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Show i aw i HEW HOMESTEAD BILL. BE IT RESOLVED. Senator Siuoot !iai a bilj iu Congress giving C'olllnaton, Ptah, the settler on tbe arid or dea-tr- tultor Timed: lauds the privilege ot The Slate Horticultural intro-Uuee- .Tun.. i!fi '08 t IDS up a iunitstt'iid uf tk Society of t'tah, held moetlnjcs the first two und the Dry Fanning Congress, 'he last as four days of laat week iu Salt pake JPJO acrei instead of 1 0 acre We believe jhjvt allowed. this hill should become a law. The are thousands of $&t9 of land that are tin watered and on which irrigation can never le practiced, hut which can he made moderately productive by dry farming. Jnder the dry farming syutem as now understood it )s necessary to summer fallow, or allow the land to remain idle every second vear in or der to gather moisture enough jn the soil to produce and per feet a crop, and even then the chaju'ew are that the crop will be a partial or perha a total failure about one year in every four. As the farmer on these and lands can not raise garden truck to advantage, but must depend upon cereals almost putirly, he needs a greater arja of laud on which to make a living than the fanner in the moister climate requires. For these reasons we think it to pass thjs bill and give him who is unable to reseat, aud Ifao was very lurre at both conventions, may count themselves ery fortunate for many subjects were learnedly discussed bearing on (he horticultural and arid farming interests of this and neighboring states. to nm, Ont subjecl of ipfjfj itej-,s- t and J believs will be to many of your readers, was brought prominently before the horticultural convention In the forni of a resolution, severely criticising the promoters of Orantf'j and banana plantations in Mexico, stating that they were operating under the guise of advancing the horticultural interests of the State, and calling their business methods City. All Who were tuundance j ' That 250 of the leading fruit growers of the State were heartily In sympathy with the resolution, was evidenced by the spontaneous and prolonged applause which greeted the reading of the same. One resolution PWirJng on the subject of Mexico investments iu general Was presented to the resolution eojnmjtteo ef the Dry Fanning Congress. All the mern here were heartily n favor of it, byt on account of not being germane to the subject of arid farming, it was finally decided not to recommend itB passage. As this committee represented some of the brightest and best informed men of at least sixteen stateB It may ba of Interest to your readers to road the resolution which no favorably imIt Is as follows: pressed, them. ''VVJiereas, the Department of Agriculture in Its year book of 1901, 362 and 3G3, gave to the pubfavorpages more find a home on lic, a full statemeut and word of adable lands a chance to obtain monition regarding Investments In a homestead on which he can Mexican plantation schemes for the production of rubber aud other tropiget a living and supply the cal products by saying, in concluding needs of his family on a more a long argument on tbe question; "Rubber culture is a very complex nearly equal footing than he which has not yet received problem cppld do on the usual home- the detailed investigation necessary acres. stead of to plane It on a scientific and practical basis. Notwithstanding wideThe cold weather last week spread Interest and the Investment of called for more coal and some of millions of dollars--, It cannot be said the expur dealers had their piles clean- that rubber culture'If has passedthat perIndeed, stage, perimental ed out before they knew it, iod has been fairly reached, Whereas,' the eama dopartemnt In The difference. When a man Year Book of 190.r reiterates its IU is working for a good salary' he former and Justifies Its potakes an hour for lunch. When sition ofstatements 1901 by saying, "The reports he is in business for himself ten Which the Department has published minutes is too long. have served as a warning to the pubr The Iowa school teacher asked )lc of the essentially uneertafu charof a number of undertakings In a small boy what the result was acter rubber culture and have undoubtedly fr hen she "put 2 and 2 togeth. saved to the American public, miler?" The small replied, "Some- lions of dollars." me." Whereas, It Is generally believed body gits licked-usua- lly that approximately $4,000,000 of the at If end, there are only and Idaho capital has been intwo places, viz: heaven and hell, vested during the past five years in where shall we find the man who rubber, orange and banana schemes, drove to church every Sunday a large per cent of this coming from and left his horse standing out- the farming communities, who need ride in the cold without a blanket all the capital they now have and much more to properly develop the during services? In St- Peter's agricultural possibilities of the e lt0 7 , m m .' scheme of the sam kind, said be had icade money enough tbe past year so When h could retire from business. the question was put to him, "f'up-- 1 pose the bananas do not gww and should prove a failure on your plan- tatlon?" His answer was rety eifrj nlficant, "We will Hre!y plant and Jr. rlgate the crop. If tbe bananas do not grow, I feel tfiat we have done our duty and that W should not be blamed for an act of Prpvjdence." I could add much more along this line showing that the 8tate Hortlcul- tural Socjety and the Dry Farming Congress committee on resolutions, were Justified in considering favorably the resolutions presented before them. As I have already used much of your space, J will close and leave your readers to form their own cal- illations as to the wisdom of bringing this subject prominently before thom at this tjme. W 8, HANSEN. Tho BoakI of .r of Education, met in Kducsti-i- es ion Tuesday , Jan. 3Ht regu-- I h. all mem um preaeiu except Charlee Kimiier. It was ordered that lease be cieeutsd Hoard of Education and C. wriii tjf J. Campbell covering the ground occu pti d by the Ivvans school for a term of ouo year ut a rental of $2 annually. b t C.W.Hall reported his yUh to the Firldinjoho in collection with one of tli ( oiiliaetors who had put in the heat tag plant, and it was agreed that certain additional work be done on the plant to conform to the contract. P. M. Hansen wast autlinrir.ed tc pur ehasi a book case for the Union school. Tbe matter of building a fence inclos ing thy school grounds at Tretnonton was deferred for furth er consideration. The list of books procured for the Pottage school ltbrary by W. S. Hall was reati aMd approved. Win. Belli was appointed janitor of 'he Junction school in place of John 1 o BEAUTIFUL PICTURES 100 REE! After we find that the last year, with all its setbacks, has been a very successful one with us, and we hope it has been with you. From an economic stand-poiit would have been more successful for you had you concentrated more of your trade with us, because it's an undisputed fact that we make the prices to get "your trade, not to meet the other fellow's. And now, just to show you that we appreciate your trade, and to make it an object for you to concentrate your trade with us, we are going to give away absolutely without cost to you, stock-takin- g 100 It ordered that there be no grtdathn Iu the eighth grade of the Brlgham City M'hn.l ami ibat this grade continue In their work as outlined for the school vear. The payroll of teachers and janitors far the month ending Jan ltb, was ip proved aud the Clerk ordered to issue wureuts cavering the Kami. After passing ou ( is claims for running tbe ichool vam throughout the district, meeting waj'adjuroed to Feb. llth.at 1):'30 a. m. mi R. L. FISHBURN & SONS CO., mid-winie- r Po )rou know that it will often pay you to read tbe ads. in the Beautiful Framed Pictures, every one a work of art. See the display of these pictures in our window. Ask us and we will tell you how to get one without cost to you. Und. U-t- TREMONTON STORE. Stores at Bngham and Tremonton. SO illilii! Sale No. 3 1 Q.3ffraSLs Special 3t0 lniU of democratic desires Petitors. cabbage and bill at D, N Hammond A Hhr 12-Qu- art - 20c TWENTY CENTS 20c CO No matter what you want, if it is in the line of Hardware, you will find it at our Store and we Guarantee the Price. OO HARNESS ? Both Buggy and Team, and Eozena of the Beit Horse Collars that you have ever seen. for at We have chopped $2.00 per thousand off on all kinds of Lumber, if paid the time of purchase, 30 Save this Ad. and Return it to us. This Advertisement returned to us on or before the 15th of February will be good for 25 cents on any purchase of $5.00, Special sale and lumber excepted. Tritnoni Mercntile Co. ESTRAY NOTICE, m Galvanized Pails, vegeta If you me UanZin. Put up- In cojlapsi ble tl)b" with noj.atlc, ready to apply For any form of Pile, price 50c. Kor tail by 30 full weight and size guaranteed. Regular price 30 cents. OUR SPECIAL PRICE Co'n. It wjll be unnecessary to go through a painful, ejpemlve operation for Pjlei ) ITATB OF UTAH. t'ouiity of Hoi Klder. ) In the Mnniia Precinct t0 30 3KS9t (Inclusive,) Our Special Sale will be on Inter-- it &0 tttfiitsfr jHWKSiS From Saturday, February 8th, To Saturday, February 15th, oc - ri 1 ONE HUNDRED C nt Boari Here is one instance: Times. Last Monday a man enme into the Wilson hardware store and bought a boiler for which he paid $1.10. He could have bought that boiler on Saturday for 85 cents, but he did not read Wilson's ad. and paid 25 cents for not doing so. Wilson is making thoie special sales every week, and by reading his ads you can find out horn to save enough on purchases to pay for the Times a year and have money left. If you are going to buy any hardware this month it will pay you to cut ice box? cpuntry, Wilson ad out ef this paper and Resolved, that we denounce the unThe Populists will hold take it to his (tore, it will bring meand questionable their natioual convention in St. businesslike of of some thods employed by agents you 25 cents if you buy anything Louis m April, but it is not these companies iu guaranteeing 8 of consequence. .lust read it. believed that extra hotel facili- per cent profits on the Investments during the first year, and the delu"Denver expects its cash ties will have to be provided sive statements contained In their literature showing the possibilities of and its climate to attract the for the occasion. their companies in giving returns newhan Every time somf public ver heard of in legitimate business, Democratic convention n time remarks rolls around, speaker announces that "the from 20 per cent to 50 per cent affirst year, but guaranteeing a western the ter exchange. If it has need of the hour is men,1' he nothng, being baits thrown out to nothing else to offer, Denver strikes a responsive chord iu catch the unwary Investor, shows a lamentable ignorance Be it further resolved, that It be the hearts of thousands uf the sense of tho Trans-MissouDry lonely women. Farming Congress it) convention asThe frequent Democratic sembled, that we dlcountenance and discourage further investment of our harmony dinners also help the hope capital In foreign concerns that members f the party to con- bave not been demonstrated to be and which have not passed tinually find something new genuine experimental stage to beyond the to quarrel over. that of secure Investments, and further, that we will do all In our powWe are glad to know that er to encourage the investment of the Commoner and the lec- home capital in tbe development of especially the retures hftve been profitable home enterprises, areas of arid of the vast claiming enough fcr Mr. Bryan to run land now unreclaimed," for the presidency without a Along these lines, I would like to note a few things which have come campaign fund. to my personal notice directly, and through reliable snaffles, A Chicago woman found a IIndirectly will not mention names, but will baby in a uowspaper on the vouch for the truthfulness of every front steps the other morning, statement made, A of a presldtMit prominent But no woman who has lived Western college told pie that he in Chicago very long is sur- had been offered more than a year's salary If be would lend his prised at anything she may see name to a rubber plantation scheme. One of the promoters of an orange in the newspapers nowadays. aud banana plantation made the state Knaekeri arc hard workeri on ment on the streets of your city, that small pay and few of them get he believed the scheme which he was what they have r oming to them. working would make him at least one hundred thousand dollars Iu one ye.ir. JUNO'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS One of the tffaafseri aactjiuj nd owtvm Thmmw R9"W iocs; ;c: Phone No. 11. Lumber Company, TREMONTON, UTAH. WHERE GOOD GOODS ARE SOLD.11 if said county. the following ilesciibed esiray animal which, if not claimed and taken away, will be mid at public auction to the highest cash bidder ar my residence in Elwood, in Manlia Precinct, on M.nday, the. 17th day of February 11)08, al the hour of ij p. m. Deeefiptioa of Auimals. One dark Hay Horn, ibaut three yiars old, right hlad hoof half white, no brand vitlbli. I have in my possession . Said estrnys were takou up by mc in siiij I'ricinct on the 6th day of Feb., 19.18. 08ARUS8 KBOKSH, Pou.adknr.ir for Mioilli Precinct, Chance to Trade lor a California Farm. If you want a ten acre orchard in California, five acres of orange trees and ive acrci of bearing apricot tree for ynur Hoar River Val- ley apple orchard, please inquire for particulars at The Times office. PWEULES K DV9 for the Kidneys TReATWieY FOR 91.00 FOR SALE, THE KENT HOTEL in Tremonton. Doing the best bunnes between Ogdra and lUlftd. Twrnty well furnished rooms, all in good Reason for order, on Main Street near railroad station. iff or for selling--pohealth of ovruer. This a bargain far any man, Alio i diiirahle and torm inquire of building lot 90 by 150 feet oo Tretnent Ulreei. Fee prli F A K' T , TreafWOS, Ttab |