimonial tn the totor than aat Juno 1. im. Judgre Were Hyrura Second ward chapel FilMj organisation to produce locally your th, eveotng, Nov. ft. toy or plays yon adjudged th. t beet, tt would add much to thair IDAHO BRIEFS Many skilled workers who left value. a -tost f strike th Hongkong during trlvrecognition a th Drama Center of Provo. Pro- Juna ha vo refused to return to .ths DOWNEY Ansooncsmcut hs fessor Paadoe coiwrtdere tha Industrial plants br.a mad of the marrtaf a of Miss appoint-""- ? city and many Hilda Bennett ot Virginia and Harto coTanrt!r are bardlcapp.d. at with th opportunity national Drama Con-try Carl Nelson of Pocatello, In and with a company that win Preston, Oct. 27. They will be at home tn Pocatello, where Mr. NelIn beat drama. Th conson la employed test will be carried In th O, 8. L. on In. four Sizes. one branches, of which win be th shop. tbree act or full evening Come Rule for th contest wlUplay. POCATELLO Palm Leaf Circle, bo an No. 19, nounced later. of Woodcraft, Neighbor elected officers Tuesday as follows: Guardian neighbor. Margaret Jefferies; advisor, Daa Rbalnhelmer; UTAH BRIEFS clerk. Mary A. Marta: bankar. fttf-Marvel FrUdel, managers. Henrietta Cam Cm ai That Ay Taylor. Emma Henry and Eire Cul-l.h A. R band RvptiiT. Lars r CrpTSrT Ada Townaead; atAiy magician, When cMJren grow fussy its the firat public appear-auc- e aU. tendant. Georgia Foster; inner Sunday. Nor. 7 at 7.2 p.ml u Fllzabeth Regan, outer senwise mother who often substitutes COSTS NOTHING TO TUT City tabernacle. The tinel. Elixabeth Bridges: captain of Baa 26 pieces and Is under theband diHannah guards a cup of Chirjtrdellis for milL. over tha Ash; Tag bearer. all rection of O. E.- Dailey. Ruptured popl country- - ara amaxed at tha almost Led Queen; musician, Daiy Children prefer it and in nourish-- Luev Trahant: correepondeot. a of mirseuloua results strop! FILLMORE. PH-trThe First ward y for roptura that ix blnc Installinr officer. Maud Brennan. entertained Tuesdav evening Method ment it is milk-filu; It. afl for who writ to sent free t the Avalon theatre with a pic' licenses POCATELLO Tula remarkable Rupture System is ture play and the following And remember theres.no tax prohave been iaauedMarriage to Lawrence Jogram: "Autumn Leaves a short on of tha rreatst blaming ever Potter and Zeneth seph and men. oran Campbell. to offered Ghirar-ruptured Firat grade; solo. Loa children. It on the childs stomach. LavaThomas Jensen. Clarkston. Ely is beioff pronounced th Baker: flower soog and dance, Utah, and DolH May Fickle, Boise ' successful Method svsr discovsecond grade; girls dcllis Ground Chocolate is an song. Trail Builders: most James use of truasei Prleo. F. Cullen, Jr., and Ada L. sutumn drill, third Grades girls; ered. and makes the When ft to peaelble to bay Ike ilaM kind ot Areay Coeds, which la Pocatello; Melvin Btevana. Ideal blend of unsweet- "Grandpa Glasaes, one act play, or support unnecessary. Idaho Fa'la and Margaret Duncan, eaitabl (or general aee. yon can depend open WoUehs to got tt gad bad how No matter the rupture Pocatello: third grads boys; Mother Goose Fraq Vlnward and Anna poaa tt aloog ta tho yokllo. ened chocolate, cocoa song end dance. Bluebird- - girls: how long; you have had It, or how C. Sturde-van- t. c. Forwalt, F. Burley; how no to matter am yow to hay saeeral pales, for this to paatOyety tho toweatchance hold: many hard prieo ong. Seagull Girls. St. Anthony, and Wilhelmlna eror gwie4 an moot O. D. Breeches and pure sugar which has kinds of trusses yon have worn, let Mlnnack. aad yog nay nevar kayo tho Rhldite Ind. John from you MT. getting nt prevent nothing easand fat be McCamPetra to Delgedllla, Just enough is mads of tbe birth of a son to this FREE TREATMENT. Whether Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hansen. Mrs. yon think yeu are past help or have ily digested. a rupture as large as your fists, Hansen was formerly Miss Vendor POCATELLO Bannock "county this marvelouff System will s conShepherd. a full Republican ticket trol It and keep tt up Inside as to lootedsheriff and treasurer who ar BRIGHAM CITY Robert Flshburn surprise you with Its magie Influe"CJulirm Id tt nce- It will so help you restore Progressives, son of Bishop and Mra j. A. hater than mdkm culled to tbe Northern states tha part where tha rupture comas PENCE fiTTLES NOW LIMITED. mission will be given a farewell through that soon yon will be aa at any occupation na BABE TEAR OLD WHEN BORN. Thursday evening, Nov. 4. at the free to work,had been paver Fifth ward chapel. The program in- though you Doe to the Japaneaa method of cludes: dust, Elnora Hath and You can have u .free trial of this reckoning' time a Nippon baba to Mary Puffin: reading. Mias Thelma wonderful strengthening prepara- coanted on year old when it to Jensen; musical selection, W. H.' Griffiths: missionary faJk, Wendell tion by merely sending your name born, and on tho first now year fol to W. A, COLLIGf lowing tt to considered two years Jensen; duet. Priscilla and Edlfh and address Baildtog, Wt-t- n old. Nelson; reading. Miss Thelma Jen- Im, U D Colli Consequently a baby' ornV f sen saxophone solo lease Hansen; tews, X, Y Bend no money. Tha December to any grocer Say SO-SA-LT LAKB. CITY ay. (, while in reality only !I V talk, member of blshonrto: response, trial la .fref. - Writs 24 old on tho New Tear, a of save truss days It tha wearing may missionary. Following, the program old. counted two tha rest of your Ufa- - Adm dxaeteg via he enjoyed, 12,458 ft 187U-7- 'Craated. ovr-grsia- .accom-penfe- of-t- he LegioriDrum Corps i New Uniforms Arrive 4 tir Wed-haad- te L Co-o- Pbeap-men- the-gra- 1 ed- W4-neHl- 1 pfa-ridi- - com-pn- 1 w4 ,ar,. J 1 $ SL Morrison-Knudse- n i . , BAKING POWDER contains two leavening units one begins to work when the dough mixed, for then of the i at Th. 3 or st ffimnaiHie UJ Q b-- at O -- - Perth-Wyndha- ra 1 U, . eot tA ' A? Genuine U. S. Army O. D. Wool just purchased from the government reclaimed tho renovated some of them need slight repairs. Full assortment Early. L- -l. er Heres the in your home? to Way Ileal Rupture While They Las! Ma-tl- H ni? c n: aea-tln- -- s 5 Po-do- ll: ji I NOTICE - Gon-saJ- es PLEASANT-Announceme- pt Fish-bur- n. jrnp-ture- d. C H I R. AR D E L L I Chocolate "Gcar-ar&U- now-tod- , . f, fttn N 27 E. SECOND a W 4 yzyyiM'V" " J- - |