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Show PACE two I T A LOGAN, II, DAILY HERALD. S D U N D A Y, F. C E M B T R 21, 1 9 n .1 Ana s m FINEST OF HER KIND 1 rIUTTC3 .nllCfl A in LA Newspaper Scripps-Canfiel- d Humor and Sunday morning. on r THE TRUTH Ohio. g Look at it this way. During all of the rest of the year most of us human beings, sadly imperfect as we are, are moved by one chief motive selfishness. Each of us is out for the main chance. It is every man for himself, without qualifications. But when December begins to slide past us a We begin to discover that change comes over us. there are others in the world besides oudselves. The thought of a hungry man or a disappointed child is too hard to bear. We actually find ourselves thinking about the sorrows and disappointments of our fellow men. So, in every city and town in the land, we put' on these campaigns. We form committees to get the names of those unfortunates who are not going to be able to make much of a Christmas by their own efforts, and we collect money so that these peple can be helped. Wc give, according to our ability, moved by the sincerest and finest motive that comes to us in the entire year. A Rockefeller gives a million dollars; we less gifted ones give our dollars and the result is a solidarity and and our a unity which the whole nation feels. s; And the funny part about it is that it is not the recipient of this charity who is the chief gainer by it1. It is the giver. The man who parts with money that he himself really needs, and gives it to those who have nothing at all, is doing a great deal more for himself than he ever imagines, lie is putting himself in tune with something that is much bigger and profounder than he can guess. He is enabin.g himself to partake, in the best possible way, of the Spirit of Christmas. And that Spirit, in turn what is it? Isnt it, after all, (he deep and imperishable convicton that all men are, or ought to be, brothers; the feeling that the fate of one is the concern of all; the belief that there is a God in the universe, and a soul, and a compassionate heart ? It is easy to eavy the wise men their privilege of following the stai and finding the ultimate meaning of creation in a ju lean village. But tha? privilege is open to us, in a different way. We have our star, and we can follow it if we know what brotherhood and kindness mean and if wed follow is we may rest assured that at least' one gleam of light from beyond the borders of ordinary living will come to us and transfigure us. Los Angeles man steals $8,000,000 headline. Xo doubt he still be charged uith GliA.XD larceny. Giving a Party Our Washington Bureaus bulletin on Party Menus, Prizes and Favors will prove helpful to the hostess planning a big or little party. The bulletin will be particularly valuable to the hostess who wishes to make up hersef, inexpensive and unique prizes and favors for her party. It contains many suggestions for such small gifts particularly booby prize" gifts that any hostess can prepare herself from inexpensive materials. Fill out the coupon below and send for - it. 108, Washington Bureau, Daily Herald, 1322 New York Aenue, Washington, I). C. I want a copy of the bulletin PARTY MENUS, PRIZES AND FAVORS, and enclose herewith 5 cents in coin or U. S. postage stamps, for return postage and handling costs: CITY was STATE ST. and NO NAME I am a reader of Logn.fUtahJ Dany Herald. I i Wv - - rk , DIFFICULT PROBLEM! SOLVES They Aid Jobless Of Logan of tin1 following Employees Lo- have agreed n,fj two pei cent of thelt ware, to aid the unemployment ohinnon in this city ',ngan City gan bo to pay in i : id.-tiom Cun iijun I'u :ii It ut e Co. Machine Co. Lindquist & Sons. Kaihoad Co. C.ielie Valley Electric Co. Hot cl, ti Western Co. L. E. Johnson Royal Bakery Bluelight (las & Oil Co. Wuolwoith Company Logan Hardware Co. Evans and Cowley Garage Cen'r.il Milling Co. Or. Jos A. tieddes The Daily Herald Wilkinson & Sons. Chamber of Commerce Shell Oil Co. Jenson and Holman. J p. Penney Co. Olof Nelson Construction Co. . Barrett, J. manager, Morning M k company. lu tmester Joseph Odell. John H. Anderson & Sons First National Bank Cache Vulli y Banking Co. Thatcher Brothers Banking Co M. & L. Coal Company Smith Bros. Lumber Company Thatcher Clothing Company Shirley Mae Shop Or. B. L. Richards T. H .Humphreys Buubar & llvde. Alex Smith Clothing Co. Leven's Chain Stores Judge M. C. Harris Anderson Lumber Co. Lumber Co. J. H. WatklDs Jr., Monumental Woiks. Cardon Jewelry Company Safeway Stores Hr, E. I. Slewart Frank Puror, barber F. XV. Seliil'mati, bather Tige's Beauty Shop & Barber Shop Beauty Shoppe Utah Barber Shop Dixie Until Beauty Shop T. F. Watson, barber Modern Burner Shop Carl Holmes Cache Auto Co. Cardon Jewelry C. R. Humphreys. Thatcher Milling company. XXestern Union. William Follett Parker. . Harry C. Andie - King. Clarice Liddle. May L. Pedersen. Farrel Johnson. Eugene Sehaub. George D. Preston. XV. XV. Hi:!. Edna Davidson. L. Tori Perry. XX. F. Jem en Candy company. Logan Academy. Jackson and Fry companv. William l.iitl.y. Utah Mortgage & Loan Co. Felix Cash Market. OUirers, Teachors and Custodians of Logan City Schools. H. XV. Elliot Allen's Ladles Store Cache X'aliev Commission USAC Faculty Badge Clinic H. R. Hansen I. K. Hillman Phersou Electric Cinderella Frock M. A. Oison, Blue Light No. 2 I.undberg Buick Company John H. Moser. Contractor Consolidated Theater Co. White Sow ing Machine Co. S. Wctidcnes. Goodyear Shoe Repair Co. llonrv T. Darley Everton ntid Sons Utah Power & Light Co. Better XX'heat Products Company. Utah Poultry Producers Assn. Globe Milit. Main Baiber Shop. Denrv Salisbury. , Edwards Millinery. Charles D. Tate. Fre.l XV .Marshall. Hansen. Prtlev Joseph Morgan, Jr. Carl O. Felix. Luca". Emplovps of the Amalga mated Sugar tompany. Bl.tit Motor Co. Sivi"p Motor Co. P, J. Peterson Plumbing. Cul It. Arent-on- . Forest Service. H. !. UR . Fere-- t S rviee. F. XX. Kiih, Koiest Service XV. II. ( '."nphell. Forest Sen ice. TrotnuiU and T.otnr'U. to o. XV. (! S L U-- Stockton-Cbristianse- I'-- This Is Oswald J. Potpie, retired fireman, who has just bought a truck for large family use. The truck has a rear steering wheel, HERE'S MORE ABOUT says Mr. Potpie, time .end any i$ TODAY my wife wants v; j v t0 do a"y rear (Continued fiom page one' seat driving, she jean climb back there and drive mg one company of the B'wana heart's M kubwa and the N'changa mines. her to Our congratulations on content." Sir Auckland Geddes tells of your clever scheme, Mr. Potpie! the advantages to he had - Hu ,t'. ly Wm. McDonald from great a well planned trust and was sorry that all companies CAMP MEETING CHANT could not have been put into ;t. I Apologia., to Xjrhel Lindsay) 1 he Rockefellers looked on the The British hope to get up a Uut-u- t Liu ks will dominae the And tiny raid "Put ns down for company that world. Long ago this column a million bucks! called attention to t lie effect Aic you there, Mr. Ford, are that copper production in Africa you tlicne? on values here. The Uui ketellers dug down Into might have If the United States would let their jeans. American copper men, Ryan, Jack Helped the jobless wtili a million ling and others that understand . . beans combine to protect Can you hear, Mr. Morgan, can the industry, the United States Interests re you hear? Sherof an antiquated Old John D. and hi- - son came gardless man law, the British would not through dominate the copper world so Showering the dollars like the easily. morning dew . . Do you frown, Mr. Mellon do Another more cheerful day in you frown? Can't lake it witli you, when you XXall street. Perhaps the bottom of the financial world is n0 die, going to fall out after all. The Don't say you'll do It hotter feeling comes a litle late bye . . . for many, unfortunately. They Shower down, Mr. Schwab, with must comfort themselves shower down! the old German saying: "XX'er gelt hat kann spekuliren PAGE SITTING BULL! verli-erethe XX'er keins hat kann nichts MISSOULA, Mont. That XX'ho has money can winter will be unusually severe Is XXho has none can prediction speculate. of Indians here. lose nothing. Everything is comparative, even Long Pull, ven-- sorrow. The head of a great , erabl.e chief of " h e Flatheads, bank in New York tell3 of client the saddest face I have says snow will "with one squaw, ever seen In my life. be One year ago this client was maybe two squaw, deep." worth at least sixty millions of And today his fortune IFire chief of Saugus, Mass. dollars. is reduced to not more than twendriving to a blaze, was attested And you can't ty million dollars. for speeding. said the banker, "how And then, no doubt, they gave imagine, him a It attic slip for parking too that man suffers." Ivan the terrible. Czar of Rusdose to a fire hydrant. sia, to subdue those that opposed r him, invented queer punishments ANOTHER NOTE TO On one occasion he had a SANTA CLAUS bishop sewed up in a bear skin, Do not bring, On Jolly saint, and the bishop, in his bear skin, My little girl a box of paint; thrown to a pack of half starved We do not wish the parlor walls dogs. Covered oer with childish scrawls. The bishop suffered horribly of course, but only for a few "G what use," asks an automo- minutes. tive engineer, "Is a small bantam His total suffering amounted car?" to far less than the sufferings of XVell, on coid nights, instead of some that have seen their forputting it into the garage, you can tunes and the results of their life take it to led and use it a3 a work gradually taken from them, foot wanner. bit by bit during the past year. I . . bye-and- - the $ ' w- P f V. I! P.i-- 1. Ti.i- r w -' y. Sons. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Folk man announce the marriage of their daughter. Serena, to Melvin Smith of Nibley. The marriage will be sj'emmzed edonesday, December 24 in the Logan temple. Mrs. A. B. Nyman was hostess to a group of friends and relatives at hi r home Sunday evening at a pleisent surprise party, the ocoa sion being her husband's birthday anniversary. Social chat, music an 1 games were enjoyed and a sumptuous lunch was served to 20 guests. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Nyman were tlie recipients of a pleasant surprise party given them by a group of friends Saturday evening at their home in compliment to their A chicken wedding anniversary. dinner was served after which games music, and social chat were Covers were laid for 12 enjoyed. guests. Monday evening, the Seagull girls, under the direction ol their teacher Mrs. XX'. E. Nyman, gave a .uetty arranged b.rthday party in honor of Miss Ruth Krebs, at her home Alter a prugtam, games were played and lunch.-owas SC' (ll Mrs. Erma King Beck who underwent an opeiatiun for appendicitis on Sunday evening is doing as well as can be expected. atMr. and Mrs. llazon Hurst tended the funeral services of Mrs. Margaret Bingham at Smithfield on Tuesday and the day with relatives and Bunds, The Gleaner girls of the ward XI. A m d Tuesday evening at 'tie home ot Miss Elva Palmer wher- t 'fj stunt the evening making Cindy to send the missionaries lor 'Tuistimis. Messrs. A B. end Orvin Nyman. J'mo, ai. t ii;, rum Muughnn spent Mopday ir Ogden on business. The warn jui.nu y oT.cers are V 'IiD'-G (.'hi'' tin an nrotHdfj Monday evi ".it,-- at the waid chap a Gumdi! hotel in Berlin you a button and your room door year-mor- By NKA Sh.-uc- XAI.LEJU. Cal alien u.e navy ilt'.lK-:puts 1H lie .le-- t U',lei-- J ti, t h m lii Ii r p d'lixg teal-- , Ihe trial vll lie made, not on the Boor id ,m- Miieii sea but in snelter ed inland valeis. The und mn;n-- . .oiled recently Ijiimiii-at the M.p Bland nav. card, lias Ii ordered to printed to Pavel Si 'im! a y ;,it, the '.I- -' ot Fe' to mclei CO 'a ts at j'a a depi'i n .am feet at PoH This naval paiah.x a.:, bro'.u ht aboni b a nninti r ot oil' the ilepait-.'lieh- t (hie: being tea' the cou.sul i.s Point Sound, with w a availntne ai.a, ot outrun!)! tors ot ...upcient depth. 1, a., hv. anions than the open s ,m. W Lilt a'tailalde snitches ol ep water are know n to evst off the P'.nrh cia.t no Reality Im.-- vet been draggt d lor pos;il.. iibnar tile plan trl. s or ot l.ei oh I! i ion M wlmh me-h- t p ot in tiar.-dtir, undthe f ; i i.r t. X' s i'll" ..i.indni', to thipt. (. XV. Fisher I S X., manag" r f AI the ire Bland n.uy yai;1 where the submarine was launched Mar. is 15, designed to withstand e to 300 feet, measured from the surtate to the axis ot the vessel. Subjecting any type ot craft to the tremendous pressure of this depth entails considerable prepaia-tioagainst any of u dozen eventualities which nudit spiva another maiine disust r across the front p.igga or the country. To make dives ot tins depth, according to Fisher, two approved methods are by toe U. S. Na vy. One is to .subtieoge on t Inrun, thereby kt epi.ng t he c.a't un der control by u.,e of me stibium-inediving planes. The otl.i r is to "haul plant a heavy anchor down to it. Because no swe,.t area of deep water is available, the; latter method will bo utilized bvj the . Whfu timid weie irade by the sister ship ot the Mare ls . laud craft, and t e Lie run ning mrtliod was employed. Those, tests him1 made in the Atlantic. In this latter method, the buoy an, v ,i! tt,.- .i .. ,el I, c i i st by pumpint wale;' in'o per bj!!i,-- tanks, and then pt yng i out S: i .uc;. ly enough, a, the ilivorl desi ends, tlm tiKte.isid iTitstiioj in i sides t unit)! es es the li ill sii-nand the lmoya"(;, Alt r tile submarine leaves the surface about three tons of water niu-- t be t.aived iron; the tanks m order to keep the cutt buoyant. The puris pose ot tcai dives at tits to check the e;i ct ot at ions p,os tires imon the hull and upon the opeiut ing in chan Jin. ti in command of Lieu' ( , 1' -- 'a' '. d- . : i t 1 V-- t - is not without pophet ave his in ii pro-ph- 1 1 I light? Aii ecdy I write this the sixth Got ken of December, 1930. v. ben ve tired editor prints it; t tie sun uv a sea urchin has run. Fouith of July copy of mine on there have Christmas already storms "unseasonal been mo.--t ni mind the earth; what is more iinpjtunt H that inthe dag dasted rain barrel froze early per, and I had to wash my face wj,, cracked Ice I don't like (jiat js going to be one Of those winters like some of US remember who were raised on blizzards and had chilblains for breakfast and red flannel Itch for supper. . (li-- v Te Comdr. T. ,1. ha, Doyle, ment of eight otticor-- i a compleb't men. and safe on this whirling globe, twenty five thousand miles around, ai heavy as though it were made il solid steel, with hot fire under our feet, and absolute zeto, more than 4uO degrees below freezing, all around us. A Nephi J. Bott Dunbar and Hyde R. Owen Yeates Hattie Halg'-e- - Mon. - Tries. 5.00 1.00 17.00 1.50 1.50 5.00 2.50 Co. Motor Jolmson-Nuttal- l Mary Napper Jacques Mrs. R. J. Coakley Postal Employes S. A. Napper Bessie S. Morris Elizabeth Scholes Elmer Naef C. C. Randall .. Agnes Par! Inson Dr. N. A. Pedersen 15.00 2.50 1.00 1.00 3.00 10.00 2.0'l Johnson 5.00 1.00 C. H. 2. 00 2 50 Rebecca Calderwood Ellis School Children Ellis F. Gardner Leon Fonnesbeck N. P. Nielsen, Jr L. E. Borchert O. I. 6.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 - Pedersen 1.C0 Job A. Larseu 1.00 Alfred E. Gnehm 1.00 Mrs. Joseph Eithell 5 ) T. S. Curtis 2.iu Charles D. Tate 2.50 A. Cohn, Carson City 2 nu M. R. Hovey $2.00 Aaron Andreason, Downey 10.00 Anonymous 5.00 Joseph Reading Clara Merrill, Richmond .... 1.00 2.50 Mrs. M. L. Hendrickson 150 Rachel E. Smith 2.00 P. C. Marcusen 5.00 XVilford Baugh Logan Telephone Employes $15.00 1.00 F. V. Schiftman loo John P. Holmgren 3.5 Anonymous 1.00 N. G. Daines 2.0'l Aaron Nevey 1 00 Anonymous 1 hu G. S. Amussen XX McDna'd in. 2.56 $452.00 Total A mid, lie ot them discover an icicle; v, hat 1 iris mean cold weather, At the Lyric a Although popular juvenile is going to be that sort of player on Broadway for several a winter; I told you last August; years, Robert Montgomery had to the start of the circus is up to wait until he landed In motion if I must advance advertising; freeze, al least allow the honor of prophecy. Also bet on Notre Dame, even up at that; 1 live in a am Catholic neighborhood; and a Methodist: and I bet on Notre Dame agin the Sothern Methodist, and a Catholic owes me a day's plowing. Sometimes a prophet is with honor in his own neighborhood. 1 1 GERMAN MEETING will he a meeting at the There today at speaking people arc Invited. Choir members e to attend. The ai urged speakers will be from the Logan and Cache stake presidency. German Presidency. pictures before he could play musical comedy. This unusual situation was the result of talkie development, which caused Montgomery to quit Broadway for Hollywood, where he won amazing success within a year. Now, featured In Love In the Rough," which will open today at the Lyric Theater, Montgomery is playing his first musical comedy role, the kind of part he always yearned for on the stage. Get man meeting house 3:45 p. m. All German 1 - Johnson of Royal Bakery 15.00 Xfax Fister and Cowley t THEATRE Now Playing Today, Monday And Tuesday 3 DAYS ONLY! ' ' ' 4r stay' IV ed. H Mon. honor own column that a, ior cvirvbody but gentle Ihixlane is always rigid. i Occasionally I do a bit of half'the than and better ,y:ng, time guess right the best proem did better than that. imt even the weather bureau; but do I get any medals? Let echo answer. Ami I got more echoes up in the-ihiild than would patch heck two parasangs, and 1 never got nothing out of a durn one ot em but a raspberry. But, what I was getting at was this; way long last August, alter taking that terrible trip up into Canada with Lil, the wreck of the Hesperus, I foretold that this was going to be a hard chill winter. told you I saw chipmunks in Canada packing nuts; I told you the Indians on three reservations told me while they were prying L.l over the terrible trails; was A -- ! Sun. - -- By Hill Billy c it-- , Sun. Forecast X : . surd. a United States judge, in New Jersey, as you know, announced from the bench that the prohibition law is not legal. Immediately following this decision, prohibition authorities in Jersey issued three prohibiti in City warn s and announce search that they woulu ignore the judge's decision. If wets, following the decision We are glad to learn from Hara United States judge, anvard that a "recent mysterious of nounced that they would pay no shaking of the earth's crust was attention to it, that would be a movement bark and forth, rythmical and regular, six seconds to criticized. each swing. And while the earth's crust does move, it moves only two of an inch in either direction, the motion continuing for many days. XX' The Best Sound in the State" should be very grateful that little human microbes can he Our strange rolling domicile is II XXe one with many motions know that It turns around on axis, rolls around the sun in 365 days, and is travelling thru space, accompanying the sun on its journey. But most of us forget about the many other motions of the earth. n lean '( aty hut' ( and o'ed Of a$Kts-il- Tucs. - Jfcd. ie iuusa was insured hy "jy auo 1 - f X'i dot King was visiting at rt coi.tly, guest of Miss Thinton Geraldine Hanson. Mis. HildaJlxijjrjit is spending the locks or unlocks. It is a new based on the door bell Idea. month at, Hyrrm with relatives. In Harvard sends reassuring news about this grand old earth, on which men have lived, according to Professor Osborne, for forty million years, and on which geologists, physicists, astronomers tell us we shall continue to live for at least a million million T. J. Doyle, She soon v. ill be it M.ic I 'bind n.nx XX AI'- prm-- s mai'de.t hx I I'he brand nest United States submarine inset, as she appeared on a trial run tiea taken to Puget sound for nnder-setests. -- 1 DEPARTMENT Ollier day lu Youngstown, Fiobabh the Utile thing tijlng to kiss papa. Neither this newspaper, nor any of Its stockholders or officials has any connection whatever. utility, r.al estate promotion o other prid'recUy or Indirectly, with any political party, publicdevoted solely to disinterested public Bervlce. vate business except the publication of newspapeis OTTI3 PETERSON, Managing Editor RkRHY S. LESTER. Advertising Manager. The best thing about Christmas is not the day itself. It is the period immediately preceding it. If, as we fondly believe, the heavens parted and a hills 20 shining miracle broke through on the Judea is here not oer. centuries ago, the day of miracles of course will not be any miracles on Christmas Day, look that unless you count that shy, breath-takinernes into a childs ejes when he gets his first glimpse of the presents that are awaiting him; but during the last fortnight or so before Dec. 2S there is an authentic miracle in which the whole nation shares. . jn.)t QUICK FOLLOWING THE STAR A'"" e th' VI i i jftfj'jfj.. un.il .fii.;: 1 i j page one) A. -- Howdy, fo'ks! Al Smith is going to write a weekly article for the newspapers. Wei!, says Lil Gee Gee, 1 ABOUT FUND turn (Continued 36-3- i HERES MORE WILEY Published Sunday morning and every week day except Sat Federal Ave., Logan. Utah, hy C'a !:e Valley N and legal holidays, at 8 Co., N. Gunnar Rasmuson, piestdent, and enter d as sw iiiui ohms ma'ler Proclaim liberty (St the postoffice Logan, Utah, under the act of March 3 ..'.it Sros ri; ".on tnruoot the land" d by earner. price $2 the yea,. In advance, or 25 cents the month deliver o San 1 ruiiib-rmfi e, 5? Montgomery St ; Gilman, Nlcoll & Ruthman, Special Represeniativts-Chicag18 W. 44th St.: Boston otfiee, 18 Tremont office, 410 N. Michigan Ave ; New York oirice. Bt; Detroit office. Roto 3, 266 General Motors Bldg. Full leased wire of the United Press. Member Audit Bureau or Circulation, N.E.A. Service, Western Features, and the Scripps Canfield N'ewspapeis. ii V-- 6 1U Every afternoon, except Saturday, half-dollar- AS NEW hoVElil THE p3s TTZ? QGUC-J- f Sax siith Robert Montgomery and Dorothy Jordan X m 4f;FNrvrW1 ; ii 3 u : If M aoa Also i Shows The lovely heroine ot "The Vagalond King." The handsome hero o fthe Broadway and Wake Up smash, United under the Dream. magic touch of Lubitsch, creator of masterpieces. tp v I Comedy and Pathe Newa -9 k m |