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Show CONFIRMED) Ledges Well Defined and Surface Showing Is Most Promising. eee <= iBert Hitt Strikes $400 Ore) Cut in 00Five-Foot Feet of Vein Gold East of Oro Belle Tunnel. Black 5 u Pe Quartz, Incking definiteness, ‘waal for strengthening. the the rumer of # ‘bond -ieto have a slightly dampwell not « at all bend such a Che by the however, hac coinpany h < prospect granting beer it is a already of | 1,000 that| contem added 300,000 eel Hvely in the to daily . : es price is Position the Strong. Sloux has has number a in line the those for the Colcrado's southern Interested fault fs completely there is has big out ef in ore not|fYom body, even have have any such development the that with water a a faulting. dad work a It large plentiful has eight miles just tered in the Iron Blossom are to the as much almost mean they do to-{ts neighbor, for.if is picked up in the makes it virtually sure threugh Sioux greund. HILLS WILL ground, great DIVIDEND , Curtailed Shades p. West.. *s taken to as Sloux the vein MLAD BUYS a Ing | \ the taut: Mr. ground few days work Levy could ) lay the out the group New Mill. is activity spring in and the the may is a BUSHWHACKER. Roye have 500 fee said Mr... M¢ the ore sy ' ba 07 It 08 has for a strong 5u cents system as extends the outlined by the earlier pros- Irgn Blo: ny Ledges in Wt i LOO som. 1.000 4&¢ Be partes Anne3 nd the hanes fe . Bien grade could be the 3$1.016.40 streak selected donment. c county, imboldt Royal on the t "and also come at 1.200 to inspect eae ilde di lar ding ~ ikeon the advic Cole & BROEERS 1@@ Salt Atlas Lake Block| City. Branch Eureka, grou id. Chicago, Creameries Boitter ; and p kes. 13,-Butter March 2 dairies 22@28e; <, Offee Utah. to \¢ Na ake e ter-|} -eOPFe : 2 Oe er delays In making big , But D R 97 4 ae OR | U buyer 60 40% 1.800 at have MINES 783 Weat The , decided that In 1c 29 it will in the is _M.- \ NIA VUT JAMES 6 STOCKS South A. POLLOCK and ae le oe z listed SOUTH CITry.- oe avances eral a¢ ae TELEPHONES seld JOHN C, GUTLER, PRODUCE MARKET. f Chicuge. decline of one atGeen bLiver- , fearly 1 the an doen @ 3900 . 100 "at tee . en Wa olata' owners ts Said trust the new s | Pollock $70) 9 1.20 } 3.01 1-25) the t made ang oF 5 contrel hele th t sold 4c at | | Oats } Market Heatiecd) ere. bearishly: irte t ui affe cte dj at "} bul May ‘ | Ste and sold up: to 63 Pre islons were ra ‘the cau liberal oF opened we tu Special = of Prices. r t | donna 7 r 21 Wir = he apr the at: V1. id 823 oy Liwa %.674. Te -Ribs homi Am, ol "jl in 954@ic. y 2@ic Bn strong The high- - mae ; = 4 ae a fly latte or part of th Corday : ho 07 o Hessian 0 ‘ de 1 . = sell- ar rn emisten Range Nog Rime of So Hailston general ae fi} og | it | Bid. | Asked Jal SR. 3) Bonds, snsae JStocks, mais Stocks, Othe r Wels race Investments omch ae Both Vhone® 127 36 Main St. to - ig' Hills we Silva e 676. ~ iS, é " Falrvir sr, ore ey ade on e@ securitic BOI trad- sold P OVE ma DIS' ec RICTS. Neévada Pitts] & co. BROKERS WEST SECOND SALT LAKE pulak ie sircet. Orders promptly executed 6on NEW YORK, BOSTON AND SAN PR ANCISCO Steck Hxchguges and re stock is itl a azo. It . Private leased wires over LOGAN AND BRYAN SYSTEM l < ing fo AND Second BANKERS hes the | e996 .000, as compared }-=° an ae ithe same day a year ia @14, POARD ee ater es Street. ee ) 15 09 ig $$ ie g mean a big mpared 1} 14 { innel. 500° at STe, buyer 920 at) 100 86c: at. 500) Bre ait se Ze 1,100 a. . Y y ne shops: can Re) w Han S14 minutes ae an N ‘ bucket o 07 28 c A level Mining .. 1 5 P Salt Lake Clty. é CORMRESPONDENCB SOLICITED. Inake copper as cheap as possible andi| sell it for the best price to be obtained without regard to any agreement. This return to a reasonable policy Isjin favor of copper stocks. It is of particular importance to those companies in' Nevada that can: produce copper metal cheaply from yast deposits of low grade ore It means a great boom for smel- kk M ae technical conditions /ot nih so that sharp reactions must}? hig dedi O AO eres with their aaa recently. tex-fing tended to the Cobalt. Issues. Bonds of |p Nevada Consolidated Copper comrose from 11S to 125. wiich Isa nal _B Cc i ¢ q j in. Wall street. > stocks were lielped by the improv - condition of the metal meeeet tat The Amalgamated is understood Butie Bulitrog Bu G : Consoifdated have been surprising Tim 6 SPM market in Wall street 0 & discov the prematur i; being done has weak- ; sed in authoritles+get:.veady, Norcross w Jacket lence : aie t Bike Sie Sic 264¢. Gover ey ly a aid Ii p < , OO} rh A r - ivy ¢ iying market demand eres u through the day us 65a ‘ Nevada, mining us ee of would ‘w Sales. the showed tor pieces that Atte rnovn From the run ut . trom|, | 48¢ Nexada a Hills, 200 -at $2.95; caine on GuneareeUn, Re ne| Drone ties, yen a aoe Sil Slo i Shield. 1.500 ted Consoljd at 12c 1.100 1 "Hieho |:[= Low, 100 mi a Bin ‘ J 4 ae ‘ nsn } Coal'n ed ES el R.| i g v0 G0 days 00 at 72 69.00 | 104.50 3 64.00 } ‘ : March 1¢ rn factory 3 ir + + tals iv.|* 0 @zec. + + ar trregu-|# 2ic; do] OKL 3 AT ee receipts BR ene Or ‘ported yesterduy by the samplers: Pioneer-Utah, 1. Taylor & Brunten-Utah, 1; Call" i; : unchange western es g ts isc; Sec- SAMPLES. fornia, ttt «. su, Foy bit 10N Union Pach U. 5 f C = Pre 2 : tah Goppe 60 1.720 250 264 968] ‘otal 65] Money { 1.365 1,ooo} 30 | Bade io t t 5,000, se Market ee r .6 mixed 4:49 b4.70; rough ‘ 1.40; buik of eae! sales closed New mel 7,300 at_13@2 : t Ta ut 45¢ 2 es.0.600$8,7 n OPENe BOARD.s at 75 100 100 yh ld, i 90.00 i4 15 ‘ 1 19 u , v0 | wee $ = 1sSales 1 an ow 600) ‘ $.12 2.000 2 il rat:26 Aare You $10,136 Waiker-$-_-_.-- WOOL | +) +} *); broker, 216 D. MARKET. St. Louls. Louls, Mareh 14.-Wool stez ry and western mediums 20) mediums 18@20c; fine 16@17c,| a ---- Chicago, Mareh 13.-Wool] et ett +9 easy; no change 12 prices prices market your can rely orders on x 09.12 and Phones 49 | $1.50 J. 20 40.475 ania Murkets. 1 r Of wlth io veh copper commodities us to fill promptly 7 1.123 R12 6 ini unite ester ete i 60@4.70; the wer Wer l tin, b advanced} 1 cd $3.6 0; $29 624 @30.00. | ied ut us| fe 6.10: spot,! CITIZEN'S COAL CO. St, f 00 ye ~~ Metal Ma was with the coal you want. We have all kinds and are exelusive retailers of Diamond 153 Main 5O Reiss 12} ) ee *s steck x 11.50 3 7 pric RELIABILITY shares, " 1 iged York mpvell. 16.75 ! O28 Boe 50) lead was | warrant LSqutk 1ern attle 75.06 8.7 : G $50 1 eee unt 8 about 54% | .Close- s a B O7% 4 High. es ' 1200 A. b | Sheep-Receipts ‘ stead) Nati 1 00@6.3a2 ¥¢ 6.004 19 UPA. 20 cent - i Lor °5 5 oa ) | | 50 ' cy ep sald Value of per York ek Curb List. Pri Wire a ‘ 5 4 +| + . ZANE 75 5 15,50 20.00 20.50 69,00 | 69. uF 92.00 110 su 32 62.00 | « q y U ankee, r ¥ Beni $ 15.6 « 1 20.50 = STA O44 4444444446444444 444 44440) F + | machinery Co. hal $2.05 -_--_--_-+>+ t ° Delivered Anywhere 4 5 J } > > Activity of the metal stocks stirred the mining shares upon tie: curb}! where Cumberland Ely, Nevada Conand Goldfield solidated, Goldnels Dalsy : QUOTATIONS | Child, due truction alone would F ue Will be cheerfully given you by ealling up cither phone, No. 325. is = Pe of a ine ng "w a "08 oy 208 wh i oe er Avice, 9 with. COMSTOCK. 48e; at 4 expected as the advance progresses. Washington let it be known officially , the bucket shops are to be in- ; a Regent. na = in developed m1 A leager on News ae oll strike in: thiel)sq° i in! athens Wonder King cla im. hetirt the near to this clty|orty. br the ground has struck high grade at aj Juab district was li known depth of 30 feet, which he is sacking, | yesterday by C. Overson oe oOo! W vanchman of that lor and the company has agreed to put up} encountered not witht 1 d hoist for his use." dst japan PrP. C. Thompson, who is a nephew digging a well foi gee. r, . y 3 strike ts regarded as uot o of Samuel Newhouse, the L tah mining mirtdnce sonnthae mecount i and muiti-millionaire, has NCr'>COverson a MHA HES ai foil Ae a Tors bought "the Captain Jinks group in the three and one-half. mi se ee yut o )departm same neighborhood, and active work] of ab station he tu d, to: di ‘ L| jand Sl trfrom by the companies will be commenced well oath a. view jof getlng Cpr without necessary delay st Pepe mates than chit} ae 10h prop the big arent e conuie eae yore a whieh I, in with Wice President Amenn & of Scott Scott Walter Re practically the entire tonnage] the well in such at entities: thitheae camp tor the firm's sampler at/ forced to abandon it as a well & eer Feature atfae cadh water. Baer n. Two cars from the Kea1 I > iq hie sold un to While there is some Saturday re sent there feature of the San Franwell, the oil le a gre reore cars from the arket yesterda cecoradlr to @2 tng nee than the water, shipped Sunday. The Kear "Pollock special It was stated that 1® has no doubt that fining company) five foot ledge of ore running #200 4 (Original Rawhide a could be developed the Murray one ton had been uncovered is snipping one car, depth. is ees. Sa TS cur und the Royal one Homestauke Posts Dividend. 13.-The Homestuke has declared a reguvidend of 50 pays Mars hese fu aac March 20. UTAH STOCK of "11 are' 10 ringale 2089 oF 200 at $2°'100-at of aoe s 16 20%4! yaa oa 25e per package of3 cakes [dence immediately and furnish the be-|} 10 i0 88 | aree a att a 28 Bisel Jvc Con eoitaa "4,800 at S2c, 100 a Ma lara 100 at $5.30: 200 at $3.52): $3.36:. 100 -at 3. en! seller Go 500 at u oid ays Point. 1.700. at. 2%¢ ng. Good Gre Sos at {146 Ozh! =. 08 Bae a ue street °° oan unexpectud .12 Oba) 10° oO ia te 12 48 15 | 4 ¥ ek Ag, OF the that wert made P 2 public today Tron: things Washington. | | ji_---__1/1r/css tntie nies lanned for a be vers 3 1. $0 08 49 NHelevOnRe cand "77 iy BO | 8.92% 10 02) vS10 52908 mineral-bearing ic a5 09‘ 35 i 4 : | 053a¢) TU | 4 pls asantly. Ty wasexpected: cial announcement would be that madesort:a limit} 10 re -10 52 re Bee parallel ‘quartz ledges in: the porphyry with cross fissures; and large ore, shoots} are found at the intersections. Pour miles north of the main camp ts being} Bee ane a new part of the district which area Ou { ate brn to the | 15.00 ! "10 (24! 60. of running for sec6nd disapas_ it 3s . if | Goldfield been Wall from pure Olive Oil. Lathers freely. 4 4 last two months the conferences have been progressing and when J. Pierpont Morgan salled for Europe it was his opinion that they would terminate 7 eels fo in Castile; cleansing. ror inspired among the shorts by dis-|@* ¢¢ wi j a | covery of what the big people have t The Never Substitutors , been dolng at Washington. For the 0444464444454646644 4444248 com- wees rid E | seal overflow : will be joimed by} At 43 Feet in Stock Well Gas}*=as bighhi . as Bs York friends of Mining "nas. Notes.returned" and Oil; Force Aban| Roniing "We ein.' for -10 08 assured. Reno, be obtained cross the face rood value of Arbe * a hy aetekes aptait iin as bought from t Cz ae RR Moder Se und the purchasers Michigan and N Captain Hooper. ' $6 RANCHER STRIAES, of the stock The zer. nd =<! 3. | 063} com- have Made 4 4 Bath and | eae e - the tl ae 1 inonth 7 S 1:02 08 23 1 || Ba 3.374 viding a fund aniple for th: Goldfield, N ments contemplated, {t ha s rt | garded by the management Gor wisdom to slow down or i shige irks | dence on the he Florence - the hope that far greater profitils | ted King, one of the properties ownx+ b realized later. on. t te a fed uy Florence Goldfield Mining com| pany In an upraise from the 400-foot ie evel the high grade was entered, and jiteds ne rh ay s equal to any ore in Yr | ness iat has yet been f d in | deposit the extent The rank et ¢ date of |, 47D. sAsthann E;: HW. Mead,>a ‘w eli-known Gold-{ Who was in and Utah opera tor, ] > ere e sentative of the ‘ "4 ue when the large while district greatly . : {| 2.00 4) 1 ' leases may camp summer catching Rawhide, Vhe | 021 "Ts 1W Bue i have been possible before j belt ae ee j easily could company the Thile ISENG. RED EN STHIIKE HICH the | at. even ore, grade high enough price. of silver, to eep:} CSN at the regular rate of Florence Anuex Compiuny Makes the beside Biggest of Hecent Finds. ¢ ents a share a quarter, Utahn Controls} Captain Hooper, Rawhide ¢ sroup. ; 9 ned he Goldtield, Nev Ma rch 13.-Captain| of the Begoles Mines syndicate ; i ! already meals 60 56 re- oi: 174 ents, With field ‘ "46 lasting. Two rooming houses are beestabIs being ing built, a newspaper lished' and. a» bank. is golng in. Good That the Nevada Hille Mining company will‘ pass the~-dividend, notie of which ig now. due, there is no sooner 60 urcka | witnessed on Hill's refreshing enneur ement enabled shorts to, learn Pent was under way, Seth: Low has' a the great medi-|) "tor between the railroads and the.administration and lie has. been successful The bills to be introduced next San Francisco Quotations, week will co ee industrial cor pora= Pollock: Special Wire. tions with th anidann i nding that they SS" Five ul y ty thelr operGOLDFIELD ations; i galize pooling among , Bid. | Askea, | railroads an q will adjust conditions beBATGatarT is os i3....,. | tween ‘capital and labor Ins a way ge i 23 that s will ‘be very rate ‘inthe | --«ses| future, This legislation' willbe. of | i Ud tremendous importance and colserva1 ea v1 tive people believe it will restore confi- 14 a .18 pe irt clieon atePackuca, te | | 1.50 develop- and otoe coe 00 05 45° 1 1.59 , out In that tg the camp several 44 2.00 I Le 1 2 fi .16 |, the if 1 38 a s'50 ‘06 .14 3 aot u.0u every leased || | |} o | pick been says, be farm it to return to for have 1.60 .44 2.00/ 11) 208| iG ‘Sake sintat dividends s re use of its contemplated capacity several months ago, with a net profit of about $100,000 a month. It willl be. several monthsyet befor@: the anill will. be| completed. 6 1.3 her tHe oda i 4tter; sith lier 1.60°| 431. occupa- he can I ae : TIME COMES the In-imarket are being urged to hold on. But ze tons is|it is a fact that the excitement now|} , Delay in construction of the mill at' Pachuca is a souree of pointment to the management, { 3 -.173) and other southern camps are contributing to the influx of prospectors and investors. Lack of sleeping accormino- Low \ whether in policy ‘ trolling inte rest in emily owns er Mining company, icres on the west be 1G Eaadintniee Wonder King claims, on which the nold lease is located, and lying j 004.4260 7.50 8 50 | napa meet Avid dividens 5 should ‘| calculated to Rawhide it is Mr evy's opinion "8 earning power, are con-|that four or. five good will b templated, | openc d When questloned in regard to he The most Important of the proposed five aa cfreulated } of MORRIS IS MANAGER OF improveme nts in a mill for treating the] ¢ ore in» plac had HORN SILVER COMPANY coinpany's large bodies of Jow grade eonac ivtie boomed banip ores, Plunis s for the mlll have been } ir the Rerent section f . 7 ' ; carried to the point where tl pro-| ledges with ap] } a 5 eee the sfull teil to required: cess' the resigne ha I A isworth [ t n i. ‘D e: GON side Ve ae * niin aent h ores Carbonate s6th} "Silt of the of manager position Mining company and M, C. Morris nae But: progress along:-the oO! thie e properties in the Rer¢ temporarily: been has Mor-| Mr. place the to appointed r a large of performing | encountering been time for some h he duties of s In the company's | phide ore in the mine » Phi Bec m days; nong re a1 further thoroughly office in this 5 neal there ground mean | it will aa lay some s atfairs. the co with miliar A: re is now Regent ago. -require- | Ye2rs ture ground § for the that to| at Frisco the mine at present is at get in close! toucl with operations] nients will be more yi ie tely covered | as an extension of the Rawhide 3 5 there and it is not known of chunge is to be any there ianagement. the | Nest]. E. & jB.3. ; Bell ao. Centre ralena . L. oe & faminoih| Mamn lot th Ty a g.i a by Of 260 on 2 Sa pa Ney ooo il si 32, pia a even W -cent copper ire rice' mM to we went 18). | up production. even per cent ny's> preferred «2D| 30 granted. from by se} + <| Prices, Money Needed for | cutiuns J the carp ts Jost now a ee . ous drawback, but one that will not be encoun- so that the situation encouragement -_---_-$-__---_ Carisa Con, Me taken ey, Bid. [aa 2 00 21>} 1°2.36 ee ene in Ln group that is accomplished eens ; Shipments . Gift In of ment official unnouncement on the subject has been made, but it is said that the directors are all agreed that i buslness poliley to puss the dividend at this time. his is not recause ti 1eTe S u is not in the treasy iry enough a it the drift Ils in the manganese formation Oo pay vidend, but it is which Invariably leads to ore In nelgh-]reason chiefly that ext boring one of one | ar, for owners cared to way, He expects {s the Iron Blossom it that it extends] The small ae ce B. Beck Kent P. Tie f Bid. se i. active ent Ely Wite Ohio \] Albion"... day instead of 1,000 ton s. creased. capacity, how: -150 shares, whic C‘losing nations folloy es day" s but an open of 20 feet of agreeable $3.95; | dis-| Could Lease Entire Group. aes ations for leases on Great ITS i ce gas Dee Crown foot be PASS 2 ne {u}celved. distan of on conditions of | Gold ‘ right Mnes. and, if it hasn't the ore, no doubt is entertained that {t is merely 4 tnatter of further extending its work- ingsKncouraging to get it, Sila Atany in NEVADA already Eee supply poe MAGA « ae bee that amount Circle the up Tock almost anywhere on the surface of the ledges that will leave a mice string of colors in the pan. the best surface| seen. The town that point hi 3 a ore theory ors an - of and abandoned ac eatin extension Sloux § xg groundid having bei a ic broken into ore, its position Is recognized as a very strong one. It is right vodydy is . Ea ft one of they have supplied pure or the Zo. SHES MOUnced Showings Sioux's Gold is|t? th width of five feet, cut nas developed a width el a = a ses Cas veather has been mild Seores of compet lt min-| © have been there, and all have pro-| the ore that it would be folly to let the; treasury stock go at present market] Whether and mea Hh Gin is said, fasuing so near| youngster, as there town and district nez people, ater stock left in the treasury, it and the argument in' favor of bonds is that the workings are and *! nd more Sales past rolllition, Copper, $3; $8.12) - ae pee 1e entire bottom k done on one of the velns in the of Sete shaft is in ore that assays|Gold Crown Gift greup of claims, just from $25 to as high as $200 taken over by the Snyder-Loose syndiHart is only a few months old, but}cate. At the surface the vein outcrops of those presumably the situation were] frightened isue, move Unilsted stocks han "ie some time ; Two rumors were held accountable S.-M. Levy, the Nationa) Development for the activity in Sl oux Consolidated exchange yesterAnother good strike is reported in| Company's mining expert, who returned] siock on the mining day, One was that some ore had been| the Jumbo )t2 the city yesterday after several property at Hart, the new encountered in the workings. The 0 weeks occupied in examining properties| A dike 1 carmp south of Searchlight. that the pre »position to issue bonds as 2 means of raising money to| feet wide has been opened which apcontinue development . tricts, confirms all of the good reports work was being, pears to be all ore, as it pans clearlof the Gold Circle district that. have! considered by the comy any. Officla of | aeross Wight feet of it runs at the|reached this the company who wer e seen center. That camp has last evenrate of $40 a ton, It Is said, while! numerous well defined ledges, he Says; ing Would not confirm elther rumor the surface showing is mest promising, streaks run into the hundreds. President T. R. Cutler even went so far | SOME as to say that no bond issue had been Bert Hitt has made another find| 4nd, so far as disclosed by the small} contemplated, and thé at of development accomplished while reports} ©? st of the Oro Belle tunnel, and is ob-}#mount than the indications for large bodies of rich from the mine were tl iat it was looking | tait ling says that run better 1an ore at depth could not well be improved day he had not beén in-| $400 a an aa os that could be rePHowe, Smith and associates, leasnee as example of this, Mr. Levy tell strike of ore fwics a Tel Sac tea ice svar AS an cxampie of this, Mr. Levy telis]} of a stile In the proper: ie en Srlasee HEE che a depth of} of the results of a little prospecting Rawhide Tack Silver King - in the c was relatively quiét at 5: rn Point w as a little unto 26c and Seven Troughs o-% 5 eee Central | taniracmeratest Opens Requirements strong and active at the top prices today ‘with new high levels In many issucs. The reason wast another frantic effort of the politicians to cover thelr short contfacts, Conservative people In Wall street are beginning to wonder Where the politiclans got all Boston authority says that-the Unite t money. that is now being taken States Smelting, Refining and Mining away from thera,The advance has surcompany is now earning about $200,000 prised the men who are in charge of net a month on its restricted operafor they expected a culmination of tions, Of this sur, t is: sald, $75,600 g{it 2 month comes. ‘from. its Mammoth} te Upward movement several days 2g0 There is no telling how far it property, $50,000 froin the Centennia y, ureka, 250,000. from. thé Pachuca,|WUl run now that the shorts are thor$25,000 from} oughly frightened The insiders are Mexico, properties, selling stocks generally but not Iiberthe company's refinery and other oper ations in New Jersey. ally. Its.C ekforuls e arnings should be maNobody pretends to say that stocks} terially incre: dnow that the en-|are not very cheap Yor that reason| larged maielter is in operation, enabl-|persons who own shares and who do) ing it to, handle 1,800. tons of ore ojnot intend to trade in and out of the] While stocks continued ative vesterday and many of them displayed considerable strength, there was an unmistakable softening tendency at the close. Colorido Sold up to $3.40 at the morning call, but afterward went back to $3.30, which was the opeuing price. } Sioux Consolidated was strong at to Pace as was) Unclh am around a 4 eee Dividend at Present Copper Prices, "Tis Said. WIDTH OF 150 FEET &XPeRT's VIEW OF CAMP|si Si"e at at Sie Reports of Strike and of Pro-| posed Bond Issue Agitate Broke) 5 - Some Informed on ‘Meets eed NOT D + CLEAN. UP ro BY THOMAS C. SHOTWELL. New York, March 13.-Stocks closed A RUMORS d May $ RT DIKE PANS FOR _-_ Uncle S > Sch + + _--. =" 3 at 559c; + Improved Condi tions in Iron + OF+F+4+444o4s4o44e4 Blossom Strengthen Neighbor's Position. ‘HA Si } be Commercial wee "he Strong Onesof Day's GOLD CIRCLE RICHES Heated ANDRerun ae Settle ments f foroores and bulHon a eco, reported Cornick & C Ores, $15 "000: bulllon, Sliver was quoted copper, 12°3-16c; lead, $3.76. : 44-44444444464664404 944 TT TV + # + acess roi: CONFIRMS TALES OF ORGS > + Fiinancial i and FOFeossss soo re ete tet rott SCSI + + bee en | CT BY FP. W. SPRAGUE. tt SIOUX CON. GROWS «=F IN PUBLIC FAVOR ms PRICES OF STOCKS UNITED STATES HAS SOFTEN ON ‘CHANGE (000 NET EARNINGS AND MINING EDITED MARCH 14, 1908. ee a see ¥ vm ruVVUWVUWVEUVY.Y -PPCVTVTTVTVCVTrrVre SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY, SSC REPUBLICAN, POSTS MINES INTER-MOUNTAIN aon ee ee See THE ; ewes 4.73@6.00; U. Market t strong. wethers 5.00@G lambs 6.50@ 7.335 sSugur upd Coffee, 3 New York, Mareh 13.-Sugar_ raw Ss | aria fair refining 3.5 centrifugal, .80 21 ‘ text, 4.05; ynolassess = and unck anged: Tron liefined steady; crushed. ' powm at 49s $d Pas dered 5210 Breet 5 00. foundry, 63s Gd for Midd 1e8-| Co -Quiet, No. 7 Rilo C4@6 8-16; No antos 3 |