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Show THE Page Eight In the District Court Within and For Carbon County, State of Utah In the matter of the Estate of of Spring Glen Water & Light also W. HAMMOND JOSEPH W. HAMMOND, deCompany to Amend Its Articles Known as J. ceased. Probate No. 1848. of Incorporation and its NOTICE TO CREDITORS Creditors will present claims Notice is hereby given that a to the unspecial meeting of the stockhold- with vouchers attached ers of the Spring Glen Water & dersigned executrix at her resiatLight Company, a corporation of dence in Price, Utah, or to her the State of Utah with its princi- torney Therald N. Jensen at his before pal place of business at Spring office in Price, Utah, on or1949. of 24th the October, day will be the at held Glen, Utah, MABEL C. HAMMOND public school at Spring Glen, CarExecutrix of the Estate of bon County, Utah, on the 1st day Joseph W. Hammond also of July, 1949, at the hour of 8:00 known as J. W. Hammond, deoclock p.m. for the purpose of ceased. considering and taking necessary action on proposals to amend the THERALD N. JENSEN Articles of Incorporation of the Attorney for Executrix Price, Utah company as follows: Publication: June 23, 1949 First It is proposed to amend Articles I, V, VI, and IX so that Last Publication: July 14, 1949 henceforth the same will read as IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN follows: AND FOR CARBON COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH ARTICLE I In the Matter of the Estate of The name of this corporation HANNAH GAILLARD, Deceased. shall be SPRING GLEN WATER NOTICE TO CREDITORS COMPANY. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the ARTICLE V undersigned executrix at her residence at Ferron, Utah or to her The amount of the capital stock attorney, Duane A. Frandsen, at of this corporation shall be Forty his office at Price, Utah on or beThousand Dollars ($40,000) divi- fore the 19th day of August, 1949. ded into 200 shares of the par (S) Anna Margaret Fulmer, Executrix of the last will and value of Two Hundred Dollars testament of Hannah Gaillard, ($200) each, 100 shares of which deceased. have been issued and fully paid, DUANE A. FRANDSEN, NOTICE OF SPECIAL STOCKHOLDERS MEETING By-La- attached which 100 outstanding shares shall be by the holders thereof, surrendered to the company in exchange for new certificates bearing the amended name of the corporation. The remaining 100 shares shall be held by the company and sold at par value to the residents of Spring Glen, Carbon County, Utah, who may desire to become stockholders of the ARTICLE VI The purpose for which this corporation is formed is to supply water for domestic and culinary purposes to its stockholders in and near Spring Glen, Carbon County, Utah, and if the company has surplus water and its facilities permit, to supply water for domestic and culinary purposes to other residents in and near Spring Glen, Carbon County, Utah, upon such terms and conditions as the stockholders may determine and to do all acts and things necessary, convenient, or desirable for carrying out said objects and purposes. This corporation is not organized, however, for pecuniary profit. ARTICLE IX Attorney for Executrix, Price, Utah. First Publication: June 16, 1949. Last Publication: July 7, 1949. to creditors NOTICE Estate of James, Cima, also known as Jim Cima, decreased, Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Spring Glen, Utah, or to Luke G. Pappas, attorney at law, Price, Utah, on or before the 11th day of August, A. D., 1949. PETE CIMA Administrator of the Estate of James Cima, also known as Jim Cima, decreased. LUKE G. Pappas Attorney at Law 3 East Main Street Price, Utah First Publication: June 9, Last Publication: June 30, 1949 1949 Au-mi- ct - er one-fif- By-la- non-user- (43-CF- th R Juno E Head 8020 Mine Last Wednesday For Another Term , Pete Stoyanoff, leader operator the Kaiser Snnnyside Mine, narrowly escaped death last Wednesday through the valiant efforts of his working buddies. Pete was pinned against the loader by a sudden rock fall. Jerry Hermander, who was working near, leaped to safety but returned immediately to aid Pete, who was being strangled by the pressure of the rock against his neck. Hermander worked vigorously to free Stoyanoff enough to permit him to breathe and then rushed for help. With Jack Bean-soKen Otterstrom Ruban and Jesue Fabela he returned to extricate Pete from under the heavy rock. Working rapidly, they treated his wounds and prepared him for transportation to the outside and the hospital. Upon his arrival at the hospital, it was diagnosed that Petes neck was fractured, his lower jaw broken on both sides, and his cheek bone cracked along with severe face and head lacerations, Dr. F. V. Colombo, chief of staff at the Dragerton hospital, indicated that it was only the careful and thorough first aid treatment which kept Mr. Stoyanoff from succombing to the injuries at Frank Sinter , was again named to head UMW 8020 at Kaiser for the next two years. Also on the top part of the ticket were Doug Tollis as vice president, John Maxey, treasurer; Frank Sacco, financial secretary; Devola Sprauge as recording secretary and Tony Durrant as doorkeeper. Heber Ward and Bill Clark were elected to the safety commit- tee. The new pit committee consists of George Martinez, Ken Otter-stro- m and Alvin Harold. The tellers appointed are John Maxey, Mike Fratto and Louis Poppilis. The sick committee, consists of Sunter, Tollis and Sacco. non-elec-t- PUBLIC AUCTION On the 15th day of July at 2:00 p.m. at the store building, Spring Utah, Spring Canyon Canyon, Coal Company will offer for sale to the highest bidder at public auction the following mining ma3 No. 35 chinery and parts: Goodman Mining Machines, Type 12A, Universal, Serial Nos. 826, 2 No. 50 Goodman 827, 1899. Mining Machines, Type 12AA, Serial Nos. 4437, 4997. Sundry Goodman Mining Machine parts, value approximately Sundry No. 3G0 Goodman Loading Machine parts, inventory value approximately A detailed list of all machinery and parts is available for inspection at the companys office at Spring Canyon, Utah, and at 818 Newhouse Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, during business hours Monday through Friday. The machinery and parts are, during business hours, available tor inspection at the Companys mine at Spring Canyon, Utah. First Publication: June 23, 1949 Last Publication: July 14, 1949 inventory $4,000.00. NOTICE TO WATER USERS The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to appropriate water in Carbon county, State of Utah, throughout the entire year, unless otherwise designated, all locations being n, Ber-tsc- h, rd. Kelleys and Keys Made to Order lawnmower Voters OHiter reside15 oDtl '"Si till f :? newly saffiPle week .j .pipe : land rporat' ..ration s ration" of the re001, ten, 10 the rf, indii J NEW AERIAL AMBULANCE :e incorp1 asice of ' option for AND DELIVERY SERVICE aid ex m by. Sprina Kanijon O Safe, dignified, speedy transportation of sick of the Mr. Joe Stoker said he would like an b. baby boy. (just ask and you will receive). A fine big baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stoker on Fathers day, June 19th, at the Price hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Shepherd and family of Lehi, former residents, visited friends here on Wednesday, June 21st, and attended the stake banquet held in the Helper auditorium that evening before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Wall and family are vacationing at Jerome, Enroute Idaho, for two weeks. they will visit Evan Wall, brother of Orval, and a former resident. Mr. Evan is very ill at a Salt Lake City hospital, having undergone in ijinst the erf ch his injured Asked what he would like for Fathers day by his wife, Carol. and tar incor; ;( then : O Avoids long, slow train and auto delivery O Standard rates, prompt and courteous service prefere I einc WALLACE MORTUARY CARBON I EMERY FLYING SERVICE PHONE 158 PRICE The n coa 's Phone 083R2 Jsain ic Lewis h Ireurn leone 0 jirjmin I amine The laiea a j Columl I Stales Utah $8. liners jh T j he Lit! notice sines report LJO duded I "On a fast trip to Carlsbad Caverns I averaged 25 miles per gallon. O. D. Kent, Box 231, Greeley, Colorado. The It Lewi: ofthi days days his hey he i a hat Se iirio ers mgs V noti por Hot mir day 1 tk seg a li no Si up 11 Only one car in America is a full year ahead in style with fender-enclose- d full-siz- wheels. It's the Nash one-piec- e; models. It's It Airflyte! Only one car has the Uniscope and curved windshield on all s the hash 600 t Airflyte! Only one car is built the new, modern way Girder-buiwith the Unitized Only owe car has the true Weather Eye Conditioned Air system. lt Body-and-Fram- e. the Nash Airflyte! Only one car has seats so wide they can turn into Twin Beds offers more more more road clearance and is only 62 inches high. head-roo- pi e Only one car can take over 25 miles to the gallon of gas, you at average highway speed. leg-roo- It's the Nash Airflyte! Compare the features Slze compare the above all, compare value! Let your Nash dealer demonstrate. N,,h ''60" - 6, T15S, R13E. Protests resisting the granting of any of the foregoing applications with reasons therefor, must be in affidavit form with extra copy and filed with the State Engineer, 403 State Capitol, Salt Lake City 1, Utah, on or before August 6, 1949. HAROLD A. LINKE State Engineer First Publication: June 16, 1949 Last Publication: July 14, 1949 ! ridii n. ng r will ng 12-f- Royal j amine 1 Creek V. n. tu not Provu, Ut. 500 ac. ft. for miscellaneous use from Grassy Trail Creek at a point S. 3200'W from NE Cor. Sec. 1, T14S, R13E, which is the center of an impounding dam to be constructed to a height of CO ft. The reservoir will have a capacity of 500 ac. ft., and will! inundate 40 acrej of land embraced in NW4. SW4, and SEti Sec. 1, T14S, R13E. Tht water will be stored when available from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, and will be released from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 and conveyed by pipe a distance of 72 miles where it will be used for domestic purposes and industrial uses incidental to the manufacture of coke, which uses will consume all of the water. 20423 Leslie Cox, co Milton stock-wateri- 1 led idle Kaiser & Frazer Parts Ironton Division, Coruoration, Backman, Attorney, 515 Zions Saving Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City, Ut. .05 sec. ft. for use from Gooseberry Spring Area at a point N. 1895.58 ft. and W. 575.58 ft. from E4 Cor Sec. 16, T15S, lfl5E. The spring area beginning at a point N. 1895.58 ft. and W. 375.58 ft. from Ei Cor. said Sec. 16, is embraced in the following traverse: N. 100 ft, W. 200 ft, S. 200 ft, E. 200 ft, N. 100 ft, to beginning. From a collection box the water will be conveyed by pipe a distance of 50 ft. to a t. metal trough where it will be used from May 1 to Nov. 30 to water 300 head of cattle. 20429 Mike J. Himonas, Box 294, Price, Ut. .015 sec. ft. for use from a well, 200 ft. deep at a point S. 1000 ft. and E. 3 ft. from NW Cor. em other 20409 Sec. 0 laded ect Sec. 36, SEVi Sec. 25, T14S, R14E. The water will be stored from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. It will be conveyed by pipe a distance of 7 miles where it will be used from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 for quenching coke, washing of coal, culinary use of the coal mine and other uses incidental to the manufactor-in- g of coke and mining of coal. stock-wateri- u Serf rarious Fuel Company, Judge Bldg., Salt Lake City, Ut. 5 sec. ft. for miscellaneous use from Range Creek at a point S. 6700 W. 1565 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 36, T14S, R14E, which is the center of an impounding dam to be constructed to a height of 75 ft. The reservoir will have a capacity of 370 ac. ft., and will inundate 15 acres of land embraced in NE4 20204 Mr and Mrs. But is rep and Mrs. Clyde Hasemger vacationing this john as doing nicely now. ltie e vacationing at Long Beach, Utah, amos ' Wall family left Friday, Ju for two weeks. Mr. will Visit California, be tr ?acts her Oma Clark is spending Mr. and mJs. is going to try his luck Hasemger Mr. of anap vacation at the home Donna visited in as at deep sea fishing. Mrs. Aaron Shepherd at Lehi, ""t lajj Mrs. Henry Day are week. and Mr. the guest of Snarron and Lorraine Bishop Grant B t spending their vacation at ...,nnp Park ly a, a isitln Mr. and Mrs. Wally Walker 0 The following han and Mrg Curti3 Brinker visited San Francisco, California, huff, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Ander- sils removed Friday r Mis. and Mr. of at the home Mr. son and Mrs. Sophia Torgersen the Standardville hosrvn George Wakefield last week. went to Washington for their nicely: Walker is the grand son of Mrs. vacation. Francke, Olive and Wakefield. A farewell party was given by the genealogy class for Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ericson, Friday even- of ing, June 24th, in the basement were Table games the church. played and strawberry shortcake; LOCK TOOL SERVICE was served to the following: Mr. and and Mrs. Ralph Ericson, Mr. Mrs. Clinton Anderson, Mr. and! Mrs. Joe Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. James Gomichec, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Clark, Mrs. Charlotte MarSAW T00L SHARPBilNc shall from Wellington, Affalone Jensen from Centerfield, Sophia Phone S38 69 South Main Helper, lly Torgersen, Mrs. Ila Jensen andj Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Burton of a lung operation. Pete Stoyanoff Hurt Seriously In Kaiser . NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of L. R. FULLMER, also known as Leonard Ray Fullmer, also known as Len Fullmer, and being one and the same person, Deceased. from SLB&M. Creditors will present their claims with voucheres to the undersigned in care of her attorneys, Dart & Sheya, at their offices in the Bonomo Building, Price, Utah, on or before the 25th day of The regular annual meeting of 1Q4Q on the stockholders shall be held AGNES D. FULLMER, the second Monday in January of Executrix of the ' state of the above named deceased. each year for the election of directors and the transaction of such Attorneys for Executrix: DART & SHEYA, general business as may properly Bonomo Building, come before such meeting. SpecUtah. ial meetings of the stockholders Price, First Publication: June 16 ,1949. may be called by the president, Last Publication: July 7, 1949. by any three directors, or by any U. S. DEPARTMENT OF TnE number of stockholders holding not less than 25 percent of the INTERIOR, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT outstanding stock entitled to vote at such meetings, and notice of District Land Office. Notice is special stockholders meetings shall hereby given that at the hour tnd be given to each stockholder en- date and subject to the terms titled to vote at such meeting by specified below, the land hereadvertisement in a weekly news- inafter described, known to conpaper published in Carbon Coun- tain coal in commerical quantities, ty, Utah, for three successive pub- will be offered for coal lease at lications next preceding the date public auction in the District Land of said meeting or by mailing at Office named below to the qualiSpring Glen, Utah to each stock- fied bidder of the highest cash holder at his address as shown by amount as a bonus for the privithe books of the company, lawful lege of leasing under section 2 postage prepaid, a copy of such of the Act Of February 25, 1920 notice at least ten days prior to (41 Stat. 438, 30 U. S- C. sec. 201). the date of such meeting. At all A lease, if issued, will also constockholders meetings each tain substantially the other terms shall be entitled to one set out in the Standard lease vote for each share of stock held form and contain a proviby him as shown by the books of sion that the lessee shall not disthe corporation which he may cast criminate against any employee in person or by written proxy. or applicant for employment beIt is proposed to add a new ar- cause of race, creed, color or national origin and shall require ticle as follows: an identical provision to be inARTICLE X cluded in all subcontracts. On the date of the auction, the highest These Articles of Incorporation must bidder with the may be amended or repealed con- Manager of the deposit District Land Offormable to the laws of the State fice a certified check on a solof Utah by a vote representing at vent bank or cash for least a majority in amount of the of the amount of the bid and file outstanding stock of the corpora- a showing of qualifications to retion entitled to vote at a special ceive a lease required under 43 stockholders meeting of the cor- CFR 193.7 Prior to the is(b). poration called for that purpose suance of a lease the highest bidupon the same notice as other der must pay the remainder of special stockholders meetings are the bonus bid, the annual rental called as provided in these Ar- at the rate of 25 cents an acre ticles of Incorporation. and to submit a satisfactory bond It is also proposed to amend of the amount specified herein Article X of the of the and five lease forms. company to specify the term upon 193.13). Bidders are warned which stock in the company shall against violation of Section 1860, be sold, the rates to be charged Title 18, U. S. Code prohibiting s, users and provisions combination or intimidation of with respect to the installation bidders. The right is reserved to and maintenance of meters, and reject any and all bids. Serial the obligations of stockholders 026325. Hour and date of auction: and users with respect there to 10 oclock A. M. July 26, 1949. and with respect to making con- Terms: Minimum bonus of $1.00 nections or extensions to any ex- an acre, royalty rate of 10 isting line or lateral of the com- cents a ton mine run, a minimum pany. investment of $15,000 during the This notice is given and pub- three years of the lease and a lished by order of the Eoard of minimum production of 20,000 Directors of the Spring Glen tons a year beginning with the fourth lease year. Lands to be Water & Light Company. leased: T. 13 S., R. 8 E S. L. E. B. MILLER M., Utah. Sec. 10, NEV4; Sec. 11. Secretary NWi, WI2NEV4, containing 400 acres. Manager. District Land MARTIN MILLARICII Office, Salt Lake City, Utah. President ERNEST E. HOUSE First Publication: June 9, 1949 First Publication: June 9, 1949 Last Publication: June 30, 1949 Last Publication: July 7, 1949 stoc-hold- Frank Sunter To SUN-ADVOCAT- 23 South Carbon Avenue Price, Old |