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Show -- O J but the Ads in This Build lMo Paper and Help to HYcur OWN Community. JBead 1 Read Local Happenings In a Newspaper Devoted To Brighams Interests. j DEVOTED TO NO PARTYOR M FAC,TIONBUTJUSTTOALI. g t5 iter 41. Uloj, llNE-O'-TYP- Brigham City, Box Elder County, Utah, Friday, August 20, 1937. Bids Awarded On School Building E Bids for the erection of an addition to the physical science unit of the Bear River high school were opened by the board of education at its office here this morning at eleven a. m. Contracts were awarded as follows: General contract, to Vernon C. Twenty-fiv- e Talboe, of Provo, for $24,196.00, plus 1380.00 for special painting. PlumbGirls To ing and heating, to Jones Plumbing company of Logan for $12,197.65. Electrical contract to Vance Electrical Service, of Salt Lake City, The Peach Queen of this year, who for $1,204.00. will preside over the h annual celebration on September 10th and 11th, will be selected by one of the great movie stars of Hollywood, if plans of the Peach Queen committee materialize. This was decided at a meeting of the committee held Wednesday evening. Its purpose, mainly, is to eliminate any chance of favoriteism. Pictures of each entrant will be sent to Hollywood and there the queen will be chosen by some favorite star Citizen-Soldie- rs who does not know the girls in the contest nor even their names. This plan was submitted to the committee by May Mann, local Hollywood TTh f 4' totj TO PICK By LESLIE HUMPAGE , PEACH QUEEN lays Oddities I Contest For Honors twAUKEE, Wis. 'Tm Jutn'they arent quintuplets, day MOVIE STAR .George Dionne, when he his wife notified twins. to 'given birth Number 41. Dr. Pearse Coming Home Tonight Announcement is made that Dr. Pearse of this city, who has been critically ill at the Dee Hospital in Ogden for several weeks past, will be brought home this evening, his condition being considerably improved. He was taken to Ogden where he could receive the benefits of an oxygen tent as there is no such apparatus here. It is stated also that Dr. Pearse will not be able to receive any visitors for some time to come. R. A. MAYOR AND COUNCIL NOW IN PRICE Municipal League Meet Opened There Thursday More than 500 city leaders from all over the state assembled in Price on Thursday morning to be & present at the opening of the thirteenth annual convention of the Utah 8,Jv PAUL, Minn. Adolph State Municipal League. feet si on, after falling 40 Brigham City is represented by Here, an elevator shaft and F. Joseph Law, Councllmen Mayor Hing both legs, crawled P. J. Koford, Alf N. Freeman, George iirs to an outside door to Tiller and John B. Mathias and their ladies. During their absence, Countaid from a pedestrian. . cilman Roy T. Shaw is acting mayor Luct to participate in the exercises, many and he and Police Chief Max D. Robi;bos!, Weeks Poem of whom were present when the stake nette are administrating the affairs was organized sixty years ago. of the city. kEE AND NOW Three selections were played by SttBig, In ttis world of hurry Continuing through today and Sat! the high school band, directed by . nt work and sudden end, the convention will be a Chosen Be To urday, r A. B. Caseman and LeRoi C. Snow for the mulling of contemforum thought comes quick of doing of Salt Lake City offered the invocacolumnist. indues to a friend, A group of boys from the porary problems of cities and towns, Wa8 David H. Mann, publicity chairman, tion. Miss Gene Phillips, great grandBox Elder high school will be taken with topics of special Interest to be Brigham Citys national guards- will take 3ra m" that very minute of the entrants on daughter of Brigham Young, officidiscussed by prominent men. pictures of officers and wait members men, dont vere :it put It off Battery the court house lawn Sunday at one ated in unveiling the monument. Sunday to Logan where they will Governor Henry II. Blood head3 President Hervin Bunderson of the attend the State Future Farmers the use of doing a kindness A, 222nd Field Artillery, came home p. m under the direction of the the list of distinguished visitors to officers time which summer from too at the late! Thursday morning ra yon do It a day Peach Queen committee, which is Box Elder stake, who was master convention, the conclave. He will address a Future State the elected and be will the encampment, ending a of trip in busy selecting twenty-fiv- e that explained ceremonies, girla for bronze session this afternoon at the Carbon which they took a prominent part the contest. plaque designed for the cen- Farmer and the American Future selected will Only girls A stake tabernacle-Mayochosen. be will In the extensive war maneuvers at be Farmer not was the of shaft ter completed This Is an opporphotographed. Box Elder has two candidates for J. Bracken Lee of Price San Luis Obispo, California. hich i&en you cheat yourself, for the girls selected, as a but would be put in place later on. tunity men State Future Farmer, Martell welcomed the conventioneers Thursthe The the at Jordan was vedencamped "America, Community singing, worst. at its photograph will be submitted and Harold Larsen. There day morning when the first session Narrows on Wednesday night and it large ie glrli to a major Hollywood studio where led by Attorney Waldermar A. Call Hunsaker few are was about eleven a. m. when they executive very boys who receive this convened, and Mayor Charles R. and the address of welcome was producers will look over Box Elder candidates Hunter of Cedar City delivered the East If honor. the Far homo. were reached brown President Bunderson. delivered They by rt photos of the contestants, which may examination the feeland bronze from but they will be presidents address. The conclave is pass Come The exposure, Come, sang, ill of world congregation the East develop into a screen test. 6y Ja ike Far Farmer de- under the direction of W. E. Mclntire, Future State awarded as as a flute." fine Ye Saints. de-ing 1 war without a tneeslng will be Pictures returned, sealed, a Price city councilman and program gold key. President Rudger Clawson of Salt grees, Captain Ernest Freeman said the a rttlon of war that is of the was the best the men and will be opened at the dance Lake City, former president of the The State of Utah is allowed three chairman. experience to not the only significance have yet had on summer vacation, Thursday, September 9th, and the Box Elder stake, offered the dedica- candidates for the American Future Morning and afternoon sessions on Involved, but to the western Myj It being a test of mobility in the queen and attendants announced. tory prayer a solemn, beautiful tri- Farmer, the highest degree an agri- Thursday and Friday, followed by a welL As usual, the queen selected will bute to the Great President and to cultural student can attain. This Is day of tours and entertainment on maneuvers of the fourth army. Plans is beUtved that the Japanese are under way, according to Walt receive $25 in cash and the two the Utah Pioneers, with an invoca- conferred by the national organiza- Saturday, fill the convention slate. re,at,Te,Jr Convention business will occupy i . :! Mann, to give the local guard a attendants will each receive a hand- tion to the Lord to bless and pro- tion. Box Elder has one candidate la conquering the north , some gold contestants pin. for this position, Ross Wheatley. program. Election of ofThe vehicles Saturdays monument and the tect the ground bigger ices. She will take over cities In connection with the convention ficers, adoption of resolutions, selecThe Peach Queen committee con- upon which it stands. they have now are 2 Indiana trucks. destruction on a The new ones will be of ar B. C. Call read the names of those there will be a state judging contest tion of the 1938 convention city and M. S. Turner, Uarda Mathias, of sists . probably replace drive, with twelve epeeds forward Ida .calef all reading of the proposed constitution Merrell, Norma Jensen, Pearl who were present sixty years ago in which boys will compete from governments with are scheduled for the final session. state. Elder Box schools sited1 lee the in and high four of and was and H. H. Rulon when backward, stake speeds the Hunsaker, organized Baron, Kilroy Chinese governments con-- , Stock are: teams judging, to il much greater hauling capacity. entering, when President Young made his and Orlando Petersen. by the Japanese, as she did The people of this community are The Mantua quartet sang, Ross Wheatley, Levan Hunsaker and address. In the Bnt iehuria. long run, to welcome their Wayne Anderson ; poultry, Hal An Angel From On High. fe chances of success are glad Divorce Reeves and Marcus Anderson; dairy, home again. O. the David Elder McKay of s, China is a tremendous Curtis Johnson, Ross Wheatley and Church of the First gave Presidency y, with the largest popula-Larsen. Harold an eloquent address in which he To the world. Not since the to President tribute a An glowing unusual case was filed in the paid of t.:'.ory has It been con-- f School district court here yesterday, involv- Brigham Young and the Utah Pioover of many neers. He recounted the early settletwo Indians of Washakie. y 'the Invaders with All Sunday School workers in the ing of Brigham City and Box Elder ment City iincse and are virtnally Evan Peyope i3 asking for sever-enc- e Box Elder stake please remember on March 11, 1851, and of county immense of the bonds of matrimony by tie Steve Ellis of Logan was arraigned country. the annual outing in the Box Elder the arrival of others in 1853, and said TRIG14 E::r than half a billion county park in Box Elder canyon between him and his wife, Lida if the roll were called here tonight, before Judge Horsley in the city f as ast Japans 75,000,000 Monday, August 23rd, for all Sunday Peyope, whom he married in Brigcourt this morning, charged with there would be no answer, as all had speeding. He failed to appear and school officers, teachers and their ham City in October of 1936. Mental gjbsts. ; Will gone to the great beyond. forfeited bail in the sum of $15. He cruelty is charged by the plaintiff. ...aa has gone to the limit in partners. were if said The nothing speaker was arrested recently by Sheriff Be If you cant be present at four Dll l It years to build up her army done to perpetuate these great men, H. Zundel. John m. Fer a small country, thirty p. for the sports and games would deeds and works, they their be there for the lunch at six thirty O. Hansen was taxen into court, ks an mazing military maCOLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. be forgotten. This monument, he lar . jrior to that of the p. m. and the campfire program with furnishing liquor to The beautiful Will Rogers charged chain Shrine that unites said, will bind the China herself has a little later. one generation with another. He minors. He entered a plea of not of the Sun" is to become one of the Dicks Photo Gallery of Tremonton concluded prepress In unifying the the hearing was set for most unique singing towers in the by declaring that our obli- guilty and was broken into during Tuesday Chinas greatest weakness at ten a. m. 23rd, world, Spencer Penrose, who has August children To as their speaking gation, (ways been the currnption of night, the intruder gaining entrance of the built the granite memorial on Cheyis to perpetuate those pioneers by removing a pane of glass in virtues that made them governments. The pur-JlEf C5 enne mountain, half a mile above Local great. of Chinese statesmen and a window. the Broadmoor Hotel, is now having few remarks were given by S. A Announcement is made that Brigds Is Japans long suit; it Miss Phyllis Whitworth of this Installed an elaborate According to Sherlfr John H. Grant Young of Salt Lake City, repsystem of Westvanced her and her policy of ham Citys new authorized Gamble Zundel, an Eastman Kodak, city returned last week from a three minster chimes and vibra harp which packed the Brigham Young family. months vacation spent in Honolulu, si far more rapidly than have Store Agency, located on South Main In a box ready for shipment to the resenting can be operated automatically or presi- Hawaii. 18 and cannon. The sltna- - street, will be opened within the company for repairs, was all that James Jensen of thethestakeheartfelt through a console on which concerts dency expressed k It exists In China, Is as if next few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Simmons and can be given. was stolen. to committee of the thanks general C. L. Burdett, owner and manager, American state governor had all who contributd in any way to- Mr. and Mrs. August Olsen of this The silvery notes will be amplified private army which he has been busy for some time getting wards the erection of the monument. city returned Thursday evening from and sent out over the entire Pikes to the store ready for opening, lining ny purpose he may ered tt8e fishing trip in Wyoming. Peak region. Westminster chimes Councilman Roy T. Shaw, in behalf a four-da- y even to the extreme of fight-lerup stocks and setting up new will be heard on the hour and each who Mr. Mitchel LaMaus Mrs. Gibson Rentmister and Luther thanked and all likewise of the Wyatt city, he armies of neighboring fixtures. the of this city announce the arrival of quarter hour, starting with the songs of Ogden. in both done had Heller, providing anything tors. The lines of merchandise handled Thomas Sargent Harris and Helen wonderful shaft. The congregation a girl born Thursday at a local of the birds at dawning of each new by .the new store includes automo- Louise so here is another grave sang We Thank Thee O God for a hospital. Mother and daughter are day and continuing until eleven at Spires, both of Ogden. to world peace the gravest, tive supplies, tires and batteries, Francis Parley Welsh, Ogden, and Prophet, and S. Norman Lee, for- reported to be doing favorably. night when they close the day with paint, radios, bicycles, electric refri- Dorothy Louise Weathers, Clearfield. that has yet appeared. mer president of the stake, pronounof Miss Laura Mathias this city a hymn. After dark, floodlights will gerators, household necessities and War is actually declared illuminate the shaft like a jewel set Merlin LeRoy Summers, Tremon- ced the benediction. home on returned evening Thursday hardware. I theoretical Importance The monument, erected at a total from a six weeks vacation spent at in velvet. The lights will come on ton, and Hazel Grace Johnson, of Stents and purposes a major ten seconds before the cost of more than $2,000, is a 10 Brigham City. Spokane, Washington, visiting with gradually ow underway In the Far To Be of the a song on chimes, and thirty seIdaho Cecil foot John shaft, Falls, resting Harper, granite her sister, Mrs. H. D. McCullough. -conds after the last note has been jand Interests directly affect- and Zina Louise Richardson, Poca- granite foundation, 8 by 6 feet, the Mrs. Annie R. Tingey of this city lost in the night, the light will be shaft being 4 by 6 feet at the base, tnP Eaon In the world are tello, Idaho. the forepart of dimmed to extinction. several spent days Grover C. Fox, Corbin, Kentucky, with drinking fountains on either the week visiting in Salt Lake City The singing tower will be in readiside. Appropriate decorations appear with and Opal Robinette, Brigham City. her daughter. Miss Dantzel ness for s a formal dedication of the and the Wynn Corinne, Hunsaker, surrounding design, laurel Miss Etta Jones of Provo, who is Tingey, who is a student nurse at shrine on of and September 6th. Almost, the knowledge Christensen, Brigham. symbol lamp, Mary with Ruth Olsen this the L. D. S. hospital. week. visiting two years have been required to avers Is leaving the Box Elder high school Ray Tarvet of Garland and Alice the Word of God. The laurel itself Mr. and Mrs. D. Glen Reese and complete the memorial. Friends of Carver of Richmond. victory and reward. A Mr. and Mrs. hters are notorious for to accept a position with the Snow Hyrum L. Boothe of Honeyville symbolizes Stanley May of Harper the late Will Rogers from all cornon bronze of Brigham Young plaque College at. Ephraim as librarian. home on Thursday evening ers of the nation are preparing to returned their targets, and It is with the keenest of and Twila Blythe Petersen of Brig- the front, Is thus inscribed: from a weeks outing in the Salmon be present for the dedication. Speoutof the commemoration In ham Evers of Wyoming is no appreciation for Brigham feelings City. City and river district of Idaho. They report cial trains from California, Texas, standing service rendered the intertion. When he presented for Box Elder that I leave the city," had an enjoyable time. having Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri; and Ilwest a as mountain patriot, pioneer, said Miss Jones. "The people here jit at the court house to Miss linois are to carry thousands to the Delta now em statesman and is colonizer, Harper church my friends and I regret leaving, a wolf bounty, it was are leader." Below this inscription is ployed at the Brigham Beauty Salon shrine for the dedicatory service but I do so with best wishes to all On On this spot of ground, in this city. Miss Harper was for- to be held at eleven a. m. September another: ;id fat to him that he of them, and especially for Box Elder ?ired in shooting and skin-th- e and its many students. We are informed that the grand August 19, 1877, be delivered his merly employed at the La Dell 6th Labor day. last public address, when ho or- Beauty Salon and invites her many Because Will Rogers was the dean opening date of Brighams new sheriffs police dog. friends to call on her at her new of cowboys, a world-wid- e Will Rogera . ganized Box Elder stake. cooperative store will be on rodeo memorial be location. held will back on The the Septemthe of inscription Saturday of this week. Cnm Broadber on and 6th on ,5th the Erected 4th, the shaft sixtieth reads: out the bought August 24th, at six thirty p. m., Hartley Having moor Hotel polo grounds, just below Amanda Crews, 80, of the Prosperity club will hold a Cash Grocery Store,' business, at anniversary of the Box Elder Stake Scandinavian Meeting of Zion by the Church of Jesus combined N. C., lost her least for the present, will be outing and meeting at There will be a Scandinavian the shrine. The opportunity to ttlnj memorialize Will Rogers in the rodeo Christ of Latter-Da- y same Saints, Pioneer location conducted that at Brigham and lunch Park, your Bring and for a good a meeting Sunday, August 22nd in the arena Is Ecclesiastical the 32 Main attracting the worlds leadCity street the South Corporation, club will furnish punch. glass; Sixth ward chapel at two oclock. Some miscreant put There will be an Interesting speaker Watch for future ads and anWards, Civic Clubs and .Patriotic All are invited to attend by the ing cowboys. The Pikes Peak Polo association is offering handsome ifltf F10 gunpowder in her from Salt Lake City, also a fine nouncements. Come and bring Organizations of the Box Elder Stake. presidency. Dedicated August 19, 1937. 111 I f6 day, Pipe which she trophies and $15,000 In cash prizes. musical program. your friends and meet the manmonument In of In which the front buiit are is colors made welcome. Bear River, Corinne permanent agement. Everybody 08 moke d for 37 years, andTremonton, a reflecting pool 10 feet by 5 feet, by a new process. The work is the More than 600 concessions will be CONSUMERS Willard clubs are ?8r it to blow up. For-Jt- 0 ;T 6 inches. on the forty-acr- e of the Memorial fun zone of the DEVELOPMENT product cly, she was not hurt. are and The of 1939 this Golden Gate ASSOCATION. company designing COMMITTEE. lettering city. Exposition, (It) that thirty-fourt- GUARDSMEN s RETURN FROM MANEUVERS Enjoyed Duties In California LOCAL AG. BOYS TO ATTEND CONVENTION State and National Leaders 17-d- ay Thought r fraud - - tit ut-a- ii 4s onBeer prime-move- r. six-whe- el ui l it citizen-soldie- B Notice Sunday rs SINGING TOWER Action Filed Here WILL GRACE Cases Heard In Court Workers Inter-marr- seal-JYTH- NEW SHRINE Memory of Will Rogers Perpetuated Kodak Stolen At Tremonton i ) K New Store Open Here Items - Permits Wed s. Etta Jones Librarian At DEeh Snow College tonalities Mer-nu- V Xki; Official Opening Saturday Notice of Meeting w1 tem-Recent- ly, Nu-A- rt I |