Show LL GION ro 11 11 ork sr drulis IRIS the county commissioners of both juab and millard counties have ar ranged to get money for the road work on the leamington leavington Lea nephi cut off and work will commence next week millard county has but four miles of the road within her borders and has appropriated 12 tor for the job juab county has the larger share and has appropriated 28 the total makes 40 to be spent on the tile road and the work will be divided between men of both counties according to the amount of money each county spends in other words mil lard county will receive three tenths of the work and juab county seven tenths the inception of the road waa was started some time ago by the delta lions club and it lias has been a long time coming to a head during the eaily summer some 1500 was spent in surveying the road and making the preliminary preparations and it was necessary to wait tor for state aid in making the final make work pr pro eject lect tho the road will have a much lower ower summit than the eureka road and the main reason for or making this ex tra load zoad out county Is to get a road that will be open all year go so that delta and west millard can line up with the new roosevelt high way no 5 which will be run from coast to coast the advantages of will be many when it lt Is ft fl nally completed and links delta up on a first class highway |