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Show fy7. i' jy r'. i?' a U J&f m WEEKLY PANORAMA MODERN IN GERMANY American heef, sausage and grains They swear loyally by their llaupt iunn, Suderntann, lfalhe and Philllppl. Hut the political agrarians have thcli opponents and the dramatic agrarians Yavo theirs, for the assistant stage manager, scene shifter and costume makers are thrown out of Jobs. The coming season promises an other deluge of the modern drama The Kaiser and royalty may dlsap prove and refrain from favoring the drama with Its patronage, but the theatergoing public who contributes to the balance sheet credit page, dir tates and Us command Is "away with the esthetic, and let ns have the filth of the gutter," as the Kaiser says in good German Idiom. I i DRAMA Esthetic Not Popular With Theater-Goe- r of the Fatherland. German dramatics and tao devotees of the modern drama are Jealous of their craft and resent the Importation of any foreign artlelo unless Jt hear the Landmark of lsben, BJornscn oi one or two Russian dramatists of the For In the German gloomy typo. dramatic world there are agrarians who cry German drama for Germany, Just aa there are agrarians in the Reichstag who want to exclude i I THE UUMOIl OF John C. Hallenbeek Chosen Grand Master of Grand Council. John C. Hallenbeek, elected most excellent grand master of the Grand i i ' THINKS CONDITIONS ARE GOOD. Prominent Financier Satisfied with the Russian Outlook. James I .I- W -.. WJ 4 mmr u M Jwjtj PftiYfjz' i ' is considered on periccu safe ground. Mr. Keene will be remembered above all else for his financing of government bonds at the duet of the civil war, an achievement in those days regarded as nlmost mliac-ulous- . Mr. Keene, though still nn active man In the street, is nearly 70 years of age. "CYCLISTS TAKE HEED. Code of Warning Perfected by international Tourists' League. An international code of warning signals for the benefit of all cyclists, end more partleul rly for those traveling lu foreign co.ntrles with whose language they t e unfamiliar, ha just been composed. The series of danger signs Is rf great simplicity, rnd has been unanimously adopted by the nineteen natloial cycling associations which comprise the l.lgue Internationale des Associations Tonrlts. Th basis of the signals Is the arrow, which Is In universal use in dun- - I POPULAR SCIENCE ORIGINAL JOKES AND JESTS, SELECTED. rnal dernde, indeed, o rapid a to Sandal for Winter Wear, The ordinary sandal I only Intended beiioii'- - li. roads on tie older pro'-- ' t for wear in warm weather and as a es. As an example of I'M n.o' no. n't ion slight protection to the Imre foi t, bit', may be cited t Ik electric proa. The mm Joof rail bisulphid. the device icccntly Invented by seph F. Fish of Chicago, 111., Is de is trade by one of the most ingenue") the button of applii ations of electricity. Tim prot-esSigned to be clamped in question is the invention oi a shoe or boot, to piotect the foot of the wearer rgalnnt cold due to contact Edward It. Taylor, and was put The proms is cotwith the eurth, particularly when the operation In ground Is covered with Ice or snow. tin nous, the current being regulate The Invention comprises a sandal hav- eithpr by the amount of conductive ing a sole ami heel connected by an in- carbon Introduced Into the furnace or step portion, the solo consisting of a by reducing the working surface of sections so con the electrodes by partially submergin'; plurs.ty or built-ur.'.rie-teas to readily yield to the them in molten sulphur. movement of the foot of the wearer. The sandal Is secured to the sole .of Bacteria in Low Temperatures. The resHanlies of 1rof. Dewar at the Royal Institution of I ondon on low temperatures show that all bacteria are rot destroyed, even at the lowest. Certain spec ies live w.ien subjected fo- days together to temperatures as low us 31b degrees F. The phosplioresc ent organisms cease to be luminous at tin temperature of liquid air, hut the eliPtnbal reactions producing the phosphorescence arc only for the luminosity recurs when the temperature is raised. It cannot longer lie assumed, then, that the tempeiature of spare Is sufficient to destroy ail life, and it Is not absurd to siippos) that lite can lie transferred Clamps on the Bottom of the Shoe. front one planet to another. If the the shoo by a too cap and a damp de- bacteria will only choose rold meteorsigned to engage the hod of tho shoe. ites they have a chance for life. But The damp Is formed of two pivoted they must avoid the t surfaces levers, Joined by links to a third. By of Mich celestial carriers. pulling the third lever back against the side of the bed tho links are loosTurns Gas on Automatically. ened, allowing the hooked roar ends In factories and other places where of the damping levers to release their It Is desited to turn on gas at given hold on the opposite side of the heel. times for or lighting purposes heating The principal advantage of this sandal It has heretofoie heen customary for is that it does not heat the foot, as is an to go around and light the employe the ease with rubber overshoes, and, various burners before the working as arrangement is made for adjusting day begins, and where the gas Is used the dumps to fit heels of uifferent for healing purposes, knelt, for Insizes, the sandal may be worn with stance, as melting the lead in typesetshoes of any size. ting and typefounding machines, delays In commencing work were liable Will Foretell Storms. to occur to light It Is said that Fr. Odenbach of St. the burnersthrough neglecting sufficiently early. Ignatius' College, In Cleveland, O., has Oddur Vlgfits Slgurddson, a Danish Invented an Instrument to foretell the Inventor living In London, England, coming of distant thunder storms, has patented a simple apparatus for Utilizing the principle at the base of turning on the gas at automatically wireless telegraphy. The various parti the proper hour, an alarm clock being of the apparatus are a relay, a soundused to release the weight which er, a coherer, a choking coll, two batthe valve. As will be seen, the opens teries, a recording chronograph and a clock carries a lever support, with one on collector the roof, connected end of the lever copper sustaining a weight by a copper wire with the observatory. and the opposite end confined beneath A lightning flash sends out In all directions rays of electro-magnetiwaves. These strike the collector and descend through the wire to the primary circuit of the relay. Their way Is blocked by the choking coil, and therefore they pass in great part through the coherer. The moment they do so this tube becomes a conductor for the primary current; the relay acts and closes a secondary circuit; the recording magnet moves a pen and makes it record; and at the same time the grounder in the secondary circuit clicks, shakes the coherer, and all is Fall of the Weight Opens the Valve. over until a second district flash sends a hook on a vertical rod. As soon as out a wave to be recorded in the same the alarm mechanism of the clock Is manner. The first form of the appar- put In motion the rod moves sufficientatus has been Improved by using a ly to release the lever from the hook, graphite coherer, and records distant when the weight falls to the cushion thunder storms from one to three In the bottom of the casing, at the hours before they reach Cleveland. It same time opening the main valve In appears that at least an hour's warn- the gas supply pipe to allow full force to the heating flame, which has preing can almost always be given of th approach of a distant storm. viously been burning slowly, on the gas entering the burners through a New Wireless Triumph. pilot tube. Accounts of another wireless triumph are reported. The staff of the America's First Settlers. Dr. Charles llalloek writes to The torpedo sehoolshtp Vernon at Portsmouth, England, has succeeded after Literary Digest that he regards KoIn devising many experiments a rean Immigration of the year 541, scheme of keeping up communica- which led to the founding of the Mextions by moans ot wireless telegraphy ican empire in 1323, as "but an inwith submarine vessels when they are cidental contribution to the multiply-Inunder water, and so Ingenious Is the Inhabitants of North America. contrivance that no part of the appar- He says: "The Indians, or Indigenes, atus used for receiving purposes is of both North and Sout t America, orvisible on the surface when the boat In iginated from a civilization of high communication Is beneath the water. degree which occupied tho suhequa-torla- l belt some in.iion years ago Novel House Came. while the glacial sheet was still on. Something decidedly new In the way Population spread northward as the of a toy bouse atul game is occupied bo receded. The gradual by quite a variety of inmates, but all of population over the higher the shutters uie closed tightly and latitudes In alter years was supplenobody would suspect that there was mented by accretions from Europe any one Inside. and Northern Asia centuries before But drop a buckshot Into the chim- the coming of Columbus." ney and lustuntly there Is a transformation scene. The shot runs down an Appendicitis. Inclined plane from story to story, reM. Lannelongue has Just communileasing a series of catches and mus- cated to the luris Academy of Sciing the shutters to open with a bang, ences a long history of appendicitis. the peoplo appearing at the wiudows He shows that It Is by no means a new disease. The medical records of the last century In France contain many Instances. Egypt in the time of the riiaroahs was not exempt, for he shows that the mummy of a young woman of tho eleventh dynasty (somo 5,nuo yenrs ago) exhibits every Indication that the death was due to a peritonitis having its origin In a diseased appendix. This mummy has been put to a new use. It was In sir Thomas Browne's time that Mizralm cured wounds ami Bharaoh was sold for balsams. e s o ! John C. Hallenbeek. Council, Royal and Select Master Masons of Illinois, at the annual session In Chicago, Is a man In the stationery and paper business, and a Mason who has taken nearly all the degrees and held office in most of the Masonic chapters, lie is of old colo aial Dutch stock, and has been a rest dent of Chicago si ice childhood. ' 21 &e well-know- 1 3 - WILL WRITE i 1 Marchioness of Londonderry Has Work In Contemplation. The Marchioness of Londonderry, who Is said to have In contemplation a serious literary work on the Irish Question, is perhaps better fitted by education, Inclination and experience for the task before her than any mem her of the British nobility. Her father, the Earl of Shrewsbury and Talbot, was premier earl of Ireland, and the young Lady Theresa Helen Talbot spent much of her time In that oun i ,tertiorw.i Cajgat- - OF IRELAND. C u&ouarJ-Dax)- c OVorvvaMcx. row .corfter !oxv Obtdru j tiorv.' ger signs, and Is therefore understood by nil cyclists. easily To Measure Memory. Attempts have recently been made to "measure memory. One of the ex perlmcuta consists in reading a series of figures to the subject at a regular speed of about two per second, and observing how many he cat repeat without error in tho order In which they were given. The faculty of voluntary attention Is, of course, railed intd play In this experiment. Children from six to eight years old retain, on the ten average, flvo figures; children years old six figures; and adults seven figures. t FIRMIN NOW A FUGITIVE. Main Vaci' t 'floNoxtxwf .! .1 , Lord I,ondonderrya favorite Is Mount Stewart, County Down, where the family have spent a great part of each year among a large and loyal tenantry, and for three Lord Londonderry was years, lord lieutenant of Ireland. Lady Lon donderry has always loved her Irish homo and the Irish people. She has done much to popularize their laces, linens, tweeds and poplins, and has a all her work come to know Ireland hr what she is, so she will be able to write truthfully and with a friendly try. seat 1886-89- ; I Movement on Revolutionary Island of Haytl Collapses. The main revolutionary movement In Haytl has ended with the surrender of Gonalves, the Firmlnite headquarters, to tho government troops and the flight of Gen. Flrmln, who Is a refugee on hoard the steamer Adirondack which sailed for Bahama, Oct 26. It is now believed that order , g Harmless Pleasure. At the railway stations In Russia books are kept In which passengers may enter any complaint they wish to make. That Is a good Idea. It should bo adopted by the railroads and tho coal trust In this country. Of course U la not supposed that the complaluts would do any good, but people' liko to complain and we don't see why wo shouldn't huvo this prlvllogo In tho Gen. Firmln. Innd of the free add tho homo of the that Is such order ns tho repub. biavo when they have it In despotic of Haytl Is accustomed to will sooa Russia. Pathfinder-- . be restored to tho Island. Great Enterprise Contemplated. tremendous enterpru is contemplated by the Gould Wabash svstera on the line of tho West Virginia Central says Electricity. plans have been drawn by which It ia expected to 1'ft whole truing loaded with coni or merchandise up the sides of a precipitous slope of the Gieat llaekl one mountains In Tucker county, W. Vn., bv mmns of electric power, and by that method make a double track road w ith rn tasy grade both ways. The which Is said to have been Ihoion-ii- plan h' worked out by the engineering of tie railroad, Is a most remarkable one In many ways. A pen. i AND Present Her Choice for a Birthday How Filled Both Requirements HusDrove Wife Cruel, Thoughtless Her, band from She Couldn't Forgive Him. cut Who Is that man your wife yesterday? street dead on the Thats one of iny best friends. Mary is a little prejudiced against to bo a Mm because he happened election booths of the one in registrar to some time ago and was obliged ask her how old she was. Didn't she tell him?" Tell him! Certainly not. ' "But why not? knew." "Because she knew he Boy Didn't Know. A teacher was Instructing a class of tryboys, and had spent half an hour ing to drive into their heads the ference between man and tho lower sucanimals, but aparently with little cess. a Tommy, he said, coaxingly to differthe know "do little chap, you ence between say, me and a pig, o any other brute? "No," replied Tommy, Innocently, but another teacher standing by laughed. dif- Wife. A Cruel, Thoughtless red-hu- until be ! . , subs-lun'- R. Keene, tho famous finan- cier, who has just prophesied a long and uninterrupted period of prosperity for the country, Is properly considered tho Nestor of the financial woild, and one whose opinions are almost regarded as market value. UiH lips anil downs have been Innumerable, but of late years hts affairs have prospered i I f and Things HONORED BY ILLINOIS MASONS i ' Persons, Plaices THE TEST OF TIME. Mrs. Clara J. Sherbouniu, Prc slonal nurse, of 257 Luinliet'-.- i street, Portland, Maine, rajs: I heartily wish those via from some disturbed action of th6 neys would try Doans Kidney They would, like me, be more tli surprised. My back annoyed me 'if years. Physicians who diagnosed Z case said it arose from my kldne When the grip was epidemic I worn out with constant nursing Jl when I contracted It myself it left in a very serious condition, i co, not straighten nor do the most act without being In torture. The kit neys were too active or the secretloc. were too copious, and 1 knew whai was wrong, but how to right it was. mystery. It seems odd for a pr0t sional nurse, who has had a great deal of experience with medlclues, to read advertisements about Doans Kldn Pills in the newspapers, and It ttlj appear more singular for mo to go to H. II. Hay & Son's drug store for k But I did, however; and had box. anybody told me before that it waa possible to get relief as quickly as i did I would have been loth to believe it. You can send anyone who wishes more minute particulars about mj case to me, and I will be only too glad to tell them personally. As long as I live I will be a firm advocate of Doans Kldnay Pills." Cure Confirmed 5 Years Later. Lapse of time has strengthened nr good opinion of Doan's Kidney PiUj first expressed in the spring of 1896. i said then that had anybody told no that it was possible to get relief u quickly as I did I would have been loth to believe it. Years have passed and freedom from kidney my continued complaint has strengthened my opinion of Doan's h!dneyPil!s and given me' a much higher appreciation of with as much alacrity as If there were an alarm of fire. Finally the shot runs out of the bottom of the house, and a touch upon lever causes the figures to pxp in and the shutters to close again. ho contrivance litis been patented by a Philadelphia man. Electrical Discoveries. The clectroclii-iulea- l of Industry thl$ country hns gtvwn tip since I7m, But Rs grow lit htt toes rapid In innt 4 their merits." A FREE TRIAL of this great ddress N. Y. For sale by 50 cents per box. Co., Foster-Milbur- of Edj and Flowery Fields did Wy yer leave Weary William Oh, she wuz flighty and changeable. Useter hide her poet-etboo-k In a different place 'most every never seemed ter cart how time; much trouble she made me. Leslies Weekly. The Thbrn and the Rose. Mrs. Temperton Ive got the dear est old darling of a husband that ever happened. He has an awful temper and about once a month he gets mad and tears up my best hat Miss Singleton And you call him a dear old darling after that? IIow can you? Mrs. Temperton Well, you see, he always has a fit of remorse next day and buys me a better one. And Laughed Operaorlously. He was an ardent but economical lover, and had been courting her for three months. When do you think, dearest," he said, as they sat near the moonlit win dow one evening, that the moon appears at Its best? "I think, she replied, "that the moon always looks the loveliest when one Is returning from the opora. He took the hint. Argument Easily Settled. Two old friends meet after a separation of many years. "Time flies, says one, but, aftet all, you are not so bald as I expected to find you. I should say not. Look In Bald! the glass yourself. I'vo more hair than yon have. "More hair than 1 have? Thats perfectly absurd! Let's count ab-sur- em! In the Wrong Office. Actress ou aio a divorce lawyer 1 understand? Lawyer Yes. madam; I seeuro divorce without publicity. Actress Eh-- lm In the wrong office. Good day, sir. Now Yoik Week- - Expensive and Handso me. jy Urine tro no t, Uu. wlso guy 1 I week a pains beginning e of menstr ras serio I conti at ,, and ie a new felt bettr lick head nds more '.itingly -- 5 Wis., sics Club .and. 3, Ltr proving 9 uenslioi f tried a emalc il e Vegeta to buy n need the Pries Ap cw York acti Therr ippropi'ia skj io i (Winter Us wder. nervou ?. if you ba it shoes, nr all drip S. Sanif Oimstei I Ipinish . train time t tr.ish Expensive Wine. The most expensive wine In tli world is some 1778 Madeira recover from a wreck in the Scheldt in 1811 It was Bold at 114 per bottle. ,'c esses me fparture s - hat is, a ys after e 'T owe my whole life to Burdock Blood Bitters. Scrofulous sores covered my body 1 seemed beyond cure. B. B. B. has msdi me a perfectly well woman. Mrs. Cbss Hutton, Berville, Allcb. Diplomacy. Whether he neeas It or not, every man should try to borrow money so si to learn who hls friends aren't, u also never to lend. New York Piesi fBOTI Mrs. Winslow's Hoothlng njrnp.' redirwa For Children teeihln. softens the iiuttii, Asmmsilon,Uy pain, cures wind colic. aScsMDs Jews of Palestine. The Jews of Palestine are entirely descended from Jews who returned to that land from Europe. Most ot them speak a corrupt form of the German language. There is more Oatnrrti in this section of U country than all other diseases put toscihcr. and until the last few years wits Kupixe-edtincuruble. For a (treat many years it a loeui disease, und pre ribfdkcd remedies, and by constantly jullmir to curs with local treatment, pnmnuiiced it incurabis u Science has proven euturrh to bo n tionul disease, und therefore requires t rent menu Hull aCaturih Cure. by F. J. Cheney A Co.. is tho only constitutional cure on thenar It Is taken Intcrniillv in iIom-- from itl drops' a teasponiiful. It nets directly upon theM n"rf Thand murium Mirf.iees of tho one hundred dollars for Htiv system. ruse it fails incurs bind for rlmihirsnnd toetimontiils. Addrrss F. J.t I1KNKY li CO., Toledo, Dal RoM bv Uniii'lsts, Km, Hull n I utility Fills are tho best. con-ut- V Remarkable Tiinsactlon In Cotton. The biggest sal-- t of cotton from oc plantation ever mado In New Orb an look place a few weeks since, tho famous "Panther Burn crop, cot slating of 4,900 Laics, was sold. sale and delivery of 4,900 hales from one plantation would be a remarks!)! transaction under ony clrciiuistaaco. hut these bales were nearly twice th usual weight, averaging 900 pound the bale. DYES. Vhile the foe, trial certa rs. You h.w it was re To Cure a Cold In One day, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists ref und money if it fails to curs. Xn hour Nothin3 Certain. is It possible, miss, that vm. do not know .the nance ot , our best friends? ''Possible? Why, f rolir,(0 u , oo not even know what mv own ' ' 110 xar or two ago of dt could frown nolwiit.il Hunt min Wlet Id yo' Jhach: Hs? 0i Tooth r will ph. Is sn InfstllM VV. SiSC Good Insurance Risks. Talking about ages au.l longed insurance people say thut the IH a Jew la 40 per cent more t a! uat ihan that of any other people exc and preachers. wMi!I must choose one MhtoZomluTnZcMZ as you please." Dorothy "I will tako Jack aniuppo, Please, papa, dear. while tnothei Vc occasi good. Fluo's Curs for Consumption WeS, Ve , hams did you scream when he kissed you? I should have done so If It bad Belle been possible. I didn't scream w hen he began because I just wanted to see If he had the assurance to do Back i thing; while he was In the act of kissing I could not for obvious reason use for screaming lips that were otherwise employed, and when it vu all over a scream would have dose no medicine for ooughs sml euhbv N. Ocean Qroyo. N. J.. Fob. 17. 19UX yoSShd'ayX" bac "jin's Did not hi Perfectly Natural Explanation. Kitty Tell me the truth, Belle; yer wife, William? js and jxcause Buffalo, all druggists. was j uteri .she y medicine which cured Mrs. will be mailed on application to any part of the United Slates. A- cIl iother i 1 with a will ct ler fo; can do your dvelng In with PUTNAM FADliLLS3 Cough f Stop CC Lives by Capturing Sea Lion. Capt. J. R. Mullins of Detroit, maM H a pood living capturing ea Ilona gets most of them on the coast of M leo and Southern CalRornla. H Just returned from Europe, wber disposed of forty. 1 Th litto folks lore Dr. Wood's inn Hyrup. ilrnimnt takft Pr innlpi, j'ofcitive cur lvr congMi , I'ronthiUi, Asthma, Record Cffertory. Aiutralina biggest ofierlory nl;en up at the roiiaeerntlim of HsVip or Oi pcnlnrlfi In Bydrey hedrnl. It a.mmi.lH to 3, VO, is perlmpi the reiorJ. ou 'M hug ( Owg Om c op r r'J Iwvirr |