Show Randlett Visits o By Viola Jensen Mr and Mrs Don Jorgen Jorgen- Jorgenson son sen and Son of Chadron Neb Neb Neb- Nebraska were weekend visitors at the home of Mr Jorgen Jorgen- Bens sens father Oliver Jorgensen Mr and Mrs John Young accompanied their daughter and son law Mr and Mrs Albert Daniels of Ft Duches Duches- Duchesne ne to Vernal Nw New Years Year's Day where they were dinner guests at the home ol of their son and law daughter Mr and Mrs Dill Bill Young The group alSo visited Mr and Mrs Bill Maim Mann Mr and Mrs Ward Jarman and family spent New Years Year's evening at the home of Mr and Mrs Bill Mann of Vernal Pete Malano and a friend of Salt Lake City were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Ray Wardle The group enJoyed rabbit hunting Mr and Mrs Lewis Little Little- Littleton tO ton l were Sunday evening din nor ner guests at the home m of of Mr 1 and Don Jorgensen of Dutch John spent the weekend visit hug ing at the home honie of his father Oliver Jorgensen Mr and Mrs irs Doug Burn Ingham and family of Salt Lake City Is visiting at thee the home of Mrs Burningham's sister and law brother Mr and Mrs Leo Jorgensen and family Mrs Leona Jorgensen spent Wednesday visiting In Vernal Mr and Mrs J E Jensen spent Thursday evening visit Ing at the home of Mr and Mrs Norton Shelton and fam- fam fly of Roosevelt I Illy Mr and Mrs Ervin Young i brought their twin son Kyle home from the Salt Lake hos- hos hospital hospital pital New Years Year's evening Mr and Mrs Harold Dud Dud- Dudley ley Ronald and Mary Ann spent Saturday visiting at the home of their son and daugh- daugh law ter-In-law Mr and Mrs Larry Lar ry Dudley of Rangely Miss Kayo Kaye Kobler of St George was a New Years Year's weekend guest at the home of Mr and Mrs Harold Dudley Ronald Dudley returned to St George Tuesday morning Mr and Mrs Ward Jarman and family and Mrs Jarmans Jarman's mother Mrs Mary Young spent Saturday In Vernal Blake V and Jess Jensen went to Myton My ton Wed Wed- Wednesday Miss Merlene Marshall of Roosevelt spent the weekend visiting at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Robert Marshall Mr and Mrs Ervin Jorgen Jorgen- Jorgensen sen and two sons of Vernal spent Sunday afternoon visit visit- visiting Ing at the home of Mr tr Jor Jor- Jor Jorgensen's gensen's father Oliver Jor Jor- Jorgensen gensen Mr and Mrs Mrs Darwin Neil Neil- Neilson son of Salt Lake City spent the New Years Year's weekend visit visit- visitIng Ing at the tho home of Mrs Nell Neil Nellson's Neilson's sons son's parents Mr and Mrs Grant Pickup They were New Years Year's dinner guests at atthe atthe the home of Mr Neilson's par ants Mr and Mrs Vera Vere II Neilson of They returned to their home In Salt Lake City Misses Pauline Pickup and Janet Brough returned to Salt Lake City Tuesday where they are attending school Mr and Mrs William T Chandler received word of the arrival of a new grandson The parents are Mr anc ana Mrs Melvin Davis of Worland Wyoming This makes twelve grandchildren for the Chand Chand- Chandlers i lers Mrs Chandler left on oni i the plane Thursday to help at atI atthe atthe I the Davis home and get ac ec- ec with her new grand I son I Mrs Rhea Stoddard and Irene Jensen were hostesses to a personal bridal shower held In honor of Carolyn Stoddard It was held at the home of Mrs Donna Pickup Games were played under thee the direction of Mrs Stoddard and Irene Jensen Melva Jor- Jor Jorgensen Jorgensen gensen played two piano sel sel- sel selections Carma Pickup sang two vocal solos Spaghetti and meat balls were served to 14 guests Mrs Melton Stoddard and children were weekend guests at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Wayne Pickup |