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Show ) THE lemon riora POSSES TRI-WEEKL- JOURNAL, Y Type of Ulster Volunteers and Captain Craig, Active Leader J r 4 M a 1870. Isaac Blair, Sr was born March 22, 1830, at Towbridpe, Summersetshire, England, lie was put to work in a factory when a mere boy and it was while working there that he embraced Mormonism. The per secution was so great that he lost his position in the factory, and suffered much for the truths sake. from place to THROUGH. and" Hy-ru- HYRUM STAKE PRESIDENCY. .. , RELIEF SOCIETY CONFERENCE. - pretty dark, but always valiant for his cause. He came to Utah in 1868 and in the year 1875 he came to Lew iston, and as one of the few who lived here first he could tell many tales of trials and hardships. But he built a beautiful home and raised ten children, six of whom are living. They are: Wm. M. Blair of Lewiston, S. A. Blair of Ogden, Henry Blair of Ogdenr Isaac Blair. Ruth Blair Evans of Ogden,, and Albert E. Blair of Black-foo- t, Idaho. He is also survived by a second wife. As he passed away at River-dalservices were held there Saturday, May 2. Pres. Charles Middleton of the Weber Stake, Patriarch George Larkin and others spoke very well of the useful life he had lived and of his faithfulness as a Latter-da- y Saint. A solo was beautifully sung by Miss Bessie Blair, accompanied by her father. The remains were removed to Lewiston, where a crowded house came to show respect to his memory. The speakers were Pres. T. BEVans of the Weber Stake, Bishop Ransom Bingham of Riverdale, Brother S. A. Blair, Pres. Wm. Waddoups and some others. All testified of "his noble character and his love ' The Relief Society Conference of the Cache Stake, will be held Monday, May 18, at 10 and 2 oclock in the Tabernacle. A good attendance is desired. MRS. LUCY S. CARDON, Preat. e, The May dance, given by the three wards of Lewiston Saturday was indeed the prettiest id the iarty that has been givenbeauti-ulall for a long time. A l May Pole was decorated in and' lowers many colored streamers. The walls were also hung with flowers and green foliage. A large crowd made it a social as welFasHa" financial success. Punch was served - prettily decorated rom ooth. The queens of the May were Miss Marie Hyer 'of the irst ward and Miss Westover of the Third ward. Each had ;hree pretty maids of honor. A rrand march was also a feature of the evening. Photo by America PfM Association O one knew when Ulster would fly Into' eiivlA war ever borne rale following the sensational Incidents over the reslgnntiona of several prominent British army officers. Ulster Unionist volunteers continued for Uieir maneuvers, principally under the command of Captain James held Captain Craig Is shown here inspecting the volunteers in Belfast The the Craig. armed Orangeman before Captain Craig is typical of the Cater volunteers. A missionary farewell Hr. Leon Pond will be lere tomorrow night in opera house. He leaves on the 20 for a foreign mission. Sun-a- y afternoon." the First ward lad an excellent Primary Also the Second division. It was largely attended and the children did excellent Mrs. Thomas and Miss Bum-laof the Primary Stake Board were in attendance. DIOTUERS DAY con-eren- ce. i AT MILLVILLE! 12 -- Mothers Millville-- May Day was fittingly observed at Mr. Samuel Dallof, of Smith-fiel- d, this piace, the Pcesideney of the spent Sunday here, the Relief Society taking charge. On" guest of Miss Cora Champion. ineetirf house was beautifully for his fellow men. The sendecorated with white carnations Mrs. W. B. Parkinson timents of respect were a source and pansies, and the following of comfort to the mourners. holiday in Logan. program was rendered, during the opening song all the mothers were presented with a white ear nation. Sieging by choir; prayer,! John King; singing, Ere the Sun Goes Down; speech of welcome by Lyman Jessop; duet by Lucy and Betsy Nielson; talk on Mother by Mae Morten.sen; song by a company of little boys; recitation by Izene Hove ; piano solo by Maralda J(8sop: reading by Ollie Scott; song hv a compary of little girls; paper on Mother by Martha Olsen; toasts and sentiments by F. R Peart, Ray Ifovey, Martin Olson. Mar-vili- a Excellent music was furnished by the Third ward choir. A CHARITY FAKIRS IN CRIMINAL CLASS Targe cortege followed the remains to the cemetery, Many out6f town people attendedlhe ItTShigh time that some sys tematic meants be employed by 'funeral. the proper authorities to weed out A fine nine pound bov arrived fake charity agents. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Among the evidence unearthed Ezra Hatch, on Saturday morn- Dy the CurranTdegislative invesing. Mother and babe doing tigation committee was one innicely. stance where $537.06 had been for charity and only Dr. and Mrs. T. B. Budge collected of that amount was actual$3.45 and children", of Logan, spent put to charity uses. Another Friday in Lejviston visiting rel- ly case Wa9 where $1,493.04 had atives. men collected, of which almost went to expenses and $1,000 of Mrs. Irene Hutten, Hyrum to charity. remainder the week here last visiting spent with her mother. Mr. T. W. For every ease like those quotHutten came up yesterday to ed there are probably dozeus that spend the day. escape public attention. They are mostly due to laxity on the pubMr. J. M. Anderson spent the lics part in dealing with first of last week at Salt Lake solicitors. on business. The splendid work of the SalMrs. George Parkinson, of vation Army and the VolunteersAmerica thoroughly organizPreston, spent Friday here, the of ed and giving maximum results guest of Dr. and .Mrs. W. B. for every dollar eolleeted has Parkinson. bred a host of minor imitators, The genealogical convention some actually dishonest. tiths are emheld here last Tuesday and Wedor Annies leagues feast. was unusual an ployed nesday Some excellent lectures were send out uniformed solicitors. given by those who took the Cases are On record where even course at Salt Lake and a won- the habits of religions sisterderful spirit marked each ses- hoods have been used in fraudusion. The different wards of lent attempts to extort money the Stake were quite well repre- from a generous public All such dishonest charity sented. brokers should "he outlawed and Miss Eva Lewis is in Logan vigorously prosecuted. Givers of for a weeks visit. real charity should he protectof charity should Miss Mary Pond is home ed The name from disrepute. OtherYrom the U. A. C. for a few he saved wise ordinary loose purse strings days. will he tightened and the genMiss Bell Kemp is home from uine charities will suffer. Amonjr other evidence collectHogan for a short stay. ed hv the Curran committee from The district schools are al fifty maternity homes and hosni- nek i ntr f a rt -- was dis "Jia vi ng exam i n at i on s this-weet n s th dosed that infants are practical-lMr. Oscar S. Dunn entertain sold to unknown ed his school at the moving pic- In most charity cases. applicants. in thi ture show on Saturday night. riass of institutions, the cost of Mr. Saul Hyer who is attend medical attention to the mother secured for is offset hv ing the B. Y. C.,i& at home for adoption money papers a week. There is nothng within the enMrs. W. B. Parkinson enter- tire range of commercialized tained the literary and art circle charities more degrading than on Friday afternoon. The liter this. Chicago American. ary lesson was given by Mrs. S. R. Rogers and the remaindPeople of Philddphia sav one er of the af ternon was spentrin f'f tFe nev pTavs is too loud. Tt sewing. A delicious lunch was must he a noisy one if it has disserved to 12. American Beau- - turbed that town. 1 k. GRADUATES OF vice-presiden- AVON SCHOOLS m High-soundin- 1 Olson, Reva Yeate.s, ' d v Rose Pitkin. Dora Manehle, May Chandler. Martha Olson; closing song. God he With You Till We Meet Again; prayer by IT. C. Ifenniger. students . have the eighth grade examinapassed tions successfully: Raymond OlFredrickson, Edwin sen, Earl John, Charles McArthur and La von Wybrow. The marriage of Miss Hazel JIbllist and Mr. Bert McArthur took place May 4. Both young people are residents of this place. We wish them joy. Mrs. Katie Johnson and her have been daughter, - Leona visiting friends and relatives of this place. Formerly they lived here but a year ago they sold out and located in Rigby, Idaho. The warm rain is appreciated by the farmers who have their grain in. The prospects are inis deed gratifying. The land teeming in loveliness; the hills and valleys are carpeted with a carpet of rich, green verdure bedecked with bright green foliage of tree and shrub and the fruit trees clad in their white, sweet scented blossoms, makes a pretty contrast and completes a picture fit for the consideration of an artist. The following orchestra, but were unable to Douglas- Ariz., May 12. Don meet and play with these on Tues acio Acosta, the American shot day. the Pearian girls gave a party yesterday by an American caval was last at the iiiglit in the dining room line, boundary ryman hit in the back, it was learned This was a party given to the today, and Mexican constitution prospective members' of ' next ajs(s reciared this fact enforced year The,offireK'"are President. their assertion that Acosta was Pearl Johnson. shot while on Mexican territory. Edna Davidson. Secretary and The bullet passed through Aco- Treasurer, Laverne Larson. Deli stas body, piercing the apex of cions refreshments were served his right lung, but he is expect- after and before which the girls ed to recover. busied themselves in the things only girls can think of doing. ltl'RIA LIN NEW YORK PLAGUE IN COLORDAO New York, May 12. The body of Mme. Lillian Nordipa Panama, May 12. A seven-da- y will be brought to NewYbrk quarantine has been declarfor burial, according to announ- ed Against all ports of Columbia cement made today by her owing, to, reports. indicating that George" W, Young, banker conditions there in regard to the Mr. Young probably- will go to bubonic plague have become Brindisi, Italy, to meet the body serious. MEXICAN SHOT IN IiCK - 1 Vice-presiden- hus-ban- d, - t. -- t; Coal Reduced ton Si Northern crosses the di vide and goes, into Avon, and from there through Paradise, Hyrum; Millville, Providence, Logan IldyePark, Smithfield, Richmond, Franklin, Lewiston and Preston, Thus if both roads were built as contemplated they would practically parallel from Hjrum to Preston. - The Salt Lake Security and Trust company is trustee of the bond issue and will handle the funds realized from the sale of bonds disposed of. It is believed that the work will start as soon President Crockett returns from, Europe, though the pro mot- Cache valley have had ht-o- f mm U t aay recently regardmg the futureof their plans. READY FOR WAR ( IF IT COMES Washington, May 12. Every preparation that can be made by the war department for the invasion of Mexico has been perfected. Orders have gone out to hurry the construction of seven hundred field pieces which will be necessary under the plan of active operation in Mexico as mapped out by the army war college. Additional mountain artillery and ammunition for the mountain artillery already at Vera Cruz and for he field artillery "there have been ordered ' for shipment to Galveston, Some of these munitions are already on the way and more will go forward on some of the many tran-sports which are now being re-fitt- -- ed for service in transports -- tion of troop and war supplies. As the largest body of troops, on the border is concentrated at El Paso, and as reserves can he added to this force,, small arms have been sent to that point. It is estimated that the ordinance bureau of the war department has ready for distribution standard rifles, about 600-00and, while many of these arms will be concentrated in Texas, the real point of entrance into Mexico is not over the border, but at a place on the military map of invasion called Camargo in southeastern Texas. The war department has near ly announced the chartering of a few transports, but it is known that chartering has been going on on a large scale. The four transports which were always available at Galveston would themselves have been sufficient' to take an ordinary force of rein forcements to Vera Cruz. What is expected is that the United States may have to seize another large port in Mexico. It is generally understood that this will be Puerto Mexico if Tampico falls into the hands of the constitutionalists. . It is perfectly correct to play a diamond to your best girls heart lead. A 4 For Summer Storage FROM MAY 1st TO JULY 31st We Quote the Following Prices at Our Yard: KING LUMP Best) Mr. F. R. Peart has sold his EXAMS COMING home to Mr. Cooley of Newton, AT THE B. Y. C. and will inoe away, we regret seeing Mr. Peart leave us. he has (Continued from page one) been a big help to our ward Professor Robinson of the B. Y. while living here. in the C. won in the singles, Mr Ernest Scott is preparing doubles Packer and Robinson of Oneida were victorious. to build a new home The Juvenile orchestra led by Otte gave a very creditable Prof. is aKo erectMr. Niels Monson in devotional Tuesday. exhibition house. ing an Quite a number of the players The closing exercises of our were from the Training School. schools will he held Friday even- In all probability the Training Barn, School will establish an orchestra ing. Born to Mir. and1 Mrs Willard next year. Those playing TuesGarr a fine daughter. day were. Marie Pedersen, Ellen Mr. Thomas Cutler of Trenton Nielsen, Veniee IFillyard, Wallace is building a store anti dwelling England. Lenard Pitkin. Herschel house in the north part of town.. Shaw. Ollie Edwards. McCracken Smith.. Five others belong to this g sh Salt Lake, May 12 A cablegram to the Salt Lake Security & Trust company yesterday announced that the bonds of the & Northern Ogden. Lewiston sold been had Railroad company in concern financial to a large w. Paris-FranPml W. Crockett president of the proin now is line jected electric Paris, where he has been arrangbonds. ing for "the disposal of the According to those interested, Work will be started on the line withim the next sixty days. The road, route proposed for the which has been contemplated for ,some tinie past, is through Ogden canyon and over the divide into Cache vallev. thence north as far as Preston 'Idaho. The interests behind the road are largely in northern Utah and sontheni Ida. the original promoters being a in group of prosperous farmers the vicinity of Lewiston. The proposed route covers not terri only a rich agricultural e road high-limthrough torv but a d Ogden canyon and over vide, as contemplated, would give the road magnificent scenery. The preliminary surveys have been completed and the road, which will be 150 miles long will he equipped to handle passenger and freight' traffic. The promot18,000 ers propose to develop electrical of enefgy horsepower at a plant on the Bear river three miles south of Alexander. The officers of the road are: Fred W. Crockett of Logan, president; A. L. liver of LewisMorris J. ton. of secretary Lewiston, Swinyard and treasurer: with Martin Pond of Lewiston.. T S. Karren of John Johnson of Lewiston, I ewiston and George S. Oh ray of Paradise as additional directors. Recently ,announced plans of the Ogden and the Eceles-oadsTransit companies Logan Rapid to build into Cache valley from the terminus of their Ogden line at Brigham City, makes possible electric railway competition in Cache vallev if both roads are completed. The Logan Rapid Trans't company now has an in oriban line to Sraithfield, north of Logani and to Providence, The Brigham south of Logan. City line according to the plans will now be run to Wellsville and around the south end of the valley to connect with the Logan line at Providence. The Smithfield line would he extended north. The route of the Ogden. Lewis- -- a unac-redite- N PUT MEDIATELY y roses and carnations formed he center piece. They will He was buffeted meet in two weeks at the home place and things of Mrs. Harry Coley. at times seemed BONDS DISPOSED OF H VII l.M STAKE NOTICE. The Hyrom Stake High Council the Priesthood meeting will convene Saturday, May 23d, at Meetings at 8 a. m. and 10 bv general debility. He was one a. m. organizations will meet of the sturdy pioneers of Lew with theAllPriesthood as usual. islon, and had lived here since CACHE VALLEY ItOAD OGDEN, LEWISTON & NORTH-ERROAD IS TO BE IM- Lewiston, May 13. The fan end cervices of Brother Isaac Blair, Sr., who died at River dele, Weber county, was be Sunday in the Third wart chapel. His death was caused Thursday, May 14, 1914. LOGAN, UTAH. (the Very 93-5- 0 Per Ton KING, Store Size 95.25 Per Ton PEACOCK ROCK SPRINGS LUMP 95.25 Per Ton With a 5 Per Cent Discount in Quantities of 4 Tons or more We are Exclusive Sales Agent for the Celebrated King Coal, the Leading Utah Product with which we Guarantee Perfect Satisfaction. We will be pleased to have your- early orders. - Thatcher Coal Co. 46 W. 2. PHONES 16 and 76 Center Street, Logan. Up town office: Thatchers Livery Will you get bar gains as good as the following: 250 acres of choice dry farm land within iy miles of Cache Junction. In flowing well district. An exceptionally good buy at $6500.00. Good Terms. 160 acres atSnowville,Utah with house and plow, harrow. disc harrow, sulky Water piped in house, for only $2750.00. Cardon Company Qr |