Show VALE LIBERAL PARTY th the libe I 1 party let in ninta mars A meeting last idt evening decided to disband sonic some ono once capable of performing the task ought to write the history 0 of that party from the time I a few bravo brave spirits met anil and determined to organize to arrest st the building up hero here ot of a mighty theocracy and determined likewise to americanize utah and liy lay the foundation toun dailon ot of a permanent peace last night the org in paten bial ficon onn determined that the corli lind 1114 been carried on long lone enough and that the party parly as a party should pass paes away we think nothing like that old I 1 iberal it party was waa ever belr I 1 in ill tile the united states the met men who began the work certainly cannot be charged with any ambition to further their own onda ends they did what they did the certainly that it would bring brine upon them unmeasured oppa tion possibly violence and that in a commercial way it would put in jeopardy ill all their propel PI ty interests Inter cuts in this tory it was wan a brave true light fight they made the liglin they burned was at fl iret t hut but it 11 dicker but it never went out jt it was like tile the lamps t that wore were kept burning in Vest vestries aIes temple and A n lion hen ono one bravo brave torchbearer fell out ot 0 the tha ranks overborne by the there waa hafl aren another ther to take taka his place and so 0 o the work went on often as bitter as aa death always at a disadvantage baauw the cry was ever raised against them that they were but adventurers that all they were seeking was the plunder ot of the majority it was a hard long struggle when through their influence and their work they at last secured laws which helped them in tills this Teril tory then year after year the law officers felt fell down either cither bribed by rooney money or cajoled into treachery more than ones it seemed a hopeless task still the refrains were sung the old slogans were awakened and at last the light which they up reared helped by the other lights which came with free schools wd and with communications with tile outside world did the work they worked with the idea from tho the first that their final triumph would eat at the same elma be the lie death of 0 the party it was organized for a purpose that purpose was accomplished the party has gone back to merge with the people and they have gone back with the thought let bygones by gones kones be by rones cones and to all band together and join in good faith and in good cacti heart to build up here one of tile the most beautiful and prosperous in the republic and to have it such a state that every citizen wilt will be proud to be a citizen of it id and all will work together to add to its splendor its prosperity and its power |