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Show Couple Wed In Temple Rites Marriage vows were exchanged in the St. George L. D. S. Temple Saturday, December 23rd. by Floyd Tucker of Cedar City and Miss Colleen Munson of Escalante. The young couple will be honored at a reception in Escalante on Saturday. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Levar Munson of Escalante. Es-calante. She graduated from the Cedar City high school in 1943, and attended the Branch Agrlcultura College here for one year. At the time of her marriage she was affiliated af-filiated with the Brlgham Young University at Provo, where she was affiliated with the Lambda Delta 31gma Sorority. The groom, a son of Mr. and Mrs Guy C. Tucker of Cedar City, is home on leave from the U. 8. Navy after having survived the kinking of the Aircraft Carrier St. Lo In the battle or the Philippines. He jraduated from the Cedar City high ichool in May. 1943. and In June af the same year entered military service, and has had 14 months a! sea duty and 11 months of com-at com-at duty. He must report for reassignment In January and will be accompanied accompan-ied by his bride If he remains In the states. |