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Show V. t 1' 7 - j- THE FROVO HERALD ".'' ", : I 11 II'jttv "He'd ought tb Have known ltj wan't ou the square, but these hack tUck, SyNOPSIS 1 lrir I T IT A l'l A if 'W A - P'" Y X SJMrVl 1 I htm, but neither was he anxious for promised not to say anything abe-u-t it. thfr-tet- ea 1th ; Mllllcent which But, truly, I didn't mean- - to bother tete v awaited ; him 4n the parlor, Between you.-- Millicent exploded In. an access of "And do you meaa that Well,'. he greeted him, ''did you find iridignatiori: " "LZ h a ridicu any trace of thiaTbby?" yoii expecr us to accept-suc"Of course I did," growled Birdsall. lous promise after all we have been ' 'They didn't try to Jiide 'im. They thiough?" remarke4-Aaat Rebecca, had him lodged In a dandy ruoiii with tto,'' "Quite . f Harvard- - where-Cotain't got good, WBf' gya . B"!T;HPr,fwy' opms-'a-t s. .a., vtwtmg. saw tne 'Bttport Winter, Mercer; He met ,Oary they're; go to speakr sober, which ia,'t ftea soliloquized; Merger, brother of the Three veafs later, in Chicago, in -. they're took to the Chinese Quarter, ' Ol. Winter overheardarylerrPT-ap- -r tiarfnlK' tilnnntnff to kidnaD ArehW- - the. we'd better be looking up a Chink to fairly de- lielp m, I guess., I kuaw ' ... a a was mentioned apparently " Smith .with nice'a . precl.-et;Uo magnate on;!rator. A crcaf onfinancial " "I think I know a .better,;' inter-riiptewhM dA. Win- atwiAwl tooth brush. They'd got bim some most Angllcan' utterancei Ihe gift bl w8 met hi (lieAuultrain lH'Coa, stnUe. M with faint rs. Mis Smith Winter, tTnd Archi. C(ilWlntJr-a- l togs, too, and he'd left some mimicry had been on of Mra- - Win: that Uie She had detected a suppressed: pity he packed, and a tetter Her8 most admtred and distrusted o when financial magnate in EJwin S. leggings" aided by Archie, cleverly. fn4- - in the man's regard. "Motor slowly on to Miss Smlth-'De- ar cial gifts from he- - youth. a begun pad haM-titook He trttU-- a MtUe train. There is: a' shop. if SglT.heItreel;? t Miss her Miss lit Janet,-besiaa, despite Smith,: baying Rupert Winter hastened to distract srat liking Archie myisterl-usl- y I. "can find it where there .ought to be ;lleited kidnapinKd Inplot.Frisco, can the steer tlmeT"T Millicent's attention by saying; de- machine, aimlly ' a in Blood a man" dlaappeart I all. that's "If back' the boy has promised, can't Say. narby-rooiiat ie luAel caused fears for only vtsively: "Man you know? Say, lady, I guess the, boy'a life. The lad's voice was heardeTffds It; he can t break his parole. tt fat the. been " has that young having dog mlnand a , I better go in with you, if you don't over the-- telephone, however, that-othe frying pan, for Anyhow, tbeyTion't seem to have hurt Mlas while we were-lf ne later a wmmmvol set detecHve 3 and. Wlnier n SmttlusJCl" fear was riioUierliig htm.' tt you, old BonT" ' Homebody ' nt for the fcmptv manRioif . owned By '"'No; stay in your earf You don't "Bui. he Is not In the house now? ' were know '"Oh, they treated me daadythoea ai .l graduate. TJiey Arnolds a Han am. Not -how safe J only my - met wlrhnn-xDloaiw- n Alerrer wltiiln. else.'.'Bald Archie, "Miss Janet, nor "No, fellows," nothing Arciuss Winii-tgray hair protects me, but I have appeared, mm m t wx Where tlld know, how to run an electric motor vn mil ' - if n il. m w i r .awayT: imun ir hjdden h&a ruirnea.i- - s:ne-- f oionei .nw i'jobo(l' .a feww!5rds and a1iy"of " haunted oiily.to-saymippoiedly car; exeepi backing." . . 7 " 7 Hitting j from z tiie house. It was Miss Janet Sinllli. Col. these men will fight for nie if necesthe de muttered rueried. bet Tll do," the you colonel; politely. himself admitted tliat he mni .zWtrieF'-tIB in" Mmfldencejust I 1 -... - 111 1 1I If TI i. m Jt? II h tf 1 U Birdsall flushed. "I do bvlieve that tectlve. Smith. Mefrar told Winter, that sary. But this m ... m wr II MfiJ m&JI I It II V A i I Ill rrVlJC - I B - Tt7V IUIL A "AWT" Art hit had overheard plans fir a i:onp between us, you understand. YP!J S,8j 1 f slickaiecelvgE yotijpaH iffercerubj-nAV Here the colonel came to the boy's : Mercer's not to tidttad been kidnapel. Oa of t ever." It, repeat Kin to Just-toaunt second time and drew Blrdsall-juildmeanness of a us friends ott out tia returning relleta game fr JXb. a Isank " Sh ooLed-aUhiUi arrested forieei4Kf ttiai w.il un. IHfe 'Bes.tlet mepumD, tbechap a uesfing. getr be r.turn(t from tDr.iuiio station to. ids Btnile, and invohtntarily his hand went Bbrt-q- f . more like Httie - Yea- get downstair and-see gone Merur contexsed IT'Thar u.tlifi:.Mma jooks thing' -- w as forcibly d. i.ilning keat ham yon say goes, tip "to hib cap. how he got here, who brought aim, L thsi college boys.; Mercer told his life story, relating. Imw lady, remember liut ftp 'Tight jest have .been. This it get clean away. It is late for Keatcham and his scoundrel secretary;. "Say, might nllnml hin. the blow killing here, "spark going all the time, ready Atkilt, had me nervous It is. -- You can report as tliiiiK is that prostration giving wife;- - Mercer waa holding him prisnh- - to throw her wide whtn you step out . see row." didn't the Hay, why you er in order that he could not, get controlof In; an(T his voiceopen thing sank"! ain't abof a rAllrnad which was the pet project' with me?" It was the colonel, also, who elim. the father of his colltge friend Krdii ott solutely unprepared for a scrap, The colonel, shamelessly told the inated Mrs. Millicent by the masterly Tracy. Aunt Kebecca saw Archie in a either." jial) wltlVtwo mon. "truth deceive, tSI was called here. aratagem of suggesting that she paB Chinese the into an In auto, She followed "I understand."" said she. looking atl 1' was told that Mrs. Winter, my aunt; the "news to worth.: ; He idiatrlrt, -' -: i mi,, keen iy - an tl a; f e w toHvea tte Archio-4-4seen artfully-adde- d had thatitwould.requlre CHAPTER XI. Continued. briskly into the:s,.hop3)e-for- e "She was Just getting out of a ma tact toIet the lady from Boston un- - which he halted with a little light- Riit he missed his deserve'd corn chlfie as I came up. :.Miss Smith waa derstand that the lad had been found t h isun. entrfg:-Q-f dfie :i ftaf t Jpgaase with her. and they had their hands 1 ithotttiaanyway - gratifying- - her. self;- - because, as he lookd back at the couth torght .of the leverrz The shop lwere natural euriosity in regard to the man- - . horses rearing on the sudden check, Itself was like any one of a score on -. I made, sure the boy had ner of laughing. , ;findlng or the cause of then the street, crowded with oriental. ob- and tossing their auburn-manesto found." to leave that been have "Ml d Ulhern to the. 3eetsri-bizarrz carvings: tf ivory 'and - "Not to my knowledge." said the you," he concluded." "Maybe you caa. 4 in it,; and jude, daggers and strings ,of cash, no life hack, he. perceived coloheTTv But la jsoine. excitement he see a way out; I confess my hmrttls r words, gorgeous embroidered rohes when his own passenger Jumped with walked into the parlor, The ladies are in the air." a -- amawa8trflJjmessiromJiexjieAliin jiJjsiarid rgoTd in a" huddleea mi'over had arrived ; they stood "In the center - Millicent thus relegated' the am- ng-jrmxtter' or svlnglng"OTd jd of the- rooni- - W h) ledRandatogkwjay baasador's shelf, the sllppel '"' f Where?" are he dusky background, squat little' Jrecoiled, ;eyc)afming: :T-arm-chaT"": "'" the boxes." Into tfcf-pe- t green and brown goffs wftjTluiffy?ye they ? AVhere did bu leave them?" Taring his neptiw?on the lounge ber. ''1, IIa,T0 ..... .......... litis, smiling . iuscrutHbly amid shoes , wltni" He Avowed Ignorance. IIVJIKW A"V hnrkrnnn' n UU . nuoriori--thtile "and first were these tween Aunt Rebecca and Miss Smiths- Rebecca; ears. Winter's ?ay71TiaT7oirstOpr'lJ' "'e fm ? Run- - and fans airi Chinese lanterns of glass to wards RTipert Miss Smith looked frankly, charmingly reach, ! aQdbronze. glittering with beads in you speak, to" him have him come amiable- banker from Iowa, his" wife K"I expect him to dinner." ain' happy.Aunt ' Rebecca looked rather :.:,. I Smith. . .....rf,:,..,:.-,t.;-.:.-and Janet alL'r.Jthese.'ikfc-.lhe.'score.'.;-abouti4'ralled-rtatjvaaIwre?'' jr: '""Atmt ttref'.Rebecca, proclaimed It took only a moment to transfer mutter as he appreciated yet the' cle m windows and a certain J- - It auneat ed that there was- a tele--- Inarticulate to com been "I one ne TmarKW, t UBU',r have, pever course," t n hat she ai to. sen hoped ger, expl and in a moment she- was put a pas hop ,l:Uafcai.-Mei.plain,, but .t.hi,re..ari;.. Ijnxits: is iiMP) rriWtTntcati-bn' A sbB'pReelF' to a common. tne in man and ooy served by " lewomao. betore.!Jb?.n-..- . eudvifarxce jfhra'mbdei'rr perstf a secrecy to the FIreless Stove, .gang, n atHttide-of th-- : America rt dressr with er. - He stood deep rLQ she would not use such a stxeijii- .cjynized Episcopalian, accustonved :io as we'll call them; but the other kid- 'Yoq may be mixed up in a peniten- shop, both'in xlsor-le's- s while-shtalked. He heard 1 ous wont as kidnaped andotud they a undersesnect the tucked Nthetr she" pigtails said, plat and man,': fjffeii,ser my ' well'deTbrttrr'iiHd "hariers, the rrowd-that-h- eld p your. regular caps. Both greeted her In. the with unsmiling attention her first complete their kindness by not -- dly -4- t-ts iteaserf kidaapingJVhere for the lasTw days I jeenito have car, ana men Bwucneu youuu im One to affair reas she listened any.one? did you leave that boy who was in the serene 'oriental - fashion, bowing ajid Chinese "words; he mys'side track while young Flreless was hated so p pet into4he7aper.CI- - And been living in a kind of medieval blobtT-staln. cab? Tf you give us information that smilinfT,' "their- obsequious. eojirlefey tiirned to Knglish. speaking veryand with detained they haven't any hold on tery, kidnapers, showTg no; smallest sign of the sur- quietly, but with a controlled earnest- would they let her see them again I know, somewill find '""him, there's 'five dollars;-i- f for and, anything you?" sank as. she the sighi of an unattended kness, explainingthat she was Archi to thank them? Then, knife Into any "No," sir," sajd Archie; "but you you fool us well, I have your number. prise which body" ready J; stick she cushions on back the remarked, and bald Winter's widow, giving dates Woman must have given them.usxiffiy Hme! You people may see, that strange gentjeman .and Aunt of one Where did you leave the boy?" much to the expectant-chauffe'T'e'8rinS6'wTsalIBaing'Tto the asJrtsT sorrtf thing you seem Millicent V was scared lest I'd give "Why, there jvas a cop with 'im "Yes, I think It Is all enjoy won the charm as to Janet: had lowered which under service their that both, 1 don't. to- -p; Ain't And I tell you frankly something away.".. you got and a gentleman. . to"acop 1 think we shall see Archie about her neck. Yet as he listened, right. eyelids, took cognizance of that thrf I to to the police, am now. ... AU friends hold of the wrong party, lady?" : not here apply going "They're ; disk"' of iadeamong the iaces insensibly the hinamaarewclrfairi night," clean not to any private detective Inquiry herei.SapposeVyouJiakeJa "A brown-haireboy iu a gray suit on iier "breast,. She asked the man if he JJiat she; .hjad spoken the Jrnth.. ; Pres-entl- v was Jafflceaallke-as-no- t It the ., of lnJeague..wltJ3 breast kidnaping. yojir.ge.CPnd. a ble cravat yQulchbw'Tie XII." CHAPTER wishes "He had seen a lad and an older man, or It she turned to him: Mrs. did should." criminals" thus be tingratefully you in your cabrnffhow do you know it might-be may Important A Blow. two older nwn-- , oneffllTlceGt StuTthFatrMsrTjtjier:Mily wai a real policeman?" There was no one but Slrf Winter come Into that or any other back to the shop. She sighed asjpne man, dev on the truly Interested auditor "but real po Ieft outside while .Tracy went Into wasn't he "Or helping neighboring shop. She explained tha' sighsrom whose heart a great burden to welcome the"Qlonel jfien, Jaded, licemen. 'I shall apply " the office, with a policeman to whom the chauffeur, was?" sneered lf.it iltry the lad was her grand nephew and was rolls. :"To .find him here, and still warm and dusty, Jv5p"--oAun-should she where tell did not She1 name, he rehe a gave hadnow become ho Rebecca's parlor doof Mrs. Millicent lost 't she eschewed the harsher word, grateful e,washfnking;'':"W'ba, of out before words the two minutes being snapped for mained apply hardly - partisan. "Ain't you lived in this burg for she bad no desire to set afloat' a wonderful good fortune!,' sense'Of was bristling wlt). injury; of the the tinkle' mouth "cop"-caher a. to by and a up to make! sharp how find to but gentleman long enough nnp wouldn't tniffefi her cojversatlonajto-and-4- be teieTihtme-ijel- l ordfiredJiii. ., latter a little mazuma on the Bide? You re nimorhichTTatgritririgheTroHre coloscratch. The upon her). She named a 'sum large dreamy. She was no longer thinking ly witxtoiit ril;of a call. to " the Rebecca not Aunt bnt machine responded from the descend too' ' suflden ! net was another on; in a to Vision fjiebieldf-l0f fchie iter kindle put "gleani 4ip enough -ans was the werta him nip; "Send hef until they" had Tound It'Imposjflble.io.-oma, my Christian friend." reward awaiting face, another scene.a time of peril, appearaar'e, hisl.Iatigueand the boy's eyes, -; move' the vehicle. When they did dls--' Cut It but!" retorted the man. "I tan her : reason tier plorabie need of a bath, and escaped lnaudiblgiIesfloner.r receiver. Then who might Trarrhfc on -- when almoBt-again-st She laid down the cever that the key Wa out and gone, guess I know Jiow UT find my way the right tracki .But her words stiuck instinctive woman's recoil ofpity for int0 his own apartment. But he made Then she stood tip, the man in citizen's clothes hailed a round as well as the next man " j no responsive spark fr&Jtbe-- Cbtna-mar!- s I' a Tellowcreature In danger of unthink his toilet with reckless haste. All the she put Itad back. in the air, her erect cab and-t- he officer curtly -- informed - "Certaihl- y- youdo,!LQOthSd Jlrsi recent ex- lieT Silver-heyelled gaze. Tn perfect English able torture-- had been so- - intepse thaj lime he was questioning his 11 trie Archie that Gardiner. (Tracy's travel- figure Theld mottotiles8r-c-7- f: "Winter, who was fingering ei crisp' new and a very soft voice he avowed . ig- - she had more than acquiesced In her perience, trying to sort over his five-dollJanet Smith's f dark .eyea sought ing name) had been taken to another "info bank note, "and you are no l noranqe and sympathy with the same husband's: plan of risking boththeir theories., which had been plunged bar-xai- n her lips parted only 4d close court and .he was to follow. He didn't' hers; "I confession. kidnaper,, either; you Made nb Mercer's she 'had Impelled confusion by lives to save him; breath, j again. with those men " ' firmly suspect anything beyond a collision . 1 no d feel his him to It; she had overcomejHs terror suppose," he reflected, "that had And all the while detective perceived - the with the apeed regulations of the city, "Sure f didn't": agree the hackman, glance " slant down at trie jade orna- of the risks on her accb$S)t. "It is right to give-Merthat hint at the ;Eyen the electric Intensity of the moment,' and but had he seen a chance to dive under "'nor I ain't standin" for kidnaping, ment. """"7;: only, death we have tnJidir. aUworsii door." The hint had been given just a his escort's arm the boy would have " neither. Rupert shut his lists tight, with was in a' "V Why, I got kids of my wwn. tt single:, as they parted, Send, the boy to look in the shop "she had argned. heart;-"bu- t of the niilckeheT'Tieatrrig faTten "Tr." 'SWTr Thance was not-aBl0o!B she'd woman maontcr next-doorand my i " " r she As she.6toke to escape. In' a fiecong,' both tif us. tiutn said ot. embtibnaTvibrattons-ditt-idisturb forded him, and all he waaaule lo ithe hou6 U 1 was to do them aSmes. she raised the charm between her anything f lseanilf we run away and ;"By the way, Mercer, if that pillar Winter Mrs.i;JWelv1le was to lean out suddenly, as they I polge..She knows. Sav.- I'll tell you all They thumb and her first two fingers, look- leave this - poojc wretch, who hasn t in the patio is of importance in your her ; , continued, plaint. cor that at there passed 'the Palace and to wave at Ranthree, better "gbroff,"Them keep at himdirectly. Her tone, was done anythliL!but love' his country. combination, you would ing Is unbear dall. "ll wanted them to stop and let ; situation of 'This 'a racking." - ner, and I was to drlv fast I could that 'of command, not request. He just as we present aTrtck-e ours, and be too civi an eYe"crnlfTirh ' " and un un un me get some one to pay my .fine," said ' able, unprecedented three blocks ahead and then git home frowned very slightly, making an al lized tor trifling, ornery, pusHlanl a any old way AMrtatlsGodA truth mosfrtmpfeptiblesturetOTwft "The .devil it bas!" grunted Mercer. expected," she declaimed," rather gro- Archie, "but they said I was only me her. wouldn't let a 'stop; xltmaxrwhich for witness; escaped, They ping I " of kind a with she returned a single Chinese phrsfee, get slashed to pieces by their hbrrffite Then be thanked hfm, t" Aunt Rebecca raised her hand. they run down the curtain at least fYou dldn'tBer where;tly:tpeit?'' spoken .so "low -- that ..bad he. not", ex- - ling-linwhatever they call eluctaatdi4ration in his tone: f llkMilll- - so far as" It woulJT-un..It-wabe kind, o ,iee-4n rtcm't you. rm intet,-4ofrbected tbe w'ordsthey had-bentrrdhy B bs iu hwi, iuuiunirrBu iniisu: hbck tni wtusf ;wu tu "No, I dtdn't." 1 guess I as a dumb tingulshable. to his ear. Instantly he KhalLhave nightmares as long my" "detective's staying ?" questioned cent, saiu sub,listen." to ; am I out of order." trying lool not ter notice, but thly paid tne addressed the boy rapidly In their own ltveT- the colonel, . A: - (TO BB CONTINUED.V " Like a response to her words, the to'have him. You well,, and rd.,.a:bad .Jttlrstland :; I was languageLi; The "No, suh;-pre- fer 7te&n'' ago-r-- y et it seemed ; - was -- turned. , the todk placftitowjjfcjjeex; the-ter--f ory knob - of the door-- Arelfe OBSERVANT PEOPLE ARErJAP8. tohuqm to have bis men la and . eptered the doorwtmg,and house?" that'f the haul Jeafj?erJittsbaB8 fWrntefitJIlasj ha44ur4y wed-uTrouble Is They Are Liable to Carry did. I wanied" rbu Tshbuld have room, smiling his., odd lit tie che . :; changed; the tradesman's perftifictory come back to her with suchVeality fof . i'Did the boy seem "willkfc'f' Emlle rrzIt to Extremes ' fcJte dldnt do ho kickingf as f Been." no be" shall" there cries You the real more was than It to. promise years; efecTaTalnt cry and took a The Japanese are a . most Imitative But: I I .think I'll fake Tanef A few more questions rejealed that eager numiniy or Dearing-ji- e wouia of the street outside; and ber heart racket? f. single step,N but," as if recognizing a and observant people and copy of have her sit JfierfiL-w- e lhe"man "had"uniiacked sfHareyT2- IewrCafior"yt:atr I su ' fidelity "A , perior rigTirTTlung back" whiisrthe of riKht kind laformatlonr- 11$ had hder seen eith.- seated American- armchirs, fn gro- - Becky, "there never was a woman like Thanki great-aunt'abtuit ft bls hitriJi bfry engaged put before.-Th-maaT recently . Good sua. . . youYou-could-makmen e Newport ,t er of the itdeattjnaaJiOp you, suh. by gentleman Nesque- contrast to all 'thelr- acconF " " attea-'1kissed her who and rather waist basruily wasvery Japanese valet, .This had beea. the manner of their 7T y?srtreasrryh.ewas-areat- J : N.s.. cheek;-.:aft? tlve and n- - sweu v satisfactory. oonnaence ser-- "Your lady ship" It was" the: shop fore her; he putlhimaelf at her man; - ;She received the salute" wjth entire , His duties rarely took binY into Ihe J he bad lived in er the sinister suspNonsnrt the vioguy; be was the .regular thing gentle-.'- . jylce still to her trained eye there was keeper back-again- ;: had except for a tiny Splash of kitchen,- - but when be. bad a chance soldier iwhich composure, re(to to ' a llie. lent- promisef take man engaged him a corner of his mirM where incredulity England and he offered She most party v o watching thecook he didjio wlth to this very redwhlchreptup,jo-Mcajyieek- hi himself regard .of . bia. knowl- made the Chinese" quarter; he'd tell where wrestled with a troriger emotion. " title .western spectful ... Archie?" said it "Is you, bone.. really naa extraordinary- interest: - t ne a motoreq to dn guide; only -- ' "Da not, IgarjS' she said, gently. "It edge"yoir ladyship may, be chee fuL man. After leaving, t The rook caught a severe chill and wanted to make & few purchases,, bs la really my own, .and he gaxeitla me will be done; The -- lady day before yesterday.' lomeMirsuddenTy said, and he knew . here the things himself, lalmost; 3D tyeaja agb.2 He young,, geptjemaa wiiL he pacK-io- t as 6he- for3c-3aya"s ; la despair, of thehouse that-wa- s SltdowahdTolrjus all; nly was hardly to years old himself then andno trifre of Archie. Thence, diswas;f eSc.M'afflr been could not- - replace, ner. down there on Market street, or ni'ay Yxju see, py husband had; been so for tu'n: to the hotel couraged, perplexed and Tnore" worried - where you have . MJS.MillL- reAt last' tho valet .announced dlffl-"Quit e v,o to he be'UiJled snmewhere )mar had "admit; than" as kindness him todo ,uMrlLl tunate; ..boweC ..Winter . . ' . ettnld reooka .1 At.a Li.. - i v fltnow ttently that. he thouRht be f o f h? r.:hotenr--Hisatmt"was cent. ''Good hea venstDo-yo- u iJ whof tiad-- it :;flfat.-When he waaautl hf f 'Rfilf rtBafef ejL8afc?ML'fe:1 if t tic It II lJiJgiI,JHITCI"?"t ""- w Hitt't gladly agreed- - ' how"we:TigfriB turn the corner, andEheft Wkept tell' died, if cametoie7-n-d aowlfbrthe a trlaUx- bcen"TrAhyTiId yfWTunaway?" - ing hint to turn .corners,, until finally second time in my life I am tisinglt ihalTlopiSto dall could only jelata how Jtfrs.: Winter ybii youalsd.tp-nlght- ; was ", Bui'rendered ? But rArchiec':-- who had first Tba Jh!ug he started-oout.----, fknew you heiongedT saw the sign, 4 and meanwhile, will you accept as a "had flewed like a bird, sir; Into a big one-hal- f be told him hla shoes pg Ue took' be Miss to him; of the by ..' . liugged potatoes.' andthen Vlll-yoMr8i wialegayethiuaa-thfi-baii- k token from a friend who trusts you. red motor car anfirgonejiff, help me Had my-boSmith and the other to be clapped on and socks and put his feet lit J -know-h- e note, counseling him to keep his eyes he'e, thiari She-- took- A litET5SS?rB nf hot mustard and water. . the-- ahouWeylrtrtrocleseemedbt off ftfid aBeB-dcaf white gone ih atii handadJLie I had got Into toy fatelw--bet-fMCpeiT'toT "the two b e know hjjt arerrnra.in'eir-rKiiitirt reWrt-tto and ,MBgEefeajqBygra.tbar arth he" was urirMilltctrtmiiMTyztodh H e: was me"du:atTng'ua"litB.. next sher general. And "she tel. giving bis number, sljould he see any doubt in.. hls.tnIndOyld.eijtjeil s ly saw the cook do that when 8h answer enough.-Onhe be to as either man tr boy. - It wquld be very lief blew the last shred away now, left' him bowing low. " She entered the whenvBirdsairwaa annbuttccd- - below, ried you was "question-wthe by peeling the potatoes, and nothing whea warm as and repeated a '"Haven't you such a thirg as a tele- - motor car. It was no longer a lone The detective looked well worth hla while. "I'm would did he persuade him that this was not herself hour Mrs. Wihter. reply: The chauffeur did hot Interrupt, but phone somewhere?" cried Rebecca motor." Another car steamed - and tired as the colonel- had felt an I've a 'pflrt of the process. Aunt necessary but Rebecca, see sorry, to not awfully eager ha shook his head over th departing Atinter, ";Tlme Js precious.: z Can't snorted hear ; by. In which sat the be fore. .Rupert was of.br d s rMi , - . J . miaSr7Z n - - Ut ik. o -- II the-bo- . I - r r XCLiil 1 ii . y Tiad-riee- -- - -- ; to-m- -- -- 4 slie-steppe- -- d ranlhW-ficrutiny-bebln- iaiiiiia e 1 . disap-pearance- . - jonei . -- ir devil-wagon- , 6ayV!r-tfeenii4-:'fat- h MJ111-ren- -- ' irV-a- -- jror T5MBBIC;hC ' e e '. -- - ur soft-carvie- n d . e- --,.- ta-youL- .al . -- full-fledge- a ' me -- $(itBei. -- as-th- -- the-iurkrr- . . she-coul- -- cer -- hpii-tenc- ddl ," -- -c- - g s so-ver-y -W- as-w- 1 Mt'imJ'ZW . TIP . "i rleerertceaSplacedJ!yy p hij-luirki- wlth-tninu- te you-.Th- at's s e nei-wasn- alrgstTriylBgu)ar:'ar i- , : - . op-fli- bTmeeWT -- nl.ghtftirladyijiiwjnj hv-h- ... . r Jt t :, ialret ' !"-exclalroed .. -- - at -- 7-- u -- ath yr "- - -- i - t. who.-reward- . |