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Show llmSo. W. Temple; p"" la y - AND TOMBSTONES !kitoADBO SELEcVVe.OM. ggjio. State. 7? j1ANTED fc2vEOoil MODERN, UN-aSMKe UN-aSMKe on caat sido of city at u.'lij Address G 1, Tribune-. X;SE TO CALL AT 269 7TH j'fDRY AT HOME, SHIRT riilty. 4G9 Frovloy sL bl20 ''Wh' lijMBMENT WORK FOR PRI-i PRI-i jddresa F 5S, Tribune. b57 KABD AT LIVERY STABLE mna and buggy. Telephone b80 liOD WHEAT LAND, S. W. sitft "-wagon and harnoss. Boz sisl 7i WB TEAMS'. CALL 28 W. -ty 70 IJj&'BEIOK WORK: BOILER--TKeaklng in a specialty. Ad-'108" Ad-'108" Center st. b22 Uiji t.OSBD OF MY ENTIRE :,B loans, to Undo Sam, tho rrroker, SO East First South, i-Vll them regarding loans. I. !S jl TlXTLE POKY, SHETLAND Tn'lU" or address J. Will Gray. "tJOo., 1D4 Main si. a2251 0B PAID FOR FURNITURE. iioveB. 0. K. Furnituro Co., a2245 BiMBN, BETWEEN THE AGE ;jJgfor Shoo Dept. F. Auerbach PROM OWNER, S OR 6-Ml'.cn 6-Ml'.cn cast side; givo partial-iS partial-iS location. Address F 28, -XOOM MODERN COTTAGE. 5 ten car line: will pay a good fiT IS, Tribune p.2025 tfo SEAMSTRESS WISHES day. Address V -10, Trl-al429 Trl-al429 Uff - HfOLOTHING; WILL CALL. Toy. Both 'phones. t2191 i? ' JlJWORLD, COLUMBUS, 0.; yijnrnal of iiiformstion, plans. Xtfideas for advertisinc Send . ur sample or 10c for four hi rlg67 tOE PAID FOR IRON, jjVbottles, rubber, copper, etc. ,-63 E. 8th South; 'phono 'EOOND-HAND CLOTHING, &m: best prices paid. 28 Com-lfply Com-lfply hy postal card. 'Phone t7t KEALBON BUY SECOND-Mit'oves, SECOND-Mit'oves, etc 251 So. State. 4 vrllP-1 STOVES. BICYCLES. STAR tore. 31S So. State. Boll ffl ffiD SITUATIONS W M'N'G AND MET. ENG. Sjyment as mine, mill or nmclt-Jjtanager, nmclt-Jjtanager, or position as assaycr. ViTribuuc. bl30 a iSITION BY COMPETENT Wceeper, 458 W. 2nd Bo. bl31 - .. jit COMPETENT JAPANESE I) or hotel; dosirable place only its A. M., care Tribuno's Ocdcn y- , l AND RELIABLE JAPANESE -SSpecUblo family. Add. F 27. blO i WANTS STEADY JOB. mner, New Southern hotel, iS b20 . 7TTED AGENTS $POROITY OR COUNTRY; do well; experienced work-ifti work-ifti honest offort woll reward-iJtaffanufactnrera' reward-iJtaffanufactnrera' Agonts, Box rti 0tah. a2034 I PI SHED ROOMB AND FIRST-OJtfd. FIRST-OJtfd. 375 South Second East ykone 2391. h09 jiStN. FRONT ROOM WITH ftboard, suitable for married iwation, 4 minutes' walk from IXl 22S So. 2nd East. 'Phono ijt M jlfAND BOARD FOR GENTLE-?22B GENTLE-?22B E. Brlghaui. a24fi8 TbOARD AND NICE, LARGE, Jshade and lawn, easy walking ylBo, Main. al048 APPOINTED ROOMB, WITH podern home; beautiful lawn, Jtohes; easy walking ditanco. Ht. Ind. rphone 1817. a 1401 'IA-9LE LOCALITY' REASON- fuo block from XIain. 119 a260 f.fROOM IN PRIVATE FAM-Ind. FAM-Ind. 'phono 1901. 225 W. Zg x9C7 I OARD AT THE RANIER, 258 fi 'OM AND BOARD IN SMALL ly. Ind. 'phono 201 0. y!570 5lfLOST GEE 8ILK OOAtT RETURN ifjlst Sonth. Reward. bl33 V I ARE, WEIGHT ABOUT 000, on right hip. Return to ICO Jftward. 1)120 p FOR RETURN OF OPL t in bathhouse at Saluir, Sal. Otn, Knutsford. l13 TTER PPyTBUTSIS JH? Owner can have s.imo by H, advertisement. 420 Post of. b03 ANDMASSAGE uSLL TAKE TREATMENT'by' iseVr, tonsorinl art, conducted Jle parlors, CoDCtiiution bltlg., dles and gentlcinnn. Boll jp nljSJ! MEoTCONFn jtfA. M. Olsen, 520 East 8th KBcll 26U1.Y. a 1939 OME FOR CONFINEMENT 4lLlzzIo Onihlor, 33C West 3rd A GOOD, EXPERIENCED DINING-ROOM girl for pornianent position. 116 W. So. Tomplo. hl21 BARBER AT 10 WEST THIRD SOUTH stroet. YOUNG BOY TO TEND CIGAR STAND ovoulngs. Apply 49 W. 2nd So. bl30 GIRL FOR GEH'L HOUSEWORK, GOOD wages, nt 404 2nd sU b!25 A GIRL OR WOMAN COOK. APPLY 535 E. 2nd South. b!39 BARBER. TEMPLETON BARBER SHOP. bllO FIRST-CLASS WASHWOMAN, TO CALL at 103 W. 5th So., or 'phono 1431-K. GOOD TELEGRAPHERS FOR OUT OF cltv; good salary to good men. F 54, Tribuno. h53 YOUNG MAN TO COLLECT, MUST HAVE host of references. 431 D. F. W. bGO A GOOD, EXPERIENCED PAINTER, PA-per PA-per hangor and knlsomincrj steady work and good wages to right party. 031 So. Mnin. "81 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; must understand cooking. 270 E. 1st So. b4 WANTED AT ONCE. FOR WORK ON SUGAR MILL: 00 LABORERS, $2.75 FOR TEN HOURS. 16 PIPE-FITTERS, $1.50 FOR TLN HOURS. 15 BRICKLAYERS, S6.60 FOR 8 HOURS. BOARD, 35.00 PER WEEK. APPLY TO THE DYER COMPANY. NAMPA, IDAHO. 24 MEN WANTED; WAGES PAID WHILE learning tho barbor trade; positions or locations furnished. Molor Systom or Colleges, Col-leges, 02 East First South st. z221G GOOD GIEL WANTED FOR GENERAL housework; good vagos. 294 East South Temple stroet. a2286 FIRST-CLASS CHAMBERMAID AT 78 S, 2nd South. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work. HOUSE-work. 464 East Slxtl Soutlu a2020 FIRST-CLASS SAUSAGE MAKER, GOOD wagos. Applv E. D. Sutton & Co., Park City. agQSO GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work; HOUSE-work; small family. Call 72 West Sixth South. a2052 WAITRESS AT THE PALACE CAFE, 306 West South TompJe, near 0. S. L. depot. PLUMHOF'S EMPLOYMENT AOENOY. headquarters for mine, mill, smelter and R. R. laborers, hotel holp, etc. 60 East 2nd So. Bell tel. 3584. 503 WANTED RELIABLE GIRL. GENERAL housework, small family. 32 7tn East. al550 STEOCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Hotel, rcstaui-Ant and household holp. Headquarters for laborers. 69 E. 2nd South. Phones 464. f742 BOY WITH WHEEL, ABOUT 10 YEARS; Moady position. Mehesy, tho Furrier. Knatsford hotel. al456 GIRLS FOR PRESSING" OR IRONING, EX-pcriencod EX-pcriencod preferred. Apply Parisian Dye Works, Oth So. and 3rd E. 1891 LADIES' CLOTHES IRONERS AND GIRLS for general laundry work. Apply Troy Laundry. 431 So. 6th East. a 1084 WANTED AT ONCE. GOOD PLAIN COOK.' GO I et., Ind. phono 2447; Bell 2400-K. 1032 LADY CLOTHES IRONERS AND MANGLE girls at Model Steam Launch?. yl504 PUT ON-' AUTO TIRES VCLCANIZED AT Osbornc"o, 69 E. ih So. Ind. 'phone U70. x720 MASSAGE MRS. SJOBEEG, SWEDISH MASSAGE, 424 Pearl arc. Bell 'phone 2944 K. Tal:c Watorloo car. 11656 SPIRITUALI3TS 51Jv?Ai3o1tA'"iiolil day; developing class Monday; circle Wednesday, Wed-nesday, 8 p. in. Board of Trado building. al997 FOR BIG SPIRITUALIST TEST MEET-ings MEET-ings and lecture, look under clairvoyants, this paper. ol078 MRS. HARRIET FONTYN, TRANCE ME-dium; ME-dium; meetings Sunday and Thursday, S p. tn. 267 S. W. Tomplo. w490 LADIES' APPAREL FROM THE EAST; ALMOST NEW skirts, waists, jackots, dress nnd cvon-ing cvon-ing gowns at your own pricn. Ill E. 2nd South. s373 ATTORNEYS J. E. DARMER, LAWYBR. OFFICES, 72 and 73 Oommercial blk. 'Phonos 04D-Z and 1217. w2748 TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES RENTED, REPAIRED, EX-chansed, EX-chansed, sold. Utah Typowriter Eschanco Co.. 02 Weait 2nd So. ai5Q5 A. COLLIS, PAINTER, P APE RHANGElt and kalsominer. 201 Baltimore arc. Bell phono 2030-K. wl47 SPECIAL MBETn.'O ARNOLD-DICKSON Hall tonight, 260 E. 3rd South. Admission Admis-sion 10 conts. Everybody invited. bl4l WE TELL EVERYTHING, NAME LNOLUD-t-d. Arnold-DicVson Bros. Entrance to now office 207 E. 3rd South st. 10 to 7-ao daily- (No signs.) yiQ MADAME ALIESE PINK, CLAIRVOYANT medium and card reading. Hfl South First West, now ul n- now location, Telephone Tele-phone 3844-K. nlS68 IF IN DOUBT, CALL FIRST ON MADAM Schneider, noted palmist, card rooder and psychic, for correct and valuable advice ITas helped thousands, will holp yon. 48 W. 3rd So. r924 PHONOGRAPHS EDISON PHONOGRAPjrARL3R32TX W. Temple. Fonc 1146-X. ol 007 JPIE--60j000 iEET ALSO STEAM HOISTS, ALLKHsTmA ihluory, Dtcaiu and electricity. J. Swcui. 386 So. 3rd' Wcst n9l5 SOALP TREATMENT M'JraURINGTHAMPOOINd."' ' HARPER molhod. COO Tho Tcmpletou. I'one 3702-Z. ' a809 ALLJPAPER CLEANED BU TTDPAlpE'CLAl?INOorpI orders nt Smith Drug Co.; both 'phones 258. y33 KAPLAN HOUSE CLEANING CO.; SATIS. faction guarnnteed. 031 Main; both 'phonis 1800-Y. jt2404 ENGRAVERS AND J3ESIGNERS ETCHINGS, HALF-TONES ANDOUTsTDn BOUZEK Kiigravlnf Co. 2010 FOERENT TWO ROOMS IN A BRICK COTTAGE, cIobo in; positively no children. Inquire 134 West Oth So. b!23 THREE-ROOM BRIOK, $10. E. L. JONES, 100 Main. bH8 OR SALE: 3-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, WITH largo lot, wost sido. CaU 55B S. 10th East. b!38 FIVE-ROOM BRICK, 'MODERN. BOTH 'phonos. Ind., 4030: Bell, 137-Z. 550 West First North. a22B8 NEW BRICK, 4 ROOMS, MODERN. y332 W. Oth No. Inquiro 555 V. 1st North. al.r6' MODERN G-ROOM 2-STORY HOUSE, S26. 38 So. 7th E. Inquire :lrst houso in roar. CLOSE IN, 2 OR 3 STALLS WITH LOT attached. Applv 23 Wulkor Hank bldg. i1279 ELEGANT 8-EOOM nOUSE. THOEOUGH-ly THOEOUGH-ly modern, up-to-date; cor. 2nd 3, and 4th E, Ref. required. Call Anderson Real Est. Iuv. Co., 300 llorald blk. Tel. 474 al070 NEW MODERN SEVEN-ROOM. 10d0 1ST st. W. E. Ware, 62 Hoopor bid);. a93 SEVEN ACRES OF LUCERNE. APPLY to 352 East First South STOREROOMS, 213 STATE CTREET, : uenr Second South; 3 storerooms, cornor Second South and Second East. Now, good location. Apply G. S. Holmes, Knutsford I hotel. yOl SEVEN-RM. BRICK; BATH, ELECTRIC lights; closo in; iasy walking distanco; rent $25. Brice, nuoito 457, or 1414-X. xC02G UPRIGHT PIANOb FOE RENT. RIVERS Bros., 140 Man. st. r!594 DESK ROOM. EF.AL ESTATE ASSN., 15 W. 2nd South. X1311 -I CLOSE IN, TWO OR THREE STALLS, with separate food room. Apply 23 Walker Bank bide. x2237 SUITE OF 3 OR 4 LARGE, WELL-LIGHT-ed office rooms, with fireproof vault, suitable suit-able for law firm or mining company. Apply Ap-ply at room No. 1 Mackintosh building, corner West Tomplo and 2nd South sts. y2C0 MEAT AND GROCERY BUSINESS, FINE location, long lease; cheap to light party if applied for soon. Address G 2, Trlouuo. bl20 CONTENTS 8-ROOM MODERN ROOMING houso, ront $32.50; easy terras. No. 261 E. 2nd South. bl-12 ALMOST NEW NATIONAL CASH REGIS-ter REGIS-ter and book case, folding bed, dining table, ta-ble, cheap. Inquiro Toora 112 over Keith-O'Brien's Keith-O'Brien's store. 1)143 GOOD MILOH COW FOR SALE. 362 4TH avo., Waterloo car. bllG FURNITURE OF 3 ROOMS; BARGAIN. Add. F 67 Tribune. bl32 ALL OR PART OF 7 ROOMS OF ELEGANT furnituro for sale. No roasonablo offer refused. re-fused. 10 E. 7th So. bl28 TWO TICKETS TO CRIPPLE CREEK, Colo., via Colorado Springs; cheap. 120 East Fourth South. b78 GENTLEMAN'S TICKET TO INDIANA. D. & R. G. to Donver; U. P. to Kansas City; Wabash to destination. No description. Address Ad-dress F 23, Tribune. b55 FURNITURE OF NINE-ROOM HOUSE, ALL filled with good boarders, for solo; cheap. 614 South Stato. b63 FURNITURE OF TWO ROOMS BY THE 12tb. 715 East Fourth South. Belt 'phono 3286-Z. b71 CADILLAC A 1 TOURING CAR, IN FIRST-class FIRST-class condition; highest ohcr above $350 takes it. August Stokor, 71 South Stato. b70 CEMENT BLOCK PLANT, THOROUGHLY equipped aud ready fur operation. Address box 1419, city. v2200 CIGAR, FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY storo; good location. Address F 52, Tribuno. Trib-uno. bl3 FURNITURE AND LOCATION OF 10-ROOM houso, '3 -block of Main sU; oxcollcnt for ' oardlng-house. AddrcsB F 49, Tribuno. a2474 BLACKSMITH SHOP, STOCK AND TOOLS, and 2 houses and 2 lots; good business; work for two men. For particulars address A. Honson, Dubois, Ida. .12278 A FINE YOUNG SADDLE HORSE FOR salo cheap. 635 Tourth street. a2243 AN AUTO, 1904, AT UNUSUAL 8ACRI-flco; 8ACRI-flco; owner loavlng city. AddToss Postmaster, Postmas-ter, Garfield, or call 510 E. 5th So. after 7 p. m. R2231 Al JERSEY COW, WITH CALF. 1346 West 7th So., Poplar Grove. a2232 LIGHT SPRING WAGON AND HARNESS. cheap. 213 S. Oth East. FRESH YOUNG MILCH COWS FOR SALE. ! Inquiro 324 South State Et. a2100 j RESTAURANT, WITH 6 FURNISHED rooms in connection; doing fine business; good location. Address V 45, Tribune. a21G0 EUROPEAN HOTEL, BEST ON MAIN ST., 31 rooms, nlcoly furnished and strictly first-class In ovory respect; owner sick and has to leave city; must sell at onco. Capital R. E. I. Co., 17 W. 2nd South. a2166 A FEW A NO. 1 DRIVINO AND DRAFT horses. Call Ind. 'phone 10101. xl24C BEOOND-HAND NATIONAL CASH REGIS-tcrs, REGIS-tcrs, fully guaranteed. Other makes at half price. Oscar Groshell, 221 Main st. a.2087 TWO LIGHT WORK TEAMS AND A FEW unbroke horses at Star barn, 120 E. 4th So. a 1093 TWO UPRIGHT PIANOS. FIRST-CLA33 condition. Tho 8trlnger Co., 70 West 2nd South. a!570 AUTOMOBILES NEW AND SLIGHTLY used, of all makes; many foolish sacrifices sacri-fices by rich owuors. Tho Auto Exihuugo, rear 253 Main. a38 , FIRST-OLAS8 POOL TABLE. INQUIRE ' 272 South Maiu. BUY OR SELL ROOMING HOUSES, GRO-eery GRO-eery stOrei, restaurants, cigar stores, or any business opportunity through mo. A Hichtcr, Roal estate. Business Opportunity Dept., A. h. Bmttahi. Mgr., 10 W. 1st So. a949 FOR SALE 15 DRIVING OR WORK teams; horses weigh from 1000 to 1400 pounds each. M'rito or cnll on S .1. Taylor, manager Lehl llorso Co., Lehi, Utah. aOOl A FIRST-CLASS MERCANTILE BUSINESS on the best cornor in a thriving aud growing town of about 500 inhabitants. For particulars address R., P. O. box 47, Garland, Gar-land, Box Elder county, Ulah. x2546 CALL UP 'PHONE 2070-X FOR STRICTLY fresh eggs. MAMMOTH PEKING DUCKfTrOR SALE or nxchango for chickens. 'Phono 2070-X. GOOD BET BLACKSMITH TOOLS, NEAR-ly NEAR-ly now, at 767 S. West Tvinplo. al25fl NO. ONE WORK TEAM: 2600 LBS.; WAG-on WAG-on and harness. 123 E. 4th So. yllGl SODA FOUNTAIN, A BARGAIN. WHITTE-more, WHITTE-more, 06 W. 2nd So. xl033 HORSE, HARNESS AND PHAETON. nZ quiro McCoy's btablc. 461 110 TONS NATURAL SPRING WATER ICE for sale choap. Apply 217 Commercial club building. n34G FOR ALL KINDS OF BUSINESS OPPOR-tunitios, OPPOR-tunitios, write, phono or see Newcomb, 63 H W. 2nd So.; both phonos. yl3S0 ARCHITECTS EESKINE li LILJENBERGinBlioOOLY buildiuff. Ind, 'ihono 843; Bell 84B-K, Artistic homos. y(j FOE SALE OR RENT, 1BT-0LA8S CAFE IN GOOD LOCATION, Inquiro at 30 E, 1st So. h7 TWO-ROOM MOD. FLAT, NEAR O. S. L. depot. Cnll 270 West So. Tomplo. 3378-Y. bll7 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. 10 E. 7th So. Phono, Ind. 4141. bl27 1G4 EAST BRIGHAM, NICBLY FUR-ulshcd FUR-ulshcd front rooms for gentlemen; o, 1 bath, shade. bl30 TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR liyht housokooplng; no chlldron; rout $10 por month. 74 S. 2nd W. bl37 THREE-ROOM FURN. HOUSE, ELECTRIC light. 414 Nortlj 3rd Vost. b59 WELL FURN. STRICTLY MODERN ROOM. 325 So. 2nd East. b01 HANDSOMELY FURN. PARLOR BED- room, strictly modern, for man nnd wlfo or two gentlemen, 1 blk, oast of Eagle Gate. 241 East So. Temple. b07 TWO FURN. RMS. FOR LIGHT HOUSE-keeplng. HOUSE-keeplng. 234 W. 1st No. b70 FURN. FLAT. HOUSEKEEPING, MODERN, close In. No. 0 Kondall square. Inquiro 443 So. 1st Wost. h77 J TWO ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOU3EKEEP-ing, HOU3EKEEP-ing, cheap. 222 E. 2nd So. b82 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE-kooplcg. HOUSE-kooplcg. 214 Wont First South stroot. TWO NICELY FURN. ROOMS, MOD., AT 217 West 4th So. hO FURN. ROOM AT 360 SO. WEST TEMPLE; no children. oll ONE LARGE ROOM, FURN.- FOR LIGHT housekeeping. Inq. 103 So. 2nd East. bl9 NICELY FURN. RMS. FOR SLEEPING OR housekeeping. 118 Center st. b30 A MODERN FIVE-ROOM FLAT. NICELY furnished. 470 East Third South stroet. FIVE-ROOM MODERN BRICK HOU8E, $35 month. Call bot. 9 and 12 a. m., 425 Oth st. a2172 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMB AND BATH. 241 E. So. Temple. 1 blk. east of Eagle Gato. a2453 NEWLY-FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GEN-tlemcn GEN-tlemcn at 271 East Third South. a2421 TWO ROOMS, CLOSET AND PANTRY. FUR-nlshod FUR-nlshod for housekeeping. 44 North Soc-ond Soc-ond Wost. THREE ROOMs! PLANO, ELECTRIC light and bath. 4 1 N. Second West. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRI-vate PRI-vate family. 217 Brlgham stroet. a2339 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. FiRBT DOOR south of poftofllcn. S72'2 South Main. o2S4 LARGE ROOMS, SINGLE OR EN SUITE; water. 108 a West South Temple street. Rear for light housekeeping. a2357 THREE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMB, with piano; p.iutrv and closet; o. 1.: no children. 555 South West Tomplo. a2301 MOD. FURN. FRONT ROOM FOR G2N-tlonian; G2N-tlonian; private family. 670 So. State st. .12225 THE PLEASANTON, HANDSOMELY FUR-nlshed FUR-nlshed rooms; modern; close in. No. 0 Kendnll square. Ind. phono 1030. a2037 TWO NICE. LARGE HOUSEKEEPING roomv 165 E. 2ud So. 3 OR 4-ROOM COTTAGE OR FLAT, MOD-urn. MOD-urn. cood location. V. 48, Tribune. a 1624 FIVE-ROOM MOD. COTTAGE NO. 3 OLIFT place. al76" TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping; modern. 70 E. N. Temple st. al573 TWO BUITi-i OF FRONT ROOMS FOR housekeeping; gas and bath. 62 Richards Rich-ards st. al288 THREE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping; closo in. Phono 2394 K. ONE NIOELY FURNISHED ROOM. COOL nnd quiet. Inquiro roac 123 E. 3th South. y2l49 TWO NEWLY FURN. FRONT ROOMS AT 273 West 3rd So a230 NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT at 630 B. Str.tc. A NIOELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH USE of piaua, $10; modern. 33 Grope st. yl953 ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. 219 W. 3rd So. LARGE, CLEAN ROOMS FOIi HOUSE-kceping. HOUSE-kceping. at 227 West 1 st So. yl018 JMNEYTOJL $20 TO $10,000. On any good security; best torms and rates in the city; strictly private; for money seo Equitable Loan & Iuv. Co., 03 H W. 2nd So A. McKellar, president. al024 QUICK LOANS ARE AS IMPORTANT AS cheap money; wo furnish both. Tho Home Trust & Savings Co., 010 West 1st South. a605 DON'T BORHCW TROUBLE; BORROW monor; salaried in on or women accommodated accom-modated on tholr note without mortgage or indorser; easy payments; confidential. Cherry, 407 D. F. Walker bldg. o5l7 PRIVATE LOANS; NO REMOVAL: 1.0 W rato; easy payment. 210 Alias blk. o806 ON UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS. MILLER & VIele, 303 MeCoruIck bldg. EASY MONEY, EASY TERMS, EASY rates; very private; chattels and othor securities. See us. Room 209, Atlas block. 1019 ON ANY PROPERTY: YOU RETAIN FOB-sot-slon. Tho Stringer Co., 70 W. 2nd South. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon (heir own names without r.ecurlty; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In 60 principal cities; oave yourself money by getting our terms first. Tolman. 388 Atlas bldg. v870 ON REAL ESTATE SECURITY. THOMAS W. PARTRIDQE, Real Estate and Mortgages. 55 Commercial Block. yl571. ON MORTGAGE. NO COMMISSION. LOW- cst rates. Pomoroy, 36 W. 1st North. r u881 AT LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST ON furniture, pianos, liorscs, etc.; confidential; terms to suit. 140 Main St., r. 310. o581 FOLLOW THE CROWD. THE EQUITABLE Loan & Inv Co., 03 A W, 2nd So., loans mouoy on real f.ttato, furniture, pianos or any good security at lowost la toe, strictly private; ary amount. xl015 OHEAPE8 C PRIVATE MONEY IN CITY. Choupest private Jioucy on furniture, pianos, pi-anos, vehicles, horses or any chattel oocurity; lowest ratos, easiest terms, long or short time; very privato. Seo 'is before borrowing. Room 112, over Koith-O'Brion store. x5 WE LOAN MONEY TO BUILD HOMES. Wo will loun you the money at reasonable rato; ono can build cheaper now than later on. Salt Lako Security Ss Trust Co., 33-34 Main at. In our own nuildlng. ASK YOUR FRIENDS WHERE TO BOB-row BOB-row money on real estate. Wo will treat you as wo have troated them. Fourteen voars' experienco with Only ono foreolosuro Is our record. Russcl L. Traoy, 11 E. 1st South. W1313 CHEAPEST RATES ON FURNITURE, PI-anos. PI-anos. etc., without removal. Room 3. over Utuh National bank. h2181 $1000 AT 0 PER CENT; $2000 AT 6 PER cent. Homer & RoborUon, Main and 1st So. (Dosoret Bank bldg.) (1400 $1000 TO $6000. ONE TO FIVE YEARS, farm nr nl(y proporty. Jnmes K. Shaw Si Co., over 153 bo. Main nt. rl005 MONEY TO LOAN ON PIANOS. FUHNI-turo, FUHNI-turo, any good security, or to salaried people; peo-ple; easy payments; private. Mutual Loan Co., 10 West 2nd South at. 1610 838 WEST THIRD SOUTH. Offered $20 por month ront. Owner wanti to Bell. Tho price, $2100, moaning 10 por cout not on money invested. It is a modornN cottage: porcelain bath, and in first-class ro-pnlr. ro-pnlr. Tho lot 35x140 to alloy. Look it up. 08 R STREET. Sovou-room modern two-atory frame. Belongs Be-longs to an c3tato. It must bo sold and can make reasonable terms. Tho prico, 82600. Offorod $26 por month ront for it. Will not 10 per cent on money invested. West Temple near Sevonth South. A 5-room modern brick cottago, 22rl0 rods, woll improved and in first-class condition. condi-tion. $3650. Near Sixth South and Eighth East, on an avenue, 7x10 rods. $1000. Mako offor. 1057 Windsor avonuo. A 4-room brick cottago, wuter and olec-trJc olec-trJc lights in house; room for bath and two roomB can bo flnlshod upstairs; tho lot 60x157 feet to alloy nnd surely cheap at $2100. Noar Ninth East and Eloventh Sonth. A 5-room brick, two yoars old; room for bath; water and o. 1. in house, and tho lot 6x10 rods; cost present ownor $2000. Wants it sold quickly; prico, $2100; $1200 cash, balance $900, 0 per cent. On a cornor on First stroet. 3x8 rods, facing south aud west; beautiful beauti-ful shado; nlco high olovatlon, with an 8-room 8-room modern two-story rcsldeucc; good barn and barn lot besides. $0000. No. 1080 Third strcol. A 6-room modern two-utory brick, lot 2l3x 10 rods; furnaco; it is an up-to-dato and modern houso. $4000. Cau mako reasonable torms. Ho. 923 Third street. It's a 7-room modern residence, all modern conveniences. It's brand now; It la bettar built than you could build it yourself. Will make roaoonablo price nnd terms. Seo It. If you aro looking for a modern cottago on tho northoast bench, have them everywhere. every-where. Prices, $2100 up. I am cotraln that every cottago for sale in that part of tho city in on my list. A. RIOHTER, 19 Vost First South street. 'Phonos 041. .12265 WE SELL REAL ESTATE. THAT'S ALL. Tuttle Bros., 163 Main. Rod ball signs. ol397 VACANT AND IMPROVED PROPERTY, all parts of city. Mecko h Lynch, 315 AUns block. b70 WAKE UP AND LOOK AROUND YOU. SEE tho Improvements on cvory side and the advance taking place in all parts of the city. The present prices and easy terms will not last. Just lako a rido out aud surprise yourself your-self for onco. It costs you nothing to look. Hubbard Invu Co. NEW MODERN PRESSED BRICK, 4 rooms, cor. lot, fine location, $2150. 5-room modern brick, close In. $2250; a bnrgnin; will take lots worth $000 as first payment, bai. $20 por mo. Both these were built Just boforo rise In labor and material, and you can't duplicato them now for less than $300 each additional. Hubbard Inv't. Co. 10X20, NEAR 0. S. L. SHOPS. $976 (worth $1500), $375 cash. bal. 6 and 12 mos., 0 per cent Int. Address F 50, Tribune. 10X20. NEAR 3RD W. AND OTH N., $1350. A sacrifice. Must be cash. Address F 65, Tribune. R 0 MN E Y-KIM BALL AGENOY, 30 MAIN St., conduct a general roil estate, brokerage and Insurance business. a264 FLANSFHiNmiB for llttlo money. Win. Pack, 13 Wellington Welling-ton court. ind. 3810. a!028 66 E. 1st So.; 200 rooms; rates, 20c, 35c and 50c. xlp61 HOUSE MOVING wllnliouliiEM kinds of house-moving. 1300 Glenn st. Both phones. P. J. Wolf, Manager. a202 SAFES n1bvndseondhm;d7as or time. Soronsou-Stoutt Co., solo agents for the "old reliable Hall's uafos." Beware of imitations Office, I. X. L. Furniture Stor. 48 K. 2nd South . n441 BUSINESS CHANCES MEjToRWMllN' soiling Utah stocks for good, reliable company; com-pany; oxperlenco unnecessary. Call or write Utah Investment Co.. 320 Atlas Blk. a2403 ASSAYERS cismwTniclTasaybr and chemists, removed to 229 So. West Temple. W1792 UNION ASSAY OFFICE. M. S. Hanauor. J. V. Sadlor. 162 So. West Temple. P. 0. box 1440. Analytical work a specialty. Prico list roallod. t2104 JOHN STEWART. ASSAYER AND OHEM-Ist, OHEM-Ist, 24 E. So. Tomplo St., Salt Lako Citv. Utah. nOlO ICE CREAM MANUFACTURER THEKEEEYCU and shorbots; prompt delivery. 20 Rich-ards Rich-ards stroot; both 'phones 3223. w657 PANAMA HATS BLEACHED bToketdretrTmmed pert. Fred Taylor, 24 E. 1st South. 'Phono 1871 X. 11711 ACCORDION PLEATING AcomoN7slEn7mms sTdlbat ing and pinking. Mrs. Jenneiib, 253 South Third East : Bo Jphono 304 7 K. UPHOLSTERING & REPAIRING PARLOR "FniNTlHiEIHHoXsEElD and repaired. Estimates submitted on request. Phonos 3290. S. L. Matt, .t Mfc. Co.. 153 W. 1st So. aaj HAY, COAL AND GRAIN HARVjfYlTorTKrW phono 1032-Z; Ind. 1214. C ASHORE GIST EES NATIONAL CASH REGISTER" SOAR Groshell. sales agent, No. 221 Main st. Expert cash register repairing Soooud-hand Soooud-hand registers always in stock. u!580 SCAVENGERS UTAH"BOAVE?Glin 3rd E. Ind. 3048; Boll 2610-K. i282 HAT FACTORY HATS OF ALlT KINDS CLEANED blocked, romodolod. Room 37, Eaglo Block. 'Phono 1364-Y. n2477 SPRING WAGON 'AND HARNESS. 2-SEATED" PLATFORM SPRING FOR2 horses, good brakes nnd covered, sultabln for canyon fishing or hunting parties; also double harness ; sell cheap. Inquire 800 3rd Ht. Bell 'phono 707-Y. bi. DRESSMAKING. mtE88ALKINa TATLORNGAND Rlf pair uurk, 524 Constitution blk, 1075 i OjlLE MIDSUMMER BARGAINS. I A good 3b:-room brick cottage, four rooms downstairs and two up, pore, bath tnb, cellar, oloc. lights, comcnt walk around tho houso, lawn front nnd back, near 8th East and 2nd South, nil for $2000. A good four-room brick cottage, pantry and closot, city water in, olec. lights, on tho northwost sido; $2500; can arrango terms. A neat four-room brick cottago, bath room (but no tub), pentry, closet, collar, eiec lights, southeast, in n court; $1700; easy terms, Wc can fit you out in anything in tho roal ostato line. Ranck Real Estate ti Invt. Co., suite 231, D, F. Walker blk.' bllO GOOD BUYS IN SMALL HOMES. In Forest Dale, swell 4-room rustic, dou-blo dou-blo lining of brick and building papor, air chambor, o. 1., fine water, fruit troes all kinds, grapos, chicken coop, barn, buggy shed, etc., lot 60x156! $1000. 3- room frame, lot 60x144, fino shado and garden, near Main and 12th Bo.; $700. 4- room brick, woll built, lot 2laxl0, near R. G. dopot; SI 600. 6-room frame, rock foundation, front aud back porch, large rooms, lot 50x110, near 11th E. and 11th So.: $1250, 3-room frarao, lot 2y rods front, roar 4th N. near 4th W.; $000, $100 cash, bal. easy. 6-room brick and frame, finely docorated, artesian well, barn, chicken coop, fino shado, lot 00x125, in Watorloo: $1800. 5- room brick, with fino cornor lot 6x6 rods, N. W.; $2000. 6- room brick, modern, lot 2x10, "with Joint drivoway, near Brig, and Q; 32450. Can make reasonable terms on all. LITTLE & LITTLE, Undor Nat. Bnk of Eopubllc. bl22 SNAPS: A-l LOT, S. E., NEAR OAR LINE, $350; also now, largo Turkish rug, worth $210; will tako good cow, driving horse or store goods as part payment; bal. cash; also clogant 6-r. modorn brick, 3VsXlO, by owner, cnat side; terms. P. O. box 008. bll5 OWNER WILL SELL CHEAP ON EABY torms a 7-room modern cottage; nice yard; corner lot. 774 E. 7th So. &1414 MONEY TALKS HERE. Owner leaving city Is forced to sell his nlco five-room modern pressed brick cottage, situated on boautiful Third street near I streot. If yon want a nlco cottago, in a choice location, with a large lot, at a bargain, bar-gain, see this ons at once. If you can equal It at our price, don't buy it. A BARGAIN FOR SOMB ONE. A. M'!ELLAR & CO., G32 West Second South. a2273 WHY RENT WHEN YOU CAN BUY, ON oaey terms, a 7-room, two-Btory modern house on one of the best streets In the city? It has a large reception hall, parlor, dining-room, dining-room, kitchen, pantry and collar; four bedrooms, bed-rooms, with closets to each: bath and all other modern conveniences. The architecture could not be Improved upon. The lot a 2x9, with right of way. Is worth half what wa are asking. Not one twig or spear of gram could be planted that would add to IPj beauty. Owner leaving city ana will sell at a sacrifice sacri-fice rather thau rent. $3160. BUCKW ALTER & SERMON, 327-328 Atlas Block. Bell 'phone 35C0-X. 2024 SURE SALES THRU Ashton & Jenkins, 73 So. Main st. a655 BUY NOW- To wait means that you will pay more for your property. Remembor the advice wo gave you one, two and three yaars ago. Look at the conditions now, and you realize that the predictions wo made have been realized in every instance. Those of you who took our advlco to BUY NOW have made money; those of you who told us you would wait a yoar or so, until prices became lower, are now paying for your folly. Our advlco is always good on roal estate, because wo are real et-tato et-tato experts and keep In touch with conditions. condi-tions. If wo felt that property values wero too high and that they would be lower a llttlo later, and if you wero a cllont, we would toll you (Just as chorfully) to wait as we do to BUY NOW. Tho trend of values Is yet for-ward for-ward and upward. Wo have several good buys, both for speculation in homes. In vacant lots or in income investments. For instanco: 5 acros near 7th E. and 10th So.; $5200. This will cut into 50 lots, and lots in that locality are now selling at $200 to $300 per lot. Figure up your profits. 330x330 ft.. 8th So. near Main, $10,000; good for doublo your money if you cut it np. 10x17 rods, a corner on east side, $6000. A suro profit in this. Double houso, 0 rooms each, pressed brick, modem, nearly new, in best residence section, northeast, 3x10 rod lot, $5600, ronts or $55 monthly. This Is 12 per cout on the investment. invest-ment. Thoso aro only samples from our large list; we have somo good buys in homes and building lots. Soo us. PETERSON R. E. INV. 00., 330 Main. b72 REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. U. P. R. R. lands. E. J. Wills, 15 W. 2nd So. ml837 AUGUST IS THE MONTH TO BUY BAR-galns BAR-galns In homos or investments. Wo havo them. Two nice furnlshod cottages for rent. Mahan Inv. Co., 27 Eaglo blk. b3 LIST PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT with Capital Real Estato Investment Co., 17 W. 2nd So. Ind. phono 60. h649 FOR REAL ESTATE, BU8INBSS OHANOE8, see Utah Investment Co., 326 AUaBblock. 1741 LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US FOR quick sales; wo have tho buyers. Anderson Ander-son Real Estato Investment Co., Bell 'phone 474. Rooms 300-301 New Herald bldg. 11369 LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. B. OAS-ady OAS-ady & Co., 407 Atlas blk. Bell phone 2227. xlC30 HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INV. 00 REAL estate and loan brokers. 261Maln. al400 MODERNDOUBLE HOUSE, FURNISHED lst-class. 0x10 rods; must sell. 223 W. 5tn So. a!703 MAIN ST. FRONTAGE. $20 to $100 por ft. that will double soon; easy torms. Hubbard Inv. Co., 78 W. 2nd South. al273 8IX-ROOM HOUSE. 637 E. 7TH SOUTH, $1850; torms to suit purchaser. 7- room brick, modorn, 161 So, Oth East; $4500, If takon at onco. Two 4-room modern brick houses, rent for $38.00 per month; $1500; terms. Marnane & Co., 52 Com'l block. 'Phone 1412-K. all70 C. J. BOW.MAn" CO., HOMES ON EASY puymens. Rooms 11 and 12, Eagle blk., both 'phones. all40 LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE WITH Salt Lako Abstract, Loan fc Investment Co. 60 Main st. 'Phones 704. al20 WHEN YOU BUY OR SELL, Kcop in mind tho fact that Wo mako correct abstracts, Guarantee ngalnst all errors in title, Examlno titles. Attend all details of purchase or sale. Tho Homer Abstract Co., Inc., Main and 1st So. , undor Desoret bank. 41242 j BUILDING LOT, 40x160 TO ALLEY, FA(T ing park on 7th East; $700, from ownor. Address V 33, TrPiuno. al247 8EE US FOR REAL ESTATE AND LOANS. Buckwaiter & Bcrmon, 327 Atlas bloofc. x278 INVESTORS' REAL ESTATE SNAPS, KEL-soy KEL-soy & Glllosplo, 22 E 1st So. pl2G0 IFYOU WANT To SELL 8oe O. W. Mlllor, 112 W. 2nd South. m2265 FOR MID-SUMMER BAROAIN8 SEE RANCK Roal Estuto h. Investment Oo., suite 232 D, T. Walkor Blk. aS086 A 4-ROOMBD, MODERN PRESSED BRICK: 3x11 rods; close in; cheap. Inquire 20 Apricot aU yl077 AN ORDINANCE. jH An ordinance lovylng a tax upon th , property abutting on both sides of Sixth East street from the south aide oC South Tomplo Htroot to the. north side of Third South stroot, in Paving District No. -26, for the purpose of providing; for the grading, guttering .and curbing, and pav-ing pav-ing thoreof. Be its ordained by Lho City Council of, Salt Lake City, Utah: Section I. That snld Council does hereby lovy a tax and provide for tho assessment upon lho roal proporty here-hinder here-hinder described abutting on both sides of Sixth East street from tho south side of South Temple street to the north sido of Third South street, In Paving District jjH No. 2C, in Salt Lako City, Utah. jH This tax is levied to dofray the ez- jB pense of grading, guttering and curbing with cement, and paving with, macadam two roadways (said macadam pavement on each of said roadways to bo twenty-four twenty-four (24) feet wldo and nine (0) inches BV thick), with a twouty-four (24) foot park between, on Sixth East stroot from the south sido of South Tomplo streot to the north side of Third South streot, and it Is hereby adjudged, determined and es- HBSj tnbllshcd that tho grading, guttering and curbing, and paving of said street will BVJ thereby benefit the property abutting theroon, nnd hereinafter described, to . HftV the full amount of tho estimated cost HJ Said property is to be assossod at an j equal nnd uniform rato in aooordance HftV with the linear foot frontage upon said portion of said street. Tho cost and oxpenso of making said jH Improvement is estimated at four and 25-100 ($4.25) dollars per linear front . fool, nnd the tax hereby lovlod and to . be assessed upon said property Is four and 2G-100 ($4.25) dollars per linear front foot abutting on said portion of jlHI said street, and tho City Treasurer Is hereby authorized and directed to assosB said properly, and to collect said tax in BV accordance with tho provisions of thla ordlhanco for tho purpose herein men- Honed. The property hereby assessed consists . or the following described lots and pieces of ground, to-vvlt: . All of lots 1 and 8, block fit; all of lots 1, C, 7 nnd 8, block 52; all of lots 1 and 8. block 47; all of lots 2, 3, 4 and x HSV 5, block 60; all of lots 4 and 5, block 53; all of lots 2, 3, 4 and 6, block 4G. plat "B," Salt Lako CUy Survey, as the same appear and are shown upon the official plats of eald city. The total amount of said tax to be so levied and collected at the rate of four and 25-100 ($4.25) dollars per linear front foot, Is sixteen thousand eight bun-dred bun-dred and thirty (U6.830.00) dollars, there being 3060 feet abutting said improve-mont. improve-mont. Section 2. That Bald tax levied as AforeBald upon said property shall be- come delinquent as follows: One-tenth of tho total amount of eald tax eo levied shall become delinquent September 15, 1006: One-tenth thereof shall become de-linquent de-linquent September 15, 1007. BBS One-tenth thereof shall become de-linquent de-linquent September 15, 1905. One-tenth thereof shall become de- HKVJ linquent September 15, 1809. UKJJ One-tenth thereof 6hall become de-linquent de-linquent September 15. 1910. One-tenth thereof shall become de- HBV linquent September 15, 1911. One-tenth thoreof shall become de- BV linquent September 15, 1912. One-tenth theroof shall become de- HBV linquent September 15. 1913. One-tenth thereof shall become de-linquent de-linquent September 15. 1914. One-tenth thereof shall become de-. linquent September 15. 1915. Each of said installments except the first, ehaU draw Interest at the rate of BBS six per cent per annum from the time BVH of this levy until delinquent, and if any or BVJ either of said Installments shall becoma delinquent, Interest thereon shall be at the rate of eight per cent per annum from delinquency until such delinquent Installments arc fully paid. Section 3. That the entire amount of tax so levied nnd nssessed on said prop-orty prop-orty may bo paid by the ow.ner of said HBVJ property or the entire equal proportion of said tax upon any piece of property may be paid by any person on any part thereof within fifty (50) days from said lovy. and thereafter such pieces or por- HBV Hons of property affected by this tax shall be exempt from any lien or charge therefor. IH Section -'. This ordinance shall take HBS effect upon approval. Passed by tho City Council or Salt (V. Lake City, Utah, July 16, 1906, and re-fcrred re-fcrred to the Mayor for his approval. HVH J. B. MORETON, City Recorder.' HAVJ Approved this ISth day of July, 1906. BBbJ EZRA THOMPSON. Mayor. IH State of Utah, City and County of Salt Lake ss. I, j. B. Moreton. City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entl-tied entl-tied "An ordinance levying a tax upon the property abutting on both eldeB of Sixth East street from tho south side of South Temple street to the north side BVH of Third South stroet, in Paving Dls- HAVJ trlct No. 26, for the purpose of provld- IH Ing for the grading, guttering and curb- iH Ing and paving thoreof." passed by the HBVJ City Council of Salt Lako City. Utah. Il July 16, 1906, and approved by the Mayor July 18. 1906, as appears of record In my office. BAH In witness whereof, I havo hereunto (H set my hand and affixed tho corporate seal of said city, this 19th day of July. -1006. J. B. MORETON. (Seal.) City Recorder. HVB BUI No. 110, Paving Extension No. 26. J AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance creating Paving District KVAVJ No. Be it ordained by the City Council of H VI Salt Lake City, Utah: jH SECTION 1- That the following Paving IH District Is hereby created nnd estab- IH llshed In Salt Lake City, to-wlt: Pav- IH Ing District No, 31 shull bo and consist of all public streets nnd alleys Included In the following described tract, to-wit: Commencing at the southwest corner of Third East and Ninth South streets, and running south to the south side of Elevonth South street, thence east to the west side of Ninth Ea3t street, thence south to the oily limits, thence cast to the east side of Thirteenth East street, thenco north to the south side of Ninth South street, and thenco west to tho point of beginning. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take jH effect upon approval. H Passed by the City Council or Salt . Lake City, Utnh. July 23, 1906, and re-ferred re-ferred to the Mayor for his approval. IH j. B. MORETON, City Recordor. IH Approved this 2Glh day of July. 1906. EZRA THOMPSON, Mayor. Stato or Utah, City and County of Salt H Lake ss. H I, j. B. Moroton, City Recorder of Salt IH Lake City. Utah, do hereby certify that H the above and foregoing Is a full, true H and correct copy of an ordinance en- IH titled, "An Ordinance creating Paving IH District No. 31.'' paB&cd by the City H Council of Salt Lako City. Utah. July 23, 1906, And approved by the Mayor July 26, H 1906, as nppoars or record In my Office. H IN WITNESS WHEREOF, f have here- IH unto set my hand and nfilxed tho cor- H poratc seal of said city, this 26lh day of B July. 190G, (Seal.) J. B. MORETON, City Recorder. Bill -No. 113. A2089 |