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Show t -- State Civilian Def enseReistration Day To Be Staged Sept 17 , ble emergency use. Gov. Herbert B. Maw today SIMLA, India, Aug. 25. (AP) The British troops entering - Iran are carrying for the populace, British sources said today, because the country is reported in a state of nearfamine from heavy German food requisitioning, presumably for storage. Every precaution has been taken to handle Iranian resist was stated ance-i- t A. statement issued, by GeneraL Sir Archibald P. Wavells headquarters said the British-Russiaentrance into Iran was decided ' upon to- - prevent the Germans from using the country as a base for attacks on Russia, India arid It gave the Moslem 'Middle-East- no details. To teach marksmanship the police of Wilmington, Del., fire pistols at a target shaped like a human figure that hides in darkness and shoots back with blank cartridges if bullets miss It, food-suppli- n UTAH STATE FAIR GROUNDS f AND NIGHT THE GREATEST SHOW ON I'?!' ? a l '0 0 & f InA x service. , The event will be similar to those carried on in other states of the .union. Possible air bat- I v -- - - Princess Alice Honored On Anniversary Of Arrival he To Save Fowl missioner Boden, I think there should be a sewer system there. Its to be a permanent improvement. Its only four miles from the sewage pumping plant at Eleventh West and Ninth North South and Street to Twenty-firs- t Redwood Road and while theyre about it, the town of Chesterfield should be included. Chairman Mullins and Commissioner Roscoe Boden concurred, but action on the petition from R. president who of the Game Association, said that the pollution would jeopardize wildlife in some of the finest wildfowl breeding areas of the west, was deferred pending supplementary requests from the Utah Game Commission. City Commissioner REDE$IGNEDw1941 INTRODUCING MR. & MRS. GARGANTUA John B. Matheson said that cost of extending the city sewage system to the small arms ammunition plant would be between $300,000 and $400,000. the distance being closer to five than four miles. "OLD KING COLE "MOTHER GOOSE" Produc'd by IOHN RINGLING NORTH Created Dnlined nd Costumed by NORMAN BEL GEDDES Stated by ALBERTINA RASCH . ALFRED COURTS Great Wild Animal Acta NEW SENSATIONS from SOUTH AMERICA 100 CLOWNS Competlmj Countless Cschinnstions 10,000 MARVELE-5- 0 ELEPHANTS-VA- Sf Restyled MENAGERIE of 1009 Rare Animal 20 ACRES of GAILT COLORED CANVAS Includinz The Wertda lariast Tent. NOW i 005 FOUR StraamTlnasTCIRCUriRAINi MOO Doublo-lonct- h Railroad Cara 8:15 PRICtt TWICDAILY-2:1- 5& P.M. -- , DOORS OFER 1 A 7 POPULAR ATTODAT TICKETS WALGREEN' DRUG STORE, 1ND SOUTH AND MAIM AS WELL AS AT SHOW GROUNDS Law New TO PAY Becomes Ef- ago. Occasion for Bishop Richards visit to the Teton Stake which is located at Driggs, Idaho, was ground-breakin- g ceremonies for a new building which will serve as headquarters for 'the Driggs Ward and the Teton Stake. Arriving in Driggs Saturday Health of Salt Lakers took a morning. Bishop Richards was met at the tram by the Aaronic drop during last week accordPriesthood Band and representaing to figures released today by tives of the stake and- - ward. the citys board of health. From the station he was driven New cases of contagious dis- e home of A more than the same period for president of Teton Stake. Welcoming ceiemonies were 1940. Births were fewer than for conducted at President Choules 75 to 94. The the 1940 period, home 'with Nelson Gordon, a death rate, however, was also official deacon, making the lower, 28 against 33 a year ggo, welcome afldr which" of A breakdown of the new casthe Aaronic Priesthood Band es of diseases follows: concert. a The ceremonies played Whooping cough, 16; chicken were also participated in by Clarpox, 10; mumps, eight; Infantile ence Murdock, bishop of Driggs one; paralysis, one; Ward. scarlet fever, one; and German Ground-breakinceremonies measles, one. were conducted Saturday afternoon with Bishop Richards turning- the- - official - first- - spade of earth. Biggest crowds ever To attend" . a Teton Stake conference were present at two general sessions r A lease" of 4,000 Sunday. Bishop Richards said. The presiding bishop spoke at square feet" of floor space on the two general sessions as well second of the Dooly the floor as addressing special meetings of Building, 109 West Second South and Church welfare priesthood Street, to house the department workers. of Publicity and Industrial Dewere held the in Meetings velopment today was approved the old Teton Stake Tabernacle by the State Board of Examinat Driggs. ers. Richards stay Bishop During The lease running from' Sept, in Driggs he signed a, contract to Sept. 15,' 1943T calls , for construction, of the new edifor a monthly rental fe of $300, fice with David D. Davis of The department will hatb offices Idaho, contractor. Archi-tec206 to 219, Inclusive. were Ashton and Evans of Nos. Salt Lake. t inet. Soalsd In 6 Ibert-Choti- para-typhoi- ataal el ahalt cabG-- Thrill Unit. EM ELECTRIC COMPANY 217 SOUTH STATEEPH0NE State Leases Downtown Office tivo-yea- 15,-19- Angele-nd-San-F- ra J! good-nature- d Maurice Landau, Formerly Of L, Dies In Toledo Mural Of First Primary Dedicated 600 -- 'the first Primary. Praised was Mrs. Aurelia S. a Pioneer mother, who conducted the first Primary in Farmington exactly 63 years ago today. Actual dedication Qf the mural, which is 25 Feet in size and now hangs on the wall behind the pulpit in the Farmington Ward Chapel, was performed by Elder Charles A. Callis of the Council of the Twelve. Others- - who took part on the were Green program May Hinckley, general superintendent of the Primary Association, who made official presentation of the mural to the Farmington Ward Primary Association. It was accepted by Emma Beck, superintendent of the Farmington Ward Primary.Remarks were also made by Wesley E. Tingey, president of South Davis Stake; John R. Walsh, bishop of Farmington Ward, and Lynn Fausett who Rogers, with Gordon Cope painted the mural. 'The unveiling was performed by Ann Squires and Fisher Squires, great great grandchildren of Primary Founder Rogers. The invocation was pronounced by Davis C. Hese, whose father was bishop of Farming-to- n Ward at the time Mrs. Rogers organized the first Primary. The benedictlon was pronounced by Leona Rogers Stewart, daughter of the honored Pioneer teacher. Music was furnished by Gloria Richards, organists, and the Farmington Primary Children's Chorus. -- -- An Ohio man has developed a rubber tired truck for used car lots that carries compressed air for tires, fuel for motor and a battery to start motors to enable a long idle automobile to be started. commission will permit discontinuance of mixed trains 53 and 319 between Salt Lake and Ogden, trains 553 and 554 between Cache Junction and Preston, Ida., and motor trains 559 and 560 between Ogden and Malad, Ida. Under the order any person will be permitted to protest within 20 jiays the service curtailment. Salt Laker Returns From Trip L. physician and sur- geon, was today back in his of-- i flee in the Judge Building after an absence of several weeks. Dr. Linder spent part of hi' vacation 'arThrDenver'Polyciln ic and College Postgraduate studying latest developments in his profession. Gunmen Shoot Two Japanese Employes -- SHANGHAI, Aug. 26. (Tues- A P 1Four unidentified - day ) gunmen shot two Japanese civilian employes of the Japanese army in Shanghai late last nighty wound' killing one and gravely Ing the other. The gunmen, who Japanese charge were Chinese agents of the Chungking government, escaped. 41 Rex-bur- SUPER ts Redwood Billboards To Be Regulated ' SHELVADOR Redwood far enough back ao as not to hamper future development or widening of the Commissioners highway, City had ruled today in granting permission to Bird & Jex for a sign Redwood South at about 1991 UtaTT" Ordnance RoacT near-T-he Plant. The building inspector is to determine location of the board. Billboards along Road lnust be set Salt Lake Reserve Officers Get Calls Salt Lake Reserve officers Refrigerators $137.95 or- dered to tours of active duty by the headquarter of MaJ. Gen. Ernest D. Peek, commanding general. Ninth Corps Area, today were: Capt, Andrew M. Ginl, Capt John J. Fleisch and Capt. Frank G. Young to Camp Roberts, Calif., and Capt. Thomas A. Jerrell to Ft. Lewis Wash. Willis J. Taylor to headquarters, Utah Recruiting District Salt. Lake; Lieut. Read A. Burt to Camp Roberta, and Lieut Walfred A. t. 'Nelson to Utah Recruiting Salt Lake. Bis-trfe- g Broak-pra- ad Egg Shall lot Strength Comet Storage Temporaturee Now Bottlo Shall ' Durahla Dolux Finish Rooovablo Shall Bottoms Straamllnsd Boauty And Patented by Cresley 'Tina Unas Fob Flno Psoplo Built-In- " HAMAL FURNITURE WAREHOUSE MOM 1M k. W. To Flow Into U. S.:" Declares Assayer .. six-da- y ices. An order to be Issued by the -- Gold Continues Gold la still flowing Into the' United States In a steady stream from Russia and other Pacific Bishop Ashton Declares Singers , countries, Hugh T. Rippeto, asChurch Ideals sayer In San Francisco, reported Represented 0 today while In Salt Lake on a visit, The Tabernacle Choir gave a splendid representation of Mr. Rippeto was assayer in the ideals and standards of the Church during its concert tour j charge or the Salt Lake office in California, Bishop M. 0. Ashton of the Presiding Bishopric when it was closed In 1933. From here he went to New declared today. Orleans and thence to San said. W. Jack Thomas who arFrancisco. Bishop Ashton returned to One ship recently brought Salt Lake late Saturday night ranged the tour did a fine Job. Mr. Thomas, who is business worth of bar gold from after accompanying members of the choir and their friends on Russia, the visitor said. The manager of the choir and disThe trip which saw them trict passenger agent with the. Japanese shipments, heavy until Union Pacific Railroad, said auappear in concerts at Los Anrecently, have now stopped. While in Salt Lake Mr. Rippeto dience reaction at both the Los geles Hollywood Bowl and San Civic Auditorium nod hlswif e- - a re vdsiting-wlth-th- eir Francisco's recerts had been enthusiastic, parWednesday and Thursday, daughter. Mrs. R. G. Wilkes of 129 D Street. spectively. ticularly in San Francisco where A Paul Poz, manager of the San air prevailed Francisco Opera Association, said during the entire ' trip, stated that he Would be glad to Bishop Ashton, but back of it all was a quiet dignity which I sponsor the choir in an annual S. imam sure made a favorable appearance at the Civic Auditorium. pression on thd public before The choir presented Its reguwhich the choir appeared. lar Sunday broadcast over CBS Bishop Ashton also paid tribute to the Union Pacific Railroad and KSL yesterday from the Death in Toledo, OhiOr SaturTabernacle under the direction for its skillful handling, of the day of Maurice Landeau, former of Conductor J. Spencer Cornchoirs transportation. Salt Lake County deputy sheriff wall with Alexander Schreiner "We were extended every and dne time clothing merchant at the organ. courtesy wherever we went, he of this city, was reported here today. He died at tne home of a son, Raymond Landau, from a heart ailment from which he several-mont- hs suffered an attack ago in Salt Lake. H was 61 vears of age and a native of England."" He was a rest-deof Sait Lake for 35 years. Surviving are his widow and son, and a daughter Mrs. Clare Glasser of Chicago. Funeral More Than Persons Take Part In Rites services were to be held In ChiIn Farmington Ward Chapel Sunday : cago today. "II II Television engineers have deMore than 600 persons gathered at the Farmington Ward veloped a system for reproducing of to do to the last honor the organizers Chapel Primary evening motion pictures in homes' In full color, . Association and to witness the dedication of a mural depicting . - In an effort to release additional cars for troop movements, the Public Service Commission today had announced it would authorize the Union Pacific Railroad to discontinue certain serv- lev g 2 eu. It. ot it. Train Service Curtailed For Troop Benefits Contagious in Stock Today IBI-4MODEL atorags a pact. 11.7 oraa. 80 big Cuba. G-- y Disease Shows Slight Increase Sept. fit Sava the luxury tax. Alt Model Ma-lo- Presiding Bishop LeGrand Richards had returned to his office today after being the first presiding bishop to attend a Teton Stake conference since the beginning of that stake 40 years fective Incompinbla Display of SUPER HORSEMANSHIP, EVENING IN CENTRALPARK MlauN Performer In a STUPENDOUS STREAMLINED ENSEMBLE of REFRESHINGLY NEW ACTS and FEATURES lMPOSfNr' INVASION of STARTLlNd lYrs. $5 Down - Two labor unions, one AFL and one CIO, today marked Increased pay for their member! in Utah, "The first union contract in the history of Utaha apparel Indus try was signed Saturday night In the Hotel Utah by the Malouf Manufacturing Company and the Ladies Garment International Workers Union, AFL. The contractprovides for wage Increases of five per cent for 85 workers, a weeks vacation with pay for all workers employed by the firm one year or more, re opening of wage negotiations with increased living costs, arbitration of any disputes be tween the union and the firm and other standard union conditions. The contract was signed by Miss Rose Pesotta of Los Ange les, international, vice president of the Union, and by F. B. for the company. Gov: Herbert B. Maw sent greeting saying, May I congratulate the Union and the management on their Buccesa in ne gotiating the first contract in Utah, and I hope that it will symbolize an era of good Industrial relations. Pay Increase of from $1 to $1.40 per day for workers at the Columbia Mine of the Columbia-Stee- l Company, retroactive to April I, were granted in an understanding reached by the company and the United Mines Workers of America, CIO. . . Similar to the one signed by the union Wednesday with the Utah Coal Operators Association, the contract provides for a yearvacation with $20 in ly pay; a more thorough physical examination and retroactive pay which will mean aproximately $100 to each miner, according to David L. Day, district vice president of the union. A basic $7.44 rate for a seven hour day with a five day week, was also included In the tract. Presiding Bishop Attends Ceremonies Held At Driggs , Idaho THIS WEEK BUY ROBERTO da VASCONCELLOS, VISCONDE PONTE da BARCA htidln tin iOOlnternafionally-Renownc- Ground Is Broken For New WardStakeHouse 1gilnersE THE GREAT The Fabulous, Fairyland Fantasy s tles over the city are envisioned ' by the planners. Air flights of bombers and pursuit ships from ' t the Fifth Air Base at Salt Lake will take part. t Uniforms -- of the army,-- navyr marine-corpand coast guard will Years Is A Long Time Twenty-Fiv- e be in evidence throughout the streets as enlisted men of those caretaker of Princess Alice, helps , former Roy Straup, services will call attention to the observe silver her emerjubilee of her Salt Lake residence. fact that the nation la in an gency period. The retail committee of the Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce is making arrangements for down town stores to carry on the registration. LaGuardia, national Mayor head of the civilian defense programs, will be shown what the city and state is doing toward a young caretaker of ring stock national preparedness if he acToday was a gala day in the life of Princess Alice, colossal Roy Ctraup by name. - Soon cepts the invitation. after the purchase of the eleAlthough the son of an Italian pachyderm beloved by tt band master,' Mayor LaGuardia is sands of Salt Lake school phant by the city, Mr. Straup known to Americana as one of dren. For this was the twenty, came to Salt Lake to make his leaders in fifth anniversary of her resithe progressive-libera- l home. So, today Mr, Straup, the nation. He has been put in dence in the Salt Lae Zoo. who resides at 833 East Sixth On Aug. 25, 1916, the big elecharge of practically all civilian South Street, carried a big .cake, projects by President Rooseadorned with vegetables and "was purchased frbm the phant' velt. Sells Floto Circus and placed in other choice tidbits beloved by the city zoo at Liberty Park. A pachyderms, to the zoo and had his picture taken with the prinlarge part of the purchase price cess. was contributed in nickels and school children Tonight" the" princess is happennies by-tof the city. ( In recent years she py, for she met an old friend, has lived at the Hogle Gardens. and enjoye dsome of her favorWhen Princess Alice was with ite food on this anniversary of the Sells Floto Circus, there was her advent to Salt Lake, Lieutenant Colonel Elmer G. Thomas proposal to dump acids and other wastes from the Utah Ordnance Plant Into the ' Surplus Canal today had. elicited an earnest protest from the Salt Lake County Fish and Game Association and an opinion from the County Commission that Salt LAke Citys sewer system' should be extended to serve the huge defense project. The commissioners also expressed the belief that there is a chance to get county and city sponsorship of such a sewage project to include the town of Chesterfield, which is situated at Redwood Road and Twenty-sevent- h South streets, about a mile south of the southern edge of the Ordnance Plant , I think this commission should go on record as being opposed to dumping in the Surplus Canal, u said Chairman J. B. Mullins. Commissioner RoscoS Boden explained that Colonel Thomas had asserted the amount of dumping would not be sufficient to injure fish and game. RESPLENDENTLY ' Choir Given Praise For WorkDuringTour Page 5 y In Utah VI vited Mayor LaGuardia for the day, which is designed to list the capabilities of the people of Utah, Men and women alike will be registered for extra, volunteer System .Would Serve New Arms Plant ! Maw Congratulates New AFL Unit TODAY Sewer Asked AFTERNOON Gain Pacts, Pay Boosts ) To Attend S. L. Observance Aerial battles over Salt Lake, sandbagged barricades in the city streets, registration of emergency workers, bands, uniforms and waving flags together with the possible appearance of May-o- r Florelia H, LaGuardia of New, York wlfTharSTthe Sfate Civilian Defense Registration Day on Sept 17, Part of Greater Salt Lake Week the day will see the registration of ambulance drivers, auto drivers, first aid crews and experienced help in all fields for possi- Salt Lake City, Utah Two Unioiis Invitation Extended Mayor LaGuardia British Troops Carry Fopd For Iran Populace NEWS THE DESERET Monday, August 25, 1941 Tmnyls i Donald G. Lyman 511 McIntyre Bldg. ' Phone |