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Show S $800 For S Minutes Work I i $100 a Minute, Just Write 50 Words in i jl Answer to This Question I ! jV l Why have 2500 Pianos been sold by Glen Dros. -Roberts Piano I I CaW k . FIRST PRIZE M U Company In six and n halt years? Wasi V To the person sending In the best answer to the above queo- IsPsssBsKJVi V vlt I wl I tlon will be given absolutely free their choice or any $500.00 piano BRHkrw 1f 9 (H In our Immense stock. . i.i -; nHssBSXW I rffl I Either Steger & Sons, Marshall & Wendell or Fischer. In KHHf jjil addition to the $500.00 piano many other beautiful and valuable kJBCiVCiisfi- Ifl presents will be given free. It costs absolutely nothing to try f ljBjfcj5Sgil jM and you may bo among the successful contestants. BsBBBswSpyv'l H CONDITIONS AND RULES OF CONTEST WSnlrJHK llH 1st. To the person sending the $100 credit Is made proper '"ivL&jnj' Jffl In thte best answer to this ques- I u8 f "W Jul tlon (Why have 2,500 pl,n0. J;; J " M.r.h.H" W.nd.11 . M been sold by Glen Bros -Rob- "w ,ed ln formhlQ th ' WU erts Piano Co., In six and one ""eoT'Aa tha prize, are so J ll half years?) will be Qlven ab- many and of such great value COUPON (L) , II solutely free tho choice of any we will accept but one answer 9 fl $500 piano In eur Immenao from one person and only one fflH ,tock " " peraen from the same family 9 2nd. To the contestant send- wilt be permitted to entar the Olen Bros. -Roberts Co. i bbbbbI ng In the second best answer contest. M will be given absolutely free a 7th. Neatneaa of work and Gentlemen: Enclosed I ! M fine $50 genuine 'Durro violin uniqueness of design will be 'fl outfit and $125 credit on any considered by the Judges In hand vou m "wer vour ifl new piano or piano player In awarding the free gifts. question: "Why havo Glen . J fl our entire stock. 8th. There will be three ! tH 3rd. The contestant sending Judges chosen from the repre- Bros. -Roberts Piano Co. J H In the third best answer will be sentatlve business men of , 2 500 ,anoa , x , I given absolutely free a fine $30 Ogden. H Victor mandolin outfit and $125 9th. The contest closes Sat- a half years? I agree to abide H credit on any new piano or urday, June 27, at 0 p. m. All ' S player piano In our entire stock answers must be In by that time by the decision of the Judges 4th. To each and every con- sooner If potslblo. H testant sending In an Intclll- 10th. The Judges will award Name. gent answer will be given ab- the free gifts at 8 p. m. Sat- H solutely free $100 credit on any urday, June 27, 1914. Ij new piano or player piano In 11th. 8tudy hard, work out Address 11 our entire stock and their your answer and send It In with lil choice of either a ladles or the coupon filled In, giving your ' III gents Elgin or Waltham watch name and address plaint writ- " i '111 t In a 20 year gold filled case, If ten. 'V j ANNOUNCEMENT W I This Is to be the most liberal advertising campaign we have ever conducted. It Is strictly an Intellec- H R tual contest and the gifts are of such value It will be well worth while for every family In this InteQ- fl 1 mountain country to try. We Invite ou to enter. It costs nothing and our past record for fair treatm I H ent stands as our bond for future square dealing with all customers. Remember: Contest closes I I I June 27, 1914. THE GLEN-BROS. ROBERTS PIANO COMPANY I ! 2470 HUDSON AVENUE OGDEN, UTAH I t?9ltfB&fUKFmfftiZ.7'ft'ff Wt" -7 i'"'i fffTT '(""'-f--iVSts'nsmrssssssssssiiisaSiss lSBBs! WBBk IS Two essentials for the successful Jl!fjLj V H WEiS&, sffi?' a Becker's Best is the true r5LP3SM I HHM ifflL M f00d bevfrt8e to tike Wi?Li: "3D I PECKEJiS flliiPin TROUT 1 ' 3TJ |