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Show PAGE FOUR THE BINGHAM BULLETIN, BINGHAM CANYON, UTAH FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1935 SEMINARY TOURNEY WINNERS 'X-:- . Wt?-:-' : Pictured above are the winners in the Bingham High LDS Seminary doubles and singles ping pong tournament and a Chines" and regular checkers tournament which were held last week at the Seminary: back row, loft to right Doris Abplanalp, Bobbie Lee Johnson, Maxlne Garrett. Gay Armitstead. Joyce DeCol. Front row, left to right Joe Orgill Dick Michaelsen, Dale Carpenter.' Local Happenings - - . . a . a m mm mm WW ww Miss ReNee Johnston To Be April Bride Announcement is made this week of the engagement and forthcoming marriage of Miss KcNee Johnston to Dean Ihll of Salt Lake City. The couple will exchange vows in the Salt Lake LDS Temple on April 1st. The bride-to-b- e is a daughter of Mrs. Dale Johnston and the late Mr. Johnston of Bingham Canyon, rarents of the prospec-tive bridegroom arc Mr. and Mrs. William I. Hill of Salt Lake City. The bridogroom-to-b- e is a student at the University of Utah where he is majoring in art. The couple are planning a honeymoon trin to Las Vegas, Nl-v-., after which they will make their home in Bingham. Betrothal Announced Mr. and Mrs. James Abplanalp of Bingham Canyon announce tnc engagement of their daugh-ter, Shirley, to Irving Vance Bodily, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ster-ling Bodily of Vernal. The bride-ele- ct graduated from Bingham High school in 1!)j4 and is now employed at the Wagner . Big Co. in Salt Lake City. The prospective bridegroom is a 1952 graduate of Uintah High school and attended Utah and Brigham Voting Universities for a year. He is an employee of Shell Oil Co. in Salt Lake City. No wedding date has been set. Fire hall after which the group went to the show. Guests on hand to wish Ned Robert happy birth-day were Gina Dawn and Dickie Evans, Lorraine and Sidney Car-ter, Victor Dellagnola, Gary Stevenson, Karen Mann, Sherry Serrano, David Tangaro, Stevie Jimas, Stevie Prigmore and Frankie Ann Hutchings. Assist-ing Mrs. Ncrdin with the party were her sons Jerry and Richard and Susan James and Nikkie Florence Jimas. Each guest re-ceived a favor. Ned Robert re-ceived many nice gifts. ; Linger Longer club met Tues-day evening in Midvale as guests of Mrs. Erma Nil.-on-. Mrs. Doro-thy Byrne was an invited guest. Mrs. Louise Trescott's birthday was celebrated and she received many nice fifts. Prizes at con-tract bridge "went to Mrs. Joella Davis, Mrs. Florence Buckle and iMrs. rrescott. Dainty refresh-ments were served. Mrs. Ella Cook was hostess to the Fire Auxiliary Monday night. Bridge was played with prizes ,t!oing to Mrs. Helen Peterson, Mrs. Irene Anderson and Mrs. Diana Dispenza. Lovely refresh-- . ments were served. No meeting will be held next Monday night. On April 4, Mrs. Nellie Chesler and Mrs. Dispenza will be hos-tesses to the auxiliary. Roy M. Gallegos, son of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Gallegos, left Tuesday, March 22 to report for army duty at Camp Carson, Colo. I Mr. and Mrs. Boyd J. Nerdin entertained at a nicely appoint-ic- J dinner party Sunday after-Inoo- n, March 20 at their home in honor of their son, Richard, who was celebrating his 15th birthday anniversary. Guests were his brothers, Jerry and Ned Robert, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin L. Miller and children, Kathy and Bob, Mr. an" Mrs. William B. Cluff and child-ren, Claudia and Steve, of Salt Lake City, Misses Janice Armit-- ! stead and Nikki Mary Jones of Copperton. Mr. and Mrs. Ross M. Cushing 'attended the final game of the (lass B tournament between Cyprus and Murray at Provo last Saturday night. Mrs. Orley Bills and son Randy of Midvale visited with her par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bent-le- y YVodnesday. Bingham Ward M.I.A. Mia-- . Maids and their mothers attend-- I ed the Dear to my Heart program Ihcld at Copperton ward Tuesday night. Mrs. Beatrice Bates was speaker. On Tuesday, March 29, the Sacred to my Heart program tor Junior Gleaner girls and their mothers will be held at South Jordan. Guest speaker ' will be Joyce Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Verio Kendrick, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Murano and Mr. and Mrs. Ross M. Cushing attended the spaghetti dinner held at Sacred Heart church in Salt Lake City last Sunday. Mrs. Leah Rands is arriving Sunday from Arcadia, Calif., to make her home with her daugh-ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. 'Arthur Bentley. Social science meeting of Bing-'ha- m Ward Relief Society will be held Tuesday, March 29th at 10 a.m. at the church. Lesson will be given by Mrs. Mary Raby. All members and ladies of the ward are cordially invited. Mrs. Veda Stoddard is leaving today, Friday, for San Francisco, Calif., to visit awhile with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Domgaard and fa-mily. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Greene entertained Sunday, March 20th at a lovely birthday party for their daughter, Suzanne, on her ninth birthday anniversary. Guests wishing' Suzzanne happy birthday were: Christine Osoro, Terry Redmond, Paul Anderson, Ella Ree Carpenter, Ruth Claire Kidd, Rodney Rasmussen, Leslie Goff, Carol Ann Bononcini, Suzie Longfellow, Mickey Milner, Ann Stocks, Kathy Crellin, Ronnie Coward and Norma Jean Boul-to- n. Refreshments were served at the Greene home after which a theater party was enjoyed by the group. Suzanne received many nice gifts. Sunday after-noon a smorgasbord was given by Mr. and Mrs. Greene at their home in honor of Suzanne. Be-sides the above mentioned three, others present were another daughter, Cheryl, and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Kidd and "daughter Ruth Claire, William Ablett and daughter Pat, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ablett, Mrs. Hanna Lund, M. M. Wilson and Lee Kidd, Mrs. William Ablett left last Saturday for Canon City, Colo., to be with her mother, Mrs. Mary Valenzano who recently under-went an operation. A delightful birthday party honoring Ned Robert Nerdin on his fifth birthday was given Thursday, March 24 by his moth-er, Mrs. Boyd J. Nerdin. Re-freshments were served at No. 1 The Giants are set with the exception of pitching and I for one think that Jim Hearn will fill the bill as to the righthander that Leo is looking for. The only new man that will play much of a part in their fight for the pen-nant will be this great looking lefthander Margoneri. Two other boys that will be heard from in the future are Lennon and Rodin. This is about ail I can tell you in this much space but if you like baseball then plan your vacation for the spring and go to Arizona. Oar Emgham boys have left for camp. Sonny Robertson and Marion Cowdell with the Giants and Don Gust with the Phillies. Our best wishes go with them and we hope in the not too dis-tant future to be going to see them in training with a big lea-gue team. All baseball fans are urged to attend the Hot Stove League banquet this Saturday night to be held at the Elks Club in Salt Lake. Oscar Vitt is to be the main speaker and the public is invit-ed. See the writer or Charlie Bates for tickets. AL SPORTS HERE (Continued from cage one) club game 8nd everyone in camp got into the act. I know you have read of the greatness of this fel-low Willie Mays but believe me when I tell you they don't write enough. Never has there been a man that has any more going for him than this young man from Alabama. The third day found them opening their spring exhi-bition series with the Cleveland Indians. They had a big parade in downtown Phoenix and all of the Giants were in open cars with about 50,000 people looking on, in real summer weather. The game was a sellout, but the wife and I had good seats. Before the game I took some pictures and while doing that I was hailed from the stands by an old pal that was spending his vacation the same as I was, watching the ball clubs. Many of the older fans of Bingham will remember this fellow. It was John Maples. John and I from therein had ourselves a time going to the different games. The Giants in this first game started their first team with the exception of Davy Williams who was out with a cold and with Mays and Rosen hitting home runs won 8 to 3. The next day the squad was split and half went to Mesa to play the Cubs and the other to Tucson to play Cleveland. We went to Mesa. Johnny Antonelli started. It was the star left bander's first start of the spring and he and Bob Rush of the Cubs showed why they are stars. They lost this game and the Cubs snowed some line looking rookies. High-light of this game was the throw made by Erwin to nip a runner at home, the big left fielder rifl-ed one in from deep left to get his" man by ten feet. Got to see the Indians' big three Lemon, Wynn and Gar-cia along with their fabulous rookie Herb Score. Everything you have read about this boy, Score, is true. He had everything and they say he throws harder than any man in baseball. This I believe. If he isn't a star I will miss my guess. IPeniveys youreaster flllmSMIfO AT PENNEY'S SPECIAL PURCHASE FOR EASTER A QO GIRLS ALL NYLON DRESSES, Size 4 and 5 .. It97 U SIZE 6 TO 12 3.98 NEW LOW PRICE New Spring Shades A 9 g WOMENS NYLONS 1J WOMENS BUTCHERS WEAVE RAYON ft AA DRESSES. Hand washable. Size 9 to 2J'2 U7W SPECIAL PURCHASE ON WOMENS AA HOUSE DRESSES, Size 10 to 24 't 2 FOR JvU WOMENS & GIRLS SWEATERS $2 $3 $5 FOR BETTER MEATS GIVE US A TRY! POULTRY CHEESE QUALITY MEATS BUTTER EGGS BINGHAM MEAT CO. Clarence Robison W. IL Harris Clinton Robiaon Phone 5 We Deliver IcacannnnonnnnaanQscsssnnonncaca CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Due to the small amount In-volved, we do not accept want ads except on a cash-with-ord- er basis. No ads taken by telephone. $750 down basement home 2 acre near Bing-ham Highway. $750 buys good sized lot West Jordan. $9450 Cosy Sandy 2 basement rooms corner lot, garage, GI, neat brick, excellent Midvale location. - CRAWFORD REALTY AMhersl 65831 Mid. 292 Mid. 427 WHO OWES YOU? If you can't collect, we can. For information, write Civil Law Enforcement Bureau, P. O. Box 141, Magna, Utah, or phone 2895. c FOR SALE 2 bedroom brick home. W.W. carpeting. Finish-ed bacomenl Apt. Large Land-scaped lot. Choice location. Mid. 1002-- R or Mid. 33X 2t f6rAVON COSMETICS SEE MRS. MARY PETRIC. 96 CARH FORK OR PHONE 1131. FEMALE HELP WANTED Women wanted. Temporary, six months. Mail postcards. Good handwriting or typewriter. Box 47, Walertown, Mais. LOST OR STOLEN. Mon. nlghi between Bingham and High-land Boy, navy blue corded, box like bag. containing commuters tickets, money and personal pap-ers. Badly needed. Small reward. Call Mrs. Pearl Grubb. S98-M- . CljniO KENTUCKY PPiiJfl STRAIGHT BOURBON ppM WHISKEY rsgj t"oo J FOR SALE 3 bedroom modern cinder brick home on Yi acre land in West Jordan. Terms. Call Midvale 0091-J-- WOMEN WANTED Several girls to address, mail post cards. Spare time every week. Write Box 161. Belmont, Mass. HIVERTON 3 bedroom home, nearly new, garage, only $10, 750.00. Owner anxious. RIVERTON 6 room home, 4.S acres, all for only $9,000.00. RIVERTON 4 room home, 1 acre, only $3,950.00 with $300 down, $40 month. WEST JORDAN 4 V tm. home, furnished, $9,500.00. EAST MIDVALE Large brick home, 3.4 acres good land, only $10,950 on termso r $8,500 cash. MANY MORE to choose from CALL USI SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE 7699 So. State Midvale 87 Midvale 899-- J, 1077-- 3155, 0187-J- 3 i i i i i i til !' n If I FIRST SECURITY. ..the Bank for Everybody! vyf' sSv m i ;i 7mf 'uwm ;' I I II e dHars yu save at Frst ' 1 I Security Bank are themselves I I personal security for you during I IJJ rainy days. I Ch I I m et n adon a savings account ' f ' ' IE cre Sves yu extra security of if M an established banking connection which you may need for any s2 number of reasons sometime in the future. MrS We pay good bank interest, com-m-l OB pounded twice a year. Your account, in any amount, is 77 H y invited. FinST SECURITY DAimSj Hn Security lank of Idaho, National Attmdotion flrtt Smtvrttf Bank of Utah, National AtsoctoHon $frS)M Rrtt Secwrfry Bank of ftotfc Spring, Wyoming i I BSEW HOMES CHOICE EAST MIDVALE AREA Cat Sewer Sidewalk Curb & Gutter County Taxes OPEN DAILY FOR YOUR INSPECTION i( 3 bedroom brick, large kitchen, stone fireplace, birch doors and cabinets, complete ceramic tile bath and drainboard, full basement, double car port, large lot and irrigation water. $2500 down, FHA terms. Ready to move in. Inspect at 274 East 6790 South. ' if 3 bedroom brick, all purpose room, large double wardrobes, cove linoleum, full basement, fireplace, lovely east view, wide frontage lot, excellent loca-tion. Buy now and choose decorating. $2,000 down, FHA terms. See at 7100 South 3rd East. CHOICE LOTS IN MIDVALE FOR CUSTOM HOME BUILDING. EXPERT HOME PLANNING AND DESIGN. MIDVALE HOMES G. Grant Marti&eau GENERAL CONTRACTOR BUILDER Phone Mid. 833-- R 156 Olympus Street SEE US FOR YOUR NEXT NEW CAR OR TRUCK SALES SERVICE "QUALITY WITH ECONOMY" PHONE 333 C. A. (SPUD) MORLEY, Local Sales Representative CANYON MOTOR COMPANY MAIN and MARKHAM BINGHAM CANYON COPPER GATE BEER PARLOR 54 Main Street Telephone 290 BEST BEER ON TAP ALL POPULAR BRANDS OF BEER IN BOTTLES AND CANS Jack Nicholls, Prop. i LADIES BOWLING Marion Johnson's 447 series and Mildred Tali's 171 game were high lor the evening at the re-gular weekly session Tuesday night of the Gemmell Club la- - dies bowling league. Team 4 is 'in the lead. Top five averages are Marion Johnson, Carol Chestnut, Mary Zdunich, Mary Johnson and Maxine Carter. Schedule for next Tuesday Is: Teams 3 and 1 on alleys 1 and 2, Teams 4 and 2 on alleys 3 and 4 at 7:00 p.m.; Teams 8 and 8 on alleys 1 and 2, Teams 7 and 5 on alleys 3 and 4 at 8:30 p.m. Round Robin starts April 5th. Entry fee will be $1.00. MINERETTE CLUB Last Monday night, March 21, shouts of "Yaa team! Let's beat!" rang out of the BUS gym as the Minerettes got into full swing at their girls party. After the girls were divided into teams of various colors, tha party began with a scavenger hunt. With the things that they had to find, each team then put on a sliort skit. Then the party broke into games of basketball and volley ball until it was time for refreshments. The party was based on the theme of "spring". This theme was carried out in a centerpiece of a small tree covered with yel-low blossoms and two small yel-low ducks beneath the tree. Small favors were designed out of nutcups and yellow petals to make daffodils. The committee Mary Cocci-migli- o and Sally Congdon, Donna Golesh, LaDean Ham, Toni Stewart, Gloria Gal-legos and Diana Ugarte, did a wonderful job of making this party loads of fun and a night that will be remembered. |