Show I kas ikas HAS THE I DRY ROT senator edmunds popularity appears to be on the wane in the IVest las elsewhere while n many till accord tobia to binm I ability as a states manin 11 many respects cU and admit that lie is shrewd and generally a correct thinker on many imbor important nt subjects that come before the senate yet he be would not do for a ruler he ite has been spoken ef of as a candidate for the united states presidency but he is thought blought to be alton altogether ther unfit for that hi high 11 position in in the nation his training has led him to distrust tho the deop people e in in fact to lose affection for them and to consider them as serfs whom lie vol r lias has right aright a to oppress and to plunder of their liberties and laii lands Is I he le would rule rulo with a high hand and as tyrannical as any british lordia he lie had bad the opportunity he ile would foster and protect land mor monopolies 10 and found an aristocracy in the republic that would gobble up the citizens and reduce them to poverty and bond sc JL C iiii n francisco examiner in speaking of the recent course ef of t the he Senator from vermont says it has the dry rot that it is hostile to the people of this ration nation we make the following extracts from ItIle article of our bay city contemporary on air edmunds movements what loes tho british aristocrat care for the ri rights lits and feelings of the people when he lie orders wholesale levic eviction tion and pulls down the homes of a hundreds of liel helpless pless creatures and them theril ont out to perish in the highways or in the workhouses or to take their chances in exile yet such an aristocracy edmunds seeks to fol found und pa or to strengthen hero here the land grants to the railroads should never have been made and but for such as ho lie would not have been made senator thurman opposed them and bowed the senate the wrong it was ra a ut todo urging that if it were needed lo 10 give aid to the projected railroads roil roads the lands should be sold to the people and money realized by the sale clyon to the companies thus sa s curing the people their rightful homes nt at faly fair prices e this was a proposition so simple beneficent and just that no fair air minded legislator could gainsay it but thurman was not listened to and the bills alienating this empire were pas passed ed the companies however fails failing m gin in a great measure to comply with the terms of tho the acte acts have no ion longer g er any claim to a great part of the tile I lands d which therefore remain in in A tice a martof of the public domain it is furthermore found that owing to th tho great profits realized in railroading abundant capital is now seeking investment Test ment ia in such enterprises which are being rapidly hurried to completion and no longer need tho the stimulating aid of a land gift lift to secure their early success this bein being g the situation it would seem that e every very one fit to oc occupy up a place in the tile councils of a re republic capulli c should stand as one ono manon man on the side of tho tile people and vote to retain the inheritance which under the regulations prescribed by the homestead act belongs to them we re regard gar d it as a most shameful outrage to take an acre acro of this land from the poor who need it to bestow it upon monopolies v are already overburdened nth with a prod property yf it seems that all these republican pu I n leaders are infected in the they are eaten up with a desire to found a patrician class by transferring every element of natural wealth in the shape of metals minerals forests or lands to a class few fw in num number berana and hostile ostile li from their interests te rests to the rights of the people george IV julian was one instance of a republican publican lle who allowed showed a dispo bi tion to struggle for the right and on that ground suffered martyrdom there is no defense possible for tile course edmunds now takes in seeking to re grant the acres of public lanatto land to tho tile monopolies wo IVO have indicated the sentiment by which liis bis action is inspired k t T THE ST louis louis globe democrat has it from good authority that the chicago burlington quincy has obtained ti a controlling voice in tb the e management of the denver A luo rio grandc grande and will shortly undertake the operation of the line which will give the CB C B Q an opening to pueblo and a share of the denver busin business essof edthe the atchison topeka saba Sa glaTe F e also alao a share ashare of edthe the union pacific business between omaha and pueblo the most important v outcome of the change will be ue the securing to the C BA Q of a line to salt lake with that division of the th rio grandc grande new now approaching completion from salt lake a connection with the central pacific will be easily formed MAKING ABOUT pec wee nei ed dov governor einor of idaho territory the bear lake democrat says ive have almost come to tile con elusion reached by uncle daniel of the boise who said to tile reporter of the idaho democrat tile other d day john johnnia n nio io neil my nephew is a little i atle stinker a and nd I want you to publish that isay I say f u SEVERAL DILLS BILM have bave been introduced in the house muse and senate during the be present session of the congress having for their object the amendment and extension of the present lav law to suppress polygamy one of the these to bills proposes to abolish woman suffrage in utah and another is 13 to allow the first wife of an alleged polygamist to testify regarding the number of his wives judge jere black mack of pennsylvania ex delegate cannon and delegate delegat e caine are opposing bea before ore the judiciary committee favorable aati action ion upon this hostile legislation A dispatch from washington further states that judge juige black i will on thursday next complete an exhaustive argument begun by him several days ago against the power of congress to enact the proposed laws pennsylvanian Pennsyl great jurist maintains that congress has no right to regulate internal affairs s of a territory where laws not in contravention of the constitution are enacted for local self government A member of the committee is authority for the statement that it will at an early day lay report an bill as a substitute for those pending before it |