Show fall and winter chinch bug fight plow and burn hibernating quarters Is advice of entomologists by W P flint chief entomologist III note natural history survey service having wrought ruin throughout the corn belt during the past two seasons chinch bugs are now going into biber hiber nation in such thick numbers that 1111 1 riots might easily lose 25 per cent of its nest next year s corn crop or more than 46 on the basis of the ten year average annual farm value of the grain A campaign of warfare against the chinch bug carryover which will be largest since 1887 was mapped out at a recent conference of fists of the central west the program covers the coming winter spring and summer fall plowing and the burning of hibernating quarters are to be stressed during the tall fall and winter campaign the attack upon the bugs next spring will be directed along the lines of plan ning cropping systems so that they will include as many crops as ble upon which the bugs do not feed some reliance will be placed upon chinch bug resistant varieties of corn at small grain harvest time many of the bugs can be killed by the use of barriers approximately 73 counties or about three fourths of the state are now in tested with chinch bugs the territory includes all of the state except a band of counties in the extreme southern part and a narrower strip of counties at the extreme north the act fact that illinois farmers have had two bad chinch bug years does not mean the end of their troubles trouble s out breaks of the bugs usually last from two to four years some former 1111 1 outbreaks not as extensive as the present one have persisted for as long as five years |