Show NO ONE DEE EATER 1 9 1 1 1 9 1 M V U james gillespie blaine of whose defeat in the rough and reada race for of te unite 0 1 states there e bardl hardly 17 regaina any doubt ie ahi th i s itin 1 ell is of the old irish presbyterian stock of pennsylvania he lie w was s born vorn in union township washington county where his hu ancestors were pioneers house q where hie his grat grandfather d cl t colonel ephraim Ephra ioa blaine pennsylvania va I 1 nia I 1 lived ived i still stands as 6 well astae church where he lie won Colonel Bla Blane ne served during the war sod 14 during 1 ng he te terrible winter at va urge as ak commissary mis sary labored with all zeal and ability to obtain supplies forthe for the starling arving et army his son married miss s dalfe spie a catholic lady and late in life embraced her faith and lies beside her under the shadow the more modern Cat catholic fiolic church james G Q blaine aine adhering to the falah jofh IZ fd family rally entered wash in ato lit a of third teen aeu and was wa 1 soon prominent as its a A it scholar chol ar a leader arof of athletic sports popular w with ith bin classmates and find with all the collegians ho ile was neat inthe r frank generous gen generous erdus Is sym sympathetic v ready cady in debate t IL a and nd constantly selected as umpire after being graduated in I 1 1847 he became pro professor ressor at A ticks Springs djs R Kentucky in t u eky U in n a western r es established there actea few tew years spent here he his awn state and began the study rutty tl on ori his las tu marriage with miss aliss stanwood a lady whose uc acquaintance he lie had bad formed in in kentucky he was persuaded by her to make baal ne her native state his home in 1853 lie is deef r ei dence nee in Au augusta usta chere liere ico constantly atif since since ho ire soon vas ras proprietor and editor of the kennebec journal au organ of the whig party and acquired great li p clitie al influence which he lie increased whilo hito editor of the Por portland fland daily advertiser he vein in organizing tho the republican parly party in maine and in in 1858 was elected to the lower house of tho e he after two year years presided as apt alter al er Y I 1 parliamentary 1 i sa s1 k i t fr 1 knowledge V or and Z 4 1 f e e lp I 1 ine t a higher senate district chose mr air blaine na as its representative lu congress ho lie was there recognized as an able abid industrious 6 man and was very soon n lila placed i cea on the mi military icart com nit mit tees and on the committees on appropriations ind anden on ku esles les when he be spoke ife he ia h addled n dle d his i subject with such ability and euch such evidence of cose close and careful study head with attention A t ludvis aad bis speeches spec chea were scattered broadcast over the country to his constituents his was to 0 77 el R septable that thit he wa constantly e elected by ne thera as lung long as be continued to be a candi date he ile rose so rapidly in iu favor of the house of representatives was byi large majorities chloeen speaker of the forty fir airet t forty second and forty tiivi third r S congresses 1 jn I that hie hia of perception decision of ariann manner e r thorough gk i knowledge of parliamentary lav law and esaies usages I 1 and impartial and judicial mind added to clear cliar voice and im impressive pres sivil presence made mada him a truly great pr presiding edding of officer licer when thu the democratic majority in the tile house in 1874 placed the dinits handsur hands Mr blistine 11 became the tile bold brilliant versatile leader of the opposition Qu A vacancy in the senate arose in in 1870 1876 when senator morrill i arill of maine portfolio of the treasury to fill jae the vacancy in in the senate of f the thel united states the govnor of balue elected selected mr 13 Blain hLine tt for the term 1 I in tri thu jho xan stales senate mr blaine illaine s sustained the reputation ho had w pam in the I 1 moro knore t popular cham chain and of maine blaine bun ft at V tho next opportunity to atil continue nue to represent the st state 4 io in the upper husa at washington ja in the P presidential resia en bial ca u haq of t his 16 00 ofte rue iwa as one of the leoet lu oat p prominent allent before the it republican ep publican ican CT fen inah 31 aind ad he K ob baided vote votes lacking only 27 to secure secre the four years later in the chicago convention he lie received votes on oil the tile fiat airi t ballot carfield appointed mr blaino blaine as hia his secretary of state inthe chort administration of president garfield Gar mr mcblaine Blaine had initiated a strong foreign policy for our government seeking eel king to rcck in american bands the control odthe of the panama a and to create it a union among th ho 0 spanish arnesea Araen can i n state that would under the influence of the united states fit atea check civil and in ter state wars and open the way for a new era cra of progress for those lie bubli publics ca which since they threw off the spanish yoke have rarely cn joyed a five years epoch of peace pence |