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Show THE BULLETIN Cotton? and Linens Go Style-Hig- h By Scan Dallas EASTER PERM ANETS Soft Lovely Ringlet Ends bUr! bsPh Jh t5at l fc is to 8h0rt to go around telling: things about 18 distteIul t that reads it. Let's givj a flower now and then, it'severyone easier and it's lasting. To the $1.50 . Shampoo, Color Rinse, Finger Wave' and Manicure Dye with arch Eye Brow and Eye-las- h Shampoo and Marcel Finger Wave (Dried) m.h?knocks others' comes eocial death and is lost to the choice . . you lcft yor vest in Van Harten k John Burt's Barber bL Shop the other day when you were in getting your hair cut They wish Jrou would leave the coat and trousers, a couple a sizes larger to match, if you please Rowland Bain, of the Granite Furniture Co., is floundering around in the sea of matrimony .... Our dear old pal Mr. Long-le- g Work didn't forget us this week, he left a bouncing boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walters. 2722 South 9th East, March 3rd. father Will alive and mother doing nicely. Frank you know, works at the Paint Pot . Katherine Thorsenberg and J. M. Chlpman, of the Sugar House Lumber and Hardware Co., were debating the other day whether or not to attend the Policemen's Eall last We hope they and their Wednesday. partners Were among the 4000 Dog Poisoners! What is more mean than to part a boy or girl from man's best friend, a Dog. The other day little Mary Richards' dog and pal was poisoned. Maybe the person who put the poison out didn't intend it for a dog, but for rata If sO, he is taighty careless with that poison, for if a dog can get it, some small child may pick it up and put it in his or her mouth, as all babies do with things they get their hunds on. If you are going to poison rats, put it down the rat hole; but if you meant it for some youngster's pal, one of the meanest persons on earth. There's a proper way to complain about The Herzog brothers, Jim and Paul have exdogs that annoy you panded their business, Auto Parts Co. to a branch in Vernal, Utah. Success to you fellows, and may you have many more Do you know that the Laura Larson Ice Cream shop is one of the few most beautiful ice cream shops in the whole west; and that Mrs. Laura Colville, owner, and Earl Stonebraker, manager of this outstanding ice cream shop, are most ardent boosters for Sugarhouse and contribute generously to that which builds the community. Wrger' .... ... 90c 75c 75c 30c QUAINT BEAUTY SHOP .... niONE HYLAND 7916 2040 SOUTH 11th EAST In rcttyi Barber Shop WITH VELVET TRIM By CHCRIE NICHOLAS FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT well-you'- re Private Front room, water, steam-hea- t, closet, radio. Suitable for sleeping room or office for gentle man. Mrs. Westphal, 2016 Bcath 11th Eaat over Schramm John-bo- n Drug Company. .... .... THAT'S ALL FOLKS SEE YOU NEXT WEEK S. D. Lets Celebrate! Surprised was Benny to find that bathing actually pleasant when done In a sunken marble tub Instead of standing on a slippery floor nnder a shower thst some times squirted only cold water. It wasn't ordinary water either because it had perfume In 1L So he took his time about getting through. When he did come out, be got mad. IBs clothes bad disappeared from the dressing room In which he bad left them. He wasn't mad In place of hla rags was long. brand new suit that just fitted and silk underwear 1 ni EASTER April 12th LET THE SOUTHEAST Feeling is If he owned the whole world. Benny came out and sat down at the table with the big bozo. He was glad that there were only two places he wouldn't have to do any act until after he had been fed. A butler came In with n silver platter on which was a huge stenk with red s Juice oozing out of 1L Other brought lo mashed potatoes green peas, mushrooms and n dish heaped high with scallions The big bozo heaped Benny's plate and Benny went to work. Barber & Beauty Shop GIVE YOU ONE OF THEIR Permanents It's Soft, Natural, Easy to take ' care of and Lasting. FOR APPOINTMENTS Hun-key- Call Hy. 8605 2106 South Uth East Lights ef NevVork gold-bande- by LL STEVENSON SSSSSSESS5SSSiS!SS It didn't strike Benny the Rabbit as queer tlmt s Ms lawn in s Mg fur coat should puss by s lot of others huddled under the eleruted In Cooper Square and come straight up to him. It was time he was getting a break, Benny figured. Things hadn't been coming his way In s long time. Ton many panhnndlera working down town. The take was hardly anything only enough for one deck of snow nil day. The big bozo looked good for at lenst two hits. Maybe a buck. A dollar would be wealth, (listen d of opening up, the Mg hnzo told Benny to get Into s taxi with hi in. Benny didn't hesitate. Maylie the big Iwzn wanted to show him off to some friends uptown. He was willing to lie exhibited as a Ilowery bum for I'nrk avenue that surely meant dough and maybe a lot of It. ... The apartment In which Benny found himself took away Ida breath. There were all kinds of silk curtains, gold chnlrs and gold doorknobs! lie heard music, too, not the kind that came from Bowery radios hut the kind that leaked out from the Metropolitan Opera house class stuff. The big liozo was talking to him. He conld hare anything he wanted to eat ail he bad to do was order it. So Benny ssld he'd like a thick steak, cooked rare, with the Juice oozing out. a lot of scaUlous. mushed potatoes, gravy, SMART BEAUTY SHOP 1062 East 21st South Ily. ON Just fearful of the works, took it on the lam. I hate to do It," said the. copper to himself. "But If I didn't wake those Junkers up, they'd freeze to death before morning.'' e Bell arndlcsM-W.- June Smart Fcrol White Operators , t 4 - r?) FREDOVA hand-blocke- DANCE STUDIOS Celebrate Their First Anniversary in Sugarhouse Forming Now at SPECIAL LOW PRICES Classes Are Given on Mondays Wednesdays and Saturdays All Types of Dancing Taught New Classes high-colo- rough-surface- Youth Lives After Dive of 125 Feet Into River WHY NOT REGISTER NOW For a Class In Dancing Oxford gray covert trimmed with Lyons velvet an here pictured Is a stunning alliance for spring. Reports from Parts say that leading couturiers and milliners are using velvet lo a trimming way on their smartest new fashions. Many tailored coats hare their prim mannish collars of velvet, especially If the suit or coat be navy or Muck. Note that the spring coat here shown has a yoke and sleeve section cut all In one. Trimming effects that extend from neck to hemline down the front are madu a feature this season. black East 21st So. Hy. 571 MV Freda Wrtherell Vernon, Principal 967 Faille and Bengaline Are Played Up for Spring Wear Ribbed fabrics faille and bengaline are played up In collections for spring In an Important way, used for entire costumes. Jackets and blouses, also employed as trimmings collars, cuffs, vestees and plastron. Yelled fashions continue to he featured, with chiffon nr marquisette posed over printed frocks, both afternoon and evening, and thnt sometimes the sheer fabric tako8 the form of a redlngotc, open from waistline to hem- line. Decorative edges at hemline of Jackets and also of skirts are highly regarded, with shallow pleated edges approved, with scalIosd outlines, fagoted bands, nnd braid, all giving a dressmaker . look to costumes. Safety Apparatus Fails Prat. Kan. For 13 years there were no accidents on the Rock Island railroad street crossing here. Then the railroad Installed elaborate crossing signals and lights and the following day a switch engine struck an automobile, Injuring three A' UTAH PRODUCT FOE PEP and VITALITY ASK FOR IT AT YOUR GROCER Sarrtca. VU Gland la Love Canter Palo Alto, Calif. The center of love Is not In the heart but In the pituitary, a tiny gland at the base of the brain, according to Dr. Calvin P. Stone of Stanford university, who conducted a aeries of experiments on doves. Ijir-entbehavioral also traced to this gland, he laid. , Outstanding among the new widely d heralded fabrics are shantungs, linens, printed piques, lace that lends Itself to tailoring, blistered sheers, and rough cottons and countless other attractive washable weaves. 1'lalds, stripes, checks, gorgeous floral patternings and interesting geometric motlfi often of leaf Influence, gu to make up vast print collections. Color Is literally on the rampage with the primary hues ytrongly evident and pastels retaining their importance. Designers express enthusiasm r for dark monntonea with contrasts. Brown, Mack, the darker greens and wine shades, ire especially promoted as key colors. Two-piec- e suits with black skirts topped by bright colored or white Jackets are expected to enjoy wide vogue during the coming months. The attractive models pictured are positive proof that cottons and linens are going style high this season. Tills d plaid stunning suit of cotton and the frock of printed linen called forth much admiration from an enthusiastic audience who witnessed a most brilliant and dramatically staged style revue and cotton carnival held recently in Chicago la the famous Merchhndlse Mart where It Is claimed more floor space Is devoted to merchandise and fashion Interests than any other building In the world. A dark blouse Is worn with the plaid suit. The charming linen frock In navy with red and white checkings Is enlivened with heavy bright red braid frog fasteners on the blouse, thus sounding a roguish military note. C WHtin Mcwaoapcr Union. Youngstown, Ohio. Mike Filo, sixteen. Youngstown youth, pulled a Steve Brody here and lived to tell about It. lie leaped 12-- ' feet Into the lev waters of the Mahoning river under the Market street bridge. He enme from the river withont any hroke'i bones and apparently Buffering from little more than a pain in Hie neck and exposure. I guess I was crazy for a moment," he told police. "I Just got the Idea to Jump and did.' lie denied he was in trouble, and would not account further for his act lie also deuled that he was prompted through rending stories of the Steve. A witness said he saw the lioy dive head first, and that he landed In the deepest part of the river. He swam ashore and was hauled out Benny's fingers closed around that $1,000, smart raps on the thin soles of Ids shoes caused him to leap to his feet Before h'.m stood a big bozo but be was wearing a blue Instead of s fur overcoat Benny, She said that she found that teachers who are highly successful in classroom control use fewer punishments and more rewards. Teachers rated A la control of pupils meet tbs behavior problem by reasoning and social approval, she said, TRY US AND SEE FROCK E as lems, FINE HAIR non-cras- h ONE-PIEC- New York. The grade A teacher spares the rod and does not keep Johnny In after school. Dr. Nellis M. Campbell, of Teachers College, Columbia university, reported In s survey of classroom behavior prob- Regular $3 and $3 WE GUARANTEE style-reveali- lie wanted Benny to get n new start In life. The new suit he was wearing was a part of It. In the hall was hanging a new heater which was his an overcoat exactly like the one the big bozo wore. That wasn't all. To make a new start, took dough. Removing a roll from his pocket, the big bozo started peeling off fifties lie didn't stop until he piled up $1,OUO which he handed to Benny. mm Best Teachers Spare Rod, Survey Shows 8312 EASTER SPECIAL Permanents $2.00 and $2.50 PERMANENTS Haring scraped up the last crumbs of the cocoanut custard pie, Benny drained his coffee cup and lighted the d cigar the big bozo handed him. Even If lie didn't get anything more out of it he bad no kick coming. Never In hla life had he ever even Imagined there conld be auch a meal. But he hud to have a showdown. The big bozo said lie knew Benny hadn't been getting the breaks so he had thought It was up to him to even , things a little. By the signs of the in fashion's realm you know It. When the new cottons and linens announce their arrival and when to celebrate the event, merchants and style creators hold high carnival In the way of previews, then be assured that fixing is here no matter what the calendar and the calendar and the element at large may have to say. As a tonic thut will revive Jaded and winter-wear- y spirits - like mnglc we know of none better than the new spring and summer fushlons. created of refreshing, crisp and dainty wash fabrics the new prints, sheer and otherwise, the gloriously colorful rough cottons that tailor so beautifully and the exotic printed linens that bespeak India, Tahiti, and picturesque Tyrolean peasantry. In the advance showings there Is a cotton or linen for every occasion, sportsy, tailored, forma! or otherwise. Dresses, suits, ensembles for morning, for street, for afternoon wear, for dinner, dancing, nctire and spectator sports, all are Included In the spring and summer parade of stylish cottons and linens. Children's fashions play a Mg part In the displays of spring and summer cottons and linens. Front page news in regard to liners and cottons Is they have gone that highbrow they have entered society in the form of lovely gowns as pretentiously styled as finest of silks and woolens. Then, too, ns media for smart tailored suits, cottons that are as as woolens and linens and (the new kind) are featuring big this season. COMES spring! - s- - w. - , - Idle Four Years, He Gets $2,000 for His Honesty . The same diagonally rlblied Mack silk is used for the skirt and hlonse in e frock. Tho top has an this s embroidered pattern in white silk. The collar and cuffs are white cotton pique. one-piec- flenr-de-li- FLASHES FROM PARIS Sheer black is tres chic. High ruche effects are newest In neckwear. Flower turbans nre shown with belts to match. Quantities of embroidery noted, especially Chinese. Couturiers are using profusion of tassels In a trimming way. Flos era worn; also new flower prints exploit color gaiety. Long sheer evening capes trail from the shoulders with exquisite grace. Philadelphia. Bill Duffy of Malvern, machlnlst'a helper who Just got a Job rter four years of unemployment, saw a string of "dirty heads" lying ou the Iaoll station platform, lie picked them up and took them home. Because he did to he is $2,000 richer today. The "dirty beads" were the $30,000 pearl necklace which had heeu lost hy Mrs. John Barnes Townsend, ef Radnor, Pa. The loss was advertised and 1hp $2,000 reward offered. Bill said his wife and eight children are going to get some things and SoOO is going In the bank. ia., Pig Swallows Diamond Mechanics Falls,. Maine. Mrs. A. Roy lost her dlnmond ring, volued at $230. After an extensive search failed to disclose the ring, she gave it up as lost. Three weeks later the ring was found when a butcher slaughtered a pig sent to hlui by Mrs. Roy, Benjamin Franklin said. Spend borrowed money os carefully os earned money." But however clever your architect or experienced your builder the lumber and other building materials must be of First Quality to secure permanence. It will take a little of your time but save you real money td talk your construction plans over with us. Sugar House Lumber & Hwd. Co. If It Guvs in the Building, We Sell It 1164 East 21st South Hyalnd 555 I |