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Show of them was, last night, detected in the act of taking awl from a oar on the 11. G. W. track. Her iiogc lord is Published every Friday morning by a stout, healthy, robust individual, NEWMAN H. MIX. who refused to work on the grade of the Eureka 17111 mill because they paid Entered at the at Eureka, Utah, but $2 per day. It's a pity the bastifor transmission through the malls as second-clas- nado has gone out of style. matter. THE TiNTIC MINER. 1'ost-offl- s In another column of this issue, we an appeal to the property owners make OF ADVANCE. SUBSCRIPTION. PRICE of district for the support of an this f3.00 , One year , ' 1 75 enterprise that means money to them, Six months .. J 00 and to every business man in the camp. Three mouths f If not paid Jn advance: One year, &.00; six If, through their lassitude and month,K.2&: three months. 11.30. we are not able to make a good in the matter, it will be conshowing UNION PACIFIC TIME TABLE, sidered as prima facie evidence of a 11:20 a. in. Ar. from Fait Lake ack of ore to make the venture a sue 2;'j0 p. in. l,v. for Halt cess. In that event the business men 6:K) Ar. atSalt Laky p. ui 11 :40a. in. l.r. for 811 ver City and property owners are to blame, 1:33 p. m. Ar. from Silver City not us. A newspaper, however small, Through Coaches to unci from Suit Lake with- is acknowledged the most reliable out chancre. source of information from a mining Shortest lAaa and t astest Flme. district and The Miner still repreRio Granda Western Time Table. sents Tintie. icidif-ferenc- So. Leaves. p.m. No. 9. No 27. 10. Arrives. ft. m Silver Cjty 7:45 K'ureka. Goshen 8:I( 9:21 : 10:02 10:27. Arrives hantacmln, Payson ....... . Spanish Fork 10:44 11:0ft Dr. O. II. Keysor, the dentist, is with us again and he will establish a permanent office here, first door east of the drugstore, with Dr. Drybor-ougHe will do all classes of work Leaves. 38tf. 6:00 at Salt Lake prices. 5:45 in. p. 9:00 8:35 7;20 7:00 0:42 6:15 h. Sprlngville l'rovo American Fork. .5:21 11:30 11:36 12:09 Lent Uinghatn Jc Halt Lake 12:30 a. MAILS. Silver City and Mammoth m. "During the epidemic of la grippe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy took the 5:15 4:43 4:25 closos at 11:00 Salt Lake aad alt other points at 1:30 p. m. Silver City arrives at 1 :40 p. m. Bait Lake and all other points at 11:00 a. iu. General dollvery open from 8 a. m. to 7:30 p. in. Money order and registry window from 8 a. in. to 5 p.m.. and from 0:30 to 7:110 p. in. SundayGeneral delivery from 11:30 a. in. to 12:30 p. in. P. M. J4f. 1. Driscom.. TinrlG Belle of fioat. the West Flour is the best. tor it and take no AHk your grocer other. e, 33tf. Tom Diamond is slightly hotter today, but no material change is noted. lead here and was much better liked than other cough medicine." II. M Bangs, druggist, Chatsworth, Ills. The grip is much the same as a very severe cold and requires precisely the same treatment. This Remedy is prompt and effectual anr will prevent any tendency of the disease towards pneumonia. For sale by Eureka Drug Store. We have prepared and have for sale, blank location notices. The form is large, with ample room for description. 5 cents each, i"0 cts. dozen. Additional Cripple Creek .Service. Commencing May 1st the Colorado Midland railway will put ou and run daily thereafter additional suburban trains to accommodate Cripple Creek and Florissant business, as fallows: King, 'of the law firm of King Houtz, l'rovo, was here on profesWKtsTBOUND. sional business yesterday. Leave Colorado Springs Arrive Divide W. K. I'ierce, of Salt Lake, recently " Florissant EASTBOUXD, iater.(3,sted in the old Tintic mills, ramie up Tuesday and drove to the Leave Florissant Divide Arrive Woodland Park mill iu the afternoon. Leave Woodland Park W. II. The Freed Furniture and Carpet ,Co., of Salt Lake City, will sell the XuruRure of the Condou House, at Silver City, at publjcsale, next Tuesday. President Taxman, D. K. Brown, I). Crawley and Wm. IMtigrew came over from Nepal Tuesday evening and organized a branch of the M. I. A. here. Arrive Colorado Springs " Pueblo. " Denver 8:10 a. m. 9:35 a. .10:02 a.m. a. ....11:10 a. 11:30 a. 11:50 a. m. in. ni. m. :00 p. ni. 5:30 p. m. 0:00 p. ni. 10:40 1 This arrangement gives a convenient and rapid service into and out of Cripple Creek. Have your prescriptions tilled at the Eureka Drug Store. Go to the Eureka Drug Store for medicines of any kind. Two good second hand cook stov es A sheet and pillow case ball will be for sale at the Eureka Tin Shop. g ven at the Odd Fellows' hall tonight. For fine Cigars and fresh Con As it is the first affair of the kind ever given iu town, much pleasure is an- fectionery try "Tile Eureka Fri:it Store," Lower Main Street. Noah McChrystal has purchased the To Rkxt. One house, En interest of his partners in the meat quire at Eurek Drug Store. market, aud moved the business to t he room formerly known as the "Hay JUST KIXEIVKI), tnd Grain" saloon. A handsome line of boots, shoes and Tintic Mer. Co. A sociable will be given In the L. D rubbers. 1). S. Church. Good music has been Go to B. F. Fleiner's restaurant, secured, and refreshments will be South worth Block. Regular meals. nerved to all who att end. A success2octs., short orders and oysters a specful evening is assured. 37tf. ialty. Pro vo City. McMur-phofD. the Irene, daughter oils, varnishes, brushes, etc. Paints, ' is confined to the house with a Eureka 'Drug Stoke. taala.dy pronounced by the attendant meals in town at the Keystone Best physician, scarlet fever, and the house Restaurant. has been'' quarantined by the health Fresh fish and oysters always on hand at the "Eureka Fruit Store" flicer. Lower Main street. W. 11. Kennedy wad arrested Tuesday for an infraction of the peace, and THE DENVER & RIO GRANDE xcaH fined 310. which he promptly paid. On Wednesday, he was arraigned beKAILKOAD. fore Judge Nelson on the same charge and placed under $.300 bonds. The Scenic Line of the World, A select few of the "400" yter& entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Virthlin and Mrs. Ry water, at the twine of the The only line running two through former, lat Friday night, in honor of to Miss Lon Wheeler. Music, cards and fast trains daily LeadviUe, Aspen, conversation' was the programme, delicious refreshments. Pueblo, Colorado by ticipated. y, NOTICE. t-- ac- t' to-w- it; to-w- it: to-w- to-w- it: pr "CHICAGO THE& St. Paul R. R, Chic&jo, Milwtukea Is the only Use running Solid Veatlbuled. Steamheated aad Electric-Lighte- d Trains Dally bet wean Chlcasro and Omaha, composed of magnificent sleeping cats and the The Finest Dining Cam in ih World EVERYTHING J. H. C,oufjSh'to Ren-jam- ln for NOTICE Alla, H0DGINS & MEECHAHT TAILOES tumhzL Wsrt All - EUREKA. - s I UTAH. AS1IER BIPDLECOME, ftiiicaljncllijer. Chimneys a Specialty, ai the Mmm office. iSFLeaYe order ImFiIeSIingIo JAMES EOSTICE, MGR. UndertaHers. full Lima of Gil and Caskets, EUBEKA. UTAH. I'. LOOFBOUBOW & WILLIAM KAUW, litintn u4 tnu&m it la. OSTICS-fcooma- 'ALT n.n,730ommrolal W, LAKIcrry. Office ; i BVk. TJTA9. " iVDWAS D PI SR. '""" ittsniy i; U ad U. S. fittsds&ur. la Naw Court Kotmo, Eureka, M. THACKSTOJU. Attorney at Offlca EUREKA. -c- bb-Luw, Cain Prog Stu . . OTAFI. A. B0BEKT805, With BeaatH. MauBre4!y.. MINING LAW A SFBC1ALTY. 183 8. Mala St.. Salt Lke Clt OAH W. McCHKYBTAL, Onice in J Tintic Mereaatlle store. Co. BAILIT, O. Attorney Paton t -a- A-Law , nd LkadOOoa BiMtacea a Specials? Bait Lau Cm, Utah. SAM HING. LAUNDRY. Mill ni Ire ateg s$itf U Troy StuaWfrt EUREKA. TJTAH United States Land Office, ( Salt Lake City, Utah, December 13. 1W)3. f Notice Is hereby given that Ilezekiuh Vf . Brant, whose postoftice address is Eureka. COLORADO Juab County, Utah, and his S. of Lake Charles Salt Varlan, City, Utah, Lizzie B. O'Brien, of Mammoth. Juab County, Utah and David Phillips, of Eureka, Juab County, Utah, have made application for a The Only line which run Pullman PaUce Sleeping Cars betvmoa United States Patent for the Golden Chain Lode mining claim situate In Tintic Mining GgJen, Salt Lake City and Chicago without change, and District, Juab County, Utah Territory, conPullman Palace liclir.ia Chair Cars besisting of KG3.5 linear feet of the Golden Chain tween Ogden, Salt Lak City, Lode and surface ground as shown on the plat posted on the ground, being Lot No. 339. Denver and Chicago. ajid described In the field notes and plat of tbe official survey on file In this office, with THE SHORT LINE Effective, November 10th, 1893. magnetic variation at 16 degrees 30 minutes SUPERB SCENERY east, as foIlowsC'ommencing at Post No. 1, Train No. 2 leaves Ogden 7:00 a. m.. a corner of the claim and running thence EQUIPMENT UNSURPASSED Salt Lake 8:05 a. m., arrives at Pueblo north 18 degrees, 15 minutes west 185 feet to 5:50 a. m., Colorado Springs at7:0;t. Post No. 2: thence north 9 degrees 53 minutes m., Denver at t:40 a. ni. Train No. 2 west 678.5 feet to Tost No. 3; thence south 74 leaves Ogden at 8:20 p. m:, Salt Lake degrees 30 minutes west 500.7 feet to Post No. at t:25 p. m., arrives at Pueblo at 4; thence south 86 feet to Post No. 5; thence If so, be sure and secure your tickets over thi p. in., Colorado Springs at l:07 p. m., south degree 57 minutes east G09.5 feet to Denver at 11:30 p. m. Post No. 6; thence south lSdegrees 15 minutes "SANTA FE ROUTE," Connect loos made at Pueblo. CV' east 185 fcot to Post No. 7; t hence north 74 de000 feet to 'Post No. I, rado Springs and Denver with all lires grees :i0 minutes east Grandest and Greatest Railroad on Eirth. east. Elegant (lay coaches, chair er r- the place of Iteginnliig survey of exterior and Pullman sleepers un ail trains. boiiiid.arle's of the claim, containing a total I??Leavc Ogden or Salt Lnke on tJit eveoisg train ia order to Take the 1). it I!, (i. and have a.eo'u- - area of 11.10 acres hereby applied for. Tho fortrhle trip and enjuv t lie linesc seen. ureas In u fitct with tin- D.illy," "Cleve-";ei;i- " 8(,m the most beautiful scenery iu America. a:-- ' ?iiddle A: I'M '.odes. Lot No. 2M", cry on the continent. S. K. HOOl'EIl. A. S. HUGHES. ureexprevly Included In this application. Train leaves Rio Grande Western loiot, &i!t Lafce City, at 9:23 p. in. ' 1 loin Post No. 4, the northwest coi ner of O. P. & T. A. Ticket Office, No. 13 W. 'Je Trafflc Manager. outb Street. section ;tft, township 10 south range 2 west 3 1)5 minutes wr beftf i-- i. north degrees 27!i4ji feet dKtant, and from the same Po-- t U. Gent-raB. F. EVINS, General Agent, 3J6 Dooly Building, H. Si. M. No. 1 bears north 85 degrees 21 min-- u PaJWUgtr L1t3rtme9t ."' " SALT LAKE CUT, OTU Salt Luke City. we.t fett dibt'iot, fcalJ Uuldui Chuiu mo Routo." "Santa Io GRANDE WESTERN LAND, ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAYS. You Going East? 7.-:j- Forrester," traveling auditor of the 11. G. W. and J. E. Ihireh, of the Pacific Expr;s8 Co.,' came out iiiesuay ani insiainxj an ageni at iue Mammoth Mills. W. M. Moss is the jfentlem'an's name and be represents rxun me u. l . ami k. ii. iv. railways. will bo ma in a t'w Arraugem-nl- s days to meet the. regular trains at the luaiu lines, for M;mirn--tand fjvight. ... j u Ivwti U.t .hare of setai.s rjcrtlc T0UNG, NO. 2250. Ire G. E. . J. 8. Talbot, T. F. & P. Agent. Commercial Agt. :5 Wast Second Boot, Salt Lake City. Patent. lf FIBST-CLASfl- Any other Information a to rates of far etc., will be cheerfully faraUhed by undei-slgnen- on-ha- LINT SHORT Springs and Denver. The Mammoth Company have incorporated & railway for the transit of passengers and freight from the railway station to the mill, and on up to the r.aip,' under the name of the East Tintic Railway. It will probably be operated by .electricity and will be 5!Ultean addition to Mammoth. 'ism-cgcr- loiS' r,'cor3 Loue location mir.iiijr clai:n said inintru Kecos-office in the of th Notice is hereby given that all In .Tub Court?, tiil. district at Silver counts owing to Embleton & Hayes The near-- :t knownCity, I,,: locations hi have been legally assigned and trans- Middle Atlas, Cleveland andDom Pedro lodes ferred to the undersigned and pay- as shown by the official plat. ment must be made to me or my orI direct that this notice be published in tho James Tucker der. Tintic Minkr. at Eureka, Utah, the newsEureka. Jan. 10, 1894. paper published nearest the paid mining claim, for the period of ten weeks. Notice of Dissolution. BYRON GROO, Register. T. C. Bailey, Claimants' Attorney. Notice Is hereby given that the First publication December 15. 1803. heretofore existing between Noah W. McChrystal, George White and Richard Johns Notice of Forfeiture, under the firm name and style of Xoah.Mc Chrystal & Co. Is this day dissolved by mut- To J. Gable, your heirs and assigns: ual consent. All outstanding debts and liaYou are notified that the undersigned, as bilities will be paid by the said Noun W. Mc owners of an undivided interest in each of Chrystal, and all debts due and owing to the the following described mining claims, have said firm to be psiid to the said Noah W. Mc expended t wo hundred dollars in labor and Noah W. McC'hbystal, ChrystaL improvements upon the Bessarabia lode minGeobg Whitb, ing claim, located December 16, 1830 and $200 Richard Johns. in labor and improvements upon tho Dutch Eureka, rtah, January 1. 1804. Empire or Dutch Empire lode mining claim, located December 12, 1889, both claims being Ordinance No. 15. in Tintic Mining District, Juab County, Utah, $100 during and for each of the years, 1891 D. A. and 1892, upon and for each of said fees and the An ordinance fixing salaries, said claims rescompensation of city officers and employes two claims, In order to hold pectively under and as required by the proof Eureka City, etc. The Common Council of Euieka City ordains: visions of Section 2324 of the Revised Statutes Sec. 1. That salaries of the city officers and of the United States, and as and for the anla w employes of Eureka City be, and the same nual work and improvements required by said done that be to for respectively: years term of the fixed as for follows are, hereby office to which each of them may have been your proportion thereof Is $06.(0?i for each 1R13.33H for each claim respectively, elected or appointed, two years, and said of said each for claim as his receive shall compensation Mayor, the sum of Four (W) Dollars for each meeting that upon your failure to contribute and pay to the undersigned your proportion of such of the Council attended by him. upon either of said Councilmeu, shall each receive Thre (1) expenditures as Dollars for each meeting of the Council at- claims, before the expiration of 90 days from and after this notice by publication, tended. af90 Marshal, One Hundred (J100) Dollars per before the expiration of days from and 90 days term of the publicat Ion of full the ter month. this notice, your interest in each of said two month. Attorney, Fifty ($50) Dollars claims as to which you fail, as aforesaid, to cenf per Treasurer, Two and one-ha- lf (2) contribute and pay your proportion of such to him received of all moneys belonging by to and beexpenditures will become forfeited said city. , under Police Justice, Fifty ($50) Dollars per month. come the property of the said section 2:t24. Thjs notice will be pubRecorder. Fifty ($50) Dollars per month. W. D. My bus. 90 Collector, Three (3) per cent on all moneys lished for days. Conrad Kopman. belonging to the city collocted by him. Date of first publication Oct. 20, 1593 month. Dollars per Policemen, Eighty ($0) Street Commissioner. Two and One-ha- lf (2.50) Dollars for each day of actual work on Application for of the city and Twenty the streets NOTICE NO. 2S8. (20) per cent on all poll taxes collected in United States Land Office, I money. Salt Lake Ci:y. Utah December 12, 13. f ($2.50) City Health Officer, Two and Notice is hereby given that L?e Hopper. In the j ail whose Dollars for each visit to prisoner postomce address Is kureka ulty, 3uio and tho same amount for placing and removCounty, Utah Territory, has made applicaing any quarantine. tion for a United States Pa lent for the GeneFire Warden, Three Dollars (13) for each vieve. Yorkvillo, Annie and Retribution, day's work. consolidated', lode mining claim, situu.'.e In Skctios 2. Such salaries as are fixed by Tintic Mining District. Juab County, L'trtn the year, month or day shall be paid in equal Territory, consisting of 149T.7 linear feet of monthly Installments out of the city treas- the said Genevieve vein or lode, 14'.)7.7 linear ury at the end of each month, and the sala- feet of the said Yorkville vein or lode. 14U7.7 ries herein fixed shall remain as the salaries linear feet of the said Annie vein or lode hnd of the officers and employes herein nan.i'tl M'ii.'i linear feet of the said Retribution vein during their term of office or employment. or lode, and surface ground as shown on the This ordinance shall be In force and take plat posted on the ground, being Lot No. effect from and after first publication in the. and descri bed In the field notes auu Tintic Miner. on official of the survey Passed and approved January 10th, A. D. plat file in this office, with magnetic variation at ISM. 10 degrees 28 minutes east, as follo-.vs- : Comjohn McChrystal, mencing at Post No. 1, a corner of said GeneAttest: Mayor. vieve, Yorkville. Annie and Retribution ConJ. A. Pierce, City Recorder. solidated lode mining aalm, thence south'.) Territory of Utah, ( degrees 44 minutes eastS 497.7 feet to Post No. County of Juab. 2: thence north 79 degrees 54 minutes east I, J. A. Pierce, Recorder of Eureka City, do 298.8 feet to Post No. 19; thence south 1 degree hereby certify the foregoing to bo a full, 42 minutes east 1002.3 feet to Post No. 18; true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 15, (18 05 minutes cast 313.2 entitled, "An ordinance fixing the salaries, thence north degrees 12 degrees fees and compensation of the city officers feet to Post No. 17; thence north 55 minutes east 372.7 feet- to Post No. 16; thence and employes of Eureka City," passed by the 08 degrees 05 minutes east 103 feet to Common Council of Eureka City on the Kith north Post No. 15; thence north 2 degrees 57 minutes D. A. 104. of and duly approved west 843.7 day January, feet to Post No 14; thence south 68 by the Mayor on the 10th day of January, A. degrees 05 uiin west 285 feet to Post No. 21; D. 1894. 41 minutes west 383.6 9 In Testimony Whereof. I hereunto set my thence north degrees to No. Post thence north 8 degrees 08 12; feet hand and affix the Corporate Seal of tho 908.2 feet to Post No. 13; thence west minutes . City of Eureka, this 10th day of January-Asouth 79 dog 54 min west 593 feet to Post No. I). 1834. 1, the place of beginning; containing an area A. J. Pibrce, City Recorder. heal of 32.18 acres, all of which is claimed and apFirst publication January 19, 18U4.1 plied for, there being no conflicts. From Post No. 15 of this claim, U. S. Minerto Notice Creditors, al Monument No. 2, In the town of Eureka, bears south 9 degrees 13 minutes east 3439 fet Creditors. distant actual measurement. From Post No. Estate of Benjamin D. Thomas. Deceased. 15 of this claim, the nw corner of section 2i, NOTICE IS HEREHY GIVEN by the underTp 10 south range 3w of the Salt Lake Meridsigned Administrators of the Estate of ian, bears south 36 degrees 61 minutes west D. Thomas Deceased, to the creditors 5370.3 feet distant actual measuremon t. The of, and all persons having claims against the said mining claim being of record in the ofsaid deceased, to exhibit them with the ne- fice of the Recorder of said mining district cessary vouchers, within ten months after at Silver City, Juab County. Utah. The nearthe first publication of this notice, to the said est known locations being the Gladstone, U. Administrators at l'rovo City, Utah, address fi. Lot No. 127, fcamfino, U. S. Lot No. 202 and ' postoftice box.'121, In the said (Jounty of Utah. Peru U. S. Lot No. 341. C. E. Loose, Samuel P. Ewiug. AdministratI direct that this notice be published In the ors of the Estate of Benjamin D. Thomas, Tintic Miner, the newspaper published nearDeceased. est the said mining claim, for the period of First publication Dec. 29, 1893. ten weeks. BYRON GROO, Register. Patent, Edward Pike. Attorney for applicant. Application First publication December 15, 1)3. - 1 - . t3 n c. ouriErrr, Afat MID |