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Show -- THE OGDEN STANDARD EXAMINER THURSDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 22, 1921. -- 4 Tiie Ogden Slandard-Examin- men toured France and Belgium under far different conditions than those existing in the United States. In the first place, they went from a dry country into a very, wet one. Our emotions were daily played upon, great receptions were held in our honor, some got no sleep while others got two and three hours, some the full amount The reaction ' came as we started home. Outside of that a good time was had by all." Commander Emery gives us to understand that drink had its influence. Which is a reminder that much of the serious trouble of the world has been chargeable to strong drink. And it is a further reminder that America is escaping much in its freedom from the saloon. When petty jealousies and liquor mix, good fellowship departs. j er PUBLISHINQ COMPANY BY CONDO EVERETT TRUE Tee Greatest Millinery .Sveet of the Season' , An Newspaper Published Independent every evening and a . Sunday morning without a. muzzle or club. Entered as Second-clas- s Matter at the Postofflce, Ogden, Utah. Established 1870 Member of the Audit Bureau of Clrcula. tlon and The Associated Press. v SUBSCRIPTION IN ADVANCE Delivered by Carrier . Dally and Sun- oay, i year...,....-;...io.bo By Mall Pally and Sunday. 1 year.. 7.80 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of any news credited to It not otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news pub. ' , Ushcd herein. STANDARD. EXAMINER TELEPHONE NUMBERS .; 8 Classified Ad. Dept........ 56 Business and Circulation DeDt... 23 Display Advertising Dept 873 Editorfi nd News Dept oo 2 Salt Lake Office, Ness Bldg. Leo L. Levin, Representative. Phone Wasatch 5409. MEN WHO WILL NOT WORK. . yAyCV I 50 , "I I a. . : . d j slow-movin- n k Further investigation of the offer of the men of Ogden proves at least one point and that is the in difference of the wandering hordes to be found in the Jungles on the west boundary line of this city. Down in the river bottoms there are hundreds of drifting fellows who are in pursuit of work but never overtake the elusive task. They do not want work and they frighten at its approach. The average man would venture to say that, if a group of hungry men, such as gather in the Jungles, were to be offered Jobs at 40 cents an hour, every man capable of doing a day'i work would respond to the demand. But the average man would be wrong, because he would be measuring the "drifter" as he measures himself Hav ing become idlers, the roaming multi tude neither seek employment nor de sire to be brought in close contact with work. It is a surprising condition and Is an affliction of recent de- Two months ago a large number of Brooklyn people possessed of automo- biles decided to organize a caravan and start west for the lands of Idaho, v, 1 i irrtw.j i Aiiuy iiig uy easy stages, me travelers finally arrived at Twin Falls on Wednesday and were given a rousing re ception. All along the route, the auto party has received marked attention. In. Wyoming they were treated as though they were home people just returning after a long absence. Even Ogden had planned to welcome them, if they came thi3 way. In the old days many a prairie schooner moved out into the great west. Forty years ago there was not a day when families failed to go wagthrough Ogden in canvas-coveresomeons, bound for place in the region of open homesteads, Now the emigrant, trains of long velopment. ' The biggest element of ago are fto be revived, but instead of surprise is that a large percentage of horse teams the seek- the men'are not of the spiritless, hopethe ers after homes in the west will have less class known as tramps. Many of . automobiles. . them are fairly well dressed and have We predict the Brooklyn travelers held good positions, but, having fallen .willbe followed by other caravans. into vagabondage, and cultivated a and thousands will find their way to grievance against society, they are not the west in that manner, disposed to get. out of their debaseT ment, through the avenue of hard work. GIRLS PUT ON ooCOTTON STOCKINGS. What a sensible move was made by PROTECTING the girls of the high school of com- THE MAILS. merce of San Francisco, where on Mail robberies have been reduced to Wednesday the students voted 9 to 1 almost the vanishing point since the to abolish the wearing of silk stock- postmaster general armed the postal ings trainsparent waists, fancy frocks employes with shotguns and revolvers and pyramid hair dressing. with instructions to shoot. The young ladies are to put on cotIn one year the postal robberies toton stockings, such as every girl wore taled over $6,000,000. Since April last, prior to the fad in silks, and they are when the arming took place, the loss to have middle blouses and wash to the department through robberies ' dresses. . has been less than $89,000. A similar move has been made by Vigorous action was called for in the Weber college in Ogden and it is a dealing with the element on the fringe most commendable decision. of decent society and Postmaster Gen- At this time, when many families eral Hays, did not hesitate to employ cannot afford to dress their girls m strong methods. As a result, the loot-sflstockings and other highly expen- - ing of our malig has ceaged and thH sive materials, the thoughtful young thugs have turned to other fields of person, "whose parents are prosperous,; lawlessness! will say: oo- "I have no desire to embarass my ROBBERS WHO companions by dressing in a style be-- TOOK $30,000 yond their reach, and I will advocate The way of the transgressor is hard. the less expensive stockings,) waists Fatty Arbuckle can testify to that, and and frocks." now the men who robbed' Sells Floto L No girl is ever more attractively circus at Vancouver of $30,000 can dressed than when neatly and simply mWHh in tho cmo ion. dressed. Too many frills detract. Having gotten' away, with $30,000, J Our . schools are the home; of our loot in common Americanism. There is where a iarraer s iieia ana tne iarmer ais-the snirit of democracy should bo (covered the money. The officers were shown and simple tastes cultivated. notified and kept watch over the place. Our schools, because they are public, On Sunday night two of the robberB, nf l,oun Iron olive fiHtVi in thfs rnlA " thft ' by their wives and and . the equality that. flows''accompanied v to the scene of their returned dren, irom popular governmeni. in mer crime. They were commanded to halt, schools there should be no class dis- - but attempted to escape by running tinction and no drawing of the line and were shot. of poverty or wealth. ' There should Nearly every crime has a sad ending be no odious ' comparisons bafeed on and robbery, almost invariably, brings W dress. regrets to the perpetrators. Getting oof duve-ty- hats, large and small shapes, fringe, tasiel, feather and embroidered trimi, large variety of colon. Included in this ipecial lot are quite a few Biltmore and Meadow-brooand Tenni pattern hats. Values to $15.03 400 Jobs to AUTO CARAVAN I ' WELCOMED. its Fifty unuiual hand made trimmed silk, velret and . 311-31- TOT ru. pe as Tbl&F $7.95 XinrJ Tig) pggg I AS One hundred unusual trimmed and tailored bats of silk, velvet and duvetyn in every conceivable shape and trim. All the most sought after colors and styles for misses, women and matrons. Values to $10.00 Children a silk velvet trimmed hate, large variety of colors and atylea Children's fur body all silk cap lined beavtra S2.95 STATE AND IDAHO NEWS and up Tim 95c L DR ROBBERS LOOT STOCK MEN TO Children's silk plush Shantera, black only $2.45 i Latest Items of Interest Froxa' Utah and Oem Stat g $4.95 , l A new GET 0. $. ihipment just received of newest model misses and women! serge, trlcolette, silk, and tricotine drctses, beaded and embroidered. Trimmed in the ttraight line ef- P. 0. AT DELTA AID fects, 16 to 44. Western Industry to Be Put Two of Yeggs Believed to Be Prisoners From Utah .on Feet, War Finance Head Asserts Penitentiary -- 1 IL , 2.95 -DELTA. Sept. 22 Safes in the Del-- j (Special Dispatch.) SALT LAKE, Sept. 22. The live ta postofflce and Thornton's druc! stock industry is the principal concern1 Btore8 were blown early yesterday oi me war unance corporation at mo four robbers, two of whom by This statement was morning present time. are to be Ed Harris and Oscar1 thought made yesterday by Eugene Meyer, Jr., conTJcU from the chairman of the war finance corpora-- ?T1.aey All wool Jaraty tuxedo coata, All colors and black sataen Percale n uonnevuie "s"aprona. Coons' union tlon, in his address to members of the,1."1"" oll s r was office also extra navy, black, brown, company um.b"' red, five green. con-quaU made, good petticoat, atylea to cheese from. Commercial club. He arrived to All aizea . J5.S5 Ity 11.00 Two for $1.50 no!h!n,s wau8 Uken-whicwith the Salt Lake committee; terfd'but e the afe and Tu1 will pass on applications made' po8t."!cf ancl 8tmP" for the extension of agricultural cred- - ef blown- - V5! J The beln5 its under the provisions of the recent to."ie valu.e wf tbe Thornton store drug act of congress which placed A MILLINEHV Children's numoer or 000,000 at the disposal of the corpora-- : "cw(lcvu tion for this purpose. Mr. Meyer em- - I wa,iSh" andome other Jewelry, gingham Large variety robbing the Thornton drug nhasized the fact that cenerous funds dreitu, of children's would be forthcoming in response to store tne bandita wera mimrlpa hv 2 to , slzea L. Davis Frank of Consolidated the newest atyle the applications. & Machine company, who had formerly Wagon COTTON RECOVERS. winter coata. been awakened by the explosion when priced te IX. lunciifon nt? uetmrvu. Limited tno Rafe wag biown ai iufiiveaiocK popularly ine Mr Ha via iron! tn Vhfn a inausiry is me prin-Ansr quantity. cipal concern of the war finance cor-- : 8aw a man sitting at the C(rner of the priced. puia.iuu uu. .ur tuiiu.. iuuu0l. fa, 8tf)re wh R j9toI hand drug u vr.v-iu, a3 Mr Davls nsked what h(, doing.j r nnnnn o Inn AvnroH nrnnnf " land tne man replied In an English .V ac- funds are available for feeding and centf Jn th A h back -, breeding loans through banks, trust; nothpr mo companies, livestock loan companies j tne paRebrush near the hou8e rose tQ Tho his and organizations. and Mr. Davia fired a shot war finance corporation is not waiting over feet, culosis association. Boise; Mrs. Etta HEALTH WORKERS his head. The man at the drur M. Dobba. Wyoming Public Heaith extremities of the dire necessity 'ur. rPturned the ftre, barely missing association. Cheyenne; Mra. Bethesd. OPEN CONVENTION then took Ueala Buchanan, Washington Tuberfor assfsinc in tne livestock Indus-- ! behind the hPad' corner of the culosis after store, association, Beattle. and Mra. . our of to put some V v.. w , H try and it is policy M. Pate Thompson, California TuE. SALT 22. LAKE. Executive Sept. " i"- - "uuaiii. aecrttarlea from healOi organizations berculosis association. Fresno. ""' twice ue a,me lu mHK uou 10i"ls l" KUOU These five wvnen and Jamea H. in the atatrs represented In the fifth Another man inside the drug storo annual tuberculoma northwestern executive secretary of the Utah Wallla, ' wa" heard to caJ1 out to ono of lhe Public and other delefatee Health association, rr.aka tlx ajid PROVIDE MARKET. . ;men to nurry. After tbe shooting the , I epeakera arrived her Ut ntht in of the aeven executive aecretaries ...I, l. convencheduled readinees to for the be in work of tha Mrs. attendance. I can lieve prove that better times are tion. oien TrlmDle,.wno was In the Saldle tion which secrethla Testis executive mornlnr Mrs. Schoen opened Mildred v, There in nothing in livestock , K Hotel Utah. tary of the Oregon Tuberculoid! ' fies in Damage Suit that looks worse than cotton did four u..a- Portland, la the other one. At 10 o'clock In tha ballroom Justice oo raonths ago. Cotton is grown in thir- his house E. In J. of Frick. absence the actlnr in a Doctor northerAgainst teen states with a population of 27,- - ly direction.going hurriedly IVORS Oovtrnor called SECTION convention the KILLED Mabey. were tracked about to order. Invocation waa ottered by KEM MERER, Wyo.. Sept. 22. 000,000 people. With their buying two hUndrd They l Whcre yards they had Arvnur v. Aiouiton. .pis- - Charlie Daniels, a aectlon foreman. 25 SALT I.Ak'K. fiBt ?5. Mr. Mil. m car ESSeritStSrrd.M It Sf'.S-JJS- I they rode dred Rcho.n took the witness years or age. a native cf Italy, waa run over and Instantly killed by a of hides produced in this section; they -- -a . at the trial of the $50,000 a welcome to the delegates. cu.Hff yesterday gravel train at the Hodgee tunnel tji.v will wear wool from the" backs of your far aa to thla was addres of welcom aponse He waa ridlne husband. her suit Wednesday by in direction in brought the Lynndyl a heavy beammorning. by Arthur J. Strawson. field used to sheep and they will eat meat produced which the th rock . ai. Bax-- 1 L mad W apread men were to scnoen, believed have t)r. Henry against Tu- - when hla foot allpped and he was of the on National representative your a man ever ranges." venture enlisted in, ja&inS gone, but no traces were found of the ter and told of the alleged aasociatlona jbtrculosla aasoclaUon, New York City. drawn under tha car. REPUBLICAN OUTLINES PLANS. 13 of this true and car uite who those oo with Dr. Baxter, who conducts thJ Among the xcutlr aecretariea to In his conference with the members bandit With New Mexico returning a plural-- Mountkln View Sanitarium here. The arrive yesterday wer Mr. Martha O eonEd A MYHTKIIY. one SKELETON of the Harris, seek riches robberies. escaped by committing of the committee yesterday, Mr. Meyer Holm O. Bursum, in the ISLAND. HILBRE ity of 8000 for la ac- physician Is charged with Improper Davis. Nevada Public Health asocta a En with Eng. Picnickvicta, speaks strong " a outlined the general procedure to be cent, Money obtained by robbery has er Bchoen while a E. she tlon. on Sara Montana Morse. conduct found skeleton toward Reno; thla ialand. Mr. to senatorial contest, the Republican war James Dcvlne, was a patient at the sanitarium during Tuberculosis association, Helena; a causes followed in the making of loans and den ofaccording Th which in island Ifa if acces-aibmystery. dollar, every ghost was the state Harris comfort. prison. leaders find much IL. Athey. Idaho Antituber of low laid down the the tide. and at corporapolicies February. January only to over look back his sent up from SL George a short time declara The doctor made New Mexico is debatable ground the possessor tion. At tho meeting were E. O. How- ago for St. George bank. tions of love. Mrs. frequent to said on shoulder and Schoen robbing startle at tlje C. 9ttXf Burton S. J. E. and as ard, chairman; expresand, therefore, looked upon was the other Blaney, suapect, doing Cosgriff of Salt Lake, J. T. Farrer of time as a member of the Tom Burns He told me that h loved me more sive of the tide of public opinion. Not- shadow that suddenly appears. and John Thomas of Gooding, oo Provo, than anyone else in the world. she which B. on Detective and killed a Jamea is. gang, slump withstanding there members of the Salt Lake com- Ham Idaho, . said. the country has not recovered as MINES was by slight attantlona at first mittee. In addition several represen- from by. when he made bis escape It i prison. he courted her favor, sh declar-- i that Repairing the damages isn't a pleas- tatives of the livestock industry conspeedily asT expected, evidently the Finger-prin- t of the robbers were ed. The meetings became more and voters retain confidence in the admin- ant as marching on Paris with von ferred briefly withooMr. Meyer. found in the postofflce and will be ex- more frequent, according to her testiinon Mrs. Kluck. Crews mine amined Baxter entered the be an in until mony, the sweepers The that may sigh istration. . by hope expert judgment to one room find the patient clapp will day to lead their nathey with relief. apprehension. They have removed all of terpreted as the sentiment of the a arms. in ed the physician oo the moored mines in the North Sea The discovery la said to have been tion. followed by the most bitter denuncia and have practically cleared the oo OGDEN TEACHERS tion of Mrs. Schoen and by her defrom FRANCE WAS WIN CERTIFICATES parture at the Schoen Mrs, When war story is one of dom the ended, said, everyone TOO WET. a weaker personality by ination of n "Mines will make the seas unsafe for Masterful, almost hypnotic; Wheninembers of the American Thre Ogden school teaeher wer stronger. wa the influence which th physician made a tour of France with John generations." Yet how many ships granted first claa certtflcatea yester- exercised over her, she aaid. Dr. Bsjc-- J day by the certification committee of ter's attentions C. Emery, national commander, thera have you heard about, sunk by mnies aro alleged to have be- -, the state board The education. of a gun in Jarroary a abort time after her was discord and lack "of harmony since the armistice? Practically none. who won the Ogen teachers Be to Interesting arrival at the sanitarium for treat Program were Problems Alice look Gertrude Callie. when always bigger 3 which, explained by Commander Emment for a nervous ailment, and toj EOffered Mulkern and Cache At Sigma Rylander. Valley tackle j than you after weeks. them, have several continued for men they're statement all that ery, proves his " Annual Both Loula Block, father of the' in the last analysis are children. His solved. Woolf, and and her husband left thef woman, Smlthfield; sheep cattle, oo wine. Prank d. Thatcher, Logun; courtroom when Mrs. Schoen related version, follows: This announcement is made in response to LOGAN, Sept 22. PreDarationa ar Poultry, H. C. Maughan. Logan? agri- instances of the doctor's alleged mis"When we arrived in France, very RAINBOW belnr rapidly completed for the annual culture and horticulture. Anthon conduct. many requests for late registration. Students As the result of an attack by the Exports during August increased for Cache Valley fair, which will be held Pehraon and Thomaa J. Rowley. Loproperly I wanted the delegation to 27, 28 and 29. According; gan, and James B. JIancey, Hyde Park: two men upon Dr. Baxter on the steps should register at the earliest possible moment present some semblance of an organi- the first time since last December, Septemoer to those in charge of the exhibition, floriculture. Mrs. W. A. Armstrong. of the city and county building fol zation, so four companies were organ- when steady decline got under way. Those registering late will have a slight reducthis year will be the largest and most Logan; women' work and home .eco- lowing the trial Tuesday. Judge A. R.1 Mrs. in tne hlstorv of the valley. nomics. George C. Smith, Logan; uarnes. berore whom the cas is being ized with about thirty members each. The gain, compared with July, was extensive tion made in the amount of work allowed. amuse or educational An Jamaa W. Drozram asked th men if either carried interesting department. comto men the Some of the $54,000,000. Gain In tonnage or ac- ments and entertainments. Including Klrkbride . Smlthfield. Artensla Mer heard, objected a pistol, They replied in the negaAfter October 3, registration will be permitted ' west features and horse rill, Richmond.. Haaa Anderson and tive. No search of their person waa pany", idea, principally because they tual amounts exported was bigger than many wua ha been provided by M. R. Ruby Osmond of Hyrum, and P. A, C mad. Th court gv warning then but with further, reduction in the amount of weren't in the front ranks; ofEers ob- shown by money value, for export racing, that or Hovey, secretary of the fair associa- i earrenor Ixtgan. made disturbances threata any work that may be taken. tion. Judges of the various exhibits have during-- the trial of the suit would b jected because they didn't g'et to make prices averaged lower. from Aside been the horse appointed as follows: Agricul followed by contempt proceeding and the speeches; some kicked about their Shrinkage of our foreign trade racing which is the program of ever at- ture and horticulture. Professor Go. Jail sentences. , biggest C. Merrill; poultry. Mr. Schoen declared on the witness rooms," about the trains, about every- seems to be halted. That means, world tempted by the fair, the Logan Ath- Ftewart and club will formally open its win- J. C. Poulter of Ogden: livestock. Pro stand Nov. 28 that Dr. Baxter had Opensf thing in general; very naturally some is getting back on its feet, toward nor- letic of boxing and wrestling; feasor C. T. Cannon of the Rrlgham -- ruinedTuesday ter hi h program intendhome' that had of the men were disgruntled. mal buying. Good news for the unem- with a show each night of the fair. Young university, and Dr. w. E. Car ed to kill him. and wished that he B. Calne haddon so. Hi statement brought Following are the rtpnnrimnt hud roll and Professor-Georg- e "It must be remembered that these ployed. More Jobs are in'sight. a. reprimand fsom Judg Barnes. ervlaors of the exhibit: Horses, Geo. of the Utah Agricultural college. Coats ! Petticoats - Aprons ... en-fe- h j $l,000,-lrobbe- P' 1 i j I , k ! j I I ; j Vi V . J tut. x 1 $1.00 ' j ! ! i I UNO ER i "d r... 1 WOMAN SAYS i j SPELL , con-fern- ce I I r V, ; awak-coming- . Orr-Dunba- r, ao-elatio- A n. : j - 1' i ) i -- Re-dama- ge 1 . ; 1 Mrs-Catherin- cross-examinatio- le e n. I Registration Will Medi-terranea- n. . Continue LOGAN FAIR TO the-sanitariu- Le-gio- OPEN MS DAY Utah Agricultural College certl-flcate- Monday, October . - Pril. Winter Quarter " Monday, it I |