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Show of local DfWS ' J by ivrr-'nd- .j j ''n- Hr.ovL) 2566 Phone PAROWAN TIMES REMEMBER 'n I Oa'as v j. .S, PI A . Sept nt. u d . It , loll Count) Pjiow.iII, ( Y Fall at 8 to 10 A VFAli Iron Counly Receives Rec- Boys State To Be ognition At State Fair continued This Year All a "til lex Dis- lh.it Went in flolo lu Ahum n m I gi.ei o! Palawan bon Count) m the I'tah Centenm.,1 Post No till HI gl illtolMl leglclx m Salt l.ike Ci!, I'tai ln.it B.) Suite will be diM .mini Mr. and Mrs Will L. Axioms have t the Ctah S a'e fair gl ounds. W hu li lux! t..i ibi.x ve.ii Only gu post,, ,,f won pll.es and eeogn tlon W el e a armed home ftom their llu 111 exp, Hi.ted ll it fi xpoltsois or for the L D S Church follow s mission m. ni) fo; tins ou'xt.m ding piogr.i.'n which they spent in Auonu. They Mis Olive Waul. Iaiowan Baby S t Ame'u, umm will make their relent to the people Silk We ixh to th, ms the bovx for id Pa rowan at a joint meeting of .eeepting this Call to repiexi lit the the two Wards on Sunday. July 13th .egtoti Pox! (rum Pui ovv ,ui. but ale in the East Ward Chapel. At the xoiiy hut Bov's State bus bi . n ilix-- . same meeting, membeis cf the Alex uli'.illiuxl and that mu sal ho) S Oilon family who will be holding e black croclu t Hand Bag l.xt pue will have to give up llu oppoiluni. fum.ly reunion at tliat time, will One crochet rug Id pi ie ) to leatn the dutus and furnish the music and oilier pure One pair wove knitted meiix x, of citiuli.xhip and obtain of the program. si pi IO the pleasure ami assoeiation with It is hoped that members of both Mix Hi heiea Millei Iainw.iii (hu 'tlicr bo) s of ttu.x State with whom Wants will keep this in mind and Halid eniliui idt'i ed vi.,11 putuie 1st die) w oi k and live in the future plan on attending Smeeii lv prie Mis He: lieit White Summit One Commander II. L Adams Hand painted and emborideied qult I Exp-ksUm- .x I vv I I;- . Personal News Notes! 2nd Mix pne. Tv ilia Thornton Parowan On Aged Parowan Lady SucRain Bontn t and Jacket 2nd plan Mrs Bail) ii a M Adams Parowan cumbs At Her Home Here aiillex Wove cimhet mitt, ns si prize Mis. Olive Hnluints Burton. 73, Ma:v I, Baston Cedar City Affigan died at her home here lute Tuesday night of cuu.vs incident to age Her Continued on page fix e Got don L. H.iltennan, oldest son health lias been veiy pi mi for some of Mr. and Mrs Mai ion llalterman .line but she has been ably eared enlisted in the U. S. tegular army Popular Young Couple United toi at her home hy her ru.ee, Mi.x shortly after his graduation from Geolgiu Meeks Fum ral seiviies aie High School this spring and is now being held Thursday in the Wert Waid Chapel. taking his boot training at Fort Ord. In Double Ring Ceremony Calif He has enlisted for a period Mrs. Burton was boin in Parowan of 18 months. At a double nng n lemony per January 14. 1873 a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Candis of tunned Tuesday evening July 1st Thomas and Jane Pendleton RichNiles. Ohio, spent a couple of days oy Bishop W Lcoiuud Evans at tin ards. She will he remembered by many in Parowan recently visiting with home ut her patents, Mi. and M:s of the older residents of Parowan as VV. Mr. Albeit Stevens ol Parowan, Parowan Merc- heir sister, and bi Ramona Mitchell a most Mrs Worth Orton. Mrs. friendly and efficient cletk and Ortons Connie Joy H'.cvetf. became tine sister and her husband, Mr. and oncie of Haen Cray Lay. son of Mr for many ycais in the obi Holyoak Mrs Joseph Pucevich and their and Mrs. Edwuid Lay of ELclante. Store She married Horace Burton of family are aiso visiting here at the Utah. on February 2. 1807 who Parowan beau-lil'the bride was gowned in a present time her in death by a number proceeded floor of white length model MrsyAlta Jones of Nephi visited of years. of net a and roses. ted wote corsage at the' home of her parents, Mr. and She is survived by 7 sisters, Mrs She was attended by. Mrs. Ken Lay Mrs- Don Orton last week. - Mrs. JctfViio Mary Bentf.';' and'Mrs Barbara M Adams and Anna as matron of honor und Carrie Ward Jensen of Parowan; and Mis. Lottie Adams are visiting in Salt Lake City and Shalla Hyatt as bridesmaids Nora, Kite, Ada and Pendleton, Kem of the was brother Lay, groom for a few days. Rozella Richards all of Denver, Colo. best Mr. Afton Norton, son of Mrs. John following the cereW. Bentley, and his two children of mony, Mr. and Mis. Stevens enter- Mrs. Emma Lowder Webb McGill, Nevada, visted for a few tained ait a reception in the West days last week at the Bentley home. Ward Relief Rooms, where about Mr and Mrs. Earl Ferry of Phoe100 guests were received by the Celebrates 84th Birthday nix, Arizona are visiting at the bride and groom, their parents, and MrsEmma Lowder Webb's 84th present time with Mrs. Estella Hunt- membeis of the wedding party. er- They, in company with Mrs. A miscellaneous piogram was pre- birthday was very fittingly celeHunter are making a week-enserve With D.fuol Crawford ol brated Monday, June 3Uth by 30 tour of the Southern Parks. Cedar City acting as mader of cere- relatives and friends calling Friday Mrs. Shelby Bentley and her baby monies. Nina Taylor and Vilate afternoon, some with fancy woik, while a number helpson of Farmington, Utah are visiting Hyatt were in chaige of refresh- others Beverly Matheson this week at the home of her hus- ments and Carrie Wuid and Pearl ed with a delicious lunch of salmon Scotts Furniture Mitchells Variety and veal sandwilches, pickles, ice bands parents, Mr. and Mrs John Stevens were in tire gift room W. Bentley. The newlyweds left Tuesday night cream and her own delicious cookies were given by each one to Visiting at the home of Mr. and for a short honeymoon trip through Presents All was enjoyed the Emma Dear will Utah and and northern central Mrs- James C. Robinson are their much and Emmas kind 10th. home in very day be at after Mr. and July daughter and pirit. Mrs. Bill Stephens and their little Cedar City. Both weie students at the B A C son, Graig of King City, Calif. he past winter where the bride was Paragonah Girl Marries Robert Rowley is home for the of the Xi Lamba Ta Sormember summer after attending the B. Y. U a There is perhaps no town in the the ority past winter. Beaver Man United States which can boast of Mrs. Alberta Mickelson Brignand such a quota of beautiful and attrac- of Salt Lake City and her new baby Miss LaDonna Lund of Paragonah tive young ladies as can Parowan, daughter spent last week at the ar.d Keith Waters of Beaver were any one of which would merit the home of Mrs. Brignand's parents, Mr. and Mrs Claik Baiton are married Wednesday evening at 8 Mickelson. honor of City Cetnennial Queen for Mr. and Mrs Albert .he happy parents of a baby boy oclock at he home of the brides V. Benson has been visiting born John A are of these few the year. being during the week at the lion parents immediaitley following a Decker family in Provo the Alvin cani-dawedding reception was held in the County Hospitalsponsored by business places as for the past 10 days. School House. for this honored position and He and the Decker boys are Little Ruth Ann Dalton 4 a year The Bride is the daughter of Mr. with attractives displays of this bevy picking cherries he is expected old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave and Mrs. Willard Lund and up to Dalton was operated on for appenof beautiful and popular young home by the 6th of July. the time of her marriage was emMrs Lena Benson has returned dicitis at the Iron Co. hospital. ladies being shown in windows of ployed in Cedar City L. D S. Hospital in Salt The Groom is the son of Mi. and Ifie business hoirtfs, anyone 'can from the to Salt Lake Walter went Talbot another Lake after Mrs Roy Waters of Beaver. He is undergoing easily find out who the contestants where he will meet his Wednesday is She for her recupeye. operation employed in Cedar Ci y where they son and togther they will make will make their home. are and make a choice before it is erating at the home of her daughter a Royto Yellowstone Park. trip too late to vote. Mrs. Frank STATEWIDE Ballot boxes and blank ballots and Mrs. Jess W. Guymon Mrs Della Topham was the speak of the and their family left Wednesday er in Sacrament meeting giving an are now placed in several CENTENNIAL EVENTS business houses, so there is no excuse evening for California for a brief account of the trip they just made vacation trip and visit with relatives recently. She and her husband for not voting for your favorite Current: The Utah Centennial and friends. Their immediate des- George A Topham. Their daughter, be at State Fair placed tination was Lancaster, where they candidate They will also Exposition Elma and their son and his wife Lake City Salt Grounds, m the East Ward Chapel on the will visit with Mr and Mrs. Am- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Topham vent Motor Boat Western morning of July 4th. so those who brose Guymon and their family and to Toledo, Ohio and visited many July Pineview. Championships, liave not already done so may do Where the Bishop will officate at places of interest they were gone July 5, - Semifinals and finale of his nephew, Lowell two weeks. their voting there. The votes will the wedding of U- S. Clay Court Tennis Guymon on July 4thMr. and Mrs Terry Lund returned be counted, during the afternoon Champi onsh lps. Mrs Scott Bringhurst and her Monday after enjoying a two weeks 6 to 12. Vernal Centennial winner announced and July and the family of Salt Lake City are visiting vacation taking a secnic circle tour Celebration. the crowned at big Independence in Parowan with the Sid Pritchards. offered by the Greyhound bus lines, July 7 to 13. Centennial Wild Day dance in the evening The winMr. an Mrs. Cyril Pendleton are which covered 4 000 miles. They Animal Circus, Exposition. ning contestant will reign as Queen here from Spokanne, Wash, for a toured California, Oregon, WashingJuly 9 to 12-- Nephi Ute to take place in few days visit with their people, ton. Parts of Canada. Montana and Stampede, Nephi-Julover all events From Paragonah they went to H. Pendleton and Lawrence 11 to 12- - Horse Show, Provo -Parowan and where the Cuy can the John Idaho. families J Adams July 13- - S. L. Tabernacle choir be represented, during the remainwith Helen Traubel, guest artist four on five Continued page Continued on page der of this Centennial year I I other-in-la- C. of C. Roma Lyman " JftV, m ! t .t ul I V - f v .-x-T. J I ( f I - d Parowan Carey Ward Ciftty Alita Adams Ameiican Legion Winner Of City Centenuial Queen VsevW6X ... r: f .., j- - V Roma Lyman Wed Jensen To LaMar Roma Lyman, daughter of Mr- and Mrs- Rulon M. Lyman and LaMar Gurr Jensen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jensen, ail of Parowan, weie united in marriage Monday evening June 30th. at the home of the brides Guy-mo- n parents, with Bishop Jess W Ward East Parowan of the - - Dorythe Dalton Alton Merrill I 9 fnib ' ii miny cw "W k A V rt V .. performing the ceremony. The bride wore a white tafetta gown with a lace edged, fingertip of length viel and carried a boquet flowsummer blue and pink, white ers. She was attended by her sisters, who Mary Gae and Ruth Lyman and formals. were both in green Jensen Elmer rosescarried red acted as his brothers best man. at the A reception followed were Lyman home where the guests and bride groom received by the and their attendants, their parents, and Mr. Wm H. Lyman, grandfather of the brie 1 Refreshments were in charge of Ramona Mitchell, Glenna Holyoak and Maxine Dalton, in while Clarahce Stubbs presided the gift room-Thbride was a graduate of the Parowan High School this spring in where she had been prominent and student activities and music, its had represented her class as Four on Page Continued - 1 3 , ence Mortensen son-in-la- ''.i Contest To Be Annonnced Tonight C. Times Paragonah ts Paten-Bisho- 5- -- 6- - |