Show CORNER A FRACTIOUS ANIMAL device shown in illustration guards guarda against injury of stock and Is ie easily mado made jl the Tho following illustrated device will ho bo found very convenient and offee tivo on tho the average farm farin while we at 0 course course like to and do keep beep on intimate terms with most at 0 the farm animals there are times when all of 0 us have wished that we had a corder corner in the I 1 it whore wo we could hem some boma of 0 tho the eerik up and crowd right up and catch thorn them without any danger ot of their becoming excited and jumping through or 0 over ve r tho tonce fence says a writer in iowa homestead take pieces of wo wood od about two feet in length and tack them to the top of an ail ordinary fence as shown in tho the Il lustra v hy to corner a fractious animal tion having ono one on each post for a rod or so out from tho the corner post next secure a piece of ordinary woven wire from eighteen to twenty tour inches high and tack it to these places above tho the posts when crowded into such a corner an animal la Is pretty apt to quiet right down and allow one to capture it chero vh ero it if it wore an or dr fence lt it might attempt to go through or over it perhaps greatly damaging or fatally injuring itself so that the plan la Is not lot only ono one of 0 convex convenience and a saying saving of labor hut but guards geams against the injury of oc stock and tends to keep them more gentle and tractable |