Show BEA BEAVER VER I IJ J sv moUl I Mrs 1 Mired Iown nt 78 75 I special I heaver av CU 01 f Feb b I I M Mrs Leona barns Mired wife of the Ihl let William Alfred of this city tt dl died I on n I Let In 10 after e brief III I InH nH Mrs Allred Alired was 11 born h to Co 0 Mo D Dee 3 ISIs And ho hc MU with Ih the hurth it It II Infancy Mrs M Allred hid th the rat al distinction of cC bran ant and into nto th the Church of J oh 01 lAUrd Mint b ut U Uro ro Prophet het Jo Joseph Smith In and ui one t of t th three In this city II wh h were acquainted wit It h t I h ht h Prophet t J the other brinK trl CM Orilie said d John R B Murdok nh through the d dent nt to the tbt history of Nu etti no cern to 10 Utah wilen about 17 R iu anti and was married t hilI the way a to 10 thu the valley They settled first In rw IOU woi 1 moving to Iante deck lIk 11 n Reer slid and were moat mOllI people peoples pt s U t a ot of 52 I m ill and hI his 41 Is looked 1001 for tor at an ant the The rb ver Soot ward rei has Itu set this da day apart as aa annual reunion da day f for forth the th ward end and an wll be rendered tonight Tta fhe wether h here Ia 18 stormy and rosi rosiera era with promise nt c more moreA snow snowA A course courll of is III being given hy by bythe the faculty ot of the Murdock my which arc much apprecIated b by th tI I I |