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Show J- pailv EVrn::G oeviev. Ztxisizj Xrerlsj.asia, jrovemeste wtuta al f:mi6i:STELL1SEfTGEH baa .Salt Lain City, a thesamu 1umeTew have 1S7L equaLMtaraLadvswtageafbr beeoUfjieg-an- f SpaWially j " BT TELEGItAPlL y' nU j," improving iti streets acj promoting convenience the of the fesl!tnta The Neither polygamy nor any other ' fiptoislty compiM xaJ rvpurtad for tb Salt Labs -Ophir DlttrUI Saw-liU-4d- d statutes be will Daixv BJtritn, by tha W. U. Tle graph Co. of existing per excellent facilities for drai'ge and the I mtiittd within the Territory of the United 5n constant 3 1 of v Opbis, Dec. 26, 18TIJ States. It is not ttiih the'rtligibn of onsurpassod advantages lA ? ijia San Francisco, Dec. 27. Tbe coroDtrd means, 1 failed to water of Retilw Editor supply pufe we are now the self styled Saints that IV ners soon would jury in the case of .Michael Hig.sect with the. Rxvgusw last week, but as dealing, but their practices. Ihey ctU which, if properly utilized, -Red Mike, returned a verdict alias gins, r I.mosl'corS the Eadmattera be protected in of importance to write that the deceased worship of God saaketbirtke "tlrsnwttand So to came to his death Twtri ptqi Now it according to the dictates of their con- fortable city en the continent. 8nd itrport'ortbS tladlaa Commit relative to Cauyoa affair, I from Accidental drowning,- - by falling yscience, out (hey will not be permitted ia swwitsMrrisqhef-dsspwdiiiAte(lot'lririItMimbtI would wait Dntil after the into the bay at Holway wharf, while, Case-- Mat thought t fto. violate isnbb under the cloak of re In the Wtortos Tetilmoar . The evidence did ot conto an and which took jilace this intoxicated, officials, f .to.it mectTaf,' nftatjT grace tH SftCk tttoH Ujion. PRtainsTa Message. the cur ia general 'suspicion of foul authorities take A. Breckeireldgv-ForeTg"fdren&bn ; at which meeting there were alUllffili not the city htWI ptoy. : prompt action toward bringiug --about a . New YorktrDcc. 27. At a Uto-hopresent nearly all the leading and inCharley Brown, altos Peterson, one of To" (1Tj failed ShlrTfT . and in thimftenioftrrthe minors owners order the of mine batter murderers of the two Chinamen in the fluential thing 27tb The Ojdea Junction at lba inL tbe boat on Puget Sound, who was cover tint .xvbareabotiU of Tweed, al- district;' the owners of mine. am' toolkits an account of interview, , arrested here some ' days since, has though a large number of deputies aiyv -or J.'i I K f t. were also HUCBUSVr. present. confessed the full details r . - poa Mormon aftin, between Hon. A. Dry Canyou active in the search. His sons persist of ihe murder, that their father is in the city, and that Resolutions were passed by a full unan- - but denies that he killed either of the A. Sargent, Senator elect from Cali-Mayor Hall is to bei indicted. itpous vote, protesting most strennoeiJ victims, 'laying the entire guil t on his they had an interview with him of Ogden . fornia, and .certaia citizen The Rev. Robt. C. Breckenridge A warrant for his arrest was pot into agaiuat making auy change whatever, purtner, Davis. t bia on while Senator the who called on dead. the hands of the Deputy Sheriff by Tv the miners here not being desirous that It commenced rsiuiag Just evening, . The Junction one or two nteu should rule or ruu any and up to eight o'clock this morning way to Washington. Hackett, the actor, is lying danfr f hill or district at this place. ' For the 3 72100 kiches had fallen, making a A ' . Ottstf ill. aud is still Hall benefit of the readers of your .valuable total for tha season of 17 1 itte believed; inches. conmordera Mayor ara the alleged So far hire maku known lim Tbe wind is now fresh from' the auuth-ea- st The prosecution have closed m the stated, that the pipers will be returned. paper. cerned, Mr. Sargent would have them to the jury for correction, and will soou actual facts of thu whole affair, not as and raining steadily. investigated and the perpetrators pun- Wharton case. v lvcro repicacntcd tj be through the be ready lor prese.itatiou. Alvord has addressed a note to they Major ished, whateYer or whoever they nsa? The Russian fleet is ordered to remaiu The Russian fleet is ordered to remaia columns of the morniui pipers, but as each of the gentlemen appointed on the be : but be would give them a lair trial, he in New YerkYarbof.n: the pryscal,. r vj Committee to . investigate the project . and not reaign them to the tender mer-ti-e they actually are. The property of the New Y"ork Print Ju the first place, a meeting was held fof bridging the bay tor railroad purof a packed jury or a conrt inspired , Catacuzy is c)oaing up bis affairs in ing Company, lately seized by the Sheriff a short time siuce iu tbe Keareage cabin poses, calling on them to meet as early with reitgioaa bigotry r partizan Washington, preparatory to depart me. in the !uit ot the Ocean Bank in prd uoti Bhoo-fl- y Hill ; therel were present a as possible and organize for the work. ' s'The Secretary. of the Treasury is pay- tested note, will be auld at public auc few iocatoi s aud mi..c owudrs. A mo- Governor Stanford, in a letter to the ' W Mr. Sargent, in4 hie oracular utter on Friday, January otli. tion was made that the unrac of the hill Committee says if ihe eitv will aid the the intereat ou U. S. bonds without tionThe Board or Indiau Commissioners should1, bo chauged to Jacobs' II ill. project by a donation of $300,600 iu aocea, intended to convey the im ing r . , . . ., rebate. Imaw theif report tar Preideut which was not unauiuiously curriei as bonds tbe .and .Southern railtj t ' t have preasioo- that there was any disposiGiWiit- - It fciveS axhfeerfuF Vlc bf the stated af that time. A copy of the pno National French The the if would, Assembly desire, Morways to Bere or people elsewhere, tion, resign with ihe city iu thit public entercsedings.was sent lo the Recorder of ptilicy, purchise of Indian mon offenders M to the tender mercies rejected a proposition to impose a gen- peace and other measures. They have this district to be' recorded, but Mr. prise. plies incoWtAx. . of a pecked jury or a conrt Martin, knowing the liwr, refused to do The officers of the Raymond A Ely savi d about ene million dollars. inspired eral ' The King of Italy congratulates Queer? The steamer Cuba, hence for Liver- so. The law reads, that all notices for Campany state thut the receipts of the with religions bigotry or partizan anidown the bay, struck miners' meetings must be isucd from compnny have been considerably underbe shows an ignorance Victoria npoa the prospects of a re- pool, while towing mosities, she now remains. the Recorders office; and us the Deputy rated by a morning where on Knoels, paper. After payof the situation j far frera credit- - covery of the PrincJ of W ales. The Count Wrtcknfc' Corn pa uy have Recorder should have known that tbe ing The lnvt dividend they have a sur' - Efforts are ReEnin bis station. . able to one reinr'New was made her. his to coinmisaiou call was illegal, sent a steamer being help plus of $32,030 instead of $10,000 as Steamer Silesia, which left Hamburg voked. j I would state here that the reported, and for the firs-- t two wtrks of ligious bigotry and partizan ani gland to neutralize the evils whkt may by a Deputy at that or soma previous time the present month, received from the mesities have bad j no more to do with result to our fisheries from the trealj ol on December 13th, was detained and did not leave Havre until the was in the employ of Messrs. H. S. Ja- iniue, in bullion, $66,000 instead of fog tSa Mormon trials than they have with Washington 23d. The Silesia cannot be gxpected, cobs A Co. The refusal of the Recorder $55,0J0. , the revolution of the planets, or the sue- General Sherman and Uicuteuant t here foi, be fore the 2d of 3d of Janu- of the district to record the above cession of the seasons. The key note to Grant are change so enraged certain persons that This Afternoon's expected to arrive! in Paris ary. Dec. 27. In the Wharton they ore beut upon redress, as they term Annapolis, these trials i found in the following of tour their the y:onliuent. cose to day, the prosecution announced it. Now see what follows s A Deputy The Sacramento Dewee jjpou Neither . pelygemj ' River Riling terse sentences t Larned of New York refuses ibetr testimony closed. Tbos. D. Clear- U. S. Surveyor is mSuufacturcd ; this Judge The Great Gambler Held Stem or any other violation of existing siatp and Emma gentleman was at tlte time, and is at to Ball Mysterious Disappearance to outinaeths InjiracdQnC Wprvvent ly, of Washington, 'of Messrs. a S. iu the aervant of atea will be permitted within the Ter 'Wh&rtonwere Mr$. H, employ preseut, The Cotten Crop. Boss Tweed from disposing of bis prap- - Yxatntned for the defence. - .4 i Clearly tes- -- J, A'; Co, ; and some tall surveying ritory of the United States. It is not ertjr- Dec.' 27. No rise in the Sacramento, full the took did Kctvhum that tilled I that deposited regret only they place. .. , Saiuta r with the religion of the for bis not survey me in with it. A call tor a American or Sacramento rivers can affect The Peace Commissioners nave mado amount of the purchase money that we arc now dealing, but their prac- house on the lgtb of June. The servant meeting was then issued by the Record- that part of the city raised to the new rices." Let Mr. Sargent ponder we! their Annual report to President Grant testified to the inordinate appetite of er at Stockton. At this meeting, there grade. The Itevee Commissioners aud Swamp Land. Commissioners report the mealing of these words, since they They claim tor have effected a saving Gen. Ketch uni at supper before he was were yvot twelve locators or mud thing connected with the levee to a fact A the to that horse one takeu Indian everj in of fl the silk, of great 1,000,000 purchase ofpty Canyon present. of polygamy ant are the death-knel- l the best condition, and the Sacramento in were the all number of persons frohi ? the, jiouse wagon brought canyou that foreshadow the dawn of a better day for goods. J I I hut tlfoev ; thaf tlid dosets aud desired to go. Of course, the citizens of drainage canal under perfect coutrol. 'giving! be relied upon to cLu what is exThe . contribution, boxes of.1 St. Jo- - retrigeraror wee wot kpt Iwked. Utah. They mean the punishment of Stockton, who live fourteen or fifteen It mar of . rJ ,1 aud there is (to fear what , pected were crime ia this onoa lawless Territory, seph s church, in San Fraucist-oAlbany, N. Y., Dec. 27. Judge miles XrowDry CanyOn, were not going ever of anit, overflow. The Sacramento conthe motion to denied would it has Learned kick to. kick not against ; they whatever its nature or nader whatsoever carried off by' burglars on Christiaav tinue the injunction restraining Tweed agaiust anything. Call a meeting to- is nearly twenty feet above low water cloak of priestly sanction or assume mark aud rapidly rising. , night. f from disposing of his property. day at the above place, and let Corin ae, Dec. 27 The storm still revelation it may endeavor to find Gazette 27. The Dec. in move aud Franxisco. from his It Cincinnati, lest that, continues. t is. frill raining Sap Thera are tea feet of snow Breck-elVes the citizens of Stockton, the beauThe total rain fall for the season thus special says the Ilev Robert J. biding place. west of Rawlings. The in tbe eats his home died this at do claim the tiful evening lake, Bingham train that left ridge city by is on tha wall j the ikr amonbts to 17 and 11100 tuches. The illRawlings on the 25th has at Dauville, Kj., after a protracted Mining District, tbe Cottonwoods aud flat has gone forth. Tba Government, Bow. The train rcuchedMedicioc nrt as it Ther Raymond A Ely- Mining Com ness. our. .of Tiutic, boundary" .part left Bitter left that Indorsed by the almost unanimous voice toRawlings yesterday, At 27. a Dec. would mnot pass to a wuanimous vote; Boston, meeting pany report $66,000 as their receipts iu Creek going west' at six f.ji. to day. to interested all would of some vote the, of of the press and people of the entire nat- bullion from their mine fisheries, pprsons they against i;; during the first day decided lo appoint a cbminlttee those boys living dowb the gulch, would At Bryan it is snowing hard and drifth ion,- has deemed that crime shall be two week ofpecember, . , 'L'0 to wait on Senators and Representatives be tbe only ones to vote for it. Outside ing badly, and no trains have passed panisbed in Utah as elsewhere, and woe since the 22nd. There is a fearin arc Congress, and endeavor with them to of a select few, nobody even in Dry there t The authorities of Sn Jfnneintso ful storm unto that man who shall attempt to op- ,making.-vigorouthroughout Montana, and a some or other Canyou was consulted ia this matter. If a efforts to suppress obtain either bounty means of neutralizing whatever evils It was left today to all those iute rested colored roau was frozen ' to death. A pose the enforcement of law and the The proprietors em- the dispatch reports 1,000 administration of justice in thia Terri- gaming hsuses, treaty may threaten upon the fisher- SnrDiy Canyon to Vote whether they Fort Shaw on the road betweeu there and to warn them of the men. Stocktou be in or would ploy rather Ophir tory. Let Mr. Sargent, if he will, atof the officers. Vienna, Dec. 27. The session of the District, nine out of eery ten would say: Fort Benton. approach stem to the efforts his y; Samples of the cotton crop raised by tempt by puny Austrian Reichsrath opened No Stockton for us ;l we know you too mines in California' are being but the Placer in Merced county, this season, with which will Strong, events willof be not are the point lo progress well., fact, Emperor's speech Qphirites and received redoubled since the worked with here, are voted by experts until delivered vigor Jbe esti ing to let them speak for themselves. as full unerring certainty .to the freedom of middling uplands, and a No. 1 Finance oT' for tbV 1 which have Minister well am with one recent rains, supplied very roatea'jof acquainted heavy Utah from priestly' thrall, and he will informs article. bis friends here Strong and were the iu the mine on owners the Kearsage submitted, of coming ysar find himself doomed to a political ob- wstey for working f many old nd abanthe probable expenditure of 339, Shoo fly O ill, who jstrongly protests that he will put in from 150 to 300 give this season, if suitable laud can be livion from which there can be no resur doned claims. 000,000 florius ngaiust reveuues of against cutting off thq district, and even acres in season. obtained Tweed is getting badly scared. He if the district was divided the way paction. Dee. 2 San Francisco, Stanley has been not Prince of oat but Stockton nine appointed wants, ten, is reported as hiding from the officers Auerspcrg held all the arrested tor gambling parties House the of Ihe of President of out would ninety-nineveVy 'UppeV hundred, TEST TlXTAtlZISO. until his new bondsmen, comei forward Reichsrath. r The American Minister, record their claims with the couuty for trial at the County Court, fixing their George Alfred Townsend occasionally to save him firom imprisonment. Recorder at Tooele. Then, again, there bail at $3,000 and $1,000 each. John Jay, with the Premier Count Mr. McCullough, of the California bits the nail on the head, despite his and the representatives of all is the Omaha Company, who own some John Bright characterizes Sir Charles bas paid Col. Barnes $500 for Theater, MorCanwere in mines efforts valuable the most the the at Powers, of present. Dry European desperate suppertiug Dilke as a clever but and share in tbe pro young tbe Asauthorship, Paris, Dec. 27. In the National yon, and are working more men than cceds of the first ruu of his uew drama mon cause with his hired pen. In his whose talents are wasted in dammin, the income that other at proposed place. sembly, any cotnpanjj Arabian Nights entertainment ealled the Liberal cause, which he pronow under discussion by the Minis Major Granger, who is Superintendent of Solid Silver. aging tax, Mormen he asserts that, fesses to have at heart. "The Trials," , Gsoi Evens, aged eighteen yenrs, one try of Finance, was opposed. In the of this company, saj.4 no Stockton foe of the Lower California Magdalena Bay indicted were allusions to him or any ot his company. He, with If Brigham Yoang conrse of tome upon The Uuited States paid nearly who had been provided with a victims, was when she thinks that asserted other be that tbe inminers, only or of you situation in a a charge England, polygamy, bigamy for comfamily here, has disapGovernment and bo in, cannot are better freetrader VhtbfW'twafl paper good company,! you stead of lasciviousness and lewdness, be tinder cireunistrm.es that lead i in posi- yonrself by being peared the A for it. The of this sum Much last of copy pulsion! proposal output year. would do well to stand np in court and printing to the belief thut he has been Shang-haewas for public documents, to be dis- tion of a generoal income tax was of the proceedings of the meeting held His indictment on aud sent the were to the Review, . plead guilty. rejected by a here finally voted upon Tribune, Herald, Corinne Reporter and lead alleged is preposterous and tributed by members of Congress. large majority. The ladies of Strasbourg have or- Scientific Ih eet of California. A Kn Klux outrage Is reported as merely tantalising. a Committee to receive subscripLast week a very melancholy affair Very tantalising indeed. In fact so hawing occurred at Marshall, Mo., on ganized tlie French indem- took place about five miles up the cantions towards pacing known the 25th inst. Five negroes arc Three of the tantalising that it sent the nity to Germany. yon near the summit. General Sherman nnd Lieutenant men connected with the saw mills owned eld sinner scampering southward, with to have been killed aird a crowd of Grant, son of President Grant, are ex by Hullinger were procuring logs, when an armed escort, as fast as Utah roads armed men are ia pursuit of others. ' SECOND SOUTH STREET. e' came suddenly upon them a - Socra CaxoUva Fait ds. The re- pelted to arrive here to Amorrow. So tan, would admit of his traveling. 27. Dec. of Madrid, and. buried two of the men and eight regiment CITY1. 'from Bauhdera oken in the suow ; hoe man escaped talizing, too, that Ibis modern Moham- port ef the investigating' committee of ChasstcVrs sailed med yet remains a fugitive from justice, tba South Carolina legislators upon the to join the Spanish army in Cuba. and pisde all haste back to Ophir to A xrndeus was preseut and made a farea hand a sMortmsot f procure assistance, when nearly every CONSTANTLY fearing to meet thie and eome other alleged frauds in the administratiort of well J . msu with shovels proceeded speech. discloses some the State indictments funds, startling tantalising pending against "Veal. Mutton, and Havana, Dec. 27. Tn a recent en- to the place where the accident hap- lleef; 11 kind facts. The liabilities of the State unhim. ofHausHges, Butter, gagement near Manfeaulo, the Spanish pened aud managed to rescue ene of etc. , Vesetablei. killed This lawfully incurred, amount in stocks and Colonel 0. jOregptj! the men, but the otLer, Mr.E Clark, George Alfred farther ssys : ' J V. has issued a proclamation in could not be found, and although some remarkable man (Brigham), who pre- bonds to the sum 9f$22,540l000. The d2S-Proprietor. which he says the offer of pardon to have been working ever since, bo trace sides over these people, added to the committee charge the responsibility for the forever. He last cannot of unfortunate .be found. the can man insurgents ' (SUMMONS. many conquests of his life the final vic- this state of affairs .upon a ring com- now claims that every insurgent cap- As soon as the storm! abates there; tbe of Utah, T.rritory officers. State ef his will absolute whea tured the he over 15th reof be will posed prominent after his fiud tory spirit January probabilities are they County of Tooala, shot. Those' surrendering after that mains. Mr. Jacob Hullinger desires Ophir Precinct, pat by the counsel of his elders and date will be sentenced to perpetual im- me to thank all those who so kindly W. RafTerty against Malh.w Ingrain and Henry AFFAIRS AT PROVO. went iato court upon aa indictment, Smith. Oeaond, fis MW prisonment; . and, negroes are to be volunteered to resene bis men and renMathew iBfnun and Henry Smith, Oraetlng: ate. Our recollection of the matter ia non aca ow coaaxsromirr. treated the same as whites. All negro dered assistance during his absence. Yon ara hereby aummoned to be and appear that Brigham went into conrt under the will be delivered women captured 1 he Odd Fellows ball last eveuing te me, tha nnderaifned, at my offlee, in laid prePaOTO, Dec. 26, 1871. their owners and will be compelled to was a complete success, there being a cinct, 00 tba Sd day of January, IS7Z, at It o cluck strong hand of a United States MarA. M., to a aver a oomph, at Sled against you by Editor RevieFs Court matters are wear a chain for fguy years; all white large attendance present from Tooele Wm. shal. Hi absolute spirit," as Townwherein ha claim, a judgment 1W women the woods after the and Stockton. Mirth, fun, aud tripping again.RaRarry, t you, in the turn ol twanty aix delta ra, upsend asserts, may have prompted the in statu quo , and will remain so until the 15thcaptured for merahandum. of January wilt be bnnished the light fantastic was kept up to the on a contract ia getIf yea fail to appear, judgment will be rendered lecherous old sinner to submit himself the 9th of January. yThis town from the country. The chiefs ef insurAll ayahi.t we sma hours of the morn. you by default Sir the amount of tbe said - , with coat, bereou. to the process of law; but, though the ting rather cosmopolitan, only four gents bands will be allowed until the present enjoyed themselves hugely, and demand W itueea my hand, tin. 26th day of December, 5 stores here, and two are Gentile, Baugh- 15thr - ef Jen nary to surrender, under so did flask wae tha so Charley. JOHN proved willing, LABLANC, spirit im. BSHI". aud Bonham A Tafts. The conditions hitherto granted 1LIJJILM ' Jiutie of th. Peat la and for Ophir Precinct. extremely weak .that when it cams to man's, Sacramento Old CoxDKRK.-Th- e latter, just opened jjr under the supertha pinch he qnietly j This Mr. C. S. the who has Francisco vision San' of of " Benham, Hk SUMMONS. to correspondent Ante, rIM his teat will of many of And Until stole - . . ' the gained good already : Call relates this , Uh,' , Territory story inj. 1 - Ooum y off --of Tooele, ) n. the brethren and sisters. The store is Oflleers cant find Tweed Rcprtcd to tho the 1 chair Precinct. (Over , Death of Explorer Ia Central Africa Ophir Speakers well fitted up and stocked, and their adA T1KSLT ItOGEITIOX. , Ubamber, emblazoned to letters David Anorhnch A Bro. tpiut Malhew Ingraa. Fonad Dead- j bids fair to besaints the vent among CiOO , to. The Deseret News of last evening come remunerative. y New York, Dec. 2S-- T weeds where- of gold, is the motto Legislorvtn est jun- ToDemand, Baughman .is an Mathew Ingram, Srootin: condere. Over this motto ia a tas leges contains a timely suggestion that the is to about unknown the still In - You officials, namioned to be and appear to everybody , the country look-oportrait in oil of General fere ma,u.theheretiy for him. His undenigued, at my effiee, ta sold preCity Fathers take measures to furnish knows Ben and likes to retro size him. who are on the is the 3d !,Tbe oa rounds, tbe day of January, 17, atiil o'clock going story cinct, The many friends ef Thomas Davis, friends say that he 'will turn np at the Sytter. oaower a complaiat. Sled axahut you by lo foe I which the do employment to the hundred of idle net 'froth of vouch, La, It is asserted that his wb.raia they rloiui a David Auerbach A will be pleased to leartr of his ap- proper time. men now in tha city, by hiring them to Esq., that member of the Legislature, full Judgment against youDtp, is tha sum of cue hundred as U 93. Mineral Surveyor firivilege as Senator wiUs exempt him of pointment for merchamliM. a ceefract pomp sad dignity and evidently- not duller., tfpon but it appears that the law Improve the condition of our streets. for Utah Territory; for the present Jie fait to appear, judgment will be rendered li you unmindful.ef hie the of pelitical bight case like Tweed's, While we hardly agree with our you by Mutll tor the amount ef the aaid will make his headquarters ie Tiutic does not cover am recently showing a coun- against wiih cauta hereon. trout as it specifies that the privilege elevation, as to the duty of . municipal District, for whieh place I will leave toWrtoeea thie 26th jh of fotmte, my hand, frWudabout the .Capitol, when to 1171. try w freedom from does not extend JOHN LABLANC, of arrest on nnd WUys morrow, posted you keep work famish all to visited its to course the their of corporatises inspection they Jeetice of the Pence in nnd for Ophir Precinct . mean foe m short time in that is aud hp4suHr . Chamber. The cound3L citizens who may be without employ- -' brought for violation of any of bis thaAascmbly vicinity. with was strnck the promtryman referred office. Tribune The above in asserts the trosts The Tha weather here is splendid . suggestion mealyct inence given lhf portrait, and asledib to meets our hearty approbation. 1 We stratification of the fyouaprjr roc" is that it is nevertheless Tweeds design Territory of Ctah, ) legislator what distinguished character, can concealed until he remain to take with matC Omoty of Tooele, vn. decomposed earthy bare repeatedly called the attention of capped wonld not it it Of represented. J Ophir PruefncL his seat in the Senate, but that this step do ealled ter . mud), highly (vulgarly hie for the to ignothe city aitlorkies to the almost Chisholm ' Mathew Daniel betray legislator Against Iagram. Decanaot save him from arrest; that it is to its and mand, foS OO. aud the at rance, looking picture condition of, oar streets, rehave c.haracteny taken been that known lo steps n moment, no replied ; To Mathew Ingram, Greeting: arrest him on a charge aod arged the necessity of im graver than any stammering Yon are hereby anmmoned to bo and appear be1 Why, that, air, is let me see why, fore ' ' eigned, at my cMeo. tn said pre mo, the Vert TROATownsendV pnmphlet, before mode. Condere-el- d old Condere. that's prevement in this respect without delay. Leges on th te is of January, 1872, at 12 oclock i is cinct, OConnor .Chat, Times Tbe says ?" see his name under the autoanswer There are, at a moderate estimate, The Mormon , Trials,., contains here .umpUint hied against yen by the , framing of, an indict- Dout yon Who Daniel Chisholm, wherein he claims a judgment ?" in Condere is thunder one thousand men now ia this city and there a spice ef truth sandwiched opposing, t in Grand tba cum o! ; dolUua, tor against yon ment against Mayor llall by the asked bis friend. : Ir . Why, he is one of value received, oc cet fort ia note, dated Novemwithout employment, many of whom between the enormous lie whkl coojti-tui- e Jury. 1871. ber 8th, old the grandees, you know;" A Cairo (Egypt) .letter of Dee. 1st, and withSpanish If you but to appear. Judgment will ho rendarbd its thief bulk. For example, he says, would gladly accept tneb work that a majestic wave of the hand, against you by default for the amount of tha mid Sir that there is a Current Mormons ths says ar Z?: report Among dismissed page his News. the and with costs hereon. demand The led the he service suggested by Subject were who his SitMiifcDBakerahd VI men, Knew my hand, tia 23ih dav of December, bad pevl to other attractions. friend polygamy and ignorance away of these men could doubtless be , 171. JOUM LABLANC, exploring Central Africa and the bead Justice of the Pemn in and for Ophir Precinct. Mined for smaller wages now than at are no guarantee against the corrup- waters oF tbe Nile, had died of starva' d8 At GHASsnorrER Si.oax, of the Herald, Their tions of original . aiu.? .George inad- tion. One report says the men mutiVy other season of the year. m loymeni, while benefiting them by vertently told more truth 4a these lints nied and shot Baker; nnothemfatesthat seems much exercised in spirit over the Hotica Stockholders. only Baker and his wife Are left, of the retam of Governor Woods without comthan he was aware of. A np( lying a much needed means of sup; expedition. Or Travel A Mnmo Co. or (Ttu, " y no- Chas. R.'RetWogbrf'Val fb&nd, yes- pleting hi proposed trip to California. Omcc Pwx pers luring the Winter, would benefit Belt Lake City, Dec. 1ft, 1871. Lea Three Notices. legal The flrut annual meeting of tbe Stockholder of T four-folin the improved the terday, dead, by ihe sheriff, who went to After puzzling his Webaterian intellect this rices will be fousd in this jssne, from serve i Company wilt be bold at the otBce of an &U&ckmfDt on him, sitting in over the problem for four days, Sioati fthe street and the comfort and this city, an MONDAY, JANUARY 15, East ' Ophir City, two'chairs to htojtouse at Vattcrson, N. has CanyonUtah Z ' is noue of it concluded of nor that last citizen. at Ti eeuviu. 'ce J. He died by poUofi on the 10th of ' which opinion ,yn tra Coal and .real toU Are; Among the December, tha in N pk ' of equal ttM in (he United his , business, frozen OXO. T. XHLBY, body befere the meeting. remaining for local im 44 stiff till found rajtia room yesterday. la this city at this ritae.-- .. del! lw ' Secretary, lu done i heartily concur. - i . ' tst ' a.J(X.Jf i . y&Gsnrl c . ro vs. r ' .A , .? , , ' VCS' - .L Z . i.. last; lights; EASTER t - NEWS. -- ty HWIwg-cFrepev- jbqDrj mair y' eye-so- re 1 'l Pa Vt 16 03icnub Fet-!owaBt- dispatches. ' 81k a -- iutr h via-lotio- n wf f niowwavirjrwxsiseovDtvr A Afiklrs at Ojhlr Ml Mere mt the Dlfltalty Ia Protest T f edaptfal nt report! for tbs Salt Lab ; Jluu Kmt, hr tba W. U, $ateerapb 0. - FaXfifT Coast" Ilbivs. ar -7- two-thir- ds 3 -- . - to-da- y. 1 ! ' J! u - aJUAI- - .t TtZUJ 2 Grant Drpbnskd. - tA 5 re-f- : .liafoc 4 . . - HALE tk pimrmm It uswkrft:, JOSH pubhc that he ho eS (wa Drugs, Chemicals, -- A . - , Toilet and In n manner tbs will wbio tel tog' 't of Im emuKaaty locvww- f --. the mane towv. ass ti stil J la tha toot, rtl h preymreg to f--n, tion to hi atony foivwto ms4 pamrumm. - f i. mm --i- r-- - StuflV, Fancy Articles, ' ' ' tow t- re-ry- t w Graml IIestrrar;:at! . Dye v W thnhtto ", Perfumery, Patent Medicines, - SAIT ZAZZ CTtT, 31AIN STy s . Rcct'-rc- r.l, un m naan imuun sod retail Dealera to 1 t WLotoaAle ' - j fI , - opnuiiT oi n.n- J. D. LAMB & Co; s IlIIi. tzl TizCt Supper far a Furnlibe en short ntret. tis waller, to ort t toot, nader th tsudwa to 1 t ftrvff ajr- j.rtj,rilur. m . sna mt too U--t t. Ik re.ua. rtot. to man wul yre m i Eatiag iato at toMf, tionefbdxn. arereonKte tSyWTiick w offer at tlie towest cank price, and ar detenaiued me Fiicaif oYirn:::.! an taao Smmbm Alsreys onhsud. nod arrewt styiv. Frlvstr rating reuOrt. aad IK this the Yiito-Ot- o dlitl 41 H1L& Aft 1IM SPECIAL NOTICE LOST. lailj KJ Gb. Grant is defended aad exonerated from some of the charges ngaiust him. In tbe New York Times 4 It ia asserted that be bas not received a dollars worth of property since he became President, Outside of his salary. His private income is niider $6,000. His St. Louis farm was partly inherited by Mrs. Grant, and partly bought with the $100,000 given by -- New York citizens to President Grant whew he was Geueral. His stock in the Seneca Stone Company-wabought in 1868, while Cooke, the President- of the company, was not made Governor, of the District of Columbia until 1871. His Chicago investment wo made with the saviug from, his Major Generals pay, while hi Philadelphia house rents ' for $2,000. The Times prints the Sun's lisUbf President Grant's alleged relative holding office, and shows that his father, father-in-laand several- - other were appointed by President Grant predecessors, white eleven of the others on the list are no relative of the President, tbe rest being competent persons for their positions. . , elabor&telj- GOLD euameliHl office warded. TO Not to be UNDERSOLD. Shawl Pin, betwewa Grwv Lack's corner and the Elrptiut Stare. Tbe A ftiulsr will please return It te this and to cf Clatmants re- dA-I- I Heal Cctat i MASONIC NOTICED. ani-motiti- ea. - - - s Ce-utr- pit-seat- uj uj , -- ) Report A. &A.8.II. LODGE OF PERFECTION, NO. 1. A. ST. JOHNS A. 8. K., meet at Masonic Hall, (Commerce Brethren ia good standing are cordially invited to attend. LOUIS COHN, W. M. CaunoFfiRR IHr.ni, Secy. I. O. O. LODOR NO. 1. Meet every Thursday at in Commerce Builnlug, Main street, Sait Lake City. Odd Fellowr in good standing nre SOL. LEVY. N. invited to attend. M. r: . aoiue-bedy-ris- n Customers I by mail will be All order aad faithfully executed. 49 t Ticket ' ru -- 1 hot-heade- A $2,-000,0- 00 v -. . j , : t ! Sf d. 5 t to-d-ay - - FAUBELSjlABKET. 4 Revere House Block. hoary-heade- d snow-slid- SALT :LAKE - to-d- ky . v able-bodie- d Pork Fruit, FAUBEL, -- sVal-meiles- a J - tf -- J i OS-- -4 a f I V 1 i i MX HL--- .J 1- , Main FFICK OP diZ-t- f or - old-tim- er; , T J ble 1- n - -- pic-tore- nrty-cigh- i Jo , ! an-i!ti- it" T -- w V , ln WILL von n 1 Philadelphia. Vumh Strrrt, Bee PVnncfoew, US Jt, 317 44 KreSe Btv Jfrte Turk, Ivory Tuesday, Thursday nnd gatnrday. Fur passage or fridgbt apply at ofito of Ilevers W ILL CliiFLCTT. House, dl&am Prepmotor. Dancing Aim for th Academy, (oven ti , J -- dlS-2m fo V . i , , an inquiry in your valuable paper aa to the legitimacy of the drawing, of the Royal Havana Lottery, and knowing that you are always ready and witling to furnish any Information, ou any suttfect that is made a matter of inquiry through your valuable paper, we put this in answer to your eotrerpoadeat of the 14tb loot os to the V genuineness of the Royal Havana Lottery. wilt state, for tbe benefit of your correspondent, that the prOes, 604 la number, according to the scheme, are drawn at every drawing. Morever, for the certification of thie wa nre willing te eend our check for FI .000, lo be given to the party making such inquiry. If we cannot prove it to hie satisfaction. Again, wa will give $100,000 to nay four charitable institution that you may name If wa cannot prove that, in tha scheme ef tha 2ft th uf April we nnld the ticket which drew tbe F200,-00- 0 price, beside many other prixes. By Insert-inthis yon will enlighten your correepondent TAY LOR A CO., Bankers, nail oblige youre, IS Wall street. g HOUSE BANKING lO 213srs! OF -- W. WHITE A. Jk, BAIT TKMPLR STRKXT. CO., 525 Cent) Pcv Game! SALT DARK CITY. - Uteh. Day i .. , TAYLOR , r , . Ho. Oph&r to Camp Floyd. (.Vrxl r ran boot through to fAM from art cily, by applying to FiagltNnFRS wurm A MIMAAZZ, Offiewor Wslla, Fargo PRCE S9JH3. A Cot afl-la- - Liquors, oanxiTo fr-- ChelNtt WIon, Llqaen aand Clgart Im Chta Market. n ALL IN TH cm, ETERY THE FINEBTgives to nutsmnt t WlNTEIts Ac GEO. W. RITT1N0XR - Ponder, Fuse, . , . ' 1 A NS ? FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC , DRIED, CANNED db PRESERVED AND , FANCY GROCERIES, TH LARGEST BOUSS w THV WEST, ' 4t MicmajLtr jtrxmcrx, - Chicago ' IH! ; Iq t - tfc c' TOOLS. Utatzim m.a nd Tiret Foeth street, CALL AT No. City, end impect th aampton ef yrfatoa daily brief dree Ecat Tl-zl- ia Lake Cm XTZZSZ:?, GAXTZ3E3 Ci CC.IC A Zip vrl.3t ITcatitsi zX e tof nt Armor Lake ifoase, wid reenv to-f- fn. srl . flora, north ri Ij! fir (nsf auesttan. Isaac P. Hull. 1 Dim A HTJX-X- d J. XXl COu or cixauge .. , a .'ERCimni Tr.!LC:'J XTSt - tTo aJlj)arts of the City m1 li w Malm m4 SI ( roO A treat. A3 it , Corner ef . t' ' i wsY ztzt m4 Caretogr. Bnild to order Conrhm. Were Invite vtoitwr nod ontor fewmktah Jteeadh finma. AH T7tSe Gcods delivered f NOTICE. w CO. Jc they Xlr nf Wtllt, Tmi PROMPTLY ' FILLED. flMTE GFNFRAL ANNUAL MEETING Of THS 1 Ftockliobiere ef the Emma jliJ Tunned and Mining Courpony will be hul l on Mwudav, the teth day of January uokt-o- t 3 a tWk,at tbeolhen f - W.S, fcOWLii, , Mr. T. W. Laua. . . i Aecrrtary. -- v. ef th City. TUB MOST PAFSlCNAtt . K'tt Jl Discs, Flat t ftavana C!;irr, SAUtf I. 1. to the KeittMia Trade. wtaktaf BAR i always repp: tod with th finmfi CAnpEHTECC J r ALL Orders Solicited 'and - Seat long' e 8AN FIIANCIHCO, OTTPPi.Tr.ri. FBUil'E, MINERS ' ms AKU rnNEBS t bread ef Provisions, I . lirtMtis Kc -- i ntvoavmtRMl , , esveety-fiv- 7 & G Povrell street, C. L. RITTINQER. W.KWALKERs X BCAnOrtTS' CT.Z'MXATI BZXX. MATFARfk I HOLE tRUa. 0 Tfcn are ever Im order, finthw bowl n gome will find this to Gcr.u;r.3 ( COOK E Alf--y fflirt A and in 4 BILLIARD HALL ' f p ALT!, POItTEH, AND GROCER, BANK EXCHANGE, f t jeetos-ftoM- Tbe Only Tull Les&. Alley The Territory ! V VhsI::a!y cr.l CO., jj xajut stmmt, ere0m te dntonmRmmto Wall attest. New York. 1 Strc;L Second South FROM Prison Cashed and Is Format lorn Pur. ulshtd. Orders Promptly Pilled. dIS-la- PIONEER DAILY STAGE UNE BOWLING SALOON, Itoynl Ilavnnii Lottery D. C. BUTTERFIELD, $330,000 in Gold Drawn Every Seventeen. THE NDW YONNL coo xJZsoA.XJVt'rtW . (ketxopolitan r: tli.) IIctt Yorl' CIt;v Z3Gcntlmcn tLi. 'g Nt& Kl accZL , 415 I do , t t. wtlltoLguesiS ? vrMWi .J E, LEAVE END .OF TRACK , r STAGES kuTm ram mtt) C0LLAE COHPAUY, CLASSES EVERY H03BAY AID $50,000 IN GOLD1 COIN ! EUEEHA (torn Francis. WEHSESDAY EVOISCS. TICKETS 9 EACH, OR TWO FOR American1 Co User Ce. Nf. LADIES CLASSES MONDAY, WEBNESBAT tuo and fairueaeef thie schema is AND FRIDAY AFTXXNOOJf R THE honesty by the Governor and best basiaww men Jobber and Importer of of y breaks, also ths Swtore of Mercy. Tickets Fmr Ihats, Jtppltf te IV. AArideo, tod can be had at the Review Offlee. Honiery, Dry Ceedi, Fsacy g.sili ! For full particular applv to , the Asodoety. A PAYfEE GARDINER, GOYERNHXNT CX.OTIIINO Business Mauegeia, Omaha. Grand Soiree Eaturdap Eveairp. AT NEW YORK. PRICES. ' espll tSSJ' Extrancs tueoccu Store, also The Royal Iluwnnn Lottery oil Right. Corel From Taylor St Co. Ik Rcar. New To i, June 16th, 1S71. . VCO. n.JORR. HALL TO RENT FOR PRIVATE PARTI M. To thr Editor or thr Hcralo: Having un so a. jri theCora-panv- HORSE run between th end of C. A R. Lewiston a follows: Coy. KEYSTONE COLLAR CO., HIGHEST PRIZE ta d FLOYD MINOlT Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning. LEAVE LEWISTON " IN CASH PHIZES v V lots Belt 18TS. SOUa 150,000 ut eo-tmp- onrj Main Street, Jswslr, Si M Fcr Lcv.ict:n! Ho! FOUR AGENTH WANTED. SOL. A. GOLDSTEIN full-lengt- h' - ' En We - tlr TAIT A SMITH. J. Di Lamb & Co., . rat ran tug 8I8TBBS OF MERCY I I Afternoons Report As-sem- DU. de-l- I CA MI MERCY HOSPITAL, OMAHA JANUARY COMPOUHDED. , W AcsncE d to-da- CAEEFULLY I0EBES, Grand Gift Concert, OF Cr xi 1150,000 OO. IN AID NOTICE! rlriaem mt Balt lab that to too torn ro.no .oor If. Imtf Wore, whore he wtil to ,loaa4 I attend tn ail their wants in hi yrefemton. f sling and hatlding out if decoyed tortk sow to Ito mod artl.tie ntaitnor, n itfa br idteraNr. A lw. teeth inaorto.1 oa gu(l or twroowo rslwr aud warranted to fit. Troth rxtrnrted wnn too toast tKjaatld fwtn. Ktlmr or ttoedom asm-lenby the most aktUtui yhystetona to oil he dovlre. DR. ROBINSON would my that to has mads the art of filling specialty, nod tknki hem lease ail who htror him with work of tha tend. s Pxeicriptlon Phygiciaa giembenw(lld-2- v Orvict. Hotel, street (west stdr) Salt Lake City, Utah. i Doctor Catos hag to I Inform th WOfl.D It Y Room No. 12 Toy lor' e An-drea- ssy lid of th ATTOBNEY-AT-LA- 398,-000,00- ! tie CHAS. G. bnf-fato-es to-da- ? no I I ! I Dr. V. F. tiOZUlZul pronntlj hand-writin- g - I tld 187L 29th, ! I state he hears th nod fiattesrug reco semes detune from tinto ho has Nisi, nnd niii In bar sd any time to too bn ntonUsk. A. Ferkine t December Taylor'. o,pu..t. in Twenty year active pracUee aad treating all kind of djaeaena, and Us enrseaa tod incKtontal to the otto and mtoy ampIsuM town of California, Nevada nod C tab. DENTAL AT TUB Friday, GATES DH. uwue. IN GENERAL. SICATING RINKr se. di-A- ay re rorrvD day or kpsht orm emit Loka Boos. Hotel. Concordia Society, e City. gait Special (UtentiMi give to Tilto, Sahis or Lltigatiuo in Mlntsg 41 wae aad fowl Kstato. OMlartiana made or htoeM Joe in any part ef the lisltto itatoa by nn emucletsee el obi Attortovs. AND WILL BK GIVEN BY THE f 1 , Supplies Country A GRAND BALL -- jtrgallk - Oleesor, Secy. Myr by AT I AW ATTOnNEY Lake (HTuw.wln ElatbaH Eisuk. t , UTAH M J. dry, E. II. 2AHHX HI. PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO Pysicians : 1 .A f f 5 East Teraplo Streot (Kelda BniMtnf. draw. In Kiwt mmmrSmem ARE law, th.to nrcrmmrf 4m mnu,m mt mi yarsons rtaimiBg t I. shtH to oy fnru f tha lands Inrlntod Iu th entry of th tow tnssl made Uon. D. M. Wtote, Salt Lake die A miue-own-- er ,' e a son. A S. GOULD Arcticr Soda Water. No. 70 Lodge Mount Moriah A. M. Regular Communications held at Masonic Hall, Commerce Building, East Tila Street, the Second and Fourth Monday ol each month. Members of Sister Lodges, and self-styl- ed '1,1 Oold ICO Building,) Main street, every Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month. Sojouruiug brethren are cordially invited to attend. T. F. TRACT. T. P. 0. M. j Iba M. Swarts, Sec'y. to-d- ay . , Building, Tempi Street, the Second and Fourth Fniday of each uemth. Member of bister Lodges, and sojourn tug Brethren iu good stamiiDg ore cordially Invited to attend. K. H. UOBXKTSON, W. M. Ira M. 8wart, Sec'y. j led-jricke- n, SALT LAKE CITY. A. M. Wasatch bodge He. S, A. F. communications held at East Regular 1 . . bhb.aarrgre jr T 4 I |