Show TIIE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE SUNDAY MORNING JUNE A 12 v Irish Leaders Predict Union Joint Council of Labor Parties Meeting Alternately in Dublin and Belfast Indicative of Changed Attitude Modernists Reported Enthusiastic in Support Of Order They Opposed Birds in Flight Over Lake Utah’s Sacred Of Ulster With Free State Unusual picture of seagulls acclaimed the saviors of the people of Utah in early Jays during locust plague taken by Oli ver Grimes as they flew over the Great Salt lake near Bird island a rookery of the inland sea an i CLUl i flat milelria vf t ha kYaa Ulala for attendance and turnover as It For all practical purposes the Free has now for several successive tears state is as Independent of England not th- - least interesting part of this BS thp tTnltpd ptaiP hut ax lone thRt n isas Ireland exists as a mTnp?rthvfpiKotih !arftt‘ Political entity the De Valera th?sVstnfw-eH(iiI'the' i nil tprnf: republicans hold a powerful weapon H sep-O- s England the United Slates Sweden Switzerland Belgium France and the Free Slate The Enalhh team oen- - TndUff " e Uc1or anv mpJl forced netiyra?nnli luemi)t' w tnd walls are Its natural - d'cimrLs slowly coming In a Northern Ireland is today seristate ot depression of the most Industries are lanous character true guishing unemployment is increasing and taxation is twice that of the Free State The inexorable force of eco- nomlc law operaUng on l iuhm of th northern tllP last teY weNS haS give“ strUll’B eVld'nCe °f ltS ClCaCy- - evy dlrto realization that at the same time Ireland has escaped the burden of taxation Government following day imperial ated to meet alternately In Dublin spokesmen do not fail to keep their the English team entered the great so'uon 'hen the bitter wounds and Belfast for the discussion of comtoreminded taxes that countrymen The 70000 specta caused by political and religious ani- mon riding lnclosure problems day In the Free State are not more tors with fewr exceptions rose to mosity have been given time to heal well come when that than half what they are in England their feet and saluted the visitors In A few years ago a minister of the The time may in Belfast will be heralded meeting d Agitation is on foot in Ireland for their British uniforms the repeal of the super Income tax with a prolonged ovation which on the ground that there are not rivaled that given later to the Irish men in Belfast said to me: many residents of the Free State lofflcers Even more remarkable wasJ “In our hearts we know that union Incaceful'linlon "today but it Ct the Free State is Inevitable men who are dtSuss- ?nd that iu retal wouPM art'r'i11 heard the singing of God Save feeling is too bitter now to permit us in the vision whispers today but th w'L’” 8ome 'AN'11 lmpcriaUsts to say that openly If I were to make w ®0 wlu demand its tohEncTand The realization loudly civil sought durmg as meaning 'such a statement In public In Belfast giatea war- that the Irish were really at heart 'today I would be torn to bits but it is On the sentimental side there Jslloyal to the British empire but this Impossible for a little country like (Copyright by the New York little evidence in Ireland today of interpretation only meant a complete 'Ireland to remain divided The north Herald-Tribun- f once-hrte- of Eng-na- rt NMthnTthePTee cuTsidth-raPB- malnlaln its E W r0eUbHRl!UnWUh un'!rmv Into Ireland with results which Northern Laborites n xiiU ri?siintnshand°f t1oubtfulThe for Peace The day befo rethe romue luothfsC°i"d srarTly The labor party of Northern IreThat that win bp the outcome land has Just held out an olive branch h h ?dlels the °Plnon of dfed a fcwdhours thoughtful to Its colleagues of the south and a later nd weuinf0rmed man with whom meeting was held recently in Belfast I discussed the subject in Ireland and which was attended by Dan MorrisOvation for English who was willing to surrender his sey deputy speaker of the Dublin Dail Rldrra Is Given and one of the most influential lead-er- a to his reason AH the Irish papers printed warm prejudices of the southern labor party As Economl Pressure eulogies of the victim of this mis- - j the result of this meeting it was fortune but the real demonstration For nion of Fre State agreed that a Joint council of the two should be cretook place the when Economic pressure will force the sections of the party hrmlnt leglsla-whit- profes-lsuppo- an exaggerated one which must be healed before all dan-- 1 Sh0V:’1!WOrlAfa-e- r of further upheavals vanishes firoethisat ik u men were Incapable of F ROBERTS consideration of the political ment and tbot only the Ep"!ih cou' be Intrusted with the conduct of the lUiaUon either now or in the past The Unionists country's affairs Is complicated by the fact tliat Irish were aimost entirely Protestants and pollUcs Is Influenced to such great ex unhappily the religious issue was altent by the sentimental and emotion- - ways in evidence One belief which al factors which have little or nothing NU th('lr rn“s rniliUntly closed was to do with practical affairs or logic that victory for the Nationalist party Men run for office and are elected In oulf rn'a th“ exclusion of on platforms which would tesla nU from every post of trust or seem fantastic In other countries and tesionslblluy and the pasinge of h and platforms are set forth eliminating thorn oppressive n against to an outsider seem to be terly divorced from the rehlitics of Toleration Practiced the situation with which they are ' supposed to deal It is also true that Irishmen bring to their politics fori The shattering of that belief by the and statesmanlike conduct good or for ill a fervor and an has tensity of feeling which often make!°I the Freeto State government done the confidence! a calm division of touts Impossible One of the outstanding facts In the and respect of the former Unionist any other single fact There laachieved without bloodshed and political situation in Ireland thandiscrimination £revnt the against men be- - economic ruin for Ireland old Unionist party has notlpM Irein politics lias a habit of taking aur-it- s nly disappeared as the reason for cause of their religiousIs beliefs existence has disappeared but £n today than there in the united prising turns in Ireland and there is on a ail is and sides there no that Its members are not only recon-jSwhere political predJc-clle- d remove the anci lnt tion country to but in many cases are en- - manifest jj more dangerous but for the thusiastto supporters of the new or- - religious hostilities which wrought time being at least De Valera’s atari incalculable harm in the past j5 on der This seems something in the wane and tiie prospect of f nature of a miracle to the observer The Free State party is overwhelm-gettin- g control of the govern-wh- o in its memberofficial Catholic lnKly The knew former conditions nient seems remote President Cos- of one most its but powerful its hip Unionist old grave gave a rather subtle and dra- party ahich had for rsrdinal and practically sole article Jeadr rs Ernest Blythe minister or demonstration of that fact re-is Presbyterian and by faith the maintenance of the by a resignation which vas birthjcenjy northerner union was as ardent and uncom-j- IcarefulJy designed to bring home to promising In its credo ns any faction! Another powerful influence which tiie people of Ireland that At present in Ireland It Included In its ranks a has brought the Unionists to the! there is no alternative to his admin-er- y of President Coagrave Is their'istration His resignation was large proportion of the buslness icahaation that the only alternative aided widely in America as meaning and substantial classes and almost all of the lauded to his government is the placing ofjthat De Valera aas about to succeed Ipower in the hands of De Vaieia andjhim but there were no Illusions in gentry These men presented the paradox iris Fiann a Fail followers The Union-- j Ireland on that point Cosrave’s on ists rightly or wrongly are convinced reelectlon was as inevitable as of boasting of their IrLsh blood and proclaiming on the that De Valera's policy of complete (thing can be from England could never Incidentally there is no such title other with fanatical seal that lh of the Iriilj tem- LIMBER EIGl'RES GIEN any violent animosity toward gland Ireland is still a paradise for perament and character PHOENIX Ariz t UP) — Nearly It fishermen and hunters and a stead- in The political situation Ireland per cent of all the lumber cut each stream of Englishmen is on the whole more serene today jrar in the United Slates goes into ily lnrrea-suiin pursuit of sport visit the Enu-rthan It has been at any time since the manufacture of boxes and crates aid Isle every summer The Irish are the outbreak of the world war Im-an- d 7 per cent of the wood pulp-ofteal mem-'partiobservers seem agreed that 'produced is used in the manufac-orie- s reproached for their long for grievances but a remarkable ithe influence of the extremists such ture of fiber containers according demonstration took place at the last us De Valera who insist on complete to the U S forest service which has Dublin hore show to which I was a separation from England has stead-- 1 of the subject a completed study witness which shows that the re-U- y declined But I!DAbU? By EDWARD hi 1030 B Iier-rton- nd Fine FURNITURE VALUES for June Brides at AUERBACH’S AUERBACH CO The Style Store fo rlhe Thrifty j’v Srgo lily blossom stale flowrr ficial made Utah's of- president of the Free State In the sense that Mr Hoover la president of tiie United States Mr Cosgrave 1 president of the executive councii of the Dali Eirann and holds that post by the votes of his fellow members and not by popular suffrage This explains why his resignation as president of the council did not Involve a general election ax YD £ ’ Cosgrave Heads Minority Tarty The head of the Irish Free State is a quiet reserved fnan who gives an impression of diffidence and even of timidity which ls not borne out by facts in his career When he believes the moment ripe he can act with boldness and decision as his well-time- d resignation amply demonstrated His party is a minority in the Dail where a situation exists somewhat similar to that In the Briti- M New Arrivals! A Special Group Purchase sh parliament the balance of power being held In the one case by the little group known rather erroneously as the labor party and by a handful of Independents and in the other case by Lloyd George's liberals The position of Mr Cosgrave however ls far stronger than that of Mr MacDonald for whatever quarrel the labor members may have with the Free Btate chief they are at far greater odds with De Valera his only possible successor and whenever the issue becomes acute they are comCor-grapelled willy-nil- ly to support o SC of the Seasons J Fashionable f- -0 It was that fact that the president determined to demonstrate to the country by his resignation He had teen annoyed for some time by the sharpshooters In the labor party and for that Instinct for the dramatic whlrh Is always evident in all Irish polities he suddenly confronted them with the proposition: “If you don't like me you can have De Valera Choose” He knew of course that there could be but one answer He returned to power satisfied that his authority will not be questioned In any immediate future Considering the fact that the Free State was born on the morrow of four years of civil warfare during w hich trade and Industry were largely paralyzed and millions of pounds tn proierty destroyed the present financial position of the country ls re- You ‘11 find the Summer's newest fashions pictured in these charm-irif- T frocks orcMs - of floral- markably sound I have already referred to tiie first national loan which was oversubscribed the day it j was opened and ls now quoted above par A second loan for 15000000 pounds a very large sum in a country with a total annual revenue of less than 25 000000 pounds was au-j t hortzed two years ago The first half was issued In Dublin and New Yoik The American quota of 4000-00- 0 pounds was taken up within 24 hours while Dublin absorbed Its 3 000 000 pounds in a day and a half The second half of this loan w ill be floated tills year and it Is a foregone conclusion that It w til meet with success As a matter of fact equal I flat orojies georgettes and summer Smart lmt toil prints trims clever waist lines large flare collars — sleeveless sirj bankers have Indicated their J willingness to entertain a much larg- loan but the Free State refuses so far lo take Its financing to London So cool and color- er ful you'll want to live in ’em! also because It refuses to accept the provisions of the English colonial loans act partly through political reasons and England Is Not Chief Customer of Erin Mention of England brings up the question of present relations between Speuiully Priced two countries There Is as there thp alwais has been a strong minority In Ireland but their attitude was based mainly on economic grounds They felt that union wim England was eSvxertial to Irhn pros- perltv because in the nature of things England must 1e Ireland's principal customer Moreover the large English garrison was an important source of wealth It provided a valuable mr-- 1 ket for horses fodder and other agricultural products and as most En- Living Room Suite Dining Room Suite beautiLipdit charming pieces fully fashioned of fine walnut veneer and decorative overlays Chair seats are upholstered in A truly praeiotis and lovely room will be achieved with this suite Attractive extremely comfortable and built to pive Your many years of service choice of several fashionablq colors Very special for this sale A good grade tapestry ular $13000 value Special Others to $289 reg- Draperies Chinaware for the New and Beautiful Home t Linens New ' demodernly signed dinner sets luster china tea sets Fostoria colored The selection of your curtains and draperies has largely to do with the cheerfulness of your household Auerbach's offers an assortment tliat will pive your bouse a home trlow Irish linens deco- his ex- linens Lovely Bedroom Suite colored with jour choice of walnut ivory or grenr and ivory finish consists of vanity dresser bed chest and beueh Choose clusive Thix Let cur interior rator lend sou pert advice - glassware beautiful Others 4 piece $79 to bedroom smite $293 Lovely cloths white with attractive borders ravon cover from our exwares for the loveliness of your home j j glish PM (Aar vath’s — Drehh--trV- 't Floor ) olfi'-e-- s are of the wealthy and class It attracted socially impowar to Ireland visitors who ro-iland did sp-n- d suhs’antial sums of money 1b economic loss caused bv the withdrawal of the English soldiers and official: wax a vrrv real one and 1 earned i tins a gcxxi lias been deal of dlseontent hut largely oflset by the AUERBACH CO FURNITURE SECTION— THIRD FLOOR I |