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Show IDAHO CONVICT BREAKS OUT OF CAL1ENTE JAIL Special to Tho Tribune. CALIENTE. Nov., Oct. 19. Tho night watchman who has been guarding tho Callcnte Jail slnco the arrest nnd Incarceration Incar-ceration of Kid Dougherty, tho escaped Bolso convict who wns arrested last week at Las Vegas, reported last night that the prisoner, Dougherty, had escaped Sheriff Jake Johnson, who had Just arrived, together to-gether with other citizens, armed themselves them-selves and started for tho jail. They found that a two-foot holo had boon broken through the elghtcen-Inch stono wall and tho work had been dono from both out and InBlde. Tho prisoner wns known to havo a number of friends in camp who would aid his escape. A band of Indians encamped up the gulch from tho Jail said they saw a man creeping up tho canyon and thon broak and run for tho mountains It was too dark to follow the escapo last night, but telegrams were sent both ways to inter' cept Dougherty, and this morning trailers left camp to track him nnd deputies wero sent both down and up the line to head him off. It is nearly certain that tho convict con-vict will bo ovortaken beforo ho gets out of Lincoln county. |