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Show I THE DE3EKET NEWS FURNITURE I STORAGE PACKING SHIPPING The mualo section of th UdW at tb clubLiterary club will meet house Tuesday at 2 It pm, A Garden Fantasy." written by Mr F, W. Maakln wUl be presented by pnpila of Rowland hail, under th diraotlon of Martha Bprmgman. Time May moraine; place a garMia den. Joyce Townsend will b 4 tb piano. The Fairy Folk are: "The Queen of May,- Marta Bam berger; Our Statue.- Marta! Kind; Beautiful ButtarfiUea. Ferry Moormeiater and Batty Ramsay; Tulip Dean. Vlrjlna Ellis and Francis Stoner, Daffodillies," Tummy 'Wilson and Virginia Ellis; MlMraas Morning Gloria Belly Tyler and Betty Keyser; Sleepy Jane Daman; Phyllis -- Poppy," birds "Father Stork." Marla Me Cune; "Gay Robin," Joy- Billingsley; Merry Meadow Lark, Love-da- y Wood; Bobby-WhitEvelyn s Ruth Buazy Bee Elaine Doolla and Lydia Peters; Gloria Katy Katy Katydid. Fire-fly," Bamberger; Flitting FORMER MISSION MATRON IS DEAD; - uauM onu tdsn lui. - EMPREM ii4 OoddM. wttk Jcfc tillMf Raistofc 'Our OMtAe My, Pw.it Nsa Kir-chaf- mSDAYS d. ill Mrs. Adam 8L Bennlon entertained th members of th Author club Friday at n luncheon at her bom 1181 Herbert avenue. Daffodils and other spring flowers war arranged through the room and centered the luncheon table. Cover were laid for 2 8 guests, Mrs. B. Mary Clark. 48, Temple worker and former matron of a British mission home, died Balur-- 1 day night at her home, Tl Simpson avenue. Although Mrs. Clark has) been a resident of Salt Lake for prominent in Tempi and Church work and leaves a other hostel C. Wood ME and have returned from th east. Joined Mr. Wood five weeks ago in New York, where bo has been studying for several months. Following a trip through tha eastern part of tho country they motored horn from Detroit. Mrs-Woo- IS) Parkor Arietta ....Horatio Swan... 8. flaint-Sae- (b) Th Mormon" Favorlt Come, Come, la hymn, Arr. by Organtat Saint b) An Old Melody (,) Grand Choour . .Albert RenauJ frtenda Mrs- Clark was horn near SutMadame X Is Well ton, Warwickshire England, June Joto married 1878. She wax 18, Portrayed at Wilkes seph Clarke and they Joined the Church in 1882. From that time Patrons who visit th Wilke they guttered much for their be- theatre ibis week will Jeav with liefs and were severely persecuted and conIn 1814 th Clarke home in Bir- tumps in their throats that they have seen some mingham was mobbed and th fam- viction unusual skliL dramatic in ily driven out. Tha case attracted thing n drama, Madam national attention, and accounts The reached Balt Lake through . tha X.'-- ' by John Raphea is at one sad. touchlag, gripping and leaves newspapers. Joseph Clarks died In 1818 and a scene Hi the mind that la wot Mrs. Clarke was called on a short soon forgotten. The dramatist has farm mission as matron of tha mis- exceptional power to stir th eroo-tosion home at Birmingham, where and tha east which is preher arm. E Henry Clarke waa con- senting th show all this week. Is ference president. At tha close of quit equal to th task of at king her mission Mrs Clarke and her Rapheal's character live their son emigrated to Utah, arriving in live so dominated by extrema bitBalt Lake March- 17, 1820. ters and sweet Fof Ih past- two years Mrs Mary Newton as Madam" X hr Clarke has been a worker In th course, stands out as the dominatft.it Lake Temple and has been of the entire play. active in genealogical work. At ing character in th role of th la She brilliant Birmingham aha waa president of In that of the and wife, in worker a erring the Relief society and dissipated broken, disheartened, the Y. L. M. L A. old still kindles in who woman Surviving are her son and his of love her son, she her the heart two and wife grandchildren Funeral services will be held at draws the sympathy of even th 1 moat Puritanical. the Forest Dale ward chapel at All the plot hinge about th p m. Wednesday, April 28. The body is distress of Madam X who may be viewed at the residence Wedfrom 1 am., to pm forced from home by her husband Wasin be will Interment But nesday. because of unfaithfulness. atch Lawn cemetery. th story is too well known to la It need enough to repeating. Camp 14, Daughters of the Utah that Miss Newton carries the Pioneers, will meat Thursday af- say th position of a ternoon at 2 o'clock at the home character fromwoman to th staof Mrs. E. I Taylor, 175 north distinguished tion of a dissipated vagrant who Main street. shoots her uncrupulous lover, with Of local Interest is tb announ- masterful Interpretation of cement of Mrs. F. W. Francis Ralph Clonlngar appears in tha New York of th engagement of charming rol of young Floriot, her daughter, Margaret Evelyn, to lawyer, son of th unfortunate woCharles Morse Black of Oalnsrille. man. who is designated to plead for, her in court as his first case. Ga, The marriage will takeI. place Th Hla appeal to the Jury in the court In New York City May bride la a graduate of Barnard scene is touchlag and his love mak college and the bridegroom receiv- ing with Helen (Josephine Chal-leed hla early education at the is charming. and later took of Georgia, Much credit is due Victor Gil ' hla master of art and doctor of lard for hs portrayal of the diffiphilosophy degrees at Columbia cult rol of th elder Floriot,' who unlveralty. Mlaa Winifred 8cott of spent twenty years searching for Marietta. Ohio, coualn of the bride, tha woman ha had turned from wilt be bridesmaid and also Mias his home. Mr. Glllard ts much Katherine Brown, daughter ef Mr. better in the role of the repentant and Mrs- Causten Browne of this and old gentleman, city, who is at school In tha east. than in tha part of th stern husWilliam Slack, brother of th - well-know- na - 12-4- n) ty - grief-soften- ed bridegroom will be beat man. The Francis family made their home for many years In Balt Lake. The Chi Omega aororlty of th University of Utah entertained th student body at an Informal dancing party Saturday evening in the ballroom of tho Hotel Utah. Tha scrority colors, cardinal and atraw, were used in decorating. Special included musical enterealnment numbers by th member of the sower served Refreshment rority. The committee included Miss Marn garet Blerina chairman. Mrs Carpenter - and -Miss Edith . Smith. a a Delta Epsilon sorority of the University of Utah held a dancing evening at th party Saturday home of Miss Marion Morris 811 oast Second South street in honor of the now pledges of the sorority. Flower were used throughout the house. Special musical selections wer given. Following th dancing S lata supper was served. Th Miss Julia included committee Manning and Mias fhlean Ellison. Af-to- oo Mrs. Wllford ORGAN RECITAL Tuesdays tabernacle organ recital program with Orgamat Tracy Y. Cannon at th console artU be as follows: National Anthem. A. J. Silver fubilato Deo n, d, III. TM UmU MmLm DonU Thai Mr FUbr; -- Hm fit comedy. "BebodFa Pet A Nows. VICTOR Y Jon. U Ltfvt. CswX PARAMOUNT -- Trfltj and band who drives forgiveness lova from hla heart. Thera is very little humor in th too play and an audlenc feels deeply the emotions that ar swaying the characters Rapheal created to applaud loudly. But tha d atmosphere la occasionally 1 by the eccentricities of CUf This ford Van Dyke ss Merlvel. gentdeman is a leaser light in constant attendance on Peris aard in 'the confi(George Cleveland) dential missions business. Ray Clifford makes ar good 1m preesion as Noel, as does Barrie O'Daniels ss Dr. Chennai and May Roberta as Roes. Thera is a large supporting cast Including Wilbur G. Mayo as Laroque, companion of tha dejected Madams X. and as th presiding Judge: Jonnaaon. as E. W. Weatlo, as Fontaine; William D. Manca. a Victor; Fans Whithey. as Mar a. and Jack Jordan as clerk of th court. -- ght-ene- Val-mori- n; Paramount-Empres- s The Blind Goddess at tha Paramwith Jack Holt, Esther Ralston end Ernest TerSTUOENT AT U.F0R DAY rene in th leading role a is capital entertainment, tha story being founded upon the practices of criminal courts In large cities and UNO HALF, PAYS TO FUND the frequent miscarriage xf Justice which have bean the tragic result of modern method of. deIn th tection and prosecution. picture. Holt appears as a young A substantial donation to the f. ount-Empress. Withdrawal of this area for park purposes waa recommended some time ago by Gov. Georg H. Dern to Commissioner William Spry of the general land office. Th area is in what Is known as the Cava Lak region abova Kanab. Ultimately thts section will be linked dooer with the scentc parka of southern Utah bringing Into the group another, distinct feature. of American dance The stay to bands in England Is limited eight weeks by government or- ders Orpkeum Balt Lake plavgoers have a chance Tuesday at the Orpheum to see one of the beat colored acta that has ever been seen here. All of the artists are principals from "Strut-te- n Along a success that had a long run in Gotham. "Plantation Days." as this act is called, la a coodanaed version of tha big play which head tha new Ackerman Harris vaudeville road show and features Kid Freeman, and of Charleston dancers 'ghat ara rated as world champions. Four other acts of merit are also found on tha new bill which runs until Friday. Bob Homburg and Betty Lee are seen in a comedy act called "Hokum As la The Boys from Dixie" features a radio act that la different. De Lyle and Brent In "Diversions for Two present a novelty entertainment of violin lections artistically blended; Connie Mitchell, unique imitator, round out tbs btIL Th first run picture is also unusual. starring Blanch 'Sweat and an all star cast including Ina Anson. Bait Lak girl in Hha Palace of ths King." Th added feature at th matinees only is a ocreen version of tb famous stage play "Lightning. Victory Douglas Maclean, who has no superior in light comedy, and ha held this enviable post for years, appear again at tha Victory theatre this week in his latest Paramount comedy, ThatS My Baby." which opened it engagement Saturday. This picture, hailed by many critics aa tha equal of his celebrated success of several years ago. "Twenty three and a Half Hours Leave." shews MacLean In some very amusing situations, many of them reaching the hilarious stage when MacLean finds himself in some unusually ludicrous predica-menta The atory la not particularly heavy but it gives Douglas and hla chance to romp playmates a through severs) score of scenes that have all tha elements of first-claentertainment. First, Doug-a- s Is Jilted at tha altar, following which ho declare himself to be through with women; then th usual and h falls In lev at first sight with th daughter of a man who is his bitter enemy In business. He I opposed by both parents, since the glria mother has a match "duje for her daughter and resents Douglas' Interference. Then Dougins has a baby wished onto" him by n trusting mother and he la Immediately branded as a philandering husband and father After this, hla sola efforts ar to get rid of the child and raster himself to tho good grace of the girl. This involves lots of funny action. -- Th Victory also offers a new Dam" Hamilton comedy: Neil Pchettler and th Victorian and Ethel Hogan at tha organ- ss h;e-pn- a Woman, upon to prosecute of hit lieved to b tha murder sweetheart's father, resigns his ofdefend to woman, th fice in order once he become convinced of her innocence. Th picture la closely related lrf appeal and quality to th memorable productions on tha screen of Mannequin" and "Manslaughter." Madam X." All four of th principal actors add much to their attainments by their performance in this photoplay Added to th Parmmount-Em-preon of tho popbill is a new 1 1 Church Notices ular "Our Gang corned lea called Path "The Buried Treasure." is shown and Kimball's orOfficer anA hoard member of News " I Gsed Story ; " Pioneer risk wrl hold their regu chestra provide an unusually fin Tells lar monthly meeting In the stake musical entertainment, featuring Headscbei A boot hall Wednesday, April, 28, at 7:80 solo numbers. Glenda!. N. Y. Mrs I. Schwtod p.m. write "My bead was dixry at HiiPh Priests , Th quorum of American frequent InUrvals My stomach was Pioneer stake will hold Its reguElinor Glyn's "Soul Mates." star- a pact sad I was horribly eoosO lar monthly meeting in tha stake hall Sunday, May 2, at ,10 a m. ring Ailean Pringle, and Edmund paled I took Carter Little Liver is the f store attraction at Pill and I aooo noticed a decided Th monthly Priesthood meeting Lowe, American thts week. Th seen Improvement. It is months w of Pioneer stake will be held la the i in good old England. Th sloe I have had a headache or sick laid th stake hall Monday, May I at beautiful girl desire stomach. Yonr pills have merit. father of 7r8 p.m. that aha marry into aristocracy. A Carter Little Liver PHI ; a is match arranged between th- - two purely vegetable laxative, relieve LEAGUE TO MEET. aecro-twith anxious neither executive party overly Katherine Patm, tho constipated condition. They of the Social 'Welfare league, though each in reality leva th tary the Intestines of their pot announces tha retrular meeting will other, but think R ts only, money clean be held in the council chamber- of .and station in life that hare brought soaous manor. They are anger coated, small, nod easy to taka the City and County uUdtng, Fri- -' them together. How tha man pm. day,, April 10, at boon made by Lynn E. Baxter who was enrolled at tha Institution only one day and a half as a member of th 8. A. T. C. In 1818 Just before the university dosed Its door because of tha Influenza. Jamas A. Eldridge of Davis county has donated 81.800, the largest donation of any former student who attended the university before 1875, It Is announced by th subscription former committee composed of Gov. Charles R. Mabey. Wesley E. W. EUt Barker. and King That dark, dingy Wall Paper to the left of line emtaina impurities that are dangerous to health. the Disinfectant Wall Paper Cleaner has removed theiii ss from the other side and restored the Paper to freshness and beauty no longer remembered, because thev had I so gradually - IT -- I Youll be proud of your Absorenely clean Wall Paper, Window Shades, Frescoing and Water Colors. . -- Your Painter or Paper Hanger will do'Abeorene Cleaning at reasonable cost, or it will be an easy task ior some member oi your ismily. BAUFAH AKD DftT STORE SALT LAKE GLASS & PAINT CO. DJSTIUBrTOR. Abo Sell HRH, the. Master . J Paint Cleaner. - u Wash Face? - Yes But mind what ort of ooap you ns Tak car that you use only soch soap aa fa made solely to protect the complexion, then alwajr according to this simple rule. Vin authorities the face regularly a essential to natural complexion clcarnesA But all urge greatest cart in selecting the kind of soap one FOREMOST .Risking a precious complexion to n nnprored oap iz a folly. The poly kind of soap to ok on yorur lace is a soap made solely 7 afe- , guard the complexion. Launder and cleanse with any soap you wish. But when beauty is at stake, take care. The accepted akin care of today 8H4 largely with Palmolive; a soap made of rare cosmetic oils, a soap made for one purpose only to be used freely and Uvuhly on the skin. sfioz core The rat jr parts urge (S Its Wash your fsce gently with Pal mob Soap, massaging it softly into the akin. Rinse thoroughly, first with warm water, then with cold. If your skin is inclined to be dry, apply a touch of good cold cream that is alL Do this regularly, nd particularly fas the evening. Use powder and rouge, if you wish. But never leave them on over night They clog the -- MARY ANN BRIDGE. Mrs. Mary Ann Bridge, widow of Robert Bridge and Utah pioneer of 1852. who three tiroes crossed the plains, died at her home. 184 .north Bunk West street. Suaday- Mrs Bridge 1852, in England, the daughter of Henry and. -- Elion 4 ah ran Walsh, and cam to Balt' Lake with her parents when only on year old. The family returned to England In 1881 and stayed two years. When Mrs. Bridge's grandmother Ashton died they cam back to America and reoroaesd tha plain With tho axoepiian oi 4nT84l. th two years spent in England, aha had been a resident of the Sixteenth ward, on th earn lot settled by her father, for Tftjjreara, and waa tha next oldest resident of tha ward, hht waa a mem bar of the Daughters of th Utah Pioneers. Mrs. Bridge waa tha mother of 14 children. Surviving are eix sons. Robert. Frank. Ernes:. Harr)--. Arthur and Raymond Bridge; three daughters, lira Elizabeth Davis. Mr William Harmon and Mrs- -- . takes matters into bis own hand,, and kidnaps his own wtfe. makes np an Interesting story A Jimmie Adams comedy that abounds with laughs and wild chases vrtth a Fox news and cartoon telling how the ostrich received hla fatal beauty, rounds out tha program. Tha usher at the American are wearing attractive new costumes. KntvrsityUiriOJr-buitdlng-4aA-l!ajySUy- AT WALLPAPER. PAIVT, By IRENE CASTLE Ceprvishtarms br y. o. Bases reatarw 28. WASHINGTON. April (AP) Th interior department of parka has recommended to President Coolldg th temporary withdrawal of 8.08 acres near Kanab Utah, pending action by congress on ita creation as a national monument. Th area Includes cliff dwellings along tb aides of a dry canyon, on tb walla of which Inscriptions of unknown antiquity have been found. Within the area la a large cave, containing th underground - lake navigable by small boa la Th creation of a national monument of tb area has been recommended bv th president's recreational conference. Oir' -- Delicious, t JOsarsad MOTION P1CTCE1I . EUMT AMERICAN vU AJIM Doda, Misa Lock-woo- Keeping Your Schoolgirl Complexion MS, DIES; r - Wholesome' Um B as West loaon tooth SC Salt Lake City, tlsk Phans Was. STZX. HU. hyr; 3 Withdrawal of Kan&b Area For National Mon ument Sought Abu Q Kflmt u4 la Om mj troCfT O&PHECM M. A. Keyser Fireproof Storage Co. ," pa finis CROSSEU , TAIDEVU4JE. FAKTAGZ6 V&u6rUU u4 ptettrt UMl-s- t, Maker Ta.fc." vttk Clnir Beit HMCk u4 Cwa4 -- MAYONNAISE Its Pure DUJU SALf LAKE Lacy Oataa aoatpaay la Psbsl" Ray --o 1926' WILXKa -- Msdsws X" srsssatad ssd at ptajr-ar- a kg Ustya LuclUa Miller. Mias f. Dura Healey, Mias Carman Misa Rhea Thomas and Mia Katherine Oxley. . Alpha Chi Mias Dorothy Campbell. Miss Mildred Gardiner, Mias Lola Brain. Mias Kathryn Thomas. Mias Allc N ord. Misa Bertha. Chip-maMias Ruth Badger. Mias Alice Badger, Mias Iona Strowtg. Mia Grace Mary Harrington. Mia Visa Lou Robbins. Hell Elisabeth Armstrong, mortals Mias Louis Emma Mias and Langston Capricious," Carolina Waterman; Phyllis Allen. PreGleeful," -- Alien Doughei-ty- : Lambda Phi Lambda Miss Vircious." Priscilla Msysln; Merry," ginia Reed, Mias Hortens Johan-neao- n, Margaret Lambourn Mias Grace McCullough. The club chorus wlllmeelXum- afternoon at clubhouse tbs st Mias Kowsna Smith. Mia dsy Angel. 4 oclock, with J. W. Curtis, ss di-- - Ruth Smith, Mias Alleen Rutledge.. s rector. Miss Far Smith; Mias Helen Story. Mias Mrs. L. C. Miller will give a talk Mia Mitchell. Josephine on Motoring in Southern France Katherine Kaye. Mias Iron Mias Marvel Hill. Mia T arst the meeting of the history-touri- st section of the club to b held ts. Decker, Misa Helen Pratt. Mias Mias Rosa Marl st the SOclubhouse Tuesday morning Cleons Lindsay. winters. Misa Alta Cranwand Misa st ThIt oclock , McHahan. parliamentary law section of Marlon Gamma Diana tb club will meat Tuesday st 1 Sigma Mia o'clock.,,. Tha program, to be giv- Strong Mias Katharine Wright, Mias Mtaa Grace Rhaa Folsom. en by members of the section, will Bowden, consist of discussions on ths fol- Kimball. Mias Florence Mias Mias Louis Pinnock. Ellis Conlowing subjects: Meeting of a Van Guntren. Mias Helen Eardley, vention or Assembly of Delegate and "Legal Rights of Aseem biles." Mias AUcMiasCoombs. Mias Luclila Evelyn Grlnalt and Luncheon will bo served at 12:1S Bryant, oclock with Mrs Clarence Orosbell Misa Alleen Johnson. Mia Pi Mary Epsilon Phi and Mrs. A. J. Murphy, hoet eases. Mia Mm. Murphy f!l take reservations. Wright, Mias Bora Ruth Margstta. Mias Irma Reaoa, Mias Melba Smith. Mias Leah Members of ths Seeker Literary Dahls. Mias Beth Alder. Mias Lola club will visit ths Sprlngvllle art Kidder. Mias Thsora Erickson. exhibit- Tueadsy.Un their arrival Misa Gertruda "Murphy. Miss Does h Sprlngvllle the club will be en- Kethercott. Mias Olive Edmunds tertained by the Home Culture Mlaa Helen Nealon. Misa Florence club of that city. Members of Abbott, Mias Imogen Leaver. Mias the club who have cars and can Katherine Schoenhala. Mias Madge tabs passengers are asked to 'noti- Campbell and Misa Helen Dr ox fy, tho president Mr. Adam C. Zeta Tau Misa Donna Asher Brown. Members not able to go Mias Neva Seville and Mias Mahal er asked to communicate with Foot. Delta Theta Mias Delink Mum-forth secretary. Mrs. J. H. Cheater, Misa Margaret Rawson. Mlaa not later than Monday. Mies Josephine Bowers, The club will leave the SVt Helen Lake Theatre at 10 a.m, W'oodrlng and Misa Helen Anderson. Mrs. Leslie A. Covey will entertain Tuesday afternoon in hon The section of dramatio art of or of Mr. W. Q. Macklar, who la th Wasatch Literary dub will meet in at th horn of Mrs. H. C. naar tha for future leaving Denver to make her home. D at re-- t, Tuesday afterHicka noon at 2 oclock. Officers grill b Sororities of the university of elected, after which a program will Utah pledged the follosring mem- - be given .Mrs. Esther Husbands - bera Saturday afternoon following will Impersonate soma of th heroines of Shakes pear and sketches a two week rushing period: Chi Omega Mica Elhelyn Can- of tha heroines represented will be non. Mia Aiders Tobin, Miss Belie given by Mrs. Ben Johnson, a McVlchie. Miss Joy Jensen. Miss Ann Richardson. Miss Edna KelMembers of th Gamma Phi soler, Mia Connie Crawford. Mtm rority of tha University of Utah Marion Kimball and Mia Bessie entertained at a dinner Saturday Boss. evening at tha Newhouse hotel in Gamma Phi Misa Mary Thatchhonor of tho new pledges to tha o HelMiss Misa Janice er, Clayton. rorlty. Ths dinner table was aren Knowlden. Mias Mary Cornwall. ranged in th ahapo of th Greek - Mias Helen Woolley, Mias Rosa letter Gamma. Baskets of Jonquil Mias Dixie ware placed at intervals along th Katharine Reynolds, QooUttl. Mias Martha Wright and table, which held orange candle Miss Katherine Paddock. in silver candlesticks. Lavender Muriel sweet peaa and Jonquils formed Delta Epsilon Misa corsage bouquets for tha honor guests. Mias Marlon Moylo was toaat mistress and toasts were responded to by Mias Marlon Jacobs of th wee ms to alumnae chapter, Mias Alleen Robertson, senior, Mias Hsian Smith, rown folks Junior and Miss Kathryn Blackett, -commute In The nothing sophomore. benefits like charge Included Mlaa Katherine O roes beck. Misa Ruth Lucas and Mias Thelma Jenaen. OLD HONK 26 COOLIDGEASKED TO alamamt that la th Bsrvle counts It la th oaa thing that successful tha distinguishes house from th failure. When Seeling with Keysor't, you gat SOT Vico behind which, is a firm teat ts financially strong and oaa having earned a raputatlea second La sons for bonosty, reliability sad responsibility. 00 APRIL MONDAY IFlIHsm amnil. AlUUIVmoV! IUO niinUB llUdlsml children and 17 All nr Salt Lake residents but Arthur who lives at Oakland. Calif. Funeral services will b held Tuesday, April 27, at 2 p m. in th Sixteenth ward chapel. The body may be viewed the day of, tha funeral from II am. to 1.20'pm. at th residence. Interment will be in City cemetery under direction of Joseph William Taylor. DEPUTIES 370 SDZE STILL,' GALLONS OFLIQUOH Deputy Bherifs Hugh Hsrrles end Van Bavwg eonfiscsted a large cache of liquor in a raid at 1202 east Eighth South street, Saturday night. Mora than 200 gallons of whisky and 70 gallons of grain a I cohol were seised. L J. Wilson waa arrested and charged with possession of liquor In a complaint iasuad Monday by tbs county attorney. According 4o Sherirf Ben R. Harries th liquor was traced to a still In NafTa canyon aa th nourc of supply. Other deputies rounded up a number of alleged customers of bootlegging establishment in raids Saturday Bight on west Second 8outh street. The men were taken into cuxjody aa they left th place. The officer asserted that in practically every instance the person arrested waa buying liquor for young people. Tho arreried gave th name of R. B. Scofield. 24; Ray Saunders, 22: R. D. Wilson, 22; H. D. Cfaristopheraon, 21; Harold Saunders, 26; William Smith. 22. oftcu enlarge 4hem Slack head and disfigurement often They mat be washed, away. , povrx. -- fat-lo- est to al fUaafin Do not use ordinary soap in the treatment given above. Do not think any green soap, or represented as of palm and olive oris, is the asm . aa Palmolive- It eosta but 10c the cake! so little that millions let R do for their bodies what it docs far their facea Obtain Palmolive today. Then note what an amazing difference oc week make. The Palmolive Com- - v pany (DcL Corp.l. Chicago. Ilbnoia - tit Now PljlTu Colored, Is Sport AttireForWomen hr Feminine. Trend Seen in Escape From Man nuh Models. ornamentation, but now they ar being made to resemble totem poles Desof tho (Special Correspondent and allow a variety of carving and eret Newa) coloring NEW YORK. April 24. Th fall Sports Shoe. Th footwear of tho woman who style la sports and travel costume aastn likely to feature camel's hair really golfs today is so ilk that fabrics or what passes for such worn by male golfers that about dintinguishing marks ar For the ccm r hair cloth of com- - els oalY leather taanels on th mores i made from thy hair of enda and thetacea. of tho Whits buck with Texas goals Nonethelees tha fabric or black tan wing tip and counters a soft a id elastic and warm. Small checks and indefinite patterns ara ar almost universal on tb smart (Copyright, 1824.) being turued out row with th link warp and woof in different colored wool In iambs ths coating Hotel yarn Shooting Affair grays, browns and tan .predominate. Brings Jail Sentence Feminine Sport Charles Duncan pleaded guilty A aporia frock need not necesbe mannish and indeed the to possession of liquor and waa sarily oo trend today la toward emphasis fined (125. and to discharging fire1 tha feminine not Printed silks ara the materia! arms within tb city limits for sports which bo waa sentenced to six being chosen for summer dreuse Tha turn down collar cuff month in JaiL by Judge Gaylsa 8. and tie frequently form all the trimming used. Both shoulder pd Young la polled court Monday. waistline employ th yoke effect Duncan waa arrested at tha Kan- -' Th short stubby had still Is maintained in all of it yon hotel. April It. after h sevof caused a disturbance and fired popularity, aided by injection Th Jail soutane was yew and artistic handle design eral shot The stubby, thick handies hereto- suspended on condition that ho leav to tha not have city within 24 hour fore yielded readily BY AILEEN LAMONT. water-shedd- er Chicago Mother Talks To Daughter in Rugby By Long Distance Radio CHICAGO (US)-bHello Rugby. "Hello Chicago; Rugby calling. Hold th wire please." You probably have heard part of I hoe asms words when you z Song distance telephone call, hut th odds ara about one quadrillion to one that you have never heard Rugby call. Sut.Mr- - n1 Mrs. William H Safford of Chicago have. Their daughter. Mr. Arthur Oswald, whose husband la connected with the Bell Telephone company at Rugby. England, call ed her parent on the radio. Th ether waves spanned the distance between Rugby and Boston and the messages were relayed to Chicago by telephone. Twenty minutes of conversation across 4,200 miles of spec be. Youll never" know how n be daughter and The system i quite complicated because of tha different connection. such as telephone to Boston until son-in-la- You have let your palate revel in the exquisite flavor of Tree Tea Japan. Truly a cup of enchantment! The color, the charm, the fragrance of the Orients finest tea gardens are held captive for you in this flavor-fin-e green tea. Only the tender' leaves of early spring, first crop tea are good enough for -- Tree Tea Japan. Yet withal. Tree Tea Japan is decidedly within easy and then relayed, but complicate It as much aa you will, it works. South African Claims Kentucky Mineral Land JOHANNESBURG A (INS) elevator attendant Johannesburg h Is announced that prosecuting n claim to minaret rights over A iarce area in Kentucky. U. 8 A--. alleged to have been acquired in of hla by ail n re-t-1820 Th land 4s rich in eoal and ell. and it Is believed that tho attendant' ancestor reserved th miner. al rights. or price-reac- Salvation Armv Starts Anti Suicide Department LONDON (INftl Th Salva tion Artnx baa aatablished on de ItA department object la to seek out the who ar about to end their lives, and demonstrata to them that It la better to conUn-B- e above ground. A a oxloalon In the mouth-cano- ed by an unidentified combination of gaoaa. killed a boy in a dentvist's office te London. US m h. TREE TEA Anti-Suici- Green for those who prefer hhek tea theres Tree Tea Orange Pe&oe - I , '4. 'i'J i w .attvasi. -- Rosy Chteki , t 7S4f Hu always liked Phyllis and I felt for Sho never had many good times. Just pals and "washed out looking. Tired easily. Never went in for sports t.ks th raat of na But now, why. I never saw such a change! I hardly knew her She had gained flv pound Bhe 8 been playing tennis and, honestly, she looked glad to b alive! "What have you done to yourself?" I demanded. "Lgdla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." ah laughed. "I'm also taking th Pills for Constipation. Bettor try them yourself." Are you oa tbs Sunlit Road to Better Health? Adv. 1 , 5 TKh&hx U ' t. 9 a f t fW Vt'Yv a JtJK-- im-- f aW4i$ httfNk atwsBeE SfcvOf I.qras, h -- |