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Show WOMAN'S EXPONENT. 128 the- Youn? Ladies' Association, do fondly cherish her Then came a time of feasting for the children memory, and While we sadly miss her; we feel to bow in on the good things provided for them. A recitahumble submission to the divine will of heaven. tion came next in order, by Louisa Cox, entitled, Resolved, That we condole with the bereaved family in "Goodbye, Little Bird." Martha Mills and the loss of their dear one, not, however, without the con Ella Bird sang, "Poor Mary came o er tne soling reflection that she has gone in her purity, and is Wilt! Moor," very sweetly, which song was re worthy to come forth in tht morning of "the first resurrec little three A little dialogue, by funny peate'd. ,' .tion. rirl3 ' Whar areTwe good for" showed that" Resolved; That these Resolutions" be entered In the little girls can be of use. ""Running away from Young Ladies' record; also a copy . be presented to the home, a dialogue byv three boys, pictured parents of the deceased, and one be sent to the Woman's the folly of leaving a cood home tor the uncer for tain life of a great city. An original piece by Exponent publication. Laura Nlttall, Sister Mathie was recited a3 follows: Lucinda Gcstafson. Committee. on the Relief Society records, printed in the Woman' Expoxejtt, and a copy given to the bereaved family. - ' ; , Amy L. . E. R. -- : -- i,r: . , . ' at Ephraim, Colorado, Dec. 26th, 1886, of In- flamation of the lungs, Bodel Katrine Poulsen, wife of Andrew Poulsen, born in Denmark, Oct. 3rd, 1S20. Was baptized in February, 1852; started for Utah, in connection with her jxusband and family, in Dec,. 1852, arriving in DIED, - May we e'er be true and faithful, - And walk in the narrow way, ' May our path to life eternal, Grow brighter every day. - Salt Lake City, Utah, September 29th, 1853. They made their home in Manti, Sanpete County, where she patiently bore the trials and. hardships of those early days. While there she gathered around her a. host of friends, assisted in mailing a comionaDie nome, wnicn soe enjoyea onm IB80, when her husband was called to this place, she arriving here in 1881.J She was ever ready to impart to the poor, " visit the sick and comfort (hose who mourned. At the time of her death she held the office of presiding teacher in the Relief Society, which office she filled with honor, per forming the duties with great credit. We have lost a true' helper, her aged husband a faithful wife, "and her children a loving mother. She leaves a husband, seven children,: to twenty-fiv- e grandchildren, and one mourn herlqss. . Two childre and eighteen grandchildren have passed behind the vail before her. We sympathize with the bereaved family in their loss; and hope that we with them may meet her in the morning of the first resur rection, where there is no parting. Anxe Martha Rasmussen, Prest. R. S. Be kind to the poor and needy, '' The lame, the hak and blind, Then in the restoration ' Our place we'll surely find. - r Speak a kind word to the erring, "For they have the debt to pay, And thank God, our Heavenly Father, That we're chose the better way. Let us teach to Zion's daughters To shun the path of sin; With-worof persuasion andkindaesi Do let us gather them in. " great-grandchi- ds -. Say to the gay and thoughtless, . "It's no time for idle glee, For soon the judgments of heaven All over the nations will be," Where your friends await to meet you, And your husband waits to gTeet you. For you have been good and true; You have been so kind and patient, Ever laboring for th poor, And for this the Lord has loved you May you rest in peace secure. ; LjZZIE BlRDXOE, . Dearest sister, we shall miss you, " We shall miss your presence here, But we hope again to meet you Farewell, sister, sister dear. , .'. S, K. JAES TDJTVTJD 5c . ..CO., TINNERS, CAS, WATER & STEAM FITTERS - Agent for RUMSEYS celebrated LIFT and FORCE PUMPS. Pump Repaired on abort notice. Orders from the country promptly responded Co, I.- vari.litm. lin2 11X21. Bu 336. SALT L1IJ CIT7. ld . ESTABLISHED OCTOBER, - L Committee, Dearest sister, we have loved you, W havft Iovd tciii finnrt inH I And it fills our hearts with sadness, That we have to part with you; But a crown of royal brightness, Waits to deck your honored bTOw, And a robe of purest whiteness , Waits your body to endow. 1 O God, the Eternal Father! May our faith increase in thee; Though our eyes grow dim and shaded, May our spirits always see, Bigler, Udall, 1868. . Next Joseph Mills told . what" he would do ?hen a man. "Curfew shall not ring was well spoken by Alma Clark. Two little Emily B. Spencer. . OBITUARIES. Died, at Pima, Graham Co., A. T Nov. 23rd, 1886, Caroline Adrianna, beloved daughter of Heber and Caroline Masham, born May 8th, 1872, at Santaquin, Utah. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT, Adopted by the Y. L. M. I A, of Pima, te the memory of Caroline Adrianna Masham: ' , Whereas, by the decree of an alwise Providence, our worthy young sister, Caroline Adrianna has been taken from our midst, Resolved, That we, her associates and of rs, Ji e SALT LAKE CITY, Utah. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF ' flni unno rinl inno uiy uu'juu I) IIUUUIIO) UlUUbllUO HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, GLASS AND QUEENSVVARE, ELEGANT CUT GLASS, AGRICULTURAL TOOLS AND IMPLE- "; HEALTH AND HYGIENE. Muchardt, professor of hygiene at the Paris Faculty of Medicine, declares that aged people should have exercise for the benefit of all the organs of nutrition and locomotion as well as young people. . He says that tbfe tendency to rest brings on a gradual diminution of strength. Moderate exercise, particularly of walking, i9 commended. It la well known that the disuse of any organ impairs its powers. Why, then, should not the aged lose the use of their members the sooner from giving way to an inclination for rest. 0 C.-H- . to-nig- girls sang, "Merry Bells," with Sister Warren accompanying on the organ. Then came a recess, and after the children came in William Higgins spoke on intoxicating drinks. Delia Nixon played on the organ, while the choir sang, "Round the Throne of God' Mary Cox spoke,' very feelingly, "The Letter." "We're Marching on to Glpry," was sung, Candy, nuts and popcorn ,were passed around, and the smiling children dismissed by Lizzie Cox. -' DIED, at Nephi, Dec 31st, 1886, of paralysis, Sister Bryan. Deceased was Julia Bryan, wife of the late born in France, January 2d, 1812. She embraced the Gos. pel in 1851; was baptized by Bro. Bolton. Emigrated to Utah in 1853,' and came to Nephi' the same year, where she resided tothe time of her demise. She joined the Re lief Society at its organization, and was chosen to hold the office of teacher. She afterwards held the office of Assistant Treasurer until June last, when she resigned that .posi tion on account of declining health. "Aunt Julia," as she "was familiarly called, was a diligent and earnest worker ia the interest of the Society, faithful in the discharge of every duty, diligent in taking care of everything committed to lier charge. Rejoiced in' meeting with the sisters and bearing testimony to the truth of the Gospel, as taught and pracSaints. She left home and kin tised by the Latter-da- y lot with the people of God. On Sunday dred to cast her her seventy-fift- h birthday, her remains ware followed from the family residence to the meeting house, by her family "andTntimate' friends, the Stake and local officers, teachers, and a number xf the members of the Relief Society. After singing by the choir, 'Softly beams,'' etc., a very impressive piayer was offered by Bishop Udall. The choir sane "Mourn not the "dead," etc. The congregation was ad dressed by President C. Sperry, George Kendall, Andrew Love and David Cazjer. Her remains were followed to the cemetery by a large number of. citizens, conveyed in carriages (about forty innnmber). Singing by the choir Unveil thy boson," and "Wanted on the other side-At a meeting of the Relief Society, Dec. 6th, the follow , ing Resolutions were adopted: . -- " Whereas, it has pleased our Heavenly Father to release from her suffering our beloved sister, Julia Bryan, We, as officers and members of the Relief So. ciety, feel to acknowledge the hand of God in taking from ourmidst a good, noble, upright and devoted member of our Society, feeling that she has accomplished a noble mission, lived in the celestial" order of marriage, and with her sister wife labored for the interest of the family In blessing, she was indeed blessed, with the love and affection of her husband s children and grandchildren. Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the bereaved family in the loss of a faithful member and devoted friend and that we, her strive to emulate her exam -- . ple. Resolved, That a copy of these Resolutions be placed rs, MENTS, CLOTH AND CLOTHING, PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, CARPETS AND WALL PAPERS, ALL GRADES AND NEWEST DESIGNS. 1ST We cany a largtr and more complete v Stock than any house In the west. - 8. ELDREDCE. Supt Special to the Ladies. H. AT TEASDEL'S Will be found the latest stjles and pioductlons :. . in - LACES, RUCHES, EMBRODERIES, FANS, GLOVES, PARASOLS, RIBBONS, COLLARS, TIES, And an elegant assortmenf of JDJEZjY" - O-OOD- S: Special department for Ladies' Misses' and Shoes. 112, 114, 116, 118 Koit Temple Sire In-ant- 's |