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Show not very distant neighbor Switzerland does, and thus Ignorant, fear found rich sell in which to take deep root. The result la tbat the conditien of agitation reached a climax and passed into one of badly formed desperation and awkwardly-handle- d trusting more to luck than to Judgment for the outcome of whatever'action might be adopted . 80 it was determined all at once to act independently, not by baring no ruler at all as would have been the case if Bulgaria had more schools and news a papers and fewer e reign as her EVENING NEWS. d, fuUishrd Daily, AT FOUR SvnUUnfi PUBLISHED PRINTED AND JSept O'CLOCK. BY THE DESERET NEWS COMPANY. W. CHARLES PENROSE, EDITOR. July I a, Tuesday, self-relianc- 18S7. yeiiow-cioine- THK SCHOOIi X- - and KLKCTIONS The election of school trustees in the city district on Monday evening, developed unexpected strength and determination on the part of the non-- " Mormon" voters and of carelessness on the part of some members of the People's Party. A trustee from the opposition was elected in each of the seventh, eighth, 'twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth districts. Five oat of twenty-oncity districts is quite a side. If the voters the other for gain all were legitimately reaist-re- d looked be to which ought determined in and spite up of the tumult and disorder occasioned by "Liberal" tactics the opposition have falrJy won so much of a victory and are entitled to tbe laurels in the districts named. The trustees elected will, we have no doubt, be treated with the respect t deserve both from their coadju ters and tbe people for whom tbey are elected to act. .When our opponents gain the majority, they are entitled to the volitical influence it gives and shonlfejpiy it without grumblingIm from tbe minority. Lack of votes the only thing that prevents the non- "MoroODs" from gaining control Of all the offices in tbe Territory. The methods that have been adopted to lessen the vote of the People' Partv are not such as can be com individuals manded by hut tbe lesult has been accomplished and we have to lake things as bey are and make tbe best of them. Tbe dis e fat-- fair-mind- iranchiement of tne women voters has depleted the ranks of tbe People's Party , as tbe promoters of that iniqul tous measure intended. It was brought about by wilful and persist eni falsehood, and its tfJects are seen in tbe school elections. But it will beper ceived in August that it has not accom plished the lull object in view, and tha ti e P ople's Party Las a good working maloiity of male citizens duly regis tered as voters. We bope'the gentlemen elected will prove z alous and actfve in tbe cause ol education, and that harmony will prevail on all qm si ions touching tne lBieiests of the ciistiicts in which tbey have been chosen by the people to act! All that our opponents can rightfully claim should be cheerfultv conceded to them, and a fair and free election only can determine their rights in this re feather-moustache- semi-ba- d n dits, and choose a sovereign to suit herself. This was done hurt iedly and to some extent resembles a coup d'etat. The powers had no opportun ity to object until tbe thing was done, the die was cast, and then objections might take tangible form or die away upon the intervening air; either course would end suspense at least, and that would be something in the way of a condition devoutly wished. The star who thus suddenly dawns upon tbe political firmament is Ferdi a nand, Prince of sketch of whom appeared in our telegraphic news Saturday. The placeifrom whence be comes is a little duchy of central Germany, and is too insignifi cant to figure even as a principality, of wbicb it com prises two, if population, geographical location and commercial importance are considered. The people are nearly all Lutherans and number about 150,00p, not so many as we have in Utah by many thousands. His civil list embraces all he can get, which is not much, and the gilt-edgreatness accruing to a title which must have a man to support it or dwindle into desuetude. He accepted with thanks tbe proffer of a throne of not much consequence socially considered, nut it has several advantages and enough dangers count cted with it, now that it Is about to have an occupant, to make it an object of unusual interest, and to a perso n of an adv ntu.rous turn of mind an altogether desirable one. It is a little early for congratulations or anatuemas, whichever tbe nations mav respectively decide upon, but tbey are forthcoming nevertheless Germany and Austria; are satisfied, spct. We are ge setting aside the authority of the law then and there; but better counsel prevailed, and tbe usual routine in such cases was permitted to obtain, the more wrathful thinking perhaps that It was only a question of a short time, that no jury could be impaneled that would not send the murderer to tbe scaffold, and they would thus be relieved of the odium attaching to But how must they have lynching. when felt the "twelve good men and true'? filed into court after fourteen hours' deliberation, and announced that, while finding the defendant guilty, tbey fixed the punishment at imprisonment foi life! Then the cauldron boiled and bubbled again more furiously than with ever; nothing but an ordinary wall between the prisoner and freedom, attaining which be could again gratify bis bloodby an as- thirsty disposition tbe first sauit unpreupon be met, pared white person was probably the trend of thought that swayed tbeir minds; sojthe next morn ing before daylight, the Jailor was overpowered, the Jail broken open and the culprit taken out and hanged. This was natural enough, all things considered, but it was fatally wrong and should not only net be counte n j need but such punishment as the law provides meted out to tbe perThe murder commit petrators. ted Di, bloody and by Hong as did not Justify it was, unprovoked murder on the part of a mob. It was a hard state of things to beat;, truly ; but men exhibit their manhood by accepting of hardships when they come clothed in the forms of law und order. It is dangerous to overthrow safeguards; once done, it is difficult to replace them. Tbe remedy of the people in the ease cited was patieBca and a very close inspection of tbe public conduct of the men composing tbat - ml TELEGRAMS 'S . n r me ueriiiau , , I tlon was effected by the election of Josiah Uoben, or this city, as chair man, was oi tne session xneoaiance i f h rnoilnor iK a rr- ' nnlrl w ... rt v. "J"iki 1x7 - vj.-p.neai ine omcers. inarK.smen s ists. Eveiy perfon tntitled to register, however, should take care to avail himself of bis privileges, and if be does not be cannot consistently com plain if he is overcome by more vigi lant opponents. Tbe result in tbe districts gained by the opposition, though but a smal. victory when the rest of the districts are considered, ought to sound a note of warning in regard to tbe general election. On tbe first day of August next, county and precinct officers and members oft. the Legislature will be elected. Every registered voter should then be on band to do his duty Failure on that day will be of far more importance than the slight mishap of Monday evening. Greater interests are at stake, and more importrnt offices have to be filled. Care should be taken to bring out the full strength of the People's Party. Absentees should be invited to return and be at their post the polls, on that occasion. The county and precinct committees should see to this in time. They should also carefully fxamine the registration lists and take measures, as provided by law, to purge fe lists of n 00 residents or others not entitled to have their names there. We want an honest election. When "the;Other side" haw the preponderance Of legal votes we shoulc submit without kickust ing or complaiat. They are as much and as fairly entitled to straggle for suprsm acy as we are, and to credit for vim and union and success if they can lawfully achieve it. and illegality sbould not But trlekt-rbe permitted to pr- vail, and vigilance is required of the People's committees to detect and expose tbem. The disorder and riot which a'tended some of the school meetings are contrary to tbe methods wbicb tiave hitherto prevailed at such gatherings, and ought not to be countenanced by respectable persons of either party. We look upon such scenes as disgracen ful reflect credit Tney or others who "Liberals" upon created tbem. Enthusiasm and zeal are all right and the victors cannot be blamed for exuberance of spirits over, their few triumphs. But the pandemonium raised in some places should make the promoter of tbe disturbance d, and ought to be deprecated by every peaceable citizen. Now let tbe registered voters of the People's Patty wake up 10 that diligence and vigilance and promptness which ought to be manifested in all tbeir political movements, and take care tbat tht y are not caught napping ob tbe first of August, And let those wno are not registered but -- y - ru refle t could upon been, the consequences of tbeir folly, and make up tner minds tbat next year tbey will not be o indifferent to the public welfare in which their own interests are essentially Involved, A hint to tbe wise ought to be sufficient. But some people are ao slow to perceive a point, that neither argument nor advice is sufficient to open tbeir eyes and move tbem in tbe path of safety and right, and only some shaking up like that in tbe districts mentioned will serve to rouse into sense, and then it is often too late. Let the events'' of Monday evening carry have tb-s- their lesson to all. PRINCB K Kit DIN AND. DR. ROM! A M4 K. Office and Residence at Deseret ui Hospital, NORTH 1 A SECOND WEST DEATHS. d-- Ward, Wasatch County, Ctah, July 4, 1887, after a lingering illness, John Harvey. He was born at Baillieston, Lanarkshire, Scotland; December 12th, 1816; baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Sa ints at! Payson, Adams Co. Latter-dato the NBws.l By Telegraph Ilis in November of the year 1840; was Harkimei. captain of the first company that entered Salt Lake valley after the Pioneers. He was FRAKKEOKT.July 12. The rifle meet ing bere has been a great success. The with the Saints during all their persecu results have shown that the old su tions, aad died a firm believer in the prin or ine uospei. His remains were periority of the Swiss marksman tuts ciples gone, the ouiK ot the prize winners brought to this city for interment fCoM Kapiolani Homeward Bound Vbtkran Actor Dead, Etc. 6ru RTTi -- A.TT-Z- " ? of Stock sura ER SPRING CC Staple and Fancy Dress 'Gingham ZLPHYflS. ZAMZIBARS. SEERSUCKERS. BOIIBETTES Aill CRl'MLES. SATEENS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Pile REFERENCES. a full and Complete Offer STS. OBI?. vc. . PRATT, ORIER FIRST ire Reached by Warm Spring Street Car. Pott s vi llb , Penh., July12. One of d 5m W Telephone 2SS. tbe best collieries of the Philadelphia & BOSTOH ARTILLERISTS IN LONDON. Heading Co.. is on Are and probably X. doomed to destruction, entailing a lose $100,000 Three hundred "N THE FOURTH OF JULY. A OOIJD approaching bunch of Nothing Official From Hawaii Re- men aon ooys wm be thrown out of yj CHAIN, with small eross and rtiocK u crapes attached, near Temple employment ceived at Washington . .nam fireei. or Detween mere uu me resi dence of J. R. Winder. The finder will be rewarded by returning; it to this Office, or to re si ae nee or A $100,000 DOLLAR COLLIERY KIRK AT J. K-- bi.miw, 55 S., Third East Street. PITTHBTJBe, PA. his At residence at Center Harvey 'wlllery on Best Record. and All tie Latest G Mafr W'- J - JlV WB SHOW A LAROE LINK OK OREIGlf AND G00!, DRESS DOMESTIC Silks, Satins, Suralu, Rhadamea, Kto. Kmorolderetl Marksman the l?mnapnla ....i. wri CmtMBERLAlN. In this city, Hazelkirk, daughter of Elizabeth and J. W. Chamber William and ito lain, aged 3 yeais and six months. Funeral will take place at residence, No 12. Bismarck Prince Berlin, July is in this city. Emperor William is at 215 fcouth, Fourth West Street, Salt Lake Cltv. Coblentz. ' The Ancient ma II onorable Duke of London, July Portland yesterday feviewe i the An cient and Honorable Artillery of Bos ton; afterwards presided at a banquet given them, Ignited States Jtfinister Phelps and Uol. Walker, of Bos ton, naving seats oi nouor. the Lord Mayor of London. Lord the Bostou delegati s. Napier, Pel ton, of New York, the old guard and other's, were present. Tbe Duke of Portland offered a toast in honor of QueenVictoria and President Cleve laud;, Puulps responding to the toast to President Clevelaud. 12-T- Wilson At Moab, Utah, June 29th, 1887, after an illness of four months, of chronic bronchitis, Alfred G, Wilson. He was born aeptemoer ism, 1825, making him sixty one years. Seven month and sixteen days old tie was one or the "Mormon Battalion," and wag mustered into service oh July 16, 1846, at Council Bluffs. Iowa. He was w:th the command the entire journey throueh to antornia. Almost the whole settlement turned out here to pay the last tribute of respect to the departed.- Com. he mine SECOND EDITION, . -.. . e - -- u i m e mi uu 1 DESERET Jackets and Jerseys, enlaeg. . lim. and Elegant SEWS OFFICE, .1 her k w IN ALL THE LATEST laobs fSTX --TTTXjXj IT IS Almost Indispensable a RIBBONS, FLOWERS, PLUMES NOVELTIES. bbboideriv COMPLETE STOCK & Ladies, Misses" and Children's Straiv Mats, Hrrm med ami untritnmed., Hosiery, Gloves and m TO & IfaTMrMpttteri Jury. JVeut - pro u, Mm excel aaa tut work, lately been published and Is now for sale at the - Special Notices. Kobe Ores- - White and Colored. soutnern Germans. being n nurture M OWN Arrived at qnernstowu. SAX;. LEVY, and is a desirable acquisition alee to of Fine HavaDa Cisrars. London, July 12 The steam yacht manufacturer i no s. iviam, otreet. every student el taeoiotjr ana outer Alva, with Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt and From causes that are not quite deaf, family and friends on board, anived at I OUetlS and Colds. Thnao nhn arc person wke values tbe means ef advo an extensive discussion of the immi yueenstown ana proceeded to Liver suneriug irom Coushs, Colds, Sore cating and defending acriaturally eic 8&ouia try Brown's Bron .ViA:' gration question is being engaged in by pool. chial Troches. Sold onlv in boxes. the press of the country, and historically tbe principles of tbe Gos A Veteran Uone. in by prominent uu participated not v to to add drink pel. iur In Moqaet, Velyet, Body Brussels, Tapestries, Three Ply, lxtra Philadelphia, July, 12. At the ing water,iarget lemonade or sod e 1(1 rlrrt..D Journals in every State. Bo far as ap Actors' Home on Of Angostura Bitters. Cotton Chain and Hemp, Smyrna and Velvet Ruga, Door Mat The It. Sunday, tbe George of tbat wlikes Super, Compllerf, we and presume pears, tbe only circumstance' tbat has Gaines by sympathy licious flavor and veteran tbe and Oil Cloth. comedian, 'prevents malaria and the worb be Spear, w nuiuiucr euseases. Italy is also, these three forming happened to calliorth such, remarkable 78 years old. who made his tlrt ap published without proflt ae sure o to eet urn.' mnnnf,w.tr..-otoe alliance wb ch it is expected will interest in tbis subject, is the publica pearance on the stage at tbe Old Tre- - tneT.. Kennine l r Ati!enf T. so ""."v.uivu as to be tbe ef reach within every COMPLETE ASSORTMENT. ur. u. WALL an & t$. es i. PAPER, unusually mont Theatre, iu 189, ibdtcati.og siegert Sons. nip vuiy oj settle European questions wituout as tion of ligu Eubeen confined t bed from of influx oeea :o: having last, studied bare deslrint; as is but Russia immigrants heavy much trouble person it, usual; e i IK.K rn IMnrr nearly five years. Tbe most notabh Ik. ...... i ..... HL, 8. as sent in a missive so- curt and la rope this season. event in spear s ine was in being a Ku,,(. In as as this well the irst edition, iinnmmadoii of tbe Bowels, It, is gratifying to note the good witness to the tragedy on the stage of conic and full of meaning th at it must (ollc. Theatre when President Lincoln therefore no discount except for 00ft be read to be fully appreciated, the sense, liberality ,nd patriotism mat Ford's luae tuiernai v from five t.n ton a victim to Junu W likes Boom c substance of it being tbat whatever characterize the utterances of tbe large leu of drops aim. Darby's 1Prophylactic fluid in of postage is allowed to dealers. a taOl spoonful waiter everv t,.nr r OF EXKCIJTOR'S SALE OF RKAIi she does aceat tie new ruler may be a majority Of trie newspapers tbat have The book is bound In four different tafces place L"" source of some little inconvenience to treated this question. They nearly all ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. NotMng; Official Yet. 1 tiere is noimprovement in danirei taklnc nf t save 13 to ustria; whatever Russia does is like favor Immigrationof unrestricted ana seat address more The and any styles Washington if occasion re postpaid July Depart VTOTICE 13 HEKifiuY GIVEK. THAT irequei paupers and crimi ment of State is still by tbe excusicn enrome tiy ly to be morally if not physically sus cases, or when the at thn rlJ pursuance of an Order of the Pro jn official '.ignor quires. lurefuses 60 K., SECOND SOUTH STUU-.lthe favor following nals. Court of Salt Lake Onnntv Utah T.r. bate even, to retain antt.hlna Many Journals, tained by France, and thus are tbe ance of the revolution in Hawaii, and made Ti s MQE A ritory, D. on the Twenty-nintuc injection oi ine f luid and exSPECTACLES day of PIMS combinations drifting together and i repeal , of the laws x which t A. first assistant Potter said' '887, in ..the matter of the Estate June, that never a Known wain mho i - iiMl'ii.. Vnl,nk ...... i nt While v. clude'asslsted n um immigrants." each with ms nnor. KHsfln. better understood did iicurani. that "jvuiau not nadilv vielrl tn Cnoh becoming the depar ment did not expect to hear signed. ExecutorB of the WiB of said deadditional move upon tbe European there is a general expectation that leg anything lor lour or five days yet, not troatmeut, and it saved the lives of 46 Cents, 55 Ceate, 85 will sell at Private Sale for Cain in ceased, islation looking to the restriction of until the dispatches which Minister iiiauv. gold coin of the United States, and aubleet chessboard. to on sent tbe contlrmation aierrui Manvosa and shall said Probate Coort. onor have be ei.lO. will ly attempted during been seut To wish Ferdinand a peaceful aad immigration after Monday, the Twenty firth day Kan from overland of July. have v Always of Congress, the sen next session the tV A. 1887, all of the miscon be ..,,1 tirln l. of the said rirht. In Wasnprosperous reign might irrancisco and Ar.ker'a Halve estate dewill of the timent George Nebeker, country probably in'ion. Oue ol the Soother at is the hand. strued, looked upon as sarcasm; and prominent It ceased, at the time of his death; and all tbe only safe officers of mea ot was the enactment not asked brook the any title department and interest that the said estate it would, in point of fact, have an alle right, new mucn lorce the United States nan medicine yet made that will remove has ity operation of law or otherwise, acdisorders. It contains no gorical resemblance to wishing a nan sure that savors of bigotry, er even of in tue Pacific at present. "We haven't all infantile otner than, or in addition to that of quirea Opium or Morplvime, but gives the child the said deceased at the tim nt hi. Hth any," was tne reply, "at least none tb natural rowing arainst the rapids of Niagara unnecessary strictness. ease n and to all those enrtsm from vain. Price 25 cents. n..a speaa ot, rhe Pacific sqjadrou with Sold Falls a pleasant trip. parcels of land situate, lying and being in of tbe Alei t are wooden by A later dispatch announces that EFFECT OF A GOVKKNMKNT tbe exception the said and of Salt City Lake, Uuh County auu carrv irotn six to e.iarht Sale at Z. C. M. I. Draar Store stoops and hounded and described aa Territory, smooth-bor- e Ferdinand is on bis way to SIT! Petersguns, worth as much as ronows : PATENT. a ooya popgun when compared with . Part Of lot five :.' in block one BONTOM ICE (REAM. burg to obtain an audience'' with tbe modern artillery. Tbo Alert in an old hundred and sixteen f 1161. Plat A Salt Czar and seek bis consent to tbe ocnrf Socials Church aad Festivals lke City. Survey, commencing at a noint Thk following letter of inquiry is ad vessel of one hundred tons and carries will find it to their advan four and a half (4i) roda north of the cupancy of the throne ppbvided by the dressed to the Nkws by three citizens four guns. If the fleet were to be Excursions to & call at tage Trumbo southwest corner of aid Co.'s Arbogast and running mobilized it would take about ten Sobranie. This, if successful, would tnei.- - ice Uream supplies. We auar thence north eight (8) rods,lot,thence east ten years, l euess. If it ever could he done. ior doubtless heal the woind for a time at of Springviile: a (10) antee thence can rods, rods article south. tbenee than be found (8) eight purer The Adams has been to at definite wish inior "We Honolulu since obtain ten rods (10) to west and 13 least. place of beirinninjr. g nerous Vandalia oro in this Territory, A SURE CU"t rJK mation through tbe columns of your June Lttb, the (and.) All of lota five (5) and six (6) in of the citizensyears of Salt Lake is block eighty five (85), Plat C, salt Lake ball valuable paper, for the benefit of our- bably between patronage way City w are insi prooi appreciated. Prices RHEUM 8nmrey. SALT selves ana the public at large iu such as low and CALL AO AND HAWAII, Establishment quality guaranteed. OK K SI OH LAW. Printing (3rd.) Part of lot four Ml in section thir cases. We bad taken possession ol a A new method oi rure Home Made Candies of oni own and all ura fuaranteoa. or ty, four (84), Township one (1) N., R. 1 Weat. minnnnndsua deposit of gypsum in tbe foothills of the Juniata is in Central American make Iresh every day, at wholesale and and at Sold efunded. Survey, beginning 8i rods couth and by druggists, money vicinity and having located the waters bound to China via the Sand retail. 15 rods west from he northeast corner of dtf Jurors exercise an important but a this the ofnee of A same bad the with wich inohican is monument, etc., the on the Islands, said lot, thence west 52 rod,, thence tooth meet delegated trust Tbey stand between rane recorded at Provo City on June west coast of 28 Tods, to bank of Jordan America: nrob Alt IH.vlKJfSE STOCK Hiyer. thence up the accuser and the accused, and to 7th, 1887, from wbicb time we have ably near Peru, South the river 58 rods, more or less, the San is at it thence north Iroquois 35 rods to place of beginning, 18 them is entrusted the ascertainment continued to work assessments on the francisco being repatred, and the of ( arpets aud V, all Paper containing OTWKT Or DSOirTIO aeres oi mini, more or less. conies forward and Alert must be somewhere near the B. of what is due and what is not. In same. A person DENTIST, KEISOR, at of Part five section cheap of (4th.) 5Mnwodey'8. claims that the deposit gypsum lies Mohican. The Township of officers two (2), South Range 1 West, (5), doing this they are no better or more within his farm entry, and belongs to and men carriedcomplement beginning at by the Pacific fleet is ' the Office Herald" northwest in corner of said section Building. 5, a eovern competent Judges of the facts than him. he holding patent from about 300 officers and men. The crew thence east 80 rods, thence south 180 rods, to a homestead right. Can he lorce England bas in Pacific waters thence 80 west 160 many of tbe audience who listen within ment rods rods, thence north PLAIN AND JTANCY GUARANTEES FIRST CLASS WORK to place of beginning, concentrated. All her Bathing Stiffs, the cou rt room or a like proportion of claim this deposit on those grounds?' could be rapidly containing 80 acres Bat-im- c, of FIT. A PERFECT AND land. M are University o(ton vessels built good condition, If the mineral character of the land the greater auaience without; in fact , Township (5th.) Part of section six after the best mdels and carrv rifled Wool Batting, two (2), South Range 1 Wot, (6) being the east those who formally sit upon disputed embraced in a homestead claim is un cannons, Iargeijicalibre and not oldj of half the southwest ana Iota six u quarter cases are merely a fraction of the other known at the time final proof is made smooinnores iiKe uncie nas; but I Suitings, etc., a (6) and seven (7i of said section six (6), conEz we need don't think fear 156 49 100 and tbe is any acres of land. dagger taining government patent issusd, C. CJCTI-K-i. and greater element, and therefore A BKO., at the expense of the purchaser. iroin .KUKiano., as i nave always un JOHN peed If ids may be mane at any time No. representation of and measurably but is discovered after the issue of the derstood that a perfect understanding after tbe Main Street. owns and exists between Uncle and England in first publication of this notice and before if not entirely in sympathy with patent, the patentee tbe sale is made. te the possession regard to Hawaii, but ft. They are supposed to follow the is entitled & AH bids mast be in writing, and left with V disKXXCUTKP mineral of Lie Record Marraffw any rise fOMITt mere George D. Nebeker, 376 N., Fourth West deposit details elicited GERMANY "MIGHT TRY closely and apply MiitMf l.p: ins, convenient f Street, Salt Lake City, or be delivered to tbe law committed to tbem more care covered on his claim, or contained to have the tbe undersigned personally. influence j.) rviihojit much writing, or preponderating In lines. its within reason GEORGE D. S'EBEKEK, popular cuereon. tbat tbey are for ne is now eneacen in a ac t boundary t tf.r.-- v Done on Short Notice Kiwi ot I(rH"d fully, for tbe Operations L. G. HARDY. i3 1 d&s tt Citii Wijisi'tijeui m the time being set apart for that pur- phraseology, the patent conveys to tbe colonial policy and is trying to extend Executors of tho will of George Kebeker, n we can never ms i. power eisewnere. Br jut ef and the title deceased. ownership pose, and tbeir conclusion is binding; patentee afford to see any other V:.v. i H !! t i. obtain Dated July 6th, 1887. d2w but tbis does not alter tbe more Im- everything within tbe boundary lines tne overshadowing country influence in GARLQUiST k aad if necessarv to portant fact tbat a series of circum- of the patented .and, "apward te the uawauanIt affairs, BEST . COMPOSITION stances which produce a certain con- sky and downward to the centre of prevent we should go to war." clusion in tbe mindS of listeners and the earth." Th Orangemen. Fire-Pro- of . If, however, the land was known to readers should not, under ordinary 12. The 12th of Dfnwoodey's. in be mineral Belfast, July character before tbe July conditions, have a dissimilar effect AM NOW PHEPARED TO PUT ON is being celebrated by the Orangemen V A UK upon twelve of their fellow citizens making of final proof, the proper Composition Fire Proof Roofing, which I;H!S s considered tbe boat adapted and oat rovi.iinar for Reinaiivshmnt who have been chosen for tbe pur showing of that fact will vitiate the throughout Ulster with unusual ferni root for our climate. vor. Rev.O.Kanes presided over a 3 well as ali oiher kin ls of as are mineral lands not sub patent, of to voice the natural pose giving EL1AS MORRIS, monster gathering in this city. Manv Tank f rmn, for sale at the Daramw effect. Tbat there will be bere and ject to homestead entry. From this violent spet w.. South Tamnle Street cnes were made. The city Siw Office ajr or statement of the law, tbe Springviile was crowded With Oransemen from tnere an ODtuse or . X I i rural districts. Several skirmishes HOrFlNSI obstinate person who cannot will parties may easily ascertain their res the have already taken place between the LYON&HEALYi W:i, iJHrley, Peas, and all not see the logic of tbe case and is car pective rights. MSCa will State A Monroe St.. CHICAGO, I ft ol Or.-tiOrangemen and Catholics. The police for or horse Chopped, mill fTM,thlrBwljtiiluil is of for the It purpose a obviating ried along by popular current wbicb i d, ai Kit have be n reinforced so as to oe preWIWIIMIHH UHIUnu. rather than encouraging litigation that pared for any trouble. he cannot overcome. Is beyond contra 1'tlM.iua Kqulpnu,w Piokkkr Roller Mills. mrlM, rcq.lrad bj Mi ,rcrr diction; but tbat a dozen men selected the Nkws, from time to time, replies t J Dram Oorp. tmnlwllwg . warniho. hpancw'Awarl from all ranks and conditions with correspondents who seek legal infor awarawM pmirlBf IbtatUl, i nmmipi..-ALA IN OMfl many people contract diseases i U. nrnlta tor Ill MM Niw York, July 12 Thos". HDurand, byHow EnfClBMtnd special reference to th. ir fitness for mation. M Hudi. 11 llKalmr I our polluted water when M. MB aged 70 years (colored), known as theydrinking the task in haudi, shpuld all be obtuse could avoid ail danger by adding llmil UM of Su4 Ma.10. 10 to 20 drops Angostura Bitters, tbe Tbe recent report of tho poisoning of Japanese Tommy, was buried seems or obstinate or. ar s world renowned ionic oi exquisite iu was a lie Da who of to waters Evergreen Cemetery, Lake, George any reasoning person. the preposterous tniee feet hisrh and bad been flavor. M. & JOHN M. CANNON Yet when tbe verdict of a Jury is town County, Soutn Carolina, by a dwarf, before all the crowned heads exhibited square. and wholly in diametrical op bail storm proves to be tree. A dense oi burope. ibere was bo funeral terns have become debilitated, should Deseret lews Bool-binde- n We have )st recelved.a Shipment of HATS nWlD A position tw tbat of the. united populace mass of black gum trees surround the service. near in Simmons Laver tnat mine entBide tbe Jury box, it follows tbat lake on all sides. It is well known a not is Regulator drastic, Tne .Sew Balarartan Cabinet. me. ucine, does not weaken or purging j- j-i AMI) eitnerthat is tbe case, or else that tnat tbe leaves of these trees are deplete LOAN as the 12. A sew cabinet system other purgatives do, but thiey have been corrupted or that all strongly impregnated with tannic Tirkova, July I' will invigorate like a acts It gently. bas been M. for formed. Bulgaria the rest of the community is in one or acid. It has also been accertained glass of wine, but is no intoxicating wo would invite nnr friends to come i un tiwii tit iVhich the otner of those conditions an imtbat tbe bottom ef the lake con Stailoff 1st president of the council and beverage to lead to intemperance; "will aud examinp beffeiv buying elsewhere. M. interiem minister of finance; promote digestion, dissipate headache, practicable it not Impossible condi- tains a slight deposit of iron. Tbe ad Collection Agency, minister of foreign affairs; and generally tone up tbe system. tion ol things. poisoning of tbe water, therefore, is Ettcberico, M Ilebomakoff. minister of public in Hon. Alex. H. Stephens, of Ga., : It thus f&llows that wben men are thus explained Tbe bail storm tilled struction; M. Straneky, minister Of says: "Simmons Liver Regulator is interior ;3Ma1or Peteroff, minister mild and suits me better than more acplac d in a responsible position and tbe lake with bruised leaves and small the No. 39 MAIN STREET, tive remedies.": rS as branches from tbe trees, the tannic of war their there disappoint employers, M. Stailoff has telegraphed to the ftJSF-AWfrom which IMrtMiAUtlJB. mingled prefects of departments, ordering tbem a result more ot less friction, gauged acid emanating Two doors south of Z. C. M. I. to the importance of the mat- with tbe iron and formed tannste of to release political prisoners. Tea; utterly " impossible " when ai) aai&rial poisons are driven out of tbe ter in band and tbe Inter- iron, causing the .water to turn black system, leaving the Blood New, Rich, Tbe Prcaldeat. as as and ink bitter ests at I stake. In tbe case of quinine and pois Pure. No place for eruptions, ii Lands for Sale, fish tbe 12. One thousands. Presi by Holland tbe oning Chinaman Di or who murdered Patent, Jnly Hong Rheumatism, when all Blood sixt bas bees eradicat ed by the use of the lady in whose household be was species of tbe fish inhabiting this lake dent Cleveland and wife arrived here 'fPOWH' SAXSAPARHXA Houses for Rent, and tried to kill two or survived the singular disaster, and this morning. Thev walked from tbe empio)-to The Weeds, the residence of ad Dandelion with Iodide of Potas-;'tntf- l. tbree others, the circumstances were tbat was the mud fish, which buried station Thousands of witnesses, among miss nose jwizaoem uieveiana, wnere It is well itself in tbe mud at the bottom, and tsiey peculiarly aggravating. were heartly received by the licm tbe best rruggita and PhysiMoney to ot effects tbe thus the and cares escaped to Marv better tbe wonderful poison President's sister and his niece. than tbe by pone known, cians, testify L. Hasting. citizens of California, in which State Troupht by aitsmiv TO SCHOOL TRUSTEES. tbis crime occurred, tbat the MongoCollections made and proceeds promptly Cholera nispate Settled. (.11 Altct&tB ot the Blood, Liver, and forwarded. Legal papers carefully drawn . lian has a disposition to throw off re- INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING TUB ! Medicine-taxLondon, July 12. Cholera has bro SvExamlnatloB of Title a Specialty. straints of all kinds, and when angered IMG OF A SCHOOL CENSUS. Omr tlotttm Modarato Okanrea. Fair ken out iu Sardinia. by even a trifle, is apt to be a danger with act Treatmen t. Reliability. PELlrS These & Co., Wholesale and W. A D. HoH from Candia, says dispatch Crete, ous customer because of taking venTo the public: Mttin Kit.. SaOt Uktom City. So. Ketail Druggists of Rome. Ga.. nay Christian deputies have withdrawn We and may The Territoiial school law provides the mildness, geance into bis own bands and at once; have been New Dr. anti-taselling King's the and appealed hence tbe necessity of dealing with him mat a census oi an cnuuren in tbe to tne ouitan manifesto bitters and Buck- ior redress, it is ex Discovery.JSlsctrU: an time with 6 and the between of ages leu's Arnica Salve for two years. Have be taken Territory once of a a in at fairness 18 snould be taken each year settlement of the trouble in never spirit pected handled remedies sell that during can now he reached. coupled with firmness, and wben he tne month ol July. Tnls is required for Crete well, or give such universal satisfac- benefit tion. There have been same wonder commits a crime, more parti cularly a tne purpose oi enaouug tne. commis Ka.ploIa.nl. sioner to make tbe proper aefiortlonful cures effected by these medicines la They enre all forms of capital one, in quest of his savage meat of the school f ubds to the several Nbw of pronounced Yonit, July 11. Queen Kapio this city Several cases M satisfaction, his punishment should counties and school districts, and is to have beeb entiratp cured Malarial Diseases and Fe and rested Consumption oc no less certain nor yet vindictive be taken in each district by or under lanl kept in her hotel by use of a few bottles pf Dr. King's direction of tbe trustees. previous to going en the Journey to New Discovery, taken In connection vers, and should be nsed than tbat of the white man. No claim tbeTbe Edmunds-Tucke- r law tbis evening. The with Electric Bitters- - We guarantee provides of insanity was set up for Hong DI; that in the collection of school statis San Francisco he ai always. and party will leave on the 8: to stimulate the Liver and on tbe contrary, the defense was very tics "the number of children of Mormon Queen 1 Sold at i. C. M I Dm Store. p. m. train, and it is not intended to the numbe of children of make any break in the journey be intelligently and shrewdly contrived parents andGentile Kidneys to healthy action Aetlve, I ualilBf sua t: ellable. parents" shall be tween tbe two points. out of an array of alleged facts showC. M. can Z. I. relied ascertained ,aod with other information upalways be Invaluable for on to carry la stock the purest tntl They ing extenuation, bat to the careful reported annually to Congress. For the toliot a n BnrglRr. best so of and sustain the reputation Headache. of after- purpose thinker goods, complying with tbis provi suggestive BilUOusness WM? of tbe act of Congress, I have pre- Royal Center, Ind., July 12. W. A being active, pushing and reliable, EH thought as to he wor hless for sion well anu uisirioutea census Dianas A. Garner was awakened by some one ny recommending articles with parea Bowel and Complaints. a with other than any purpose merit and such as are popappropriate columns for report SIOUCORD around the room last night, established ular. Having tbe agency for the celemerely formal defense; while the ing tbe nutLber of children of school groping a hi and seeing form at the window, he brated Dr King's Jew SOLI II IIOCCISIS; ZiEEITS Fll HI ol for the classes age mentioned, Dlscoveiy elicited the by was a points prosecution ft thought it burglar. He fired colds and coughs, will showed a degree; of depravity and oooy fell. When he got a consumption, sell it on a positive guarantee. It will In tbe performance of their duties, I it, anohetnefound he had shot his wife igbt, recklessness seldom equaled in even am informed tbe enumerators frequent surely cure any and eivery affection of tbe Asiatic races, and everybody ac- ly nave aimcnny in procuring tbis in- and sbe was dead. throat, lung, or chest, and in order to BEBG conit or prove our claim, we ask you to call assumed formation, being whose quainted with the case and a) 1 and ret a Trial Bottle Free. sidered by some as an unnecessary and mental condition' was not as previ- Impertinent inquiry. WHITE, BLACK IND COLORS, CHILDREN'S PMACEA. 12. biennial Tbe Pittsburg, July With a proper understanding ef the council ously described, must nave said that And are FOR Medicines reliable of the Union American Hebrew assume every parent tbe "Chinaman must go," not neces- law, I cannot but to Best SO best Medicine the for upon. depend Children. morn will this and guardian cheerfully give the Congregations opened here Acker's Blood Elixir has been pre- sarily for vengeance, but because bis Information per botttle. 'farjd and convention of the required in tbis connec The principal object i Virrl fni Trn-woil Tmrmritina a rf ernsa t oiT-sy t nvvi vivo -v 'life was a menace to tbe living tion. I respectfully . I' i jviuo ruff . Pita all t di ornnlanrtir request persons is to increase thi the 1 every form ol BcrofnH and a reproach upon the dead. to aid tne enumerators ta tne perform Hebrew Union iwu.r;;"i-n.a SALE BY duties so mat their re oy increasing the accomodations. About .1u.8' Rmih Tbe people in the neighborhood of the ance oi their is accurate be invaluable, 100 and may ports complete. delegates, evsry representing Urn Branch CO, C, M. murder were of course greatly incensed P. L. Williams, Hebrew centre in the United 8tatcs, bas no equaL and with difficulty restrained from Commissioner of Schools. were present. A permanent organiza- - For sate sa S. v. M. I. Drmg mt 111 Chambers St., N. Y. Stores. THIS IMMIGRANT QUESTION. NOTIONS IN IMMENSE VARIETY ARPET . urc-atne- h.. ELUREDGE, NOTICE m-- r . PRICES! - to-d- ay CrA -- rect-ive- and have been of the opinion tbat every paieLt is entitled to a veice in ll e dtcMin cf tcboel tiustet-without regard to bis political status or opinion. But tbe Legislature has detei o.ined otherwise, and we must stand by aDd honor the law as it ex f-- n TO-DAY- HEWS DESERET Er h . P .1 i a EMBHQKE BOOKS int, - STATIONERY lr-.- . BOOK AKD JOB TAROID PILES, i i. JOB PBIKXIBTG coisrt i TheifcstStyleoftheArt mm Roofing: at I iin-iver- weaa-minu- ed e--r PAPER RULINO n . IT! to-d- weak-minded- v ay P. iPTjrtjxriTuiiEi I'lfOLNTBvltY. imaot tun REAL ESTATE. . STRAW HATS. ul--- -, -- Graefenberg PILLS. uuapahua, - ii-- H 0 great x Loai. at j H J.&P.COATS to-d- ay I For a matter tbat has so little of con- sequence in it per te, the question of who was to occupy the throne of Bulgaria has been tbe subject of more comment, solicitude and anxiety than any other within tbe present year. Two or .three names have been preplaced among sented, and all quit-trtbe literature of the waste basket for the reason that ibere were so many claiming an interest In the proceeding that general satisfaction weald not be given, and it began to look as though Bulgaria would bare to get along without the almost useless appendage Of a Prince indefinitely if t he waited till a roan could be found who would be perfectly acceptable to tbe protectorates with which she Is surrounded; and the denizens Of that little State perhaps do not realize bow it la possible to get along entirely without a sov- av so-call- ed are a '3 Hh" pool Cotton i gbiefkji I .'" v HaGhtnellse. 4" VJZEEZT GRAEFENBERG mm un. t. FOR I, and |