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Show THE GUEAT VETOEIl. PnbltthH .rtry T1KDNH3DAY and SATURDAY, by ilia Oobbji Ponmshimc Compimt. liarle amiW.lluiiiiiei Editor. Penrose, Manager. OGDEX. UTAH. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 21st, 1874 THE IHOX CITY. facturing Company, having made satisfactory arrangements with the municipal authorities, and with the owners of property on the site desired for the works, will take i in mediate steps for the erection of the necessary buildings and the importation of the required machinery. Messrs. 1'arkcs and Meredith, the agents of the Coin-pawho have been in our city for some time, and have very favorably n, impressed all with whom they have conversed, wiil return to "Wisconsin in a few days and push on the enterprise. The establishment of these "Works Ogdcn will do more to build up and bring prosperity to the city, than anything that has ever been inaugurated among us. It will raise the value of property, give employment to hundreds of men, create and sustain mercantile interests, circulate money, introduce other industries, and make Ogden the great manufacturing metropolis of the Territory. Ve congratulate Messrs. Seager and Woodmansco on the results out of their mineral discoveries. They found the iron, and this is the basis of the improvements to Wc hope they will find a come. suitable reward in an available and profitable market for their ore. There is an almost inexhaustible juautity of the precious metal more precious than gold and the quality is most excellent. There are several fortunes in the ore, there are many also in the Works. The mine owners have a good thing, the Iron Com pany have a better. We hope they will work in harmony, and are sure that while they gather the t f tho iron harvest, Ogdcn City will frharc in the crop, and Weber County in the benefits of general distribution. Three years ago we pointed out the splendid facilities of this city for the establishment f such an enterprise as this, and told our monied men that if they did not seizo the oppor tunity, outside capitalists would come in and gobble it. Our prediction is now about to be verified. We welcome the promoters of the organiza tion which promises to be of so much value to the country, and "hope and believe they will meet with all the u 3CC6S they anticipate.' There is no place, on the continent which offers better facilities for their enterprise we would rqther have than this,-antheir furnaces and rolling mills with iu our borders, than a score of insti tutions for the reduction of wha are generally called the precious metals. Give us the iron, and the industries growing out of its manufacture, and The cities in the South may have the galena. Hurrah for Ogden, the railroad junction, tho Iron City of the Kocky in g first-frui- Bible-teache- r. News says: To citizens of Oregon Woods conduct will not appear strange. He was Governor of this State for four years. His Administration was not only proThe Governor fligate, but corrupt. went into the landaulet business to the tune of $GOO; all the departments of the State Government were active with private speculation and reeking with rottenness. The Governor was very much afraid of investigation then, and caused his friends in the Legislature to disrupt thatbjdyby resigning. The Legislature succeeding did, however, investigate, and the result of the investigation justifies what we have here said of Woods' Administration in Oregon. Woods has reasons for disliking and he has never failed to o his utmost to prevent them. He is, therefore perfectfy consistent in vetoing the memorial of the1 Utah Legislature. ' The Iron Works enterprise is now fixed fact. The Ogdcn Iron Manu- a Th'uis how the Portland, Oregon, Evening New sails into our great vetoer and After scorhim on his indelicate ing opposition to the Memorial for Congressional investigation into Utah affairs, the ts d Mountains.! A colored barber of Detroit has recovered a verdict of $100 damages of the steamer against the owners ' for to allow refusing 'Jay toCooke," table after first the at dine him This fare. s he had paid settles the question that;n Michigan, s at least, the holder of a ticket is. entitled to firsUijss privileges in steamboats and ou railroads without distinction of uationaJity. .color or prcvious.condition. first-clas- first-ch.s- THE 1UUTISII JIIXLSTItY The defeat of 3Ir. Gladstone, on his appeal to the people of Great Britain, has induced him to tender his resignation, and his vival, Mr. Disraeli, has been instructed to form a new ministry. Whether the great leader of the Tories is equal to the emergency of organizing a cabinet that will recommend itself to the moderate sentiment of his country, and adapt himself to the radical chances which have taken place since he The was premier, is questionable. proverbial obstinacy of his party so wedded to decaying traditions, and its tenacity to impracticable and obso lete ideas which antedate the reign of the Georges, precludes the belief that he can establish a ministry that will bain harmony with the altered condition of public opinion. The only chance that presents itself to Mr. Disraeli to form a conservative ministry that will be accepted with favor, is through a coalition with tho more lukowarm Whigs who arc not thoroughly reconciled to the advanc ed views of the advocates of reform and progress. Tho Adullumite wing would be nothing loath to enter into a union with the moderate Tories ( This, however, would compel adepar turc from the cherished landmarks of tho Tories, and involve a sacrifice on the part of the Adullum element Reaction and progress are conflicting terms antagonisms between which cohesion is impossible. The attempt may be made to combine these opposite interest in order to resist the encroachment and arrest the onward march of democratic ultraism. But thofi fusion cannot be lasting and will of officers, so long as West Point is allowed to turn out cpauletted striplings at the rate of one hundred per annum. What to do with the nation's wards is a question that does not seem to have occurred to the authors of the bill curtailing the numerical force of the army to a standard consistent with the requirements of that branch of the national service. That the pro posed reduction is judicious, and in accordance with the true genius of aepublican institutions, will not be gainsayed. A standing army is a standing menace. Yet, the country has assumed certain obligations to those who have adopted the profes sion of arms under its patronage, and it is but just that some requital should be made for the sacrifices they have made in abandoning other walks of life. The militia system of the different States is superb and efficient. If Congress would qualify the summary action suggested, by pro viding for such arrangements as would give the State militia the ben efit of the experiene of regular officers who may be relieved of their grades, the country might boast of a volunteer army equal to the Prussian Utah Legislature. Feb. 10, 1874. Council. Mr. Jennings, chairman of the Committee on railroads, reported (C. F. 29) a bill for "An Act to amend an act entitled an act providing for the incorporation of railroad companies, and the management of the affairs thereof." "An Act amending an act in relation to Marshals and Attorneys" was taken up, as amended by the House, and laid on the table till called for. A communication was received from Lieut. Gen. Daniel H. Wells, praying for an appropriation ef $G0,000 to pay for supplies furnished to the militia of the Territory, while engaged in suppressing Indian hostilities during the years 18G3, 'C6 and G7. Mr. Hooper, chairman of the committee on General Incorporations, reported back favorably to the passage of bills for supplementing and amending "An Act for incorporating associations for mining, manufacturing, commercial and other industrial pursuits." "An Act to amend an act providing for incorporating associations for mining, manufacturing aud other industrial pur suits," was read as amended and passed. sale or 'other disposal of intoxiC4tin liquors, was read and referred. House. A bill for an Act providing for the ; corporation of railroad coinpanie8 Ww introduced, and read the first time. Mr. Kockwood. from the commiitee 0a reported a bill for an Act ' for the protection of fish and game. The committee on penitentiary, ported a bill providing for the loca'tba and erection of a penitentiary at thj mouth of Spanish Fork Canyon, Utah coHnty, or such other place, as the com. missioners may determine, and appro priating the sum of 510,000 to erect ene wing of the building. The bill pas9ej The committee on judiciary, to whom was referred a bill for an Act in relation to the money of account and interest, re ported back the same with amendments A protracted debate ensued, and bill wa defeated. agriculture, A western paper speaks of a new paper mill which "will be riiade brick one hundred and seventj-fivfeet lour." of e It is fashionable for Boston fathers to give their daughters checks for when married, but it never Mr. Harrington presented "An Act to $50,000 farther because the banks amend an act entitled an act prescribing goes any can t see it. a summary mode of proceeding for the recovery of real property, etc." ReAn Iowa fanner married only landwehr. ferred. seven weeks offers to bet that his A communication was received from wife can whip a panther. lie's had in debt for a wig, and he b SEXSATIOX OX 'CHANGE. the Ilousa announcing the passage of to runas to her qualifications. "An Act appropriating money for school posted Our dispatches give us detailed purposes; "An Act denning tne DounAn exchange says : "Five of the circumstances of an attempt to per- daries of counties and locating county sweetest words in the English lanAct to amend an act entitled "An seats;" begin with II, which is only a petrate a dastardly fraud on the New an act Great Salt Lake guage incorporating breath: Heart, Home, Hope, HapYork Stock Exchange. Forgery, City;" "An Act amending an act preand Heaven." Ah, yes, and piness falfchood and perjury are easily rescribing the manner f assessing and the other place begins with II, and so sorted to by facile and unscrupulous collecting Territorial and county taxes;" does Hoodlum. speculators for the purpose of accom- and "An Act amending an act regulatplishing the most infamous purposes. ing elections." H&l'SR. The event which is announced to The committee on elections reported have occurred on 'Change yesterday the following officers to be elected by in the great commercial centre of the joint vote of the Legislative Assembly at Union, is a suggestive commentary its present session : Chancellor, treas upon tho morality which prevails urer and twelve regents of the Universi among the monied men of that me- ty of Deserct; superintendent of common Such flagitious attempts schools, treasurer, attorney general, a tropolis. indicate the laxity of our whole finan- district attorney for each of the first and second judicial districts; surveyor cial system. They are the natural general, librarian, recorder of marks consequences of defective laws which and brands, warden and three directors should restrict or confine the mania of the penitentiary, sealer of weights for speculation. We are piling im- and measures, road commissioner, one mense debts abroad unnecessarily. probate judge for each of the following We are mortgaging country to for- counties; Washington, Millard, Sevier, Wasatch, Morgaa, Tooele, Kane, Iron, XVnn first known In America eign bankers. Government, States, Piute, Juab, Salt Lake, Box Elder, Sum- It merits nrc well known throughall cities, counties, tewns, railroads, the habitable world. It ha mit, Beaver, Weber, Sanpete, Utah, out the oldest anil best record of any fever in stocks. The speculate fancy Davis, Cache, Rich; two notaries public Liniment In tho world. From th upon million of bottle of wild speculation rages and no effort for Washington county, two for Iron, million old no complaint ha ever reachtwo for three for Millard, three ed mi, und a a healing and is made to check it. In the Yass Ago - MEXICAN MUSTAM , mar Braver, intensity for Sanpete, four for Salt Lake, three PAIN SUBDUING LINIMENT of the malady all considerations of honor and probity aao overlooked. for Cache, two for Tooele, twe for Weber. ' IT EASNO EQUAL. The committee also recommended that la It recommended with unbounded arar--a Because we are rich as a nation, and nee in all eases of Cuto.Broisea.BurnB, Sprains, iwo additional notaries be elected for Rhonmatiam, Hard Swelling, Bites full of resources ; because we have Beaver county, one for Sanpete, tw for Joints, frozen Feet. Ears. hoe to Juab and one for Weber. c. kc. among all persona, and for Sprain. only to "tickle the soil with a Koundors. Ringbone, Scratches, . make it laugh with a harvest j" beSparine, Springhalt, Saddle.Col-lA message was received from the GaUs and Harnes ; also diaoMea of the ij cause wc are absorbing t:ie emigra- Council announcing the passage of II. and Car in tion of the world; because gold, F. 18 "An Act concerning certain animals running at large," with amend- Horses, Mules or silver, iron, coal, cotton, and all the ments; C. F. 23 "An Act amendatory products that enter into the con- of an act to regulate proceedings in civil sumptive demand of mankind are cases in courts of justice;" C. F. 11 indigenous, we have flattered our- "An Act to legulate the fees aad com be only temporarily successful. AsDis- - selves that we could command a that can yaclj. and his followers failed before, credit at home and abroad, all obligations as Desby 'failed," so will they fail permit us to disregard of honorable commerce. again. .The experience of the last six Tho mountain will not go to Mah months should be a lesion to all, that omet, and the only tope that Disraeli the advantages of unlimited resources can entertain of maintaining himself the dangers which flow in power is one which must compel cannot avert social life, generated him to forswear his past record and trom a diseased of a antecedents, and accept the alterna by pernicious system speculation. tive of making reasonable concessions II. W. Beechcr's fish story: to his hereditary foes. "There is a tendency in these days," said Mr. Beecher in his eveuiug serAIUIY ItEDUCTIOX. mon, "to account naturally for the tho children of Israel A measure providing for the reduc passage of through the lied Sea. Now I like tion of the regular military force of these old stories, and I am not going the United States, is now pending be- to have the bottoms knocked out of I shall stand fore Congress. Its adoption will ne- them by materialism. aud glory iu it. cessitate the elimination of a number by the old history did go through the sea, and of officers, who will be invited to de- Yes, they it was a miracle, too. And the fish hereafresources own their on pend looked out at them from the water on ter. There is, however, but little either side, and wondered who those wisdom in cutting down theuumbev other monsters were." Poll-Evi- Wind-Gall- l, Hoof-ale- s, ar Cattk pensation for official and other services;" C. F. 30 "An Act providing for general liens for common carriers;" and C. F 59 "An Act specifying when acts and resolutions shall be in force." Feb. 17th, 1874. CotClL. in ami VTILUAUO Cre Xcuralgia, Ehenmatlsm, Gout, Lni Back, Salt llbeum, loisonoua Bite, External Bone and Mutscle Affection, Sore Nippl, and may be j atly termed tne panacea for all special commiitee to whom was referred the petition of D. II. Wells, for EXTERNAL WOUNDS. fi3 Remember, this Liniment didan appropriation of $60,000 to pay the not (.firing up in n dny or 11 year,prodUciDfT THE MOST ABSURD ANP UNKATC1ULCUBE 1865 war of the 6 of Indian expenses CLAIMED FX AM) Mur.HT.OOM LlSI7, reported favorably, and the Council mf.nts. lint we. Lave the experience of over of trial, w;th the ordered that the amount be entered upon t)i lit y year amulatudj orwitneauos- the appropriation bill. If the Liniment is not as recommended, tho Mr. Stayner movel that the commit tees of both Houses en petitions be instructed to report Wednesday, a memoDo rrnt be imposed rpon by mine; nny other or rerial to Congress asking Limine tit daiiaiujj (hfts.iiue lio Bur a and ro a cheat sults. Tl:c.y of Utah iuto tho Uuiou as a State. and get nothing but Adopted. A motion by Councilor Thatcher to memorialize Congress to establish a Sold alii Deuoqists asd- Countb branch mint in Salt Lake City or some Siuiiha..r other central point in Utah Territory CCc. and 01' per Eottlc was adopted. IOIIOZ DiZE cr fcOTTLU. Pttle, iu. An act regulaiing the manufacture, MFG. CO, The fW-HOK- K niosteub-utant.alrc'sults.an- iGRcywillboRcfiiiKlciL proix-i-tieir-u- d.. ilHka Mite Jjmd lt - 25c, LYON |