Show the san juan county F fair air con met in their second meeting in as many weeks top further 1 plan ian the forthcoming county fair there were reports fram t e c various committees and a premium list at was atas as presented and accepted by the committee one of the major considerations was the chan change C of dates from sept 16 and 17 to sept 9 and 10 the change was necessary so as not to conflict conf list with the dates of the utha state kair fair which will vill be held from sept 16 through sept 24 since the fair committee ha only it a very limited mount amount of funds it was decided to hold expense to a minimum making as few cash outlays as poss ablo i there will be two major divisions in the fair exhibits the junior and senior exhibits the u bior cl class is will include only those active actively lyl enrolled in the 4 H or manual training Tia ining and hone E economics classes it school and will consist of farm farin a x nd barrei crops for tile the boys and needle craft and baking and canni g fol fo the girls arises to lie he cd later will be awarded to the junior exhibitors whose ho hos entries merit the judged aNi awarding arding them tile premi premium tint list follows of grain arri irrigated abed tild ind dry wheat barley alfalfa crest I 1 ed wheat smooth arvine bears potatoes ces rye oate corn corn stover water melons cantaloupe enrolled in 4 11 or fla 1919 project jr division crops bears wheat barley potatoes corn dir di sion for both corn carrots beets on onions ioa tomatoes poppers peppers squash I 1 water melons cantaloupe pota torii cabbage I 1 horticulture bartlett Birt lett pea s anjou ani alli pear apples summer yelo I 1 transparent red asti chas fall jonathan yellow delicious dc i cious g grinley grimes aden ld en rome beauty raspberries Rasp berries crrie curre burrets cur g grapes ra p es I 1 peaches alberta and halberta apri cots plums j C continued on oil five I 1 continued from page 1 girls jr division exhibit of home appliances breads muffins recipe files re cord books canning Canni ing fruit berries cherries peaches vegetables asparagus peas beans corri corn greens beets record books recipe files file clothing darns scarves pot holders alp aprons rons dresses dressed slips paja pajamas masi dresses style review childrens clothing senior division breads pastries pie cookies jellies and jams vegetables pic kles canning clothing art needle work knitting cheating dieting di ch eting tatting embroidery quilts bedspreads afghans textile painting hobbies art and needle work to be work never before displayed flowers house plants flower arrangements glads dahlias kahlias dah lias asters roses merchants of home appliance are invited to participate and exhibit their products |