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Show v. the Tariff Redaction. A certificate of Testh extracted without: pain With ?U.iriff for the a new and perfect! v safe im thod for SOtar aOredacMatiof Issued. has been, Incorporation 25c atoothWDr, Eldredee. l?l N. 3rd to the Industrial Christian Home exportation Of Utah wheat and barley west street, one oiock wesa oi under the oe into effecU 'Heretofore the rates Deseret Hospital. Utah,organized of, Mare Sataurslay S. lUt laws of the Territory.., The . principal on. grain from this region to t the Mlsl UeKlevi Celery. Betf ad 'Iron place of business of the corporation Is soar! Uverimve! been 4fhigh as to restore lost vitality and ffiok, new life to he at Salt Lake CUy, but associate lcutauy prevent smpmenis, ana me ana vigor. Dr. Henley's CeJerv, Jieef hnd iron branches and offices mar be established railroads claim' ihat any, lower figure jsmraigia ana nervous Headache JEstY fcoir for- tile. See advertise : elsewhere, either within or without the- would be. a Joss to them, j An. agree pure Dr. Henley's Celery, Beef ana iron ment has been entered into, however, cures Dyspepsia rconfines of the Territory. Tne.xouowmat ' and'jndigesuon an Indefinite period, by which grain to conduct the for ' lHoii missionaries will visit the tag officers are named, business of the corporation until their can be shipped from jail points lalong fooniitrjrkrds successors are' elected as required by the Union Pacific,! Utah Central and Jolin C. Cnfler $?! Bro., Missouri A. C Hammgbto, of Park City, win law: George A. Lowe, George S. El- D; & R. G. Wf .'railroads' leave for Baltimore River and points in Kansas and Ne Ageuis l?ireTO Woolen Mills, lis," Hector M. Scott, James M. Dar ItEJIOVKO bftck to W. Law E. braska, the uniform rate for wheat be! liftv Lyons, Henry Tmi family' of II.lVrNalsbitt were ling. Ira C. Shelton, Clara Iluse, ing 40 cents per hundred "pound a, xdA llie Ola CoiislKulion lluild- Rebecca rence, before the grand Jury this morning. Emma X. Miller, Martha A. Locke, for barley 60 cents. Thlsmateri al re- - In&r, 3 and S6 Main Struct. H. C. Nicolacsxx was admitted to Margaret Zane, and Martha M, ductlon will enable the Utah fan merto Prices of Photographs Reduced at citizenship in the First District Court Campbell, of Salt Lake City, and Jean- - place his grain In those markets With a diaid FOX A. STHONR, a a Park of nette of the reasonable II. prospect Utah, City, .yesterday. Ferry, profit, i. H. increase in business that Will follow An work 'don, by the Dry:Plate In- DxrimKS raided Springvllle',. Utah rectors or trustees; Jeannette Will no doubt make' the redaction In Carroll, Emma'Li Ferry, president; stantaneons Prbcessi County, on Thursday night, but appar Kettle M. Crltcnelow, Emma L. Miller, rates a paying investment! far the REDUCTION PERilANfiNT. ently found nothing. Clara Hose, Rebecca C. Shelton, Mar railway companies. ; Aitmxk Adams was adopted as the garet P. Zane and Martha M. Camp Iv bell, of Salt Lake, and Angle F. Newchild of Hannah C. Adams, y, That Fillmore Homicide). A Fill- - HOW TO SAVE" MONEY Uebvice-presiden- ts ., more ; ine jtrooaie voun.i of Buy man, Lincoln, correspondent, nnder, .date of A Point Worth Remembering. treasurer: Cornelia Books, Stationery, School Supplies A. 18th Martha your us ac Locke, sends the inst., following Thx Fourth Quorum of Seventies Magazines oi Jos. H PAfetv & Co., secret count of the recent fatal affray at that and corresponding a6 . Main Street, where jyouj get every.will meet at the usual place on Monday Paddock, and business of place': j tary. The objects r thing at Bottom Prices. All the Church evening next, at 7:30. the corporation are to found, build, Publications keot constantly in stock: hriW wor The ot citizens onr 'nniet ' Tcllidox's "Illstory of Salt Lake equip, provide for, maintain and reg- - horrified last evening UDonhearin that also a well selected line of the best MisBooks, for both old land young. City" has been completed by the ulate.ln all necessary and proper ways, a crime had been committed which al- cellaneous causes dismay, except perhaps in S. S. and M. I. A, libraries supplied. author. A review of the work will ap-- j industrial homes, boarding houses, aways border mining camp. pear In a few 'days. schools, hospitals and places of About 7 O'clock, when Olive? n; was going home from work, be aid, betterment and general Speed & David M. Xoxa, an engineer at the was accosted by a small boy by ttie at benevolent charitable and purposes, name.of John McBride, whOi after reBrooklyn Mine, Bingham, was drawn Salt Lake and other Dinwoodey has' lust irecelved In Utah places marking, that "Doc," as he was family theHenry into the hoisting works, on- Thursday most elegant stock of largest and elsewhere, in which to promote larlv called, would make a cond sheen CARPKT3 and ever seen in this city. last, and crashed to death. and accomplish the fitting of persons herder, made some very obscene, and GENUINK WILTON and other remarks, reflecting upon grades, selling at bottom prices. Give Mr. Din. F. Faboo and wife oi for Industrial and other pursuits; also disgusting Mr. Speed. Ionia, Wis., are visiting bur city whlU to educate and fit for the active duties The man who has borne a rDntation him a call. route to their home from a trip tc of life all classes of people without for crood bebavlor and sobrletv. rrvw 75. A FIN OROABT FOB 970. boy and (flapped his the Pacific Coast and a stay of several distinction,!) at more especially women Incensed at, the the ran lad aud tl. told J. Hi li., Teacher of Music. woereapoa face, and children;': to establish private his ; father. Keuben months in California. A. McBrld. No. 20 s., West Temple. remun and to work to be m house chanced', Ivhaj Two hundred and ninety -- eight pass- schools; provide eration tharefor for all persons near at, hand. McBride then came engers arrived In Ogden from the West who are needy or a want; to out' and j asked Speed why he y, 207 of whom continued easti bad slapped his bof. The provide and secure situations for besan telling wny .he had donelatter 91 wardljOveLtheJUMon-Paclflcan- jr so, oerore In dui ne could proceed such . as acquire efficiency The Finest and Cheapest, at took the D.& Rio. . Industrial or other pursuit; to re- McBride drew his revolver and any DDTWOjSpKY'S. fired tin four shots at the defenceless man, ill deliver his lecture lieve distress and ameliorate suffering C. R. S a few feet distant. Speed but standing PEBMAHEBTT REDUCTION on "The Electric Light," to the good I among all classes ;"to aidlneyery-promen sprang ana . . grapa. t lor nis assailant e :al IM who mm in men auu are me -i- swimi WOT T. A WnndthaHtaIrway-thosBSVUMAWU VUMlilU pisu. Hg V ground, but Speed had received his f day, evening, at 7:30 o'clock. Tht poverty and want; to provide for and death Pltotogrrapba and soon ceased to strugseek to establish among the masses a gle. wound atFox Stmoks. public are eordially invited. , of laws better a,nd knowledge of account sanitary xuis the affray if .strictly Cel-- Box are being posted advertising care of Popular Replevy, tor- - In accord, with the deposltionr pf the Or. flTenie?'e Deef to and i generally health; . at the appearance of Mary Anderson, and Iron lawful way all dying rflatr, and coirobrated by several Has the ery, larsrest sale, and has relieved the Theatre on March 30th and 31st, In ward and aid in everyand educational benevolent, charitable The Wounded man wascarried in Uia and cured' more persons afflicted with "Pygmalion and Galatea" and "Comenervous troubles than: any one known and objects whatsoever; also house of his father-in-lapurposes ml Like You "As and and dy Tragedy to solicit and receive contributions,! J. S. Giles hastily summoned, who remedy. For pule rT 7.. 11. t. T. Drno- Store. after 'making; an examination, proV ,i to give exhibitions and entertain, w:" 8 nounced theH case honelesaj and hia and all Druggists.. . A&junoemxnts have been made for ments; and to adopt and exercise diagnosis proved to be correct, as the Delicate persons, and all! whose the Bishop Comedy Company to appeal all other and proper means to raise Out of the four shot fired, two took systems have become debilitated, at the Salt Lake Theatre on the even- - funds and the means to carry on the effect, one ball entering the .right should bear in mlad that Simmons lngs of Thursday and Friday next in corporate business and further acurease, wo incnes oeiow ine nipple, Liver Regulator Is not a drastic, purgthe "Widow Bedott" and StrlcUj complish the objects of the associa auu iub oiuer anaer 1 eft ing medicine, does not weaken or detrie ' arm. . one of the batls was Slete the system as other purgatives do, Business.". tion. taken from the man's back and gently. It will invigorate like As individual came into the police thought to be the one which entered a glass of wine, but Is no Intoxicating Passed Away. Our readers have under the arm. McBride made his oeverage to lead to intemperance: will nd complained that some office escape, thouzb whv he was allowed to promote digestion, dissipate headache, om had stolen his pocket book, but as , already been made aware of the seri- do so.is a mystery, as the sheriff was and generally tone up the system. The Mrs-ous of illness Ellen Dinwoodey, upon the spot immediately after the dose is small, not unpleasant, and Its he was too drunk to make himself in- -' wife of Brother Henry Dinwoodey occurrence, and was told to arrest his virtues unaouDteo, telliglble he was allowed to go out to who is now serving a sentence in the man .by citizens standing near. A sober up. however,, was instituted1 for Am KaterprUlaer. KIIbl illooM. r for his refusal to do Vio- search, Penitentiary T. fl Xt afterward, when he was surround .Ival.n1liifl itnAti tio WM tTiMBiiTOK. of Atchison. lence to his conscience and his sacred him ed.and gave himself up. not only to carry in Btock the best of and wife his Kansas, accompanied by marriage vows by making the promises everything, but to secure the 'Agency for such as have (laughter, arrived In thlsclty lasfeven-U- g unjustly and unwarrantably demanded on Suit Behalf of the Bogus Ap merit, and articles are popular with the people. y, and proceed on westward by a "Mormon"-hatln- g missionary Yesterday afternoon suit tnereoy sustaining tne reputation 01 with the Intention of remaining some Judge. She nas been in poor health pointees. was commenced in the Third; District being alwais enterprising, and ever , time in California,1 Having secured the Agency many years, and since the incar Court by District Attorney Dickson to reliable. for the celebrated Dr. King's New Dis ceration husband her her' of tenure of came court this oust Territorial officers chosen oy the covery for Consumption, will sell It on into Thx grand Jury seemed to grow more frail very people, in order to make room for a positive guarantee, It will; surely afternoon, and reported having found life has hex spirit bok cure any and every affection of Throat, - five indictments under t United States day; until at 12 :30 y The bogus appointees. Lunsrs. and Chest, and to show nm All Its skillful that flight. treatment, one was case is laws ; reported ignored following the complaint filed by the confidence, we invite yon to call and kind careful and. attention nursing the charge of larceny against Jared C. District Attorney on behalf of Arthur get j. riai jwiuejree.i l i, Knnnrlvand TOm. ' AmMTOOd. .Of Wan- - could do to prolong her .life was done, Pratt, who IS figuring for the office of I EH K POK1AII D RI I ASSWCBE in denied vain. but Q.CE the solace :' Though Auditor; of Public Accounts,' against . ship. of her" husband's presence during her the vou Scrofula? Blood? Imoure Have present incumbent, Nephi W. Clay-- f Kidney Disease or Rheumatism? De Thx families of: Joseph Clark, S. S. late sicknes&she has not ilelt to comA .similar document has been filed lays are dangerous.' You can be cured Jones and R. C. Klrkwood, of Provo, plain, being reconciled to his departure ton. in now oy using behalf ' of Bolivar Itoberts,ag(U'hs r were yesterday subpoenaed to appear for the prison in view of the dishonor James Jfack, Territorial Treasurer! . ! BROWHTI SARflaFARI.tA to before the "gand Jury, presumably able alternative by which she might UTW "PfiOtllft cil thA Tn4fnn nt 4a4 DandeUea wlla Iodide Potaa- M testify in cohabitation cases. The haveJiad his company. The faith and Utah, on the relation i .j.' of Wm. II. Dick family of George Taylor wereinquired (which, many years ago, son, United States District Attorney! A bloodi Purifier that all PhVslclans home. were not at but when she alone constituted her busAsk your drngnlee to abotr after, plaintiff, vs. Nepnu eudorse. fSWTorritory, defendant. yoa the formula And commence using band's entire family, (she not having W.Clayton ol Church services , ofhe I of ritsA: The oeonle once. a at the Territorv of Ecttaiops YKS1 150.000 boxes of BROWN'S Saints will been blessed with off spring) led her to bf William H. Dickson. TTnltd Stjt. Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y consent to her husband marry- District Attorney for said Territory! ARNICA SALVE, sold on a positive be held in the Tabernacle and-- not one returned. Alwife, in accord- - complains of the said defendant! and euarauty 2 ing . another o'clock. afternoon, commencing, at cures aucKcst ways vuai burns, outs, bruises, sore uerewiurc. lu lOQ Wit; once with what bbth Jl T eaTfk firmly i' they Services in German will be conducted eyes, piles, etc. Beware of imitations, oeienaanti " susto believed be of law the God, use W. . in the City Hall, and m Scandinavian Nephi Clayton, did usurp and in4 oniy urown's and. a dox. use tained her in her final illness, and she trade into the office of Auditor of Brown's Tar Trochea for sore 10 a.m. fa the Social Hall, a( , in Throat. for ' and Colds, tc:T the said the a Terri died full of of fu hope glorious . , use urowu'8 1'ensin Tonic for TJvs- , oi utan, ano ever since that time ture and firm in the faith to which she tory be baa.and does held and pepsla,; Indigestion,; Headache; etc. fosxra Sissom, who was sent 4o thea has adhered for the larger part of her the functions ofstill, said office, without wo remcoy can can compare witn it. of life. With bodily sufferings happily authority of law therefor. penlts atiary in default of payment was "And the said plaintiff by the bald BVCKXKUrSj ARJfICA SAflTE. fine, for unlaw! uF cohabitation, ended, she has gone to meet the reward District The' Bzst Salvx In the world for lurther Attorney complains the taken poor due for a faithful observance of Gospel. and released having alleges that heretofore, to wlt Cuts, Bruises, Sores, - Ulcers, Salt convici'a oath, xfter thirty days' on 35th the day of January, A. D. 1880, Rheum, Fever! Soros! Tetter Chapped laws, and her spirit, freed from the Not being a "Mormon," restraints of mortality and unham- and, during the session of the Twenty-seven- th lianas, jniioiains, uorns, and an bKin Leelslatlve Assemblv nf isnid Eruptions, and posltlvelv cures Pile?. Jje promised to obey the law in pered by the ills to which flesh is heir, H. Governor or no pay required. It is guaranteed to r Territpry,iEli future. has passed' to a sphere to which the oi saia Territory, Murray, nominated give perfect satisfaction, or money reduly Pratt: to be Auditor of Pub- funded. Price 25 cents per box.' , prosecutors and Arthur t' Tjl railroads will glTelConference power of tyrannical lic Accounts of said Territory, FOR SALE AT:Zi C M. I. DRUG does extend. got r rates to Provo, commencing April 1st, bigoted Judges and did then and there present the STORE. ' name of the said Arthur Pratt to the from points In Idaho, Wyoming and or rius. stkuv Council of said Territory Young Ladles' Conference. The Legislativesame Utah. The price will probably be single Conference own true Laxative. Pleas Nature's while was in the and M. A. of of T. L. session, I. the the refare for the round trlp, with some and consent to the ant to the Palate, inacceptable to the Salt Lake Stake was herd In the Four- quested its advice harmless its nature, painof said to the said Stomach, duction on this from distant point. teenth appointment Ward Assembly Hall, Friday, office, That the said Pratt less in its action. Cures habitual Conor a Council arbitrain day published will be rates Thj March 19th, 1830, Mrs. M. Y. Dougall rily, and without lawful right or exstipation, Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred Ills. Cleanses the system, and cuse, failed, refused to on neglected were Present the stand presiding. purifies the blood, regulates the Lfvei whatever tmon snid and Okx of the bogaa appointess of the Sisters Elmina S. Taylor, B. W. Smith, take anv action acts on the Bowels. Breaks Cold" J; so presented. nomination the4 That Governor remarked, yesterday, to a Z. D. n. Young, Elizabeth Howard, said session oi tne said legislative As- Chills and Fevers, etc. Strengthens on which It acts. Better than f Territorial officer elected by the peo-- . Emily Richards and JVellle Colebrook. sembly and Council expired on the lit h organs nauseous Liver medicines.pills, Ditter, A D. of we and same March, the if day out im, anyway, Alter the usual opening exercUea, the Pie, "We'll get you. salt and draughts. Sample bottles finally adjournedi on that day without free, al Ann't vet in ourselves." Just o; a and the of bottles various for sale by alii reports large taken action any whatever having Z CM. I Drux b'tore, conspiracy td Uke the control of the. societies were', read, showing them to upon said nomination, and eav-t- druggists. vv noieaaie Agents, Fait Lake City the said office hands withoutthe out of , be a finances in condition. any &,3 flourishing Territory's Plaintiff farther v ,J Owing to the resignation of Mrs. A. lawfal incumbent. of the people Is vour hair turning gray and eraduA the Governor of 'said jtbatt A tounu man went Into a small Miss Lizzie Smith: was alleges at the Twenty-fift- h and ally falling put? Hall's Hair Renewei Territory, t atore In the eastern part of the city J. Crocberon, h session ef Isold .Legisla- will restore it to its original color, and onanlmously sustained Jo bold the po- Twenty-sixttive Assembly, nominated and pre- stimulate the follicles to produce a new1 last evening, and asked; for 25 cents' sition of Stake Secretary, said Council the name of the and luxuriant growth. It also cleanses worth of pranges, offering in payment The speakers were President Elmina sented to OI the scalp, eradicates dandfuft, and isj iuuusim oicetnopisaidAuaupr therefor a new counterfeit stiver dol- S. Taylor, Counselors M. Y. Dougall person Public Accounts, but Council a must ajsrceftuie auu- uaruijeaa urews- -; IM. lar. Upon the storekeeper Informing and Nellie Colobrook, and Sisters at each of the said sessions, failed ant! ing. refused to SUY Ction', thereon. him It was spurious, be picked the Elizabeth Iloward, B. W. Smith, That All afflcted with Dvsbepsla. persons the refusal of the said Council to coin op and walked rapidly away. Z. D. II. Young, Mary Irvine, take action at its said several sessions Diarrfaeeai Colic, and all kinds Of will find immediate relief and D. Tyler, Cornelia Clayton, and Emily upon said nominations, was With the sure cure by using Ansrostura Bitters. full and information knowledge of the ladies to Richards. These the said referred mem The only genuine is manufactured ' by Council, and each and UT. J. (i: a. oiegart ft sons. i i5present condition of affairs and the per inereoi mac me saidevery defendant tycAtijnEwa. causes-thawas exto have led then 'the and present unlawfully holding ' Another Vtelease.-'Th- is morning prosecutions. the functions of said offices They exhorted, the ercising The sale of Synp ol Plga la sUaapi, as plaintiff is informed and be pmthsf AnreliUs Miner, havlnz served young to follow the counsels of their and minene lieves everyone is taxing it, ana i and bis and upon information; and Is the Lest: medicine reverl, the full term and paid the fine) who were inspired bf God to belief alleges the fact to be, that such leaders, :rv for it on account of its ,omt tmndaed noon him in theifhird- guide them; to be prayerful and dili- refusal on the part of said Legislative taste a.ad growa people whoS District Court, for living with and ac- gent to, mingle only with those of Council was for the purpose ad with pleasant aave used it once never lake any thlnj; knowledarlBff hi wires, was released their faith, and above ail things to be the intention and desisn bf nniawf uliv else. Uhlike other remedies for mi-- i and the defendant said aiding abetting from the penitentiary. Like others true to their God, their parents and in Uis aim usurpation- oi, intrusion ionsnesa rand constlDatL-- n it never loses lt power to act, an J it always who refused to crawfish," he feels no their friends, and to put their trust in into end nniawf uj exercise Qt the datifs ci satd office. J . leaves me or fan i ;oa- wuwn 11. one '. reerets at having chosen the coarse God aloas to brlnjr (hem safely of "That Besiaea, to wlti on the 13tS stronger than heforaheretofore, health Is in and good fresh and bright and realizes that, pursued by him, through. They also gave much good day of March. 1S86. and af ter the final feels Nature's. owo true laxative, Z(. it l& counsel regarding . the .every-da- y expiration land adjournment of! said C spirit. ; M-- I. lirag Store. Wholesale Arenta and Legislative Assembly Council, the Salt Lake, lives of their hearers. 1 11 City. as said II. as Governor Murray, In was The conwhich he conference, Concert.--Tvery Arsatd the aforesaid, daly appointed Klght'a i :! IVIWta V1MTEB. Pratt to be Auditor ot Public Accert and dramatle entertainment given teresting, and was largely attended by thur Territory. That there-- '; Can any oct bring eg a case of Ed-- . school house last the vounir ladles of the Stake, was ad counts for f :aid . in tha Third. Ward tue iota aay oi fliarcn, Liver Complaint that Electric ire, the saidon ' evening was well attended; in fact, journed for three months. 1886, Artnur Pratt duly quali- neyor Bitters will not care? We say fied by uklng the oath of office and they can not, as speedily , many who wanted Tto gain .admittance thousands of eases alan We Our extend safofficial bond, with executing Congratulations. ready permanently cured and who are were nnable to find even standing room ficlent sureties, as required by law; and daily recommending Electric Bitters, and had to return home disappointed. cordial congratulations to- our es inereaiu;r, : onto wit tne a;tn aay will (rove. Dan Blight's Disease, Diateemed 'friends and Mrs. Mr., and were well ox rendered, ne Jl the parts was ifliarcu aioresatq, amy betes, Weak Back, or any urinary com' account - of whose ' the as such officer. plaint quickly cared. - They purify the commissioned; the andience were tuuy satisneanin - Harrington; ' h That after 'so, ' adits being' the bowels, and a.ct ditor marrige.wlllbefoqnd.ln appointed blood, appropriate small ttteO of outlay the resU and having rectly regulate on the diseased parts, commissioned, t Every, place in thtj paper. After their re ana , mission. ".The roceeds amounted to omcer-aas such bo qualiue4 f aforesaid, bottle guaranteed. from a turn family Logan of gatherine benefit or the um on said Arthur the said last neat little For sale at 60c. a bottle at ,f the Pratt, al. .Z.lC. at took the r Gardo a demanded and named said of de It. I Drnz Store. place House, day, duly Imnrovement Association of Joe ward , . t that-he- i surrender to him the f (U rppast was enjoyed . in honor fendant The committee, who bad charge of the splendid event office said the and insignia thereof, on Friday, evening. A which A resurrectlou of na BDrlnsr. ItlS entertainment desire ta jreturn thanks Of the, demand was then and there re ture's latent forces la taking place. targe number of elegant sand suitable fused by the said defendant; - i to those who took part wit., . the world around yoa, renew yonr were "Wherefore tthe said plaintiff de- Like gifts presented to the happy mands luvlKorate your powers, complexion, defenthattfk theUa. said iftUn cleanaa the1 channel and the only thing that marred dant iaJudgment of life. ; AVer's couple, ntltlari nt a.l a. Warthv FirmWe call the at the pleasure of the occasion was the and that he be ousted therefrom that Sarsaparilla is the means to use, lor tention ef onr readers to the advertise absence, of the venerated head o the said ArthurPratt is entitled to said this purpose. ment of jiayjor Pike in.our columns the family and '. of v the Church. office, and that he be put In possession buercuif vuifeiucr witn tue DOOKS, sale, r t " COAX, I COAX, t .COAX. I have quita a variety of Joy .prosperity" anJ endless increase be and all and singular the insignia there- i whAv.!i. Hrtck Rrrinr. Pleasant Vat- ihelr ; the portion of the wedded pair May to, belonging, rat clas goods and they ..and , and that the said de- lev and Hed Canyon All the Coais sold at the same the Home Sentinel become a still more fendant pay the posts therein.'? r j?r4ecesors p. business tne &ai lJae iuarar;iii uui tt cuw tand (Baylor Bros.) hare been, well vigilant and valiant watchman on the f It will be seen that, as mentioned in in Is from the celebrated Grass Creek and we are rolninsr better coal and r favorably - kao wni for their, fair towers ot .Zlon by the helpmeet who yesterday's News, the suit la com- mtnna ever No other Weber In than been have comes to Althooah Its and now the they may aide, dealing. mencea in the name of the people of brought tobefore. this market can compare a number for cf each of .the of sires years they virtues honored, the business the of Utah,, thereby avoid with it. All our coals are nicely . of the new house in Israel be re ing Territory bare not made .themselves .wealthy at side cost to the bogus appointees. screened and cleaned. any - our Railfleeted Ualon Pacific Coal happy, by the neither of Department, community the ldea'being to force hpon the people, the expense .' i what means 'they have friends and their posterity forever. ! at kra thrrtomted the expense of the Territory, officers way Company.A. J. Gtntjvzix, Aent. the of of people reserved the injury , urace, YT fteaw VWf Want4 If ' James t Service of summons was i the Territory ! D toemg wenwnea Information morn this who were' Eilsha and interested Jones, originally At h. matorltv. thevire. an with afflicted r been l Ing made . . L..i.Etk.AI1 . . have and prosperity of the from Ohio, but located at Nauvoo and Jack and upon the, defendants, : James IeCtlOn OI tue mi xuruat welfare the iiuui;vuiiwiovu U Nephl W.Clayton. at the .n-- rt ' h rllnhtherla. and have.' used ' iMonle of which ibeyjora sv part, ana migrated from there westward of time leuicuicoi uu uvtcx exodus of the Various the the general Latter of motto t it ahould be the Bhonchiai. thin any are Saints from All "still Illlnols the' ; giving cat lumber . at Beaver TROCHX8.to .equal Brows's now more than ever,' to vr. ju.. . Aiumjw, Ar SalnUthose I Vtnn 'a Mnhn oniT w poxes. , who sasUiathem, and they, or any others who can tell any 10.000,000 Kitmntxe was last week seized by Pftetoni Ky. Sold the present whereabouts of the Unitedfeet, Jhareby benefit each other. SO doubt thing of States. Tbere are. six saw with their pa these or their children, will confer; a miua aoingtr.1T Dusiness there ownedTT. b "Rirt reliable and nleanenl tO ttinu who favor asthem Cfrti1la1 anxious their favor upon a relations as much and by good Ret wUi tronage firms. The cause ot the seizure is that Celery, Beef and Iron of goods for their money s at writing to Jacob, Jones, Pennsvllle, the lumber was cut for export oat of Henley's sale For by Z. C. M. I. Draft Store, Morgan County, Ohio,; y r poe xerricorv, f : ,. , EVENINGS NEWS. Industrial Home.' To-da- mmihr Bros. life. .. :i Dr. SPRINO BTJXXiX)ES OF. I to-th- e CombiaaUonVniU we have ever shewn. to-morr- SILKS AND VELVEtS. A full line of Fonlards, Bnrahs, fihadames, Rnmner Bflks, Feaeees I alee a line 6t Black and Colored Qros Grains, Black Brocaded and Two Toned velvets.eepleter -- BUGGIES AND SPRING WAGONS t. laJ'arrri, ClTi'iglit,; . - i f BABY CARRIAGES, to-da- . j p a . 1 a T- xeii-tort- be . ) -- : . :tZ. s ,' lr w. ; i ' , i - i ; to-d- ay - try. nO-O- o. OUR WHITE GOODS. mkYELINe WAGONS and Cotton Moll, Persian Lawn, India Dimity, Fancy Plena, eta, MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. wn mm a iu iuw very iirn nnBincu m u una, ana we inieaa so SaSHUm on reputation this eaaon by offering CHKATEU GOODS THAN K Van. 811k NIGHT DRESSES. At 5 I.C5 .93 L75 CHEMISE. At 1.15 1.S0 1.80 1.00 .80 AO .65 .63 .00 .70. self-deni- al, J II ua .so 1.16, ' it-i- s s .1 Au-vTvr- y ss e Now Is The Time WHIPS. TENTS, WAGON COVERS, WAGONETTES, LAMPS, BUCKBOARDS, RAKES, RUBBER, ROUND UP WAGONS, aiACHINE EXTRAS, I CliOTH, HARROWS, WAGON EXTRAS, DUCK, ROBES, COACH CANDLES, WASHERS, FARM AND CARRIAGE HARNESS. SJLT qity. XjuKZE JAMES B. GLASS, Manager. di nm ifAiiiinn, aci Having determined on making a SWEISf all HEAVY WINTER GOODS, pro paratory to the Arrival of our Spring Stock, we will offer Special Bargains in all departments, and respectfully ask tho attention of the public to the groat advantages we have to offer. of GENTHAIi BBANOH HOITSB, j ! m mim. w. mi a r v n i nnniji STUDEBMER BROS . MFC. CO.. in '! . l.M IMr .9tt ljOOt afbuhs. to-da- i .90 .70 .40 .60 All-over- . i .85 u.. nissua' .to-da- - At .93 1 00 1.10 . SKIRTS. n well-kno- , DRAWERS. .75 .85 .90 Desirlnjr to increase our business in Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming, we ha?s secured the a ot 1 m 1 ia i i i an 1 n At ka an t i a ii.a .(tkUM. genctes ror ne roiiowtng machinery, etc., via. : ikwim vvui. . yi The McCbrmlck II. M. Co'a Twine Binding ilarveateri. Reaper, and Mowers. uHoiutwicAK Ann Tho J. II Cao H. M. Co', Agitator Threshers. Woodbury Power, Engines and Saw A compute line of Children's Short Dresses aad Infanta" Sobesfreni iOe, to US. i Willi ' '. IIASLBURG EMBROIDERY. The Ohio! Bake Co' Self and Hand Dump Hay Bakes. , The South Bend Chilled Plow. As usual, this Department Is full of the choicest roods to be foand la the saarkat. with narrow Flouncing to matekM Two The Wehj Steel Plows, Harrows and Cultivators. Including White, pine and Cardinal are tne latest novel ties, xr wnica we nave an looeu vuamurays. uausies ana x,einvrs The Boasl Sickle Grinders. . endless variety. - Alt of above (roods have been handle d in lhl Territory (or many years by the leading We show a complete line of Swiss, Nainsook. Irish Point aad Matohed . an unblemished have such and established agricaltaral lfniplemcnt houses, reputation White and Ecru. that only a few remarks are necessary. IACES. This Department has never been so full ef novelties as The McCormlck II. M. Co'a New Steel Bidders;, introduced here in 1833. are conceded this, saaaoa. Rama af me are newest inmg-Mazarine, rormosa, aiiksdo, erypuan and Morgesia. These we to be far ahead of all competitors, Combining as they do, beauty ot design, superiority of have in Creme, lieige and Black. All widths in Chaatifly, Spanish Guipure aad Oriental.- workmanship, excellence of finish, durability and ease of management. auu m ait una v( An examination of thu stock will eonvince-anone that we have left nothing ttnifpas. The comtjined Reapers and Mowers, Droppers and Single Mowers are unequalled. KID GLOVES. The Case) "Agitator" is acknowledged to be without a competitor, a the sales of the Besidaa onr Standard Gloves we have added to this stock a liva-batto- a Olava fa past more than trebling those of alt other threshers will prove.- - and a SU button Snede for 11.65, that have noeqnal. 'W have the best GlevS fec- The Woodbury Power is the most durable and lightest ranting- horse-powe- r knows. 11.50 i.V" CTr tuows in iqib cuy. The Sooth Bend Chilled Plow, although not introduced Into this markst nntll long TBUUIINU9. aftsr other styles of chilled plows, is fat crowding them out and assuming the pesltion fThia Denartment la eomnleta. Annaiatlna- - tit Beaded and Plain Piuiatilirlii of the leading chilled plow. Colored and Uiaelfc Mohslr Braid, Beaded Tablets, Clasps and Wooden aad Class! Beads j . ., The WeuriSulkies, Iland Plows and Harrows are known throughout the length and in ail colors. ' BUTTONS breadth of Utah as first-clagoods in every particular. ever thia iDrlir. ,Xvarrthlir waatad la thla Ilaa !u ba The Bobs jSickle Grinder is a toet-- very farmer who has a mower needs and cannot lonaaInin onr .iocs.variatv than . j afford to be Without. HOSIERY. We shall carry a full and complete stock of Repairs for above goods, not only for This season we are efferlne sonte rreat bargains In 81Tk and Lisle for Ladles aad a thoeeof this year's manufacture, butf or those sotd n previous years, eo that any farmer toief wnuareave vnci venon nose inai win not last long. LINENS. haviiig any machine or plow of the line mentioned ean get any repairs without needless , f .'t The moot desirable stock at the lowest prices In Housekeeping Goods ean be foesd. trouble or expense. with am. 1 win om 10 maj person auvaaiage o 100a at onr goeas oeiore baring eleewbece. ' re t All parties ordering extras for machines bought in previous years, are specially quested, when ordering to give the number of letter on the article wanted. The above line of manufactures will be under the carje of Mr. JOIIX FARMER, who Scissors and BasarsftHnarakteed.) has handled them in connection with the LowH Company foi the last ten years, so that COHN BROS , Agents for Howard's Nickel-plats.' as the public in general realize the standard of the companies, the quality of their Jinan. ufacturcs, the abilit of Mk." FARMKlt as a niacbine expert and salesman, and the re liability of the bouse that represents these great c6mpanles, they can' rest assured that they will receive as great value for a dollar at this hones as they can possibly receive from lany reliable house in the trade. We also keep a full line of !ln ' , " . m A 8a 9 A. (.'v.;.40'" . a ii ML. , Public-Ac- counts, ., ! ( . . to-da- ItHBIfr y, : tTTJX)C3 - El. ' WE ARE CLEARING OUT AIxli j RE1IMTS of CMPETS i r. i I : semi-annu- ng v ! : ! ; ..I tk: . . ' 'M Just received, full lines AT IBDIENSE REDUCTION! of Jerseys, ! J i Goods, arriving daily. 1 and Gents' i'urnlsliingB t jr Underwear GREAT WILL bPBMVP A NEW LINE OE at. used.-'hlldren- i 1 lOtll. DBOTCfTfllliX r: - J ' t - M jSu 1ST 1 1 , . 4: I BARGMIS ? lo.-w- it MM . . 1 . - mi? , ,t j i' i A Durham Ml . f , o - . . 11 t 1 , , .. , . ,,...- ii.. j J I " I Ilcref ord Cross Yearling. Bulls , $ paruccuars 4 - ;. ' ' ' , i J"rfl "Vf mm m i '' nl ' ,m ' ,.ST . . . t r, I , taqum i " . , t . ' - ly ' - - ISAAC " JENNINGS or T. W. JENNINGS, jt , 1 ISW. Firat SesKk Ki Salt lAk City. I " - I i well-mat- EVERT DESCRIPTION 1 . v. ed - : ( . ' . 1 1 ; 1 1 1 , a. K ' , . ' ' M a 1 ' M 1M- JOB 'iPR lNTlN.G - PROMPTLY - : EXECUTED L '4 i" The most of these Bolls are at American Fork, in care of Mr. John Hlndler, and bart at the yarns in ine rear pi atr. uaac meanings - resraenee, nxwww wara. xer xnriaer w ' -- . and- ALL ilEPARTIil'TS ! - AND TinfiTX OTX HEAD OT HIGH QRADK - Xj' 3NT 11 -- DURHAII YEARLDIG BULLS, s ti 1 . HKAQ OF HTQIl GSAIUB ' llHcest EVERY DESCRIPTION CnEAPKIt TILVN EVER! if W WW W I REDUCTION! At Less than Mdmtfactitrers , . AVin- - Aiid all; Heavy Wclgrht Clothing, ns t ,L. our Show lVindow,jin& IO" See If: - - i Laces, Hosiery, Embroideries , etc., pur--i Don't Fail to See tie Bariis in .tie cliased by R. KJ thoinas,!wlio is still In I CABPET ROOM Ilast, Ibuyin fo the Spring ;'"'' bdi-gestlo- ' J V . - .. , " " Linoa D'Xnde, to-da- ( ' ' COTTON DRESS FABRICS. The largest assortment we have ever shewn, Inclndlne Ferelm aad Doteeatia Woen and and Dress Fabrics. Canvas, Jaeqaard, Fianred Zephyrs, Cheat Ginghams, reach Ssteens, Batistes, Linens. Flaln and Faacy aeermoaers, Orias ley Seersuckers, Printed Sateens, Percales and Lawns. Otf each aad every one tfee , Tartotr Is eadiessa $00 White and Colored Rnbea front SIM to These are vanr alahorata. atxamine before purchasing elsewhere. Ore i , ! 1 - " DRESS GOODS. TPIklila. CliaV. AlUnn. Tlaaaaa. tf aalhara Xxanhita nnvIIIa la VlnnMa fllark and Brewa af Uteres, Canvas(Mnn and Cheviots. A larire aasortaieat ef Aleatreeaj Vellinr. Dabairaa Clotha and TriooLa. aad thm ahaleaak lima ear Serrea. Dlwmili. Kae FINE GARRIAGrBS, REMOVED. t . ' -- ow. mil comm Co; T f X '. t1 4 ' j. s |