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Show WHEAT ADVANCES OH RUSSIAN SITIiATIl Chicago Market Is Stronger Because Be-cause of Revolution in Land of the Czar. CHICAGO. Aug. 2. Tho critical situation situ-ation in Russia had a steadying effect lo-day lo-day on tho locnl wheat market and prices at tho close were practically unchanged un-changed from ycstorday'H final quotations. quota-tions. Corn was up c. Oats showed a gain of jc. Provisions wore up lU'o to 27Vic. Early in the session tho whoat markot mar-kot manifested slight weakness, owing to quite liberal selling by cnBh lntorosts and by a loading bull. Sentiment, however, how-ever, quickly changed and during the remainder re-mainder of the day the feeling was rather firm. Rain in tho Xorthwest oaiiBod somo apprehension of a wet harvest and this helped to stimulate demand for wheat here. Advances from Russia, however, woro tho main Bouroe of the MrmnoHB, the latest reports Indicating that clashes between be-tween tho Govenunout troops and mutineers muti-neers wa3 still In progress. Tho volurno of trading was small. The markot closed steady. September Septem-ber opened a suado lower to a shado higher at 73 to 71c, sold bctwoon 73 and 74V&C and closed at 73c RANGE OF IjKADINCJ FUTURES. Whont Opon. Illfjh. Low. Oloso. Sopt . . 7-1 74 70 -3f, Doc . . 70 9i 70 70 i 70 01 Mny . . 80 li 80 70 Oi 80 Corn Sopt . . -10 V; .10 -10 .10 '. Doo . . 40 .17 Vi -10 --i Mny . . ,17 .18 Vn -17 Vi 47 Oata Sopl . . 31 H 0H(i 80V 30 Dno . . 32 ;rji& 31 32 May . . 34 l 84 U 33 34 Mcbb pork, por barrel Sent . .10.55 10.80 10.50 10.06 Lftrd, pur 100 pounds Sopt . . 8.C7& 8.87V6 8.05 8.G7M Oct . . 8.75 8.05 8.72V 8.05 Nov . , 8.70 8.87 8.07 'j 8.87W Short ribs, por 100 p-undfl Sopt . . 8.62J,i y,07tt 8.02'a 0.07'A Oct . . 8.70 8.85 8.70 8.85 CASH QUOTATIONS. Conh quotutions wore ns follows: Flour, onsior. No. "J spring whont. 70 70y.c; No. 3. 7070c; No. 2 red. 7l",i(si 72 0&C. No. 2 corn, 50Vtc: No. 2 vollow, 5151Uc No 2 oats, ao'ic: No. 2 white, 3Hi332c; No. 3 whito. 30Mr332c. No. 2 ryo, 50i Good feeding barloy, 35 30c, fnir to choice malting, 42Q)4Qc. No. 1 flax rood, $1.00; No 1 Northwestern, $l.O0V.-. Clorcr, contract grades. ?1U. Short ribs. 91'doB (Iooko). $0.00(5 10: moss pork, per barrol, 317(a' 17.12 V2 ; lard, per 100 pounds, $8.82i$, 8hort cloar itides (boxed). $0.50 0.C2Vi. Whiskoy, on thu basis of high wlnos, por gnllon, $1.20. RECEIPTS ANL5 SHIPMENTS. Rncoipts. Shipments. Flour, bnrreln '.20,800 11,000 Whont. bushels ... 400,100 101,000 Com, busluilK , 1 10.200 04,400 Oats, bushels 301,500 100,100 Ryo. bushels 2,000 Barloy, bushclB 7,700 .1,000 PRODUCE EXCHANGE. On thu produce oxchango tho buttor markot mar-kot was firm; creameries, 1420Vfsc; dairies, 16V4(ft18c. Eggs, firm nt mark, cases included, in-cluded, 1216o; firsts, 15c; prlnio firsts, lC'o; extras, 10c. Chooso, firm, ll12Vie. Now York Grain, Etc. NEW YORK, Aug. 2. Flour Receipts. 13,000 barrels; exports. 13,500 barrels; barely steady and (pilot. Ryo Hour Steady. Corn meal Finn. Wheat Rocolpts, C3.000 bushels; exports, ex-ports, C2.000; spot, Irregular; No. 2 rod, 79c elevator and 80ic f. o. b. afloat; No, 1 Northern Duluth, S5c f. o. b. alloat; No. 2 hard winter, Slc f. o. b. nlloat. Minneapolis Whoat. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 2. Whoat September, Sep-tember, 78c; December, 74c; May, 79hc; No. 1 hard. 7Gc; No. 1 Northern, 7&e; No. 2 Northern, 74c; No. 3 Northern, North-ern, 7273c. Liverpool Whoat, LIVERPOOL, August 2. CIobc Wheat Soptomber, Gh ivid; December. Gs Oil; March, nominal. Woather lino. |