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Show WEEK IN CONGRESS. Lost His 'IS I hevirrv autism I: the use of a bottle of CL Ja.cobs Oil. sum-tim- es ound, than an, le in such iriy V Curativr Compound, the great remedy which make people well ; it it made from the formula Send to St Jacobs ef an eminent London physician. (Jil, lid., Baltimore, bid., for a free sample bottle. 3. ; tlatulenc Yonngeat Governor of Stnto. 1 he youngest governor In the Union Is the newly inaugurated governor of the state of Washington. William aged 28, who recently succeeded Rogers. Mr. McCros-kewho is a native of Tennessee, is a son of Rev. Solon McCroskcy, a Methodic clergyman. He was graduated at Ci ant University at Athens. ndications vhich thj anti Stop tlieOfftMughCold the Works iss of the on, lleai : re tantly stances it y. v. and has ema Iasi ;citability,' Laxative Broiuo Quinine Tablets. Trice 25a Vegetable Soli Clothes (or Charity. Many New York society women sell their clothes and give the proceeds to medicine charity; not their fresh, pretty things, f of course, but a street gown that Is a 9 are little worn about the bottom,, a dinner waul or an evening toilette that Is a bit bstitutei rumpled, and hats that have been worn a few times. New York Press. ved such CCO Deafness Cannot Be Cared iaco-cur- ; tv local application, as they cannot reach the jKirtlon of the ear. There Is only ono fortobaca Oi witv to cure deafness, and that is by const! and poisot i tin tonal remedies. Deafness is caused by an Wards aa Thar War Proooancad Oar I am Just old enough to remember a grandmother who said that Ehe lay at a place when she meant tkat ehe had slept there, and rpoke of "using tbe potticary when she should speak of sending for the doctor. Some relations of a later generation said ooman for woman, and when they were very much obliged eatd they were much "obleegetl. "Brarcelet" for for diamonds bracelet and "dl'monds Tueswere common pronunciations. day was "Toosday and a Duke was a Chariot "Dook," and first was "fust. was "charrot and Harriet "Harryet, and I have even heard "Jeames" tor James. "Goold for gold and yaller" for yellow were common enough. Stirrups were always called sturrypa, and squirrels equrrels, and wrapped waa pronounced wropped, and GerLondon Tatler. trude was "Jertrude. agony. At the session of the Texas Lumberman's association a fund of 91,200 for April 10. Hoes. The debate on the Cuban reciprocity bill was devoid of enlivening features. Mr. Hitt of Illinois, chairman of the foreign affairs committee, reported back the Cochran resolution of Inquiry calling upon the secretary of state for Information regarding the alleged removal by Canadian officials of landmarks along the Alaskan border. Tbe resolution was adopted without division. Mr. Hitt also reported back the Sulzer resolution, calling upon the secretary of state for tbe report of the governor of Louisiana and all other correspondence relating to the establishment of a Brlt'sh base of supplies near Louisiana and the shipment of horses and mules for the use of the British arms In South Africa. Senate. Soon after the senate convened Mr. Depew offered an amendment to the resolution to provide for the election of senators by popular vote. The amendment was as follows: The qualification of citizens entitled to vote for United States senators snd representatives In congress shall be uniform in all tbe states, and congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation and to provide for the registration of citizens entitled to vote, the conduct of such elections and the certificate of tbe result. An effort was made to secure an agreement for a vote on tbe Chinese bill, but it woe unsuccessful. the drought sufferers in Zapata county I do not believe Ptso' Cure for Consumpttoa has aa equal for coughs aud colds. Joun F BOYER, Trinity Ind., Feb. IB, lOOOi - -ed I box. Prict to cunv I oklet i h inti ,med condition of tho mucus Uulng of tbe Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you bave a rumbling sound or Imperfect hear-In- g, and when It Is entirely closed deafness is tin) result, and unless the inflammation can be Wis. men out and this tube restored to Its normal urtition, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, v dch Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of ci tt mucus surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot cured by Hulls Catarrh Cura Send for circulars, free, P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, tt Sold by Druggists. Tic. Halls Family Pills are tbe besb of t- - Ifade Jait Coder the Surface. ya.Bladdtt , Tho iunn who has figured it out that hildren. I hades Is Just below the surface of the RLE. JRwEtf earth must base his conclusions upon the great amount of H that crops out a REASON-- ' atoye ground all over the land, You can Utah cure Ii! tspermaw neaknetw Icoceie or II ullutlon u son. CAL to 12. V. 2nd CITY. Sal, SANTA F: Ih Of MM item, Iros s 3ITY, H, " v v.. lave endow; 5 YOU-- -e will not ,e Practice. A nasty practice Is what the Chicago Inter Ocean calls the pasting of re prated layers of wall paper, one upon another, thus covering up the filth and gorms of disease that may be propagated In the very absorbent and decaying mass of flour paste, paper, .. A Nasty animal glue, colors, etc. They give opinion of eminent health officers and sanitarians, urging that such practice should be stopped by legal enactment and also take occasion to say that these sanitarians recommend Alnbastlne as a durable, pure and sanitary coating for walls. The Inter Ocean says: This Is a very Important question, and. as it costs nothing to avoid this danger, v hy take any chances?" How much of the alarming spread of smallpox and other diseases may be due to unsanitary wall coverings? Saving la Automobile After a two years test of an automobile for army use in Austria there was a saving of 12,915 over the conveyance drawn ly horses. ON, IEXIC0 nd Aiiro I sstock and es apply M ..or writ IT. 325$ 1PCOO?.; bring e the result? expend1 itae. jvrtYWt3 I.MAJ5 Eis impure Blood. i t April Hours. II, Debate on the Cuban reciprocity bill was continued, the principal speeches being made by A. R. Long, of Kansas, In support of the measure, snd Mr. Shafrotb, of Colorado, who opposed the bill. The postoffice appropriation bill was tent to conference. Messrs. Loud, Smith of Illinois and Swanson of Virginia were appointed conferees. Senate. Soon after the senate convened tbe river and harbor appropriation bill was reported by Mr Frye snd placed on the calendar. Bills were passed providing for the use by the United Statee of devices Invented by its naval officers while engaged In its service and covered by letters patent, and to pay ,000 to tha widow of Judge I. C. Parker for extraordinary services rendered by him ss Judge In the western district of Arkansas. ' The latter bill bad been reported adversely by Mr. Hoar, but he stated that as the case was absolutely unique be would vote for it. April It. House. The house pessed the bill granting a pension to the widow of President McKinley of 15,000 a year. It bad previously passed the senate and now goes to the president for signature. Senate, a feature of the Chinese exclusion debate In the senate today was the sharp criticism of Minister Wu of China because of hie protests made to the secretary of state against the enactment of the pending bill. Mr. Mitchell of Oregon and Mr. Teller of Colorado sharply attacked him, declaring that he deserved to have been given his papers and that no nation would have permitted such interference in Its legislative affairs. Mr. Foraker of Ohio and Mr. Hoar of Massachusetts Insisted that tha Chinese mtnliter had done-nmore than hts duty, and that be would have been derelict of bis duty had he done less. Just after the senate convened Mr. Mason presented the conference report on the appropriation bill, and it was agreed t o post-offi- April 14. IIousE-T- be speakers on the Cuban reciprocity bill were Messrs. McCall of Massachusetts and Brantley of Georgia for the measure, and Mesara. Robertson of Louisiana and Stevens of Minnesota sgs'nst It. The conference report on the post office appropriation bill was adopted early in the day, after some criticism of the pneumatlo tube provision. Senate Tbe Chinese exclusion bill occupied the attention of tha eenste throughout the day, Senators Foraker and McLaurln making extended speeches In opposition. was collected. , The past week has broken all records Thirteen of immigration to America. hundred Scandinavians sailed from the port of Christiana. Horace Resley, aged 87 years, tho inventor of the locomotive pilot in 1840, and other railroad appliances, la dead at Cumberland, Md. Tho Columbian government has issued a decree announcing that cattle may be Imported free of duty while the revolution lasts. Major Littleton W. Waller, of the on marine corps, tried by tbe charge of killing natives of the island of Samar without trial, has been acquitted, Tbe Chilean congress has convened in special session. Its chief business is to deal with the question of creating new taxes and to provide other court-marti- al sources of revenue. Tbe house committee on pensions has made a favorable report on the senate bill granting a pension of 95,000 per annum to the widow of the late President McKinley. Mr. Krnger and those who surround him appear to attach little credence to reports regarding the acceptance by the Boer leaders of British terms of peace in South Africa. A pratrie fire awept over Terry county, Texas, destroying many thousand dollars worth of property, Tbe fire awept area la from forty to fifty miles long and probably half as wide. As the steamship Deutschland neared Nantucket attempted to send this message ashore: I bow to tbe greatest country in tbe world, but be did not succeed in getting the Santos-Dumo- nt message off. The police ITo The Peruna Pe-m-n- SAYS WILBER CONGRESSMAN fcy Medicine Co., of Columbus, 0. a is All You Claim For It. Sp-in- All H Was l.ujoyiog. A musician of Baltimore, who was social affairs very averse of any kind, was persuaded. by a friend to attend a concert one evening, where, ' the music was very unfortunately, poorly conducted. Late In the evening his friend found him In a corner, with P. F. Wilber, of Oneonts, N. Y., writes: a doleful look upon his face. You TheCongressman Medicine Co., Columbus, O.i Peruna don't seem to be enjoying yourself Gentlemen 'Persuaded by a friend t have tried your remedy and bare thla evening," said his friend. "On almost fully recovered after the use of a tew bottles, lam fully convinced that I the contrary," he icplled. that Is all Peruna Is alt you claim tor it, and I cheerfully recommend your medicine to all DAVID F. WILBLR. who are afflicted with catarrhal trouble. am enjoying. Colds. others who ar similarly afflicted to try a and Parana Care Preventive far Hamlins Blood and I.lver Fills cure Mr. C. F. Given, Sussex, N. B., Vice Feruna." Edward Laws. constipation and all the Ills due to It; 25o President of 'The rant-tim- e at your druggists. Boating Club, A Prominent Singer Raved From Lou of Value. writes: Whenever the cold weather seta in I Mr. Julius Weisslitz, 176 Seneca street, Blind Latter Carrion aura to Buffalo, N. Y., Is corresponding secretary have years past been very Arnold Scott of Bern&rdsboro, Mass., catch for a severe cold which was hard to of The Hangerlust, of hew York; la ths who has been blind for fifty years, for throw off, and which would leave after-etfec- leading srcuud bass of tbs Bangerlust. th on my constitution the most of tbe largest German singing society of Now the past twenty-fiv- e years has served York, and also the oldest. the town as letter carrier and is said to winter. Lost winter I was advised to try Peruna, In lS'JU Ill Hangerlust celebrated its be particularly efficient In both the and within live days the cold was broken fiftieth anniversary with a large celebraup and in five days more 1 was a well man. tion in New York City. Ths following is collecting and delivering of mall. 1 recommended it to several of my friends his testimony: end all speak tbe highest praise for it. About two years ago I caught a severs PUTNAM FADELESS DYES are There Is nothing like Peruna tor catar cold while traveling aud which settled Into easier to use and color more goods brighrhal afflictions. It Is well nigh Infal- catarrh of the bronchial tubes, and so after and faster colors than any other dye. lible as a cure, and I gladly endorse fected my voice that 1 was obliged to canIn distress, I was cel my engagements. Sold by druggists, 10c. per package. P. Given. advised to try Feruua, and although 1 bad never used a patent medicine before, I sent Gave New Life and Strength. Anachronisms In Painting. for a bottle. Words but Uly describe iny surprise to Mr. Edward Laws, Crown Point, Ind., In a painting In a country church In find that within a few days 1 was greatly tbe follow iug : Germany, Intended for the Sacrifice of writes I must tell you w hat a grand help Feruna relieved, and within three weeks I was Isaac, is represented Abraham with a has been to me. For over two year 1 entirely recovered. I am never without it blunderbuss In his hand, ready to shoot suffered with catarrh of the luugt and now, and take an occasional dose when 1 I doctored for it, feel run down." Julian W eissllts. his son, and an angel suddenly coming throat, and although If yon do not derive prompt and satisfacme relief until 1 tried nothing brought a certain down from heaven, is pouring Feruna. Une bottle helped me greatly, tory results from the use of Feruna, writs water on the pan. In a painting at and three more effei ted a complete cure, at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full stateet the same time it gave such new ment of your case and be will be pleased to Windsor, hy Antonio Verrio, he has In- while to my whole body that 1 give you his valuable advice gratis. life end troduced himself, Sir Godfrey Kneller feel like strength Address lr. Hartman, 1renident of Tht a new man aud ten years younger. and Bap. May. surveyor of the works, I hope that iny testimonial may induce Hartman Bauitarium, Columbus, O. in long perriwigs, as spectators of Had a Good Subitllet g Christ healing the sick. Negroes. A young matron of Germantown, Pa., The Irish language is spoken In the went to a corner grocery and said: Mm Wlnalow'a Rnothlng Byron. Bahamasamong the mixed descendants For chtidreo taitiinff, roftDt ibe Kumt rtWf In me have a package of Saratoga "Let banished of the Hibernian flammaUon.allayt pain, cure wind colic. 35cabotUo patriots The clerk replied: "Sorry, Inchips. long ago by Cromwell to tbe West FI rat Khlne Btiuer. dies. One can occasionally hear negro lady, but weve only, got straight The first steamer on the Rhine a sailers in the east end of London who kindlin In bunches. And he exhibited a circular bundle of little sticks, Dutch one was In 1822, fifteen years cannot speak a word of English talkd after Fulton had started a steamer ing Irish to the old Irish n on the ends with resin. "Wont service on the Hudson. thciic do? he asked. who gather around the docks. ts ILC. Irish-Speakin- tip-po- at Montego bay, Jamacia, are atill making numerous arrests of rioters. Blue jackets from the British cruiser Tribune are frequently landed to support the police. No more fighting is reported. Tbe jury in the Busse murder case at Waverly, Ia., returned a verdict of gnilty in tbe first degree and ordered a sentence of death by hanging. There has been no legal execution in Iowa for eight years. A rumor published by Chilean papers to the effect that Argentina had requested King Edward VII to use his influence to prevent the increase of armanents in Argentina and Chile, is officially denied. Preparations continue for tbe dispatch of 20,000 additional troops from London for tbe winter campaign In Lord Robert Saturday South Africa. inspected tbe first draft of the Guards, which will sail for South Africa next (w.)Tsfssms ' Health will como with all Its llesslnjjs to those who know the way, ami it Is mainly a question of right-livin-j, with all the term Implies, bat the efforts which strengthen the system, the games which refresh anil the foods which nourish are important, each in a way, while it is also advantageous to Lave knowledge of the best methods of promoting freedom from unsanitary conditions. To assist nature, when nuturo needs assistance, it is all Important that tbe medicinal agents used should be of tho best quality and of known value, and the ono remedy by which acts most beneficially and pleasantly, as a laxative, the California Fig Syrup Co. "With a proper understanding of the fact that many physical ills are of a transient char actor and yield promptly to the gentle action of Fyrup of Figs, gladness and comfort come to the heart, and if ono would remove the torpor and strain and congestion attendant upon a constipated condition of the system, take Syrup of Figs and enjoy freedom from tho aches and pains, tho colds and headaches and the depression dne to Inactivity of tho bowels. In case of any organic trouble it Is well to consult a competent physician, hut when a laxative Is required remember that the most permanently gratifying results will follow personal cooperation with tho beneficial effects of Syrup of Figs. It is for salo by all reliable druggists. Price fifty cents per bottle. Tho excellence of Syrup of Figs comes from tho beneficial effects of tho plants used in the combination and also from tho method of manufacture which ensures that perfect purity and uniformity of product essential in a iierfcct family laxative. All tho members of the family from the youngest to tho most ndvanced in years may use it whenever a laxative is needed and share alike in its beneficial effects. We do not claim that Syrup of Figs is tho only remedy of known valne, hut it possesses this great advantage over all other laxatives that itaets gently and pleasantly without disturbing natural functions, lu anyway, as it is free from every objectionable quality or substance. To get its benoficla 1 effects it is always necessary to buy tho genuine and the full name of the Co. California Fig Syrup Co. is printed on the front of every package. . Figs-manufac- tured rupof week, A renewal of diplomatic relations between France and Venezuela la now being discussed in a secret session of the Venezuelan congress. Tbe relations were severed in 1805, Venezuela dismissing the French minister to salt-rheu- m 0. al San Francisco, CaL Louisville, Hy. ! New York, N. Y T f San? Urns 4imnh fejntp, In tun H 10, iUMtni.K ho t r au list 11 hr tlrnctf iste -- flrivr.rtl.senicnts Mention This Paper, U'tiea flnsvterlno rJ UNf 1 p" r i - :i rTT- -J -- 9' ' li apple-wome- What is it? asks the mother as she the smooth akin of her child r.arred by a red or pimply eruption. It aa the child needs at once to begin The leaders of the house expect to Caracas. the use of Dr. see the Cuban reciprocity bill passed Iiercea Golden In an address before the Holland sothe present week, but they admit that Medical Discovin New York City, Montague ciety ery, the best and the debate may be delayed, eo that the surest remedy final tote will not be reached ontil White, the Boer representative, appealfor impurity of ed for funds to aid the women and the blood. It next week. Proceeding as the debate children and other Boer prisoners. is, without a rule, It can be drawn out entirely eradicates the poisons practically aa Ion? aa anybody dealrea Tbe society agreed to expend 91,000 for relief work. which corrupt to apeak. the blood and The secretary of the treasury baa cause disease. It Increase to renitonere. from National .banka for applications cures scrofula, Tbe senate committee on pensions boils, pimples, has ordered a favorable government depositories aggregating report from ia amount between 925,000,000 and eczema, and other the bill granting Increases of pensions 930,000,000, and while he will not deseruptive diseases to soldiers who have loet arm, legs or diwhich are the ignate many more, he expects to name rect result of im- feet. The Increase will be (15 per a few more soon, pure blood. It month each, and will Increase tbe anA cablegram received at tbe state enriches aa well nual pension appropriation bill 91,300,-00from Unites States Consul-Generaa purifies the department The committee also ordered a blood. Malm rose at Colon, dated April Dr. Pirrcv, medicine hi not only bene- - favorable report on a bill Increasing r q me greatly, but ti Hm done wou(em II, state that an attack Is threatened for y on. write Mr -- M lUrtruk. of from 130 to 910 per month the pension upon Bocaa Del Toro and suggests the J OewegoCo., N. V. Doth had fcWuU. of those who ere totally deaf. Thla I hate tost two in Iraa than hve year look after of a to daughter! presenes warship r ith consumption at4 ecrofuta. My eldest aoo will increase tbe pension appropriat American Interests. or three yrara ago with hem or-Vieget!11 tion 928,000 only. from the lunga. tt troubled him for over year He took Ur. Pirne a Golden Medkwt By contribution of dimes, nickles Unable to Agree on Date and (tatovery. end ha not had hrmorrhaae ia t"9r pennies at a meeting of Gallclane had arroAdoite younger ion My for loaogarstton. rre on Ins neck; nad two ianced, but hat not on the east tide, New York, a fund imee he commenced to take your med- A of the house judicime. was raised sufficient to send Sbullm of Represencommittee, consisting no ary for Med-sulwtitute "Golden . Accept Schnur baok to Austrian Oalioia, where i al Diseovery. There ia nothing "just tatives Littlefield of Maine, Thomas of hia parents are awaiting trial on n for diaeasea of the atomach, Iowa and Clayton of Alabama, baa degood" 1 'cxkI of murdering him. charge and lunga. cided to report back to the full comA 1008 page book, free for the The chargee mtd against the conasking. mittee without recommendation the He.t t,le 1voplee Common Seune of British troops In South Africa, duct I'edical Adviser, tbe liest medical book proposition to change the date of the to General IlcUrey, have attributed w published, ft ft by sending atatnjit inauguration of the president from the t been not to the notice of the pity expense of mailing ony. Send 4th of March to the last brought 5 one-ceThursdsy lu British war office for paper cover or aud will be Ignored stamp ' retched after decision This wit "lamp for cloth. bonrnl volume, to Dr, April. unless a ou the subject is - . V. question lhercc, Buffalo, N. Y. bearing fully the arguments of those asked in the house of commons. who have been urging the change. notices LANGUAGE. The Pacific cable baa reached the Fiji islands. A Wisconsin woman has sued a mao for $15,000 damages for kissing her. Brazilian newspapers are commenting on the naval purchases by Argentina and Chile. The London papers all print long euloglstio obituary articles of tbe late DeWitt Talmage. Mrs. Jane Huey, an octogenarian, who was burned In a fire at her borne in Sen Jose, died after much suffering. Four men are reported killed and several wounded in a fight between officers and desperadoes near Braggs, I. T. Mrs. Matthew Wagener, who was burned in Sacramento CeL, by an exdied in great plosion of gasoline, gfifrs stage ENGLISH April 9. House The feature of tbe second day'a debate In the house on the Cuban reciprocity bill was tbe Impassioned speech In opposition to the measure of William M. Smith of Michigan. Republican . Senators Spooner and Quarlee of Wisconsin and Dolllver of Iowa, and a group of Michigan beet-sugmanufacturers la the gallery were hie audience, and he was liberally applauded by his Republican supporters aa he assailed the Republican leaders who were advocating the bill, boldly charging them with being false to the Republican doctrine of protection. Mr. Morris of Minnesota, another Republican, made a strong speech against the bill. The other speakers of tbe day were Mr. Ball (Dem., Texas), and Mr. Sparkman (Dem., Fla.), both of whom are opposed to tbe bill, and Mr. Mondell of Wyoming, who advocated Its success. Senate Throughout the- session of the senate the Chinese exclusion bill was under discussion. Mr. Galllngorof New Hampshire and Mr . Dillingham of Vermont opposed the bill and Mr. Turner of Washington supported It. The senate Insisted on Its amendments to the Indian appropriation bill, and Messrs. Stewart, Platt of Connecticut and Rawlins were named as the senate conferees. ar of Ard-c.aRoyal Irish Constabulary, cays : My fr end, Mr. Thomas Hand, has been a great jmfiwer from rheumatism in the back and which jo.nj for the last four years, duringdifferent tune he has employed many nu i hods of treatment, but obtained no relief whatever, and for the last two years has bet n unable to walk without a stick, and two sticks, and was in great pain I induced him to procure a con'tantly. bm le of St. Jacobs Oil, which he applied wi h the most astonishing and marvellous Before he had finished using the effects. contents of the first bottle he could walk readily without the aid of a stick, and after a few applications from the second bottle he w as free f.om pain, and has been ever since ; and although fifty years of age and a farmer, all Ova. !. he can walk and work without experiencing ilacement any pain or difficulty whatever. peculiarlj , rgeant Jeremiah Maher, Si THE AWFUL NEWS SUMMARY. TltoMIT 1 ItV 1 atxt tr- i mi'l AH, KstiiON,h)ir 1 CO M OGDEN ASSAY CO, Klmllu iiltl'XVL ovi srs.ooo 111, USUi.KWBm.KS S.v.tiUtu KNIGHT a b-- r. r.i IJHt LailNUUHJHlHi. lil.l.-t-Tlti.- rr. THOMAS, Boston, 1.- Ktui'lim-i- i-- J HOWARD E BlRTOJUSWVSt Flint III Mrenl, l.raiUlll. C III Inst i AadirM Mae. hiHar ids -, rhvs: IM.I, : iii.MAMlnir 7V;g.M, . ilMi-lii- tl I t'ani'W.ll Lolhu slot c so IshhI, M: O.il.I.hlh.T to Hi s.I.li to lii 'A lit.. IA K' ifi'Frnrt s i o n iFTi, U. tb I ! III! jot HIIIIIII, will hvt'lvr ijuu'k h.afl JuibUi; Frimwut.nf II II Mil N H. 'l, CUIuiIpvI87 |