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Show J Utahs Fastest Crowing Newspaper Univ. Microfilm. Corp. 141 Pierpont Avenue UTAH Sufi Mew outhepn iocunoN And Continuing Th VOLUME XXIV NO. 36 r: By Four Major Oil Test Wells ia -- i m- ' sr- 4 e n - Polio Vaccine How Available For Older Age Group Leeds-Harrisbu- said. VALEN OIL has an interest in approximately 200,00 acres of oil and gas leases in the area where the present and future drilling tests are already scheduled. Notices of the new Arizona drilling operation were sent last week to the state land department here, and to the US. Geological Survey at Roswell, N.M. This test is about 210 miles due west of the discovery wells drilled by Humble Oil and Refining Co., and Shell Oil Co., in Arizonas "Four Comers region last year. Orderville Plans Gala Celebration July 3rd and 4th Orderville have set their Independence Day Celebration to start with a dance on the evening of July 3rd, this year. The dance will be in thfe old gym and will get underway at 9 p.m. They plan on a floor show at 10:30 and will dance to the Foot Warmers Orchestra. Freedon in our World will be the theme for the program at 10 a.m. in the chapel on the 4th. Sports for children will be at 1:30 p.m. The Long Valley Legion plan on staging a rodeo at 3:30 at the rodeo grounds north of the Y on 89. At 5:30 there will be a childrens dance in the old gym. Highlighting the day will be a mutton supper to be served from 6 to 9 p.m. and is sponsored by the seventies quorum as a building fund project DAILY TEMPERATURES Family Of Charles C. Cram Jr. Enjoy Get Together 23rd Saturday, June 23rd at 10 a.m. the family of Charles Sanborn Cram, Jr. and Ruth Elizabeth Greenhalgh Cram met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Heaton (Leona), Moccasin, Arizona to welcome Major and Mrs. Alma Chamberlain and sons who returned, from Japan, May 23rd after an absence of three years from home. He has served sixteen years in the army, having been In the Philippines, Okinawa, Korea and Japan. Eight brothers and three sisters and their families, Cornell, Edgar, Gordon CL, Shyrl, Lleul-wy- n K, DeLynn, Helen C. Jones, Rua C. Jones, Lasco C. Lunt were Present. Charles Howard (Todd) and Valoyce C. Cox were not able to attend. The abdve are the thirteen llv ing children of Isaac and Ruth (Cram) Chamberlain (deceased) Other members of the Charles S. Cram Jr. family were Reed G. Cram, Gayle and Gary and Mr. and Mrs. Holland R., Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Archer Swapp and family; Mrs. (Genevieve) Charles G. Cram and. daughters Ina C Porter, Leile C. Bauer and daughter Lila; Mr. and Mrs. Pollan Masterson (Mabel), Foster, Royce, Fred, Stephen, Roma. Pamela and Maryetta; Mr. and Mrs. Edward C Heaton (Leona) and Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Burke Sorensen (Beth Heaton) and family; Mrs. Maves H. Rogers and children and special guests were Mrs. Alex Cram, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Johnson and Mrs. Jane Judd. Dinner was served at 1 p.m. after which a program was given and pictures of the family were shown on the screen at the ward recreation hall, after which family groups assembled for picture taking. Ice Cream and cookies were served to i02 family members. Major and Mrs. Alma Chamberlain presented each of their family with a gift, brought from Japan. A lovely embroidered tapestry was given to Leona Heaton, hostess. r-1". t . J viiO ill WAR DANCE8 as demonstrated by this Taos Indian feature the night ceremonial program at Flagstaffs Southwest R. G. Babbitt Jr., chairman celebration July of the committee, says that this years show will be attended by representatives of more than 30 southwestern tribes. The program will follow the pattern set hers In previous years, starting each day with a street parade of tribesmen decked in native finery, afternoon rodeos and night ceremonial programs. White spectators are welcome but Indians enly are permitted to participate actively in the events. Pow-Wo- night for a prominent Fredonia voung couple at the home of the brides parents Mr. and Mrs. Orval Judd. An open house affair honored Monte Butler and DeVVana Judd who were married in the St. George Temple June 15th by President Snow. Accompanying the young couple at the Temple ceremonies were the brides grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Angus Swapp. The groom's former Coach, Don Wagner and wife Emily, and relatives of Monte, Mr. and Mrs. Max Powell and Mrs. Alice Powell were also present. the temple cereFollowing monies the young couple honeymooned in California, around Lancaster. The yeung couple were both graduates of Fredonia High School in May this year. They plan on residing in Lancaster, California after visiting with Montes parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Butler at Chilchinbeto Trading Post near Kayenta, Arizona. R I A I Legion Program For July 4th Celebration Set Neaf Swapp, commander of Post No. 69 announced today that plans have All children in this area who been completed for the 4th of are old enough to appreciate and July celebration to be held in understand stories are Invited to Kanab. attend the Story Hour held The program will consist of at the public library each Wed- childrens races starting at 4:00 nesday morning at 11 a.m. p.m. on the church lawn. There will be races and prizes for A most successful day of meeteveryone under the age of 12 ings was held ift Kanab Satur- years, and also some fireworks. day by members and officers of Immediately following the races, the Associated Civic Clubs of there will be a children's dance Informaticn Southern and Eastern Utah, at the Legion Pavilion north of and the general public. town. The Association held the ex- On Early Settlers The evening program will ecutive meeting at 10 a.m. which start at 9:00 p.m. with the best Professor A. Karl Larson of waa restricted to officers. The of fireworks yet to be display meeting at 2 p.m. open to the the Dixie College in St George shown In Kanab. Following the public was well attended and in- spent most of the day Tuesday fireworks will be a dance held in Kanab at the public library teresting. at the Legion Pavilion. A slight T. of Hayward Royal Wayne gathering information from the charge will be made of those County was in charge of the Librarian, Mrs. Blanche Mace, attending the fireworks. her grandfather meeting, with Lester Little of concerning Kanab giving the welcome add- George A. Hicks, and other pioress. Important men on the af- neers who helped to settle Washternoons program were: C. W. ington city in Washington countLove, B and C Road commission- yThis little southern Utah city er; L. F. Pett, Kennecott Copper Co. executive; Ames K. Bagley, will celebrate its centenlal next 1957. secretary of the Utah Manufac- May All old settlers and their deturing Association; Paul F. Franke, National Parks Service; fendants throughout this area Reed Henderson, Utah Fish and have been and are invited to the At a recent meeting called by coming celebration. Many of the Game. Kumen Jones of Cedar City re- first settlers of Kane county Dr. Eugene N. Davie, chairman came here from Washington and of the Association of Southern ported on the Associations AgUtah Counties, for the Senatorial ricultural activities and on live- St George. District of Wayne, Kane, Piute stock- Gordon Clark of St Georand Garfield at Circleville on ge reported on advertising for June 16th the group selected a the Associated Civic Clubs. Cliff candidate to run for the State McShane of Richfield gave a Senator post. legislative report and Reed Burr reported on power activities. William G. Bruhn, present The evening banquet, with the Mayor of Panguitch, waa namKanab Stake Boy Scouts in ed by the Democratic County charge, received very poor local The St George Temple was Chairmen and party officials support, with but 15 persons the setting for a very beautiful aa their candidate for State from this area being present An and impressive wedding cereSenator. enjoyable evening of entertain- mony which united as husband The redistricting of the Utah ment and delicious food was had and wife, Jerry Glover and Counties places the four above by those who did attend. Mr. Deanna Tait, last Saturday, June counties in this Senatorial DiMiles P. Romney of the Utah 23rd. President Harold Snow ofwas previousstrict where Sevier Mining Association was the main ficiated. included. The old "Gentlely speaker of the evening. M. W. Relatives and friends attendf Peaches) Beard of the Kanab ing the wedding included par- mens Agreement" which in past Lions Club was in charge of ar- ents of the bridegroom, Mr. and years bound the five counties together and rotated the Senaranging for all meetings of the Mrs. Art Glover of Salt Lake tor post has been nullified. The day, and for the trip to the Glen City, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Pugh, Democratic party said that they Dam site Canyon early Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Talt, Mr. have tried to select a man for. morning. and Mrs. Lindsay C. Talt, Mrs. the who will work hard at Eight visitors from the north Edna Lamb and Mrs. Vauna Cov- the postand job try to fill the job in and two local men, Supt. Owen ington of Mt Carmel; Mr. and will Davis and Lester little, both of Mrs: Wilford Heaton, Mrs. Bar- such a way that to be term from term, desired to made the the Kanab, trip bara Glover of Kanab; Mr. and Glen Canyon early Sunday morn- Mrs. Pole Roundy of St. George rather than rotating the Job with a candidate standing a chance ing. They traveled to the state and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cham- of being elected but one term line by cars and took the last berlain of Orderville. every years and therefore in the six miles to the Dam-sitThat evening a very nice wed- makingeight Ineffective from the Job owned Cram. by Charles Jeep ding reception was held for the many standpoints. which popular young couple at many lovely and useful gifts Enjoy Visit Here were brought. Dancing was en- Frosts Locate In Frisco Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Winton, joyed with music by the Lindsay Mrs. Beulah Frost of Kanab former Delna Swapp, and son, C. Tait trio, which was followed A1 received word this week from with nice a program very by Ronnie from Phoenix visited in Kanab the past week at the home Tait acting as master of cere- her son, Kenny Frost, and Mrs. of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. monies. Delicious refreshments Frost, that they were well located in San Francisco. George Swapp. were served to everyone. Mr. and Mrs. Frost have been the Wintons Accompanying The young couple left immed- in Logan here were their friends, Mr. and attending the USAC, Mrs. Frank Starks also of Phoe- iately on a short honeymoon to where Kenny graduated recentnix. The two couples enjoyed the northern part of the state ly. Kenny has accepted a job In some good fishing while here be- following which they will estab- San 'Francisco where the young sides visiting the two nearby lish residence In Las Vegas, couple plan on living the next two years. parks and Grand Canyon. Childrens Story Hour American Legion Hear Favorable Reports For Area Chb Gdh:rs Meeting So. Utah Democrats Home Bruhn Fcr Senator ReceptionHonors Couple At Mt. Carmel Saturday Increasing signs of activity are apparent this week in the Kanab area, with the Bureau of Reclamation coming in with plans for locating approximately fifty fmilies here, and with work and survey starting on a telephone line to the Glen Cangoing east from Kanab by Mountain States Tel. yon Dam-sitand Tel. Co. The Bureau has made plans to Borrowing Paper Is take the north part of the old Kanab high school for offices Sometimes Quite and drafting rooms. They plan Risky, Says Here on being in this coming Monday This week in bringing to a according to Mr. Fordham, head office man for the Bureau. close our drive for additional Part of the fifty men coming subscriptions, we are mindful here will be office help and the of quite a lot of people who rest going into crews that will like to borrow their neighbors be getting started on several copies of their local newspapDam-sitSeverer. On page five you will find projects at the local al men be will employed our ad that makes It convenwith the Bureau, it is said. ient for you to enter a subThere are twelve trailers in scription: Do this today and Kanab at the present time that don't place yourself In the fol- will be added to, to help take lowing predicament: care of the families. We are sitting here at our No definite word could be had about the typewriter thinking official sources on the confrom guy who was too stingy to subof the telephone line scribe to the S.U.N. and sent struction east of Kanab, but we have going his little boy to a neighbor to observed survey crews and linefind something that wras advermen working on the project that tised in It, as well as to scan will no doubt follow the recentover the news items. constructed highway to the The boy, while running, ly dam-sitwhere some work will stumbled over the foot scraper be starting next week. and broke his leg. His father These are the first real signs heard the cry of his son and of to be starting in our ran into a barb wire fence, areaactivity and It is hoped that every tearing a hole in his new effort will be made by local peopants, and breaking the fence. ple and business men to help in The cow got through the anyway that they can in getting broken fence into the cabbage new projects such as this under-wa- j' cabate two heads of patch, and operating with the least bage and chocked herself to possible friction. death. Hearing the racket, the wife ran out and upset a chum of rich cream into a Thrca Ifenab T.kn basket of kittens, drowning the H AM Ap whole mess, and in her haste Itasaavil KliiVl she dropped her false teeth U and lost her slipper heel. ill U The baby, left alone, the spilled emrwr Clarence tJvugHrKTrti&rr G. Into the parlor and nearly Swapp and Richard W. Vorf ruined the rug. Hake, Kanab, were among 507 During the excitement, the University of Utah students who oldest daughter ran away with made the high honor roll spring the hired man, the dog broke quarter, announced Dr. A. Ray up nine settings of eggs and Olpin, University president. the calves got out and chewed President Oplin noted that the the tails off of four shirts. high honor roll includes students It cost this guy plenty of who earned a 3.5 (A-- or better dough, and he still doesnt average during the quarter and ..know where his daughter is. were enrolled in at least 12 hours Moral of our little fable is: of classwork. Mr. Pugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dont borrow your neighbors ..S.U.N. Subscribe Duffin Pugh, Kanab, is a mechtoday through your community cor- anical engineering student rat respondent or send direct to the U. Mr. Swapp, son of Mr. and our office in Kanab. Mrs. Garn L. Swapp, Kanab, alis majoring in mechanical enKaren Jameson Named so gineering, and Mr. Von Hake, To FHA Convention son of Mf. and Mrs. R. A. Von Miss Karen Jameson, daughter is majoring in Air of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Jameson Hake, Kanab, of Kanab, has been chosen as Science. All three are graduates of Kaa delegate to the FHA Convention to be held In Chicago from nab High School, Mr. Pugh and Mr. Swapp in 1952 and Mr. Von July 2 to 6th. Karen will leave Kanab on the Hake in 1949. 30th of this month and will Join a group of other girls in Salt Lake City where they will all Fun for all! Fun for all at leave by train for Chicago. The the Kanab North Ward MIA entire trip will take about 10 party this coming Monday at 6:30 p.m. on the church lawn. days. e e. e 2-- Pow-Wo- Civic Clubs Meet O Yearly; 10c Single Copy reA FREDONIA wedding ception was held last Friday V T I Open House Honors Facilities Are Needed Kanab Area Sees Start of Activity Fredonia Couple Married June 15th As Projects Get Undervay On Dam Strip Country Will Be Probed Kanab-Fredon- D IasS0C5t6n 2S, 1956 -- From The Arizona Republic, Sunday, June 17, 1956 By w. G. KNEELAND Four major oil tests costing more than $1 million are in basin of northwestern Arizona prospect in the and southwestern Utah. First of these, 36 miles west of Fredonia and 8 miles south of Short Creek, is to be started this week. It is' in an Arizona area which for years was designated as a Local Girl Wins naval Oil reserve and withheld from exploration. Nursing Recognition Falcon Seaboard Drilling Co., Word was received this week of Tulsa, Okla. was moving its Mrs. Edna Shields, that her drill-sitby Arizona to the equipment daughter. Donna Baardseth, was yesterday. THE TEST, designated as Fal- recently honored as outstanding Oil Antelope student of her class at the Holy con Seaboard-ValeSchool of Nursing, in Salt No. 1, is to be drilled to Missis- Cross Lake City. whichor 5,000 lWne, to feet, sippi Donna was outstanding in ever is first. scholastic and nursing ability Van D. Bennett, president of honor Valen Oil and Minerals Corp. and along with the high a $50 check for her fine goes here, said eight possible pro- work. She is scheduled to gradducing zones will be tested. on the 14th of August. Valen Oil has a quarter inter- uate est in the drilling block, with Falcon Seaboard, Sinclair Oil Co., and Continental Oil Co. as other holders. Valen also owns an additional 30,000 acres of land around the test. The test Is in the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter It of Section 28, is in Antelope Springs structure. to the State According THE OTHER three tests are Health Department, the priora of two them in Utah, planned dozen miles north of the Arizona ity group for polio immunization has been enlarged through line,, and the third about 50 19 years of age. The polio vacmiles north of the line. is also available for the cine Drilling on all three of these is to be started within 90 days, third (booster) Injection for all those that have had the Bennett said. first two injections, six months One, in the more before; this includes or structure near Washington City, the Utah, is on acreage owned by those thaLrwereebaealn clinic school last year. and Valen, Sinclair, Continental, Contact your family physiFalcon Seaboard. so that the vaccine can cian A SECOND Utah test, in the for you and an be ordered Paria Domes about 24 miles made for receivappointment east of Kanab is on acreage held at hi" immunization this ing by the same group plus Tide- office. The arrangements are water Oil Co. It is slated to go to the same as for those being Mississippian, or to 6,000 feet. time by The third, about 50 miles given at the present at their the physicians private northeast of Fredonia, is slated offices. to go 9,000 feet for the deepest of the four scheduled tests. Four more wells are to be drilled in the Arizona Strip Country if the first one yields results, Bennett encouraging I Kane County Standard KANAB, UTAII, THURSDAY, JUNE $1 Million Involved NAttONA I Sluf:nls crawl--e-4hrwg- cl h ) AMBASSADOR LOUSE GREETS DIXONS j 1 i i r . ! I ! 1 e r J Congreuional briefing en Ik United Nation, few minute te vltH with the 01 on ledge toko eut Secretary te Cengreitman Dixon. left fa right are Mr, Aldewi Dixon, Ambauodor lotfye, luth Dlxan, and teak Aftof m Ambauodor Henry Cabot family and leak Dunford, and lepreientotlxe Henry Dunford. - |