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Show 1 .-, . .':- , t ,.,.,,,,,.,:,,,.,,, ,,,,.,.,,,,.. ; or0.;.i':L.Oliihi- 4 for erect--- cliSsed daring the coming genlog a fitting historical mono, ent conference by stake and ;bent al the site of ollFort other Church leaden from Ida- be dis-- hó, meeting in Salt Lake City. Iambi In Idaho The meeting Is scheduled for Saturday and 14 being tailed by the general Tod Lemhi 'committee, - of which Dr. RaY J. 1'; Davis of Pocatello Is chairman. Dr. Davis 1,1 a member of the Idaho State College facultyt' Is a former ward bishop. I Exact nature ott., the moan-me4 ' andto be erected what MT. FIX SANTMissionaiies VALE, - ORE., WARD CHAPEL DEDICATED In Europe from the North procedure will be followed will not be known 'until after the Completed in 11 months this beautiful ward chapel of Vale Ward, Ityssa Stake, was, Sanyete Stake are enjoying a amethil dedicated recently by Elder Ezra Taft Benson of the Council of the Twelve. This view la a Saturday meetinr, Old Tort Lemhi, built by type of 'Round Robin Letter.' - the -Mormon pioneers sent-E1der-31w by Brigham lath. French mission, wrote the Lernhi incountry 11150 to establish a Young first letter. Of the aeven Vole was first the 14,th:W0i,a-MIA:PO.i-H;:permanent colony, are from Spring sionarie s. five attetupt to nake a permanent Within settlement Idaho by, repre--1 Prom Elder Olsen, the letter sentatives in of the white rate. travels to each in turn, who Later Indian troubles and diffi- 11 Brief Months his bit at Dew then culties encountered - in main'myrtles sends It to another. EaCh month taining Good team work IN AN ENESITAL manner the freshments provided by the ORE colony so isolated TALI, -Lew letter is started and as Special interest-- class of the 7: to resulted the abandon7 ,:between membership otthe FourteenthMalt finallyf Lake CitY) Th travels meat-oit the colony. Vale .Ward, Nyssa Stake, Includ- Ward WA has completed extracurricular activity, carry seven just contains letters , another on regular Tuesday evening EFFORTS to plan a monument ing the priesthood quonuns and th reading course for 1949-5In one. at the siteverhich is 20 miles auxiliaries-result- ed In comple the Book of Ilosiatt in the Book class Askant their experiences are oLMormc InbarArtic1ceat,,Fa1th..-7tItra. et tion-o- f tbe new chapel within-1Elder Eugene Terry and Elder southeast of the communi Because of the znany elderly !Vac B. thidlailibilliistructing Reel A Allred, Netherland fis- SaIMOlf Off the old Lemhi road.1 was brokground were first in 1934 when members of their ward, the this course and Rhoda L. sion; Elder Louis Jensen., M- David C. begun scout execuclass devised a means of taking steriselassirupervisorandhsu Watkins, ai Maims; Eder. Sheldon tive of the Tendoy Council, with cooperated In hind at least part of their memage been in charge of the readhig Schofield, ,British fission; all in Pocatello, and raising projects including an into the homes of those unable course periods. Ethel Goatee is the above are , from Spring headquarters Dr. Davis, directed a pmiect to auction that netted $8000, and to come out to the ward meet- president and 'Emma R. Jacobs , raise money by selling Oregon calf and bog raising protects. Is secretary.other Thursday ings. they Every Originally from Spring City coins for one dolOf modern colonial style the went as a group to the home of but sent from a Salt Lake ward, lar each. A total ot$500 was building has 13,000 square feet another of their confined is Eder Ted Schofield, Danish raised at that time and this of floor space, Including a large 18th WardS friends. Illusion; Elder Armond Rigby, money is still waiting to be chapel, recreation hall, many occasions On read these they for the class -- zooms, .RelIdi Society and discussed a - el Fairview is in the Swedish used as a 'nest-egportion of the Present- Historic)fission. Eider Olsen Is from the room, Aaronic Priesthood room. laipture assigned as thefr readMembers of the Fort .Lemhi, Junior Sunday School room, and ing course. Last week they conlit Pleasant South Ward. Bishop, committee are Dr. Davis chair- kitchen: , cluded their assignment, ind it A man: Pres. William Lewis of the TUE VALE CHAIR owned orwas was so suctessful that they are by the Iota No. Hollywood Yellowstone Stake, St Anthony, Mrs. Fannie Y. Clayton, ganized approximately. 13 anticipating the commencement publicity; Pres. Delbert Taylor year ago In a garage. Elder of a sirrdlar project youngest daughter of Pm. Brig, Carnival Raises of the Rexburg Stake, finance; 41saft Benson of the Connat-- . ham Young . has been of An persona average Pros. Oeve Hansen of the Lost ell of the Twelve, then mem- tended by the South Eighteenth ,the, ten classes held. River Stake, Moore, and Bishop ber of Boise Stake presidency, There were Welfare 34 present on the fi- Ward Relief Society and preGroberg, Idaho Falls, was for the occasion. nal evening to participate in sented to Bishop Earl L. Maw.. IN TWO DAIS of gala celebra- Delbert of way committee, and Dr. Therepresent The chair and other articles right then were only a few social and the 'pot luck' re tion, North Hollywood Ward, Merrill D. Beal, history profesowned by Mrs. Clayton, a memIn families a scattered desert anSan Fernando Stake, at an sor at Idaho State College. and ber of the Ward Relief Society., nual first visit to the area since the were presented to the organizatcarnival. raised Pres. IL Ray Hatch of the North ' obtainedlinwater branch brigation monument care of take to 'was organized. enough money Idaho Falls Stake, after Mrs. Clayton's 'death. der the Owyhee project has Bishop T. Nephi Grigg was in ionthis year's welfare quota. Members of the society planning committe- eto Afl the thrills of a true couninterested charge of project are brought rapid develbpment the chair during a to the branch, ices. His counselors areit. Ver- holstered business try carnival provided enter-- officials and members of the 23 the area, and hdo work and meeting and a later organiked nal Jacob and as Kapp gave it to the bishop for us Browning tainment for ward members stakes In Idaho as well was d!dicgtodtethe office of the bishopric, 101 A centlyiiy Elder Benson his his of the IMBding committee. proved pOptdar with young and Dr. Davis said. Making the presentation of and gliffengliPomossonnolinfommotailaiNtwo4WWWIMPT the roomy, comfortable chair a fish pond kept the yamtsters were Mrs. Emma P. Imlay, pres delightel. Assorted prizes wore ident, and Mrs. Veal C. Marler, offered to game winners MI first counselor. Mrs. Alice- F. types of from hot, Cannon, second counselor,- and buttered popcorn to chili, cake, many other members aided in ice emus and pie, proved apthe project. petizing and EXiing. Various classes and groups were --for the booths, ipontributirtg -- time, effort ' and money to make Continued from ?age 7 their individual booths attreethe registers which had been live. Each group was also ref . transcribed some years before. sponsible for running the booth - ' the'Phis obtained from" was thi clerk Eat the rolls. Copies of they-Stake films now, are in the registrwere printed, paid for - with 1 the Manx Museum, and office, 1 advertising contributions and have been sent to the Genes- dketributed to ward members -- logical Society. and numerous stake officials, I 11...0. , AN APPROPRIATE --rukfart .....,, attending - theaffair. Jack ' bearing Miss Cannon's name, , , ..,rr ' Lentils., assistant to the bishop'11. r date amd place of birth and - f'" fs. 1' - --' 14...,- . ric. was in direct charge of the ',,t, er: death and those of her grand- kfr , 4 Ve 4tili father and grandznother has been affixed to a reading ma- -' e,1,!-- : 4,t ' est, ii . chine ' given to the Manx Ildult: 1' ..i 4 ..ettd7 ',f. ;.' j.t., or' ,r,-,,,, a . v i, i Continued Irma Fagn b...sat....0.., ow, , 41".,--waI. James R. Cunningham, chairscheduled for, the reception man , of the British Mission Wednesday night for all stake.. s microfihning project, directed want ' and mission Primary the microfilming of the records workers. General board memwhich go back to 1511. bers, Ube staff of the Chtliken't - The author of the article, an Friend and the general office on the Manx records, awkallkohaafroktabAwsibitili.014.206Atiombiobooltmooltatinswouni-Woo:41.A, authority ,1160,411momono.s0001110'.10. . Personnel visited , with the ; that in, order to get explained ' , guests in informal groups arrDAUGHTER'S CHAIR YOUNG'S results "the PRES' awesseeker after ,. anged according to department tors This chair' which had been owned by the lite Mrs. Faimie Y. Clayton, youngest daughter - whatmust first be able to say to landtowning family he is Relief and Ward South A chorrra of 323 bois and Eghteenth Society by the of Pres. Brigham Young, was " attached. That being certain,. , this from liaghland and Lake the rest is only a 'tnatter of presented to the ward bishop, Earl L. Maw. 1 With him are lir& Veto C Ilarler, center, . View Stakes was to ' , sing . , counselor, and Air& Emma P. 11Zaajo president. search.",, Wednesday afternoon as part of it dramatization :DiSERIET NEWS-Weedealing with CHURCH SECTION- -3 the Cluicinm's Friend. of Apra MO ' POCATELL0-4-11a- ns T 'arents Sen MiSsionartes Monthly Letter - at -- -, - - 'Set-talleth- ee - to-;- Ward chapel Completed -- A.44,50:01:04i...4::-- Ny7 grelai - 0, znon-tha-aft- All-un- its : , - - Trail-50-ce- nt , -- - g' Chair to , - - - tin lt - Quota -- - -- In-t- re-u- p- he - - mematttle-ge- liece! n-r1,-Pqthctritits- in 'CT:La-rim- , , food,-rangin- the-srae- - ISLEOF iNtN d- - "'- twO-da- y' - -- J, 4.4--7- .... "r- !''.-- .10-$- t......v, 1, - ..- 0....k"(1L,:..-7,;,.- - r:- .,4-4,,- - 1 PRI - r, 1.. 4 j 7.4 , , Ad, , , re-bu- ilt " - - ; ,: - -t - |