Show Remarhiblc iif?"6 Hors 'e 0lnrncf' Dlieiiandoiib" h n ° Sense the in liorse plav wlioao it is lo put Lia head iu at a window tlio hist act aud dash to across atue later ou with Sheridan on 1'iiek Ou night ona while Mr ard hia certain line the signal ii to be ft hw any so teluj'eiifc is that animal rule— a as lork Han “Time is money” New If you hare a bad cold non mope around and half do your work Oet a botile of Dr Bull’s Cough Syrup take a U(te at night and get up the next morning t ® —cured make It is it not the A clergyman the init takes three pair a Is brave man the that feels fear— no liar uarnntcc — There is no cae of rheuma tism or neumlgla which will not be relieved by the uc of Salvation Oil Brice 25 ceuts T ruiuiuny horso tive it Mini hey J pair the To this When omm reins instantly hoie and tull the lu rV PiiriHlUn is over seized at bo fall— or 'I lie i bail ilz at is a uf la OrBU llntiner n execrable ivitli cron ths ii made by autumn was (ti rmiin delicate lie t llo iiiai) cii vers JouUiiig Ind proof lit1' limil row Irz’a It impression a A very the cznrow stupid mnnnois liia glaring naut n tact that lio pesriated mentioned tho iu Herman otlieers French alllinugli )ieRieaks tlieir own language well Emperor William very oe was palpnbly disgusted by tho manifold gauehi'i ies of his boorish mid guest treated him with tint most frigid conr tesy After tho eloto when banquet a it tie may calling '1 tho emperor and tho czoroivilz passed slowly through the saloons tho Hnssiau Tirineo did tied iu acknowledge any wav tho salutations Ini received and his indiiTcreuco ostentatious excited a va riety of caustic criticisms— Londou Punch The saving in clothing here Dobbins’ Elec Soap ts osed is twenty times the soap It him experiment but has been new or snniie just as pure as in Try it Your grocer has it or will tric bill 8”l- ' lStw order lcnee I'nily esterner pettm’ sort fin Pi enstern city) — tired o’ western o’ putty Who well I fixed East come lives in rich here?'1 a gum! limeli I’ll toiive back go those of hand is goin where are ter cost I Imre folks carry too guess gnus” Weekly ami Fool oOO Howard Catarrh hy Remedy GO Helena (Mont Journal Not ember M Nyberg- the gentleman 14 twentieth (100000 I of i month matter no Now Vocation n ) Mr one him behind on n overtake will far llo I offered for an incurable case the proprietors of Dr Sage’s ets by druggists man’s debts they run A how part In of Louisiana the leaves tho who second the city drew capital prize State Lottery last to his to-day visit has been mauaged aud sble striving very Industriously along hy using conslder get to It economy lias been part a of his cus dollar time past to Invest a some In State Lottery mouth the Louisiana tom for every judgment and As soon nounced his the Mr been lucky the as Thomas has Nyberg Cruse rewarded well numbers deposited Savings were an ticket in his Bank and they Tho advanced him the money on the same forwarded the ticket to New Orleans bank days later Mr and received Jo 000 cash a few in Montana Nyberg has Invested bis money real double Iu value before estate which will the spring aud will continue to Invest a few dollars every month III the lottery which has enabled him to take a much needed vacation without minding the expense wise prophet dies before predictions to come true The his reiommeml W When may live you to a Is time for man to age a live long wish when heads through our “Y'ou will out Austen's Don’t growl at of a better one When When When When Baby this sick was we Child she was she became sli world a gave Hiss bad Children sbo ah Only muUiug idiot can go auy mistakes an nearness Castoria to gave them Import (3500000 worth wheu we ought to eggsport sure Castoria for clung are Castoria eggs annual them of through life without Can't be Cured by local applications as they ran not reach the diseased There is onlv one portion of tile ear Is bv constitu way to cure Deafness and that tional remedies Deafness Is raused by an In Ilaineil rnmlitlnn of the lining of tho muemia I ustai hum Tube AVIirn this tube gets innmed yon have rumbling sound or Impel feet it is lieiu Ing and when entirely closed Deaf ness is the result and unless the Inflammation and he tuken out this tube restoied to its ran condition hearing will ha destroyed norm of tin erer nine eases out caused by ten are nothing hut an inflamed con ealnnli w hirli is dition of tlie mucous surfaeea We will give One Dollars for any case of Deafness Hundred aused tiv Catanh) that we (c can not cure by taking Hall’a Catarrh lire Pend for circulars 4 F tree CHENEY A CO Toledo O INTPold by Druggists 75c II can tho without else anything mo again turb “Very remom ring to "Quite anything need you miss if will be anything?" shall I not as then was time and bag close a sho slipped She her in five nearly loso to hat hand and no long hor noiselessly crept and had on a taking unnoticed the left in There in consternation the next morning whon groat was household Tessa’s flight discovered Callender where Austen full of alarm XL Mrs was camo flying Into the library writing was nnd letters conjec wondering bo wclcomo with or with had said ho permission" Sho way whon her after As she thought tho Hash of the caught her eye It not was future time some she turned the key at diamond hand the among but Austen rings Friends soon to her Tessa’s eyes indignun ol she drew as in Hears this ring 1 her hhe completed bag putting her wardrobe tho preparations carefully and sight of out having removed all traces of packing from the the window and sat the garden with chair to up her looking out across eyes! dreamy it IIoiv sad pretty with looked that afternoon summer pouring trim the sunshine upon the lawn and the roses and lillies of which Mrs Hevan had been fond! so poor had happy hours Tessa How many with Auston the spent there during last fow The tears rushed into weekb! her eyes at tho remembrance of them “"'"'nf’0 "ps t 1— cuUjI' and that the cross his study hall and and ed some facts hnd come this a the guests the funeral who depart great silence fell upon Tessa was startled out of last at by low a engage two off days discreditable very his knowledge absolutely course “Sho tho this tho ring the took the and ring for tap the to honor not lift opened his hand in vice — and drag to he her would back heard have you the at that Noel maid Cleveland has July evening homo of and back come had Three months Priory?" to passed since Tessa that had left her nearly now nights and the end whon it was The October mornings cold and frosty and here and were there the trees were beginning to show Auston the vivid tints of autumn was sitting by tho fire hia hand started and with who the at "No he book a frowned an Whon?" it know not curtly “Last ing words did I said Monday His died wife know and he you live altogether ago back to throe is com the at ho tells me” Priory "Is he married again?" "Hood Of "and he by” She most his will wife severe dead! just again marry paused Mrs and — her assumed — course and and Austen” gracious Callender expression for by moment a "I meditatively went on think he admired Tessa very then used to much nnd once certainly the ho nBked which way confirms that idea” her?” and Austen “After suddenly eager her after in tho bho favorite und Tessa’s face tear-stained if wanted see you any bring yon May a cup Y'ou of and eat? tea something to and have had nothing since breakfast ill" you nro looking quite pnlo and "I have Y'es a headache you may bring me some tea please Mary" it to with eat "Aud something miss? Thoro is to ho no regular din to came miss thing to-dny ute" before her and that also that get anything lo grateful to it sho until Into would was felt night at for rook liko the "I suggestion should " Then it retired with miss” at once presently aud return containing tray a Mrs Callender did you toll him?” sounded hoarse Austen’s voice very Mrs Callender and thought strange him at rather Sho looked sharply "What could "What had she 1 left tell that did I that except quite us know not him in she answerod an "Y'ou were always so Austen about Tessa surprised” and suddenly where she was?" voice aggrieved mysterious very and he seemed so from his sprang up suddenly this be true? Could Could really be Cleveland ignorant as ho as to be little of pretended ns — know Surely he must Tessa’s movements? Austen seat bo either crite the the — most hypo consummate very had a Tessa er's He you room room do take sadly on was so fond deed who her apron "Ah miss and — walking him up resting and never hear can the know of to tho bo her there’s ono down minuto but sure missus! old poor Mary and bo the greatest Austen — must held! He folt that he tho world — fool could not rest an Instant he could not lot another before ho confronted the learned longor that — hour pass by and Cleveland truth and with a another word surprised impetuosity which Mrs Callender ho went and annoyed hastily out of tho room caught up his the and hat from mindly tho Holds to tho Priory walked across he In Mary?" "Who mastiff and a great about on were rolling lying back Cleveland with his tho started visitor Tessa asked Airs "Why funeral sus's Sho’d afore scarf room And wh’ch have for era! a Callender biirely got she in was ferreting you poor about know missus tho remembrance draw whito lace you of mis como down see was her? Well to his lips and easo comfort It surprised of the intent and cried again!" he to welcome mo old follow I — am chair looked IIo as tho forward came and pleasant is and rug his in lookod terrlor a that I'vrnniids hr I "I chair a his Austen proffored thepurpose tlle building not ho T"” they to t 11 of in were The about dates was tho centuries to teu r 1 nnd ages aud resolution nnd tons thirty display Wo then required set down time as containing silver This silver in Alexando They tho 1794 now coinage Our the is I'hrisf in then were irregular each lie old ' In dollars from is lms Speech ! Gorman called by it to “Y'ou see you have tako hand look questioning hia gleamed eyas any There on oddly was an hla face under Sora Kve lit utftfiau hum- n Dr a ll j act 41s silver and silver Is likely Congress this session 1 Iu to Lot’s wife bccim-e sbo turned Into a lots too fresh was was pillar mean of castes fact that Is the maintained by answered Hanseatic tho spelled was As "estorling ” particularly and Russia in the II just fifty gone His Ilanse tho esterlings’and sterling something genuine word dollar is tho the first and 1485 DIMENSION — The ring h gets i lie innjr tighter la not only gland turner to boot prize but but wrong chants liy money - the leader tho of our present The word dale or thaler the called first in V about closely coming from dollar having It of emperor to out a a OFFICE— y said regularly” composed ntives nil am lie “a following tho of “I rel living 1 LUrea and the j The b7uto'Md as the But hens at came were ahead last nnd and so that forced hens wero most tlie they is wall-known A eat r i 3 about and admit head is It profitable hens mako to pay $ J line nil bo understood alone meat not was for During the SMITH A revival a Ihere has been the in fingers at turned the upon head the as end if in of a dog by" of tho of in his pray earnest drew Orr wither this IS CHILD GREAT Drill drops GO to a minute CATALOGUE LOOMIS & het took said ")' and with me” look they put ask fr HEAD mum oori mvuy rid get thing in nnd Cbi&lctl an jrnrt end eiven tho boot faction i 1 I 00 SI oatis Clilrayo III by UruKgiata Bold Prosecutes U 8 In of the out do tho them?” world open grip to comes gripsack left diiily WEEKLY BLADE The Bett SI W Kauiilv Wet-aiy NMsmiHr published only one cticnlAiliig In every state and tenltoryof the i'nlon ISO ooo MibTibnk Kveryltodv Invited to At the end for (Hnirti copy time the nan eddress of doren or more of your tends The Blade the Is tto jmpulAr and well known easiest of that for We will pAy anybody paper to mice a chib 110 00 to raise us chib First wilteforpnitlculare Tnlrdo Ohio Tine Claims a -end fi a ‘""'ARKANSAS nnd goes a —t'jwex nitnnie 1 lo Hrtoty a of HL4K CHICHESTER'S Mnin mnl ctrtiar Idlile ItorkArL crops laiud torn To mi id K fir eiv- §fl MAYCld B AGENTS W nceMy II t i-vory K rtqu ttvounlil salrs made an ricdnittnALoMaruusburgAlo fj ll V CMfliif liuVANi f? 1 Lm tnutiht STUCT A It Hunt hand etc oculars Jnwmtee AlambL Buffalo hi lintelic in it) I t- TRAVELING F iV f Oilc TT Ti-e a nrtlTP AUtrtlOun 1 1 3V N uial dy o rrtlnilc IT Washer Msoun Steam Louis Mo Wuktu Omhbft f e Y’oung medical sweetheart)--“Do student know you (to EMERSON THB 421 4J bL Such a statute is like tho breakwater which protects Iho harbor from the full sweep of the wuves even though the spray may dash over it of four “Well hours?” ho heart human lifting that's lilted Siftings 120 her pounds Julia just to mv his is equal every to of J iugtuu t I a 11 1 1 O 1 WIVES 49T— should and may knew how child btwnog 1'ani or thmger can be eite td without InformatioFHete'ed ttownrnruh J HDYC Buffalo N V A OR his tho (demurely)— weight” heart Then —Texas Best Cough Cures where taste Medicine ITpcommended fails Pleasant and take it without objection all else Children CO If want ynnf without pension deiav put youv Ciaim In lue hands mw m w U iibM'hUi AUfn Julia twenty SEED Bo Omaha hsu J'au su growers end dealers to vegetable Bower grain Our present stocks of vrguable giwM and tne seeds I at in ebioka- Over Stoio a iee e 1 w’ie gclv g -own t w nta lor our lllurUel in lu! 1 wt lort thl sea v‘which will be seut fro and dtwciltoe caiang e i tlinttlio r I (i os humous John wanted 1 - thor free Vnaliinuloii bcud for circular OPSUfJl waaaa m WANTED MEN bouses ol the large ollirt To represent wind 5sale M V nave a so call ftalarv h 1000 to besHistted with a Incxperlct ed men who woul Uood 00 lo ftOOO for the first year alary of enclosing etamn to positions waiting W rlt Tratelers’ Buremilh cagoHU Employ IEIIMANT A 4e foe 1 Penmanship ITonk-VeepInff eeal nl by ft WANTED pedollnii amino monty goods ueuvcredNAls red nuiliio bosee iu niaiL Piv a (rur Jttadieoa but 1’kUada adiee Chichester CheuUuR L Houo family oieruiUon valuable wimple mil bC’xK’i South Lak’ llrund tor Heel ( lne ill mAnd Bend blueriObon Takenoother mb “Relief jierttoulare istsmpa) KIDDER’S PASTiLLESiMr11' wwMigargMeiangaegM UuuiestouuUi AGENTS Miuuioml Crons rare 1 lor PILLS llraud Thr only reliable pill for tale 8afo tnl Indle nek ItruggUt for uc Ola Ktl iIuo-km relief ENGLISH PENNYROYAL Ontf rsrmanfnt Wnit Coitiw MQfjdjHilBScrMrar'alvs IKv kalAoiulnvs Never genvriitt like wall paper No wablnflror ndly craptn walls ('an renew eonin Indetlnlielv ALAltASflliti CO Uiand lupids Mtih apphml prayer by statutos are not nuido good othor hand it is posibl on tho which restrains a statute nn evil give for individual opportunity is II Fiy'lrm low pritVA tho lienee” in 0 the TOLEDO Pension Bureau Examiner 15 adjudicating("man oily slue Late Prlnvlpttl m h in inst At at' 3 FOURNIER Over OMV ieudlng Cans In y has it of Oed D V for N (j REMEDY (M) coses succoes huspiuls practice by all French physidana Medals nnd iltplnniaofMimor Paris Ki posit Ions In Acts with magical rapid!! new ©hs area absolutely thoee chiomc casus winch other retn dies only relieve Full package remedies sentrOD pt express paid fini) llttiul-nme pamphlet free Uftva Fournier A gene) 1M5 13th 8tNY fullv itPYCnKro morning drummer am AuiatrrtUm lisre sold IP munv Co MEN FORtieuted foriheccMaincute dlSPRSP 1113HKAHAWM FRENCH KAVA prpfrrlhr and ftilljreti HIr fi the only ppevifk of thin 0 GREAT THE Y dome in L’ATS not SirloMU 4 Ciaela&aUl Otuo every Higns of hops thcn3 being theorem on Every ten minutes oiT t I they “How counter )0s and their right go N Mfdooly lSlHU ft it 1 11 I T0 FKUE— two-thirds (J to fgooM day a tlie a drummer drummer when a nnothor his la FcrM o Psltlvely Cured with Vegetable Heraedlee Have cured many thousand oases Cure patients Eronounred hopelmis b? the ben phrefclans Knm rst dose svmptoma in rapidly dlsaiipear and ten days at least oi all avinptornsare rernov bend lor tree book of testlmomulsof mirnouloul uiOs Ten ditva irvaliuent lurnlslied tree by wall Jf you order trial send JO cpnts in siamps to pay VH il 11 liUKKM postage SOWS AUauUL dren many hut word” lint the on hoy t simplest plug a here clil hor they ask "Don’t samples?" “No” give to them you “No saying the great a and in their at without vou manage jn for from utf Ilnlm into rtu’h vo rvn ht 1 i ( TIIUATKD imoNpfiWi JK 8 (7 jei CATARRH Iv iu (NUaIIra samples and “A good in'1 bore orders?’’ paws hawed bowed their como you to "Don’t ’"lt coming Merchant: don’t iSlH you drummers doliborins “Don't have ces iwtomntlo hver tHStemuH oi't mP'H runners to Ll nuts to lose wrm-h no bolts or 8 KHKK for onlv ?0 Sent any pnrt of Sporting finoHs amt- pkHte rntnioeue MtitJfl y a it4ia in a 10 01 Miftie btreei likage Balm OK mtld liee ever f toy lies jfm con-half-a-dollnr tvasdend” sure fiercer than is war jn ii out with lie with —n FREE d” nt e COLD i is it the in and tonmke went jnfj you talk?” I re bit i ViFrl 9luii Skate- PHOUKILT times HU Cream the iones 70:! ThfS New CLUB tn Mr SKATES CLUB OHIO Ely’s JFt p max NYMAN TIFFIN A'h n Mti-tiu CLEANING SFLF FLY I KILLKIi devil brother's nt well a famonit for sticoeedins' wbera others htive failed 1 Write machine ALL OKnKRS TUBULAR WELL AND PROSPECTING MACHINE AIR THE IN e lidii for llHlitltu u4 Dm Co HrmlqiiBiin V AfiAi'Jeon ollm BauJ Men inline UuttlH Ziiheix HurmoniuiM String fur Instru Uuitur of Eull lock hiieet Mulo Books ment mm Instruction liaiul ami OruliBeta MhIc Band Kollo Books lor ell lntrinmnU Anyone sen ling in ea of Music KltKK Write to us urUer will receive a copy goods for prices and catalogue stating what kind ef wanted into uiarit N'b O’liKhtt it (jwhat work wlih to yon do with Tr4e in nr I MILK j ff TUB BOILING WITH MUSIC BRMFIELOBEMORmSMSA him hie force: drummers Mon reformation LIFE T0 r£R diminishes it To what the feeling hand many eanino who plujel pow and face WATER BOILING WITH MADE PAIN LESSENS to -up him: my He Friend: olhor incident taught animal tho round after his TOWER COCOA child st to pro epded rose from He hia dogship to the street conduct slow progress hi3 efm was making forts and about down when midway and aislo ch rpod the center snappod utely Christian sidern when commanded by a snap of the fingers Tho dog followed owner’s a into tho lady and gentleman church himself at nnd insisted upon making home around tho altar to the annoy ance of those conducting tho meeting noticing tho Ono of tho congiegation his lo ho Methodist a attitude presence his Boat and apeak went sir at evaporated er unwelcome “ Mo MAKES “’Successfully Then comic " ho hand at inquire stretched as price ascertain is to Fogerty doing but days on Mr I The Dog Fla solemnly kneel to ' Lout 17 Foger displaced sorrow chame n glared were "I at Orlando a St CO db GRATEFUL-COMFORTING nernl? birds young Devotional in church night quite occurred town who owner highest and look nnd up yon nnd eggs stock breeding for was realized for ive surprise "May expenses will lli-nns Ui-medy-CMIllo EPPS’S his on Ho Fogerty few Mr and Fogarty with outstretched self if Mr A his 1 put to funeral met him sympathetic was lie went grief (l not Mr tho feeling nnd coat lii'ofheFs did properly cared per anDum for Tho writer on one occasion made hens $3 per head on five dark brahma it after all This paying per a MADE gentleman a becoming had gentleman We atTN a Act on tlie liver and Idle clear theeoinploxlon headache sick coauveneaa euro hiiiouewRs loinnch dlaorilera malaria and nil liver and (leans siniill ®izo Hilo lmtkintf We are now especially adapted for children nnd women— of either taka Bnco small and to feiy easy iize2’c per bon lo of the A panel ihse PHOTO-GRAVURE at mulled on above picture ’hlssins Address tho nmkemoflhe recelut stomp Funeral the to Went Christian tv’s continued One hundred point the true black it as the difficult all behold cost each yield to and cows would it keep to at soatofi tho three to same not factory tho throqghout that cheese from check it liens receiving FosbirmQf 'y® “ drenching rains and furious winds tnow Twoihirda apart of the regular routine of life of the sickness through life caused by colds you cannot be too well protected in (tormv weather la avoid them A man having a “ Fish Brand Slick for twenty-four er” may be exposed to storm hours at stretch and still be protected from every fr shielded the drop of ram besides being m biting winds No matter what your occupation in if liable to be catfrht rain or snow you are “ hih Brand storm you shou'd have on hand a It health and Slicker will surely save yur perhaps your life Beware of worthless imitations the 'Fih Brand0 every garment stamped with Trade Mark Don’t accept any inferior coat w hen “ Fish Brand Slicker”delivered you can have the illustrated without extra cost Particular and Catalogue free " A Nlftftft J Boston BEANS BILE SMITH’S 2 wives grout-grandson He There king for THATT FIND is ! nigh Colo Uq Chas-A-Vddeler 7-li-70 thaler drew MEN Building road are j time 11 Storm 1 the IU - of lord German (53 Denver C243 dy c4aco&sDil of-’o in pretty ii house town who owns Spanish America in the the became the out western addition says coin of the world Tho Financier II is Chronicle neigh San Francisco — of Independent hor is an Irishman Cows Hens vs who runs his lot in his own not ions the city of Lon docs his A few milles from That Wiiy not suit way don resides a gentleman and his good entirely recipro neighbor a feeling wife und tilling fifty acres of cated owning hy Mr lmd Fogarty They had land The gentleman had always time mid quarreling a long on var in his cows been high great faith paying well ious occasions words had the hens a bill thought of that Mr but non It happened Fogarty’s the hand The lady other Mr Jones tlie neigh on brother died sense that iho hens paid better bor concluded laid not the pleasure of any the than cows Accordingly close acquaintance with Mr ono Fogarshe determined to keep books he Idt Mr spring ty's brother hut lor Fog ascerlain the renVt for one and nnd lie cott season berenrement y in his She credited Bpective merits of both chided tlmt the lmtchet might with all the laid und the hens eggs j)ht well lie buried with Mr us indeed the contrast interesting was So in a spirit of Fogarty’s relative Spain end t5 Hox JPTLVandFeRMRJ j : cosy ex-governer conundrum a family Why under Germany Non O Wn? i valley was his in 1 dollars Bohemian a Jaachimsthal Charles thaler silver means valley coined been quite correiponds American Of a 1 1 husband grandnephew lgrnrid nieee 4 nieces 2 nephews "The question is” said the doctor "liow many people are there in the lie house?” — From Lewiston Jour nal The for RTQRS ETC QUARRIES ARCHALOW LYONS COLOUAUO great-granddaughter mean coined was RUBBLE STONE rKONtf lotteries Church chorhtor stage ne t an evening lunch the other night the 1 desirable English which of came and of called to ofl z’i the coins standard merchants were PAVING “f’re-cnili tho under roof one 2 grand mother mothers motliers! gram lint laV 1 hither 1 great-grandson 1 grandson sons 1 duughter-in-was B sisters 6 daughters 1 htw uncle 2 great 5 aunts aunts 1 3 brothers 1 widow stepdaughter 1 4 granddaughters the the on iho IN ns great-grnnd trade GO Footings CUBBING BimwN’s KnoNi'in at Titocnns for Coughs Colds and all other Throat Troubles fully the Key Henry best”— Ward llcecher tho satdown up how many nnd visiting now Baltic Prce h good so toads our ex-governer on gave Hanseatic brisk go Over dah-ler" originated The same merchants abbreviation of word sterling an Srmll schnisehnslieen over The homo Steel it as ycue hew DEALERS WHOLESALS Flagging salt driving figured other day and ridden in miles ho laid those lie found that lie laid years times around the globe many long journey amounted to n towns Yard in Lon Steel The Yard don merchants mostly who North Germans were call tho thaler would German called co Dos? THE KIMBALL RED SANDSTONE in day quite bufc fal1’ bobbing seen the establismont great a micnra SmalHPilLSmall n - dollar word ) t) Theme tisss It Ivvtirvd IUIIe ININ J'bey aUo relievo from Dyneplnln ritgOMtinoftiHl PooUfartT Eating A perfect reuj ody for blagues Nausea Drowsiness Bad Taat Ooated in tho Month ronguePaln In tho Hide rciHFID LIVEU Thot retaliate the Bowels Purely Vegetable Trioo 2S Cents never well is he llottle per Hear and eye yet effectual la liver nnd bowels because $1 t'owlin i-- Sit but home? delighted to that notice tho to BOTTLES and gs3 V tritie of Tho word tho “piaster” name It further im in Bailey’s English over 3(50 000 miles dollar is entered pressed upon tho doctor thefuetthnt and was used re dictionary in 1745 lie is getting along in years when ho peatedly by Shakespeai e at tho begin reflects that he lms been the personally ning of seventeenth century esfive of ii: 2 generations 62: "Till acquainted with pecialiy in "Macbeth” llls nnd visiting is she disbursed $10000 to own family now families in LewisUm (See use” also the 'professionally general our he lias attended for ”live gener 17) whom “Tempest” ii: he bus What a procession The question where Sbakspere found utions the SIZE 60cts yearn every been 25dv perfect MilT'i-ei-M If ili from Conkiimpilnn Seiofula aud General Debility wilt trv Scott's Kinnl-ion of Pure Coil Liver Oil with ll pophoiphllei they will Hint iiniiiedlute re il l't'f and a prnn incut benefit Dr V UientHood Mott Cal writes: “I bavo used Scott’s Emulsion In with crest advantage FciofuU aud Wasting Dis eases of PbtbUis It is eases Generally very palatable” Us THREE Trice ex-Gov work at miles not tlm UHUnl same and 40 picasing rare liii iv e speech 1 XW CO llllalilii and the effect Is Is (Ti'rifit k) Im seventy-six constantly to genius If the medicine of A Nebraska Omaha laoii-a fifty Ao MOUSE V laste gontlo tho kidneys on A and Rubbers 1 seen “tlmler” practice Now 15 hatli of coin was an adaptation milled dollar a coin very Spanish colon's of hundred one Ele fitting douu construct year good Goods and Screw Dongola carry It tho ing Misses’ Standard and Men's but onohuudiel with which ladies the may use fruit laxative Sjrup of Figs un It comlii ions make their favorite der all remedy to that contain and plcimut qill Of direction fiftieth Lewiston dollars regular of Grn pure Torts of e $100 and worth nro the 1794 No Hamilton until coined tho to of pair anything or Kid Manufauctrore safely 500 exceeding used were temples of This grrins 37125 due was Shoes narrow wide Shoo l to of even that stones mense by coin to roan axv is to ovory shoes and of The hfly to of Sewed also Tho the tlie styles W ol a was con lies ing the Unnlhec one that It should bo gress which provided feet ready quarried which is seventy unit of In the Inited iho moneys long nnd fourteen feet square and resolution States Anolher was pass weighs 1135 tons!— Chicago Times ed in 1785 August 5 providing that It should weigh 37564 grains of pure Family Puzzle silver established The mint in was and PURE noopicm and roward for make Women's styles enormous from weighing Egyptians passed A paid of We tilovo Many seen contain P"1’® ° long 178J to too shoddy styles gant mason about ravages he remaining !(Hk8 feet the still may those 0f of fifty Giain for hu"e of erected resisted once erect hundreds e was fashion piles pointed have seventy are back shoos made wido mako own Children's pyramids it meaningless ‘'Dollar” dollar word other gold In leather nnd AfU'r ‘IKllre’ our solid m years Cleveland was moved to com ancient the of raising im method at the sight of the stricken passion stones nothing is known mense now Austen raised lie white face which of tlie —it is one arts many lost listened in silon-'e but with his heart The ancient laid Peruvians meth with indignation Auslen beating as od of transporting b'oeks immense in a tone of resolute told tho calmness of stone that would he n fortune to ‘his jealousy and anger’ and story of did ho the modern engineer possess flight Tessa’s it also Theltomnns eminent were TO BK CONTINUED engineers nnd hy authorities some Our when auy where longor wour them Dollars particle a ’ before Word asking us boon malio Fifty perfect is for which of commenced a BUrpussed moreover 0Ve tho of mnsonury Not nnd for you” Even may did could days so the 1 hand him silontly walchod with a sympathoio impa than always have YVo innrchitectureand write They better profes I cordial you!” But her that said course the from and “Auston! absently- of home up tho between of tiny a then entered hand with outstrotched greoling horo miss! pipe picture ami sobbed eyes though that don’t much!” grlovo with race hull-table put wasn’t?”— to and a wo into town them universally highest most consum mate ingenuity in their construction tient face A more difficult operation than tho Auston don't he fool! “Come a ol transportation immense mere she is?” ho Don't know where you of erecting obelisks stones — that said at last “Why do you Hsk me?” weighing 400 performed tons— was “Because I thought she was with by tho Egyptians with precision B00 or little repast who tempting little in tho past two days There light in the library win oaten very was a sight of folt hor appetite return at tho dow — the room which Cleveland gen it She ate heartily and thoroughly erally when alone Austen occupied of fragrant coffee tho the blind enjoyed cup saw his shadow move across the meal Mary look heard his which concluded cheery voice as he pasnod ed on with satisfied to his dogs servant eyos speaking The look better alroady "There little who opened the door looked a — you what difference miss! It’s ho saw tho visitor It a surprised whon queer roV food Austen makes to ono's feolings” bhe was many a long day sinco "I wish you bad boon at tho l’riory lie took him marked philosophically have Mr to Bevan at once into the library could persuado where Cleve Ho ate nothing at land sitting something miss was home and luncheon und directly he came The room looked cheerful cosy up a table with wine nnd fruit from tho funeral he shut himself spread it is tho housekeep in his study close to the Ore over and flowers was drawn — despair of his covered Cleveland few minutes decided villian bare-faced most the j restloss bring I'll Mary astonished so Without soup” the up severely on he sud Tessa journey sank your get fit by authorities building such an accent of surprise in his face — truth in his voice that Auston compiele longer lie oould not doubt any gave look into Clovesearching one long land's taco— a look which boomed as if his it pierce Into would very soul half of relief with an odd sound then that with U3 not was indeed lhat he forgot 1 for M rs Cal master and ner early with tho visitors lender dinod I to said had toll she hut cook you would make some soup hot in a min Theie of lofiked she manners” good went Tessa were fond of girl sho was an especial pityingly she looked now this Beemed him astonished said servants with “I you?" it Tessa” Miss All at is and told I so — "Y’es und "Y'es when his Mary "Oh sionnl more is It ago iu than STRICTLY rreomiM '1 thought tho you were U that person answer Why do you ask mo?" such unmistakablo wrs an question half years acknowledged 1 to-day her and opened the door from seat hor and she but heart sank again could not repress a faint cry of disap for it was not Austen who pointment but only the under house stood there built 1 — looked lie virtue so finger a engineering Ghizeli 5000 slowly it modern of have a "Austen her At the sound her cheeks flushed door I’erhaps and hor heart heat wildly it had Austen Austen who was re — of his harshness had pented and come willing to listen to tho explana tion he had which sho had offered und refused to hoar Hurriedly she rose in in silence then moment it with laugh into threw a sneering tho Tessa flight drawer of his desk s convince him that his bad thoroughly suspicions correct Well she were She had preferred might go shame it at amazement wildost in pyramids the surpasses 1 tablo on took Auston you which - nothing fact that mnin-knlilo nec-es-nry Austen” contained for envelope you ask likely bejjan loft placing tho tone of should 1791 persist to "to either ill ri Isa last pardon on my knees your or exeorato villian alat you as the greatest over is earth! this whore Tessa walked loss“ Cardine?" "Tessa Cardino? How on earth Clovelund cried in a should I know?" dollars lady It Feats A to strong-minded months house reverio and on Their Engineering cords "I have ho said at 0m0t’ in an speuking voice mnatural ask you one quosu-m and when a inquiries grily Austen descend heard him shut himself up in house "the with - saw stern 1 but however much to Mrs Callender's disappointment to say what these falts were and something in his face and forbado even mannor in by-and-by the thunderstruck calmly broken - froi tho at received refused room drew hor been made llo from it in finger placed her envelope an low well and addressed it to Auston sho remembered tho day on which he had brought it homo from town — tho ho loving words whisporod ho as she placed it on her finger— the kisses givon thanks! well had Ah us her it was all ended now! she thought in had Tesi-a There Hash utterly — suddenly so or ment and a brother look on his face that he gray haggard that he had fanci was not surprl-ed — ed that Tessa intended to leave them only and his face changed little a — — ho had not she expected would go so exchange though ho laughed at tho custom hud gratifi ed childish fancy for Test's pretty she had things and given her a ring in day jeweler’s admired ono a window gold band with ono — a broad iti largo diamond sot tho centre was her told before usual to her on ho astonished much was which in on knotted jUjo ouj m clenched hie voins the hands most want looked at hor watch The train by which sho iutonded to travol left l’on tako her noar ninglon at six It would ly an hour to walk to tho station nnd it ‘hat Mouse’s Shoes— inado In School at Oim ha Ne our large shoe factory Ask dealer for them braska your If Befaso to tako any others not kept Cleveland od brows I dis not Y'ou want you but sure Toll thick scarf to-night" well intelligence a t want Tessa resolved to tost tho truth of Hastily eho thrust tho words few a necessaries into her traveling bag and her dresjes and clothes into packed It could be the large traveling trunk ed Castoria her sue cried We ly until you liovan fervently l so my she may take these things away and Mary" Tessa hesitated "my — — is bad headache that I will so stay I hero aud be quiot and as shall not the improbable We that I Mary bo wall - do be hole a he l) call the attention of those suffering If with dropsy to the fair proposp1 in of Dr it In isehieut on Sons their adi (iiei'ii Its this page Try them costs you nothing it's too tures lay old 110011 you ulster sometimes may is "Cook very kind" denly remembering tho Tiiiich" Cigar "Tun-air wish good It Mrs Now l"lr car It" means to koop "Never mind her own and room cook’s and down-stairs CHAPTER eat to 'tis you TESSA Michigan The money Mr Nyberg mother drew from the lottery came In very handy to he her my and drawer house full sticking From In hliu that ulso Tho day wore had been invited to positively certain in Its cura in warrant its manufacturers it to cure diseases of the blood sculp and all scrofulous ailllctions paid for It will be refunded money of And act trouble to i so as to action guaranteeing or ginning is tive skin (I nice little tale ussure fact) we'd better think twice Shows TU-) time ami money and trifle with away precious health experimenting with uncertain your medicines when I)r Bierce’s Golden Medical I)i6coery I - there presume here” lont ’ frightful dilemma what could the snake do hopped Well— the hop-toad homo aud his snake ship backed out much wiser and hungrier snuko there’s no doubt i I peaceably to How many gum! It’s York Few — houses? as liy mh rs? Oh thousand “Hy ' most down refer to are you occu lawyers aud judges lawyers Hoes hero get that? ns about ! myself says to settle tine I’m ami residences by emiiiont pied ’’Lawyers! i I Tea life an’ them nil liesidont — Well some such To-ihiy It I’m ns 1 guess through In scut Omul inr " 'Hiiiiry Ailil’i’H UlS "‘"l luut II HI lull loniii 1‘iri HI lull Fn kipI to with the of Mrs Callonder to scarcely his dinner had vanished from please if sho makes inquiries any sight found himself in a pitiful about mo” When tho snake plight "Oh she won’t trouble herself halt down his best ef With the hop-toud forts miss — no fear!" were vain He could not draw his head through the Mary gave a sniff took up her tray again bole back Tessa locked and loft tho room the Nor would tho small hole let his body pass door after her took out her b ig and knot thrown ( rcnnln ‘ll'u 1'Uil iinuiitci managed But nock attached a kick not fQiinliH-cInct'p £? OMc I've day” efl’en Week Oregon !M to dinnor out miss sure say pretty good a cruel starts the cxtia tho cord is tight hoiso’s throat The liore thus choked stops and n would “Well the iiniir slip up tho around furious Once And a running neck tho tnkon mo ened most As to bn veiy particularly with a not cord a horso’s noove of reins u hieli may he dash board ready to the bl said is i place fitiqj’ And tho ItuiiHuay lloiea of method stopping llunsinn Around snaka viewed the boast with delight ful surprise quickly opening his Jaws swallowed the prize his Ups snake then smacked as a The This t fIhe A A Counting to a it off ry opinion make a estate on ready for bis perform anti fthce mIuhI lie now bears those though they tvorda quietly spoken are in the course of ordinary linlornef an bo yets ready in this truy" Tins led to further about the convei nation hoiKP in ivlnVh Mft Howard expressed admiration for that particular ani lnnl tlionli Mr I'rnhmau said that horse would do equally well inft take it CABSON LOVETT a holo stuck his head through wall 'Ttvas a pretty tight squeeze for tho holo was but small ropaid him his eyes that Hut a sight met for pain fat hop toad sat sunning himself the ou plain Onoe iu 1' ft EVA Callender Mrs saw eyes in the wings he ou behind saw the horse toss up his head erect his and display ears other sign every of equine excitement “Vlmt on earth is the matter with the beast?” Mr How ard naked ‘‘lie has just gotten his Miid Mr roll "after the first cue a in lie reconiizeil iHW nights that lias jiiHfc beeu spoken I SWALLOW TO MUCH tho How looking na TOO of duty by j Physicians - bl agreeable By to the druggists ‘SOiNURTttlOJ ' f |