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Show . -. I Our Esn Paul Harrey Whozinit We Will Muddle Through (Net Necessarily News) and EDea Bsb Gibson (Heaves servetlon . 'Harley around the basket- opening the car door for Us passing ball scores during the GOP bride, the formarLacetta Feb- If we wipe out enemy re gen, the second week in wasmodern to ruary, gigtance in Vietnam without apply to this Jungle u pons intervention by image further banquet (Hailey .had Us ArcUbcrd . . . Rom Rasaae- began to tool good to Red or sla China, the "free- transistor , . . lOekey Cat- - ecu talking About trip to Vtotman, a' patten is begin' ASSmd Main Jungle-countof tomH that Mark General to see new nlM to emerge. ler decorating CtalrB salad not be secure. There win now still must into moved "We As Americans Clark says, nnmmtT ftfla bit of Ijncoin" SfH fora part of the cost should be born by the wta, dedicated mf.. to" front tons, our some- - retort toquick slaughter. Ev- - l, no militant, ; ni ty as a whole. time we are ttoli m in to -, mmanoeft that kept hta, tome anotberkr i We tool that the cost M the stermtate tor pital; tor treatment and a bo- - res. the United the 6tates When jouMbebby uate their independence. that those suffering ejte, too mm. aaMM. mna. i. T- irta A Face Lifting For Preston us drove to work fUs in the city o( Preston live we if morning -we had to dodge pot bote after pot hria In the city streets. It natty wasntt too bad though, at least not as bad as it will be when the spring thaw cones and some of the patcUng jobs of pnvtora yearsstet to bubble out and the ground , state to eweH snd what pavement that ., is there starts to roiL WUh the eneptta of a tow Mocks cn state street that have been paved prop had ly and one or two dty blocks that have a good paving JoM&s Is the story of Preston. And in addition to fie pot holes, we have to dodge one puddle of water after another tang the thaw, part of which has at ready been upra us. In some areas the puddU at of Kris could bo least In toe heavier pH111 area of the under the proposed community Improvement program fiat Is now under study by toe tar council. True, toil is goto cost money, but In too long run tt bo worth It . . , In mon ways than When most o! ry , uwser ------ d. m SJTKSr it ' who furnish' the troublesome ran- . bn ftrtarite P? rduct dtyu v Hf rr-- : - Tj' 1 Jfgt Form! - By Ray Friesi a Smith, in his raport to too council said tout oncer such a program too mongy win not bu open! notching too same ' hole ever and over and etfll not hive a food street to travel on. Ho alee said tost records stow Oat too reconstruction of wen out streets can reduce mafartmance cote from 75 to to percent He Mae stated that too value of toe streets for improvement have In most gradated eat the origbMl value and toe maintenance costs. hava become prohibitive. And. one mast consider tide, an Increased vsfuo wffl be raeMieii by aU property abating new. afreet and emb and gutter CQMMCDOBf aeooramg 10 lire suuiii. Tho cost of the project rounds "way out" and poesibty it is one that should be brok: an dawn into tone or four smaller pro-- ' Jects. We iteo contend that toe value of the Improvement Is to everyone in too city, house and residential, and toere- - tSSfrteSuan- - g In this hnpetect warty, throe often ,Who fwbBNr wants Soutoeait Ada?" Pd- lbs disciples of petienca King thorn backward gave ntraat a new name: might wdl ba "Accommodation." and frustrating for thym as wto sugfssted it has been for ue. Anybody lying this complex eonfronta- - y? mM the communists ever anto the "ccoomodate" fight uqd n emy continued to advance, there or wdH have them the day of our first me- ham" And while wo thus contin- - . who Whlte tag the world Ito A Glance Taken from toe flies ef FtoiUta wotofl M YEARS AGO FEBRUARY 25, 1111 nature, end U. S. In . any MannrJvMtwillSSto wertain not perish from tiito nrih." SSSr 8,4 tot5Srad purpo, nfflv(tecisioni must raw to toede to Hanff. PeHng mi Moscow, u wet as In on would laud to toe mnrivo nrtlelpatton of China or even, wnmetely, to n thomonudear holocaust bhneelf said, after a tombing, woakl CWn 01 Vest otwrtbm of mediae, power and the world's fuSw im at take. Industrial News Revue Ann, Gernc- -. Leon King, lotto Gibbons. MARCH 1 peml 4iSmSLltiJGiQ!L Editors: lum Hl9 Riverside, Calif, search, APO Our addrsas wfll to: Euro- - New York. . for you our J&3&22Z -- Writer' hb m pkUBt tt inasmuch ua Fish, flamf 087, , Kristin Han- - Dennis U. Jeckaon, Judy ir, Job HelL ; ? SSLSSS? mJS '25"X tto stal u-- raloy immensriy, but th. wa cmtgrnnant: looked for., at the same KimuiM up . - ft tor I M'ry Joyce Gambia, Debra- Long, Frad Water, Kevin DeKeren - Owen. Marsha x2 a! & 1 IX&SS&ZZE there is no one in the wered, ..tthend game that In fine life to wtad it . . - 77HOT ' Nol-thot-ait Ka--ct t - AOO FEBRUARY IS, ue million to 115 wmlton worth of state aid totha nuMic schools with a three perE.cent sales' tax K . I wd and Beverly and Glo- ria Btagham accompanied by ' AGO 8SJ their fieehte'tefc, Mrs. god at Marion Moron, spent Friday geaeral had spraiilhii tor mflllra tto" tax fisdf Mrs. Heitort Amass Beckstead was a Is to enacted of Mato First I fpeaJattoofteI ward sacrament servio . were A games puyao. jje to Mri- - and Mrs. Don Smith and Mr. prM-I,-td account of ramtonattag and Mrs. Bowden. Williams. hte visit to Cfifeffip AnW boa- Mrs. was FMknn Ray tto past winter. toss Friday eventag td last CAnowh id Cune wers hosts at a Deer Cliff ton Tuesday werti at a social for ter card spent several days to of ntohtjumqring Mr, and Mrs. dabutodituT Adstar his sister. Mrs. Bell HkniL Bart Bmydra whoMe mevtag sort luncheon was served end Ivan ' Woodward,' on of to Btottfoqt Quarts wire Mr. cards followed with soon Mrs. Owra Bcndsy, Ifr. tenon bring won by Phyllis Franklin county's foremost farmers and stock ratom and Mra. Ftoak Foss, Mr. Booker. wra to too County sent, Ites- week. of dnv MDon't target the Mq league STRICTLY BUSINESS w game of basketball ! and played between Logan Preston high, Friday evening. ' Lets everyone tarn out and cheer (Or the team. . , wiir If, UN ta - ua nw i 21 YEARS AGO .Vi FEBRUARY 2L 1M0 ' ; . r .' an always goinq to do totter tomorrow, and teto Relief Society' life! wa wodd too, If .. only wo tarn. started today, in tvmviu presld- Mrs: Thom Inyte ed at a trousse-- n tea for her r . daurider Mrs.. John1 Sharp, He to tan end he's handsome, Sunday. February 11, from I With brown curtey hair. , t ' to7pm. He stags and to whistles v Assisting to tin trousseau And plays a game fair. rooms were Miss .Eunice - Anwc T SH !Mto. dT5rd erffLUic . u. hr I1H. ... i'lnw Iimurr 8 1878. m th, 0180 Per Year n i , . ,"r- "" 12.00 : . N- - ' For Six Monthr cifi tlw Coimty. 'Ni-- h opopt-- r Vmh. IN So.busy with playing, He dont cart to roam. ' i' . 1 know God has sent him To to my brat pe- l- ' v While my life to lonely And Im notody'i gri. . . llrpiromiuitlvi-o- . Mm Toi-U- . III' hmnllfnl hrhuh (Nrho 4tH Kirth Avonuo, .r V--- ih I Lrwlotnn ' ' s He says life to 'good here, And wants to go on Just keeping to tune him Sharing mv life; Until I get n husband, " Or he gets a wife. Weaver HriL By V With Mi S pocket" atattflJhd to retoctaat to to phflsssaky wrfcad out fe. yMMat trial , This tain tetrito-tttsa- t least a . to a attend. Tto car-ha- s been bfll first odnoedJB tto House SWdid aal--SPfLfJPT. committee cooSilSST - MM heton even ftwll mpuguiit coaBM-vis1 , to&IStoS,tott? h. fingering rasistanca tege counties to tto second formula proposal They would Pfor to adopt tha original version. . of-so- sales tax In toe Moat observers agree toe will need aU the help It can get to win from - Senate. Some 1? ,tax a tend Oat even , t. ap-prov-al e referen-du-m couldn save the tax Proposal in tin upper chamber if either formula bill so far goes through. ed TT" i . distasteful to some alter i SlDioalft Um Fi fienuRy Sen i . n ! song.,, Ike garden to growing, rhe flowers blooming too. i jf t j They wure have been cared ta ; When that boy gets thro. Pm Just his deer Auntie, J. WA1TKR ROM, W.H.O,' Xi nhiH-'I- jlaniM. tJoraion. Crr, ami Plarhoion'ln Ilah I Nm- hi ' I..-- WATSK D. BELL by .tho AnittMiun , Roprroontmr - 140-IN1- .. 04.00 Outside - t f Hi !h - j. . When his days work to orar, rTTT YouH find him at home, r With beautiful iatlM.il lnrH Company, Ltah, Phono Hnt.ml m wmml Lwlounr. Uuh. Pool Offloo andor tho not of March Thui-Pia- O. Urn HIRSGHI, Lake, dterman of tho Education eamiwHt , to aware of the discontent being expressed by tome from small counties. He says to even has bad if cADi from his own county tent the formula. as tat. at this writing, HtoscU beUoves tha total version of tto formula should to rive mI iuL of toe a rids House to teat tto strength. R-Be- ar . - - : r for tbe schools. REP. FRANK ta ?UM tote) t Re- - wn boon quick to note the total revenue tt will rate to the same as that tetag sought $3 'Isfa? ne AD of us (Mrt.) Homer L. Nlebqn, though part of the money would fo ta-to tax relief to other fields, many House memfars have And sate tax ZUSSri Karan Nielson. LaRraa But- tto money will to distributed Ln-taequiwfe. to Iddw ters, Merihm t Maughan, gharron oitodSIss ttotow gut of wntiams, Roctole . s Comet tos got PMrfM tag another U TEAR, pjton'firi' s'guiit' j MARCH 4 W. I th. pkte. to renewing on anjorl acrosn 0x0.1 Abrams, CaUeen Coburn. ' wa are tearing tto country 1 was seeing tats gg Wtoeler, Sadis Ooflat, Feb. 1st We an transfer-- . To The Editor: the moon. thy Gordon! mm iOMBniMttfl9 MVgttnii I asked an old friend why Ycan back the fish end . MAx Gayle Blair. New York, gg jjuton.wSS bmm at mmSm! hrltai Raymond tto week. S YEARS Jhhson, Ljle LTO FEBRUARY w-t- ts dam mates. A Ben-Dia- ? MARCH 2 tto docen. About Event , MARCH 2 Gregory school uoawt qLT1 IfgSCnlgHL torldn, Hometown News Appreciated Jody Char Co mis Jjhnwn. SZSJSS L b Muon- , Jorgeneon, ThoMa WasMngfon. gave a thi!Lu Was-- ; j. SlSSE Kuer, Mm Kee Larsen, Elaine Meurto hurt ly daa-wher- oSSSS ihi W-JUU- s. old they tod a safes tax they would .formen m ma ynnm, ana aittotically. uied in tto decor- - wne agamK n unless some are made to (to out of tto poadtoit men at gg Vatonttoa changes tto bustaam. Hecomm Ute ftvon the little tonHda bUL FEBRUARY SI oer. vn nrara-- . mh States refrained from retelUUng, me CM- - dtnon, Wynn Gibbons, e nese and their eupportera In Axis end Hu. would have called tt a demonstra- ley tion that the United States to a paper tt ger, and that therefore toe Soviet poIcy of peacstee eosodstenca to mnecaesary Ataintotratloafr ietactanca to ex--$ toew north, wito an tto poerihm-- . well-wishe- toJJtSltmtathoat,Su- that free- and absurd. The otiiar side of toe calcu- totton was that if the United States react ed. as in feet it did read, tt wndd dem-onstrate that in Ada ttia Soviot Union to a Back tend Afn. Milo Hobbs in from visiting tor daughter n.' "Tto Iter - County Cftt- Preston OH- - and the CHARNOCK BY RICHARD Small county legislators an to bristle over a pro- -, filing school aid formula and mead Smith and Miss Dorothy Lea- - gme era threatening to try yjg ami Paidina Sharp and to scuttle tha Ml tax to- smlix served. jthryn " The Valentine theme was carried out In the nfrete -mento and 100 called to ( tanta - ed Political Echoes uu Am sun. If It ts tasx-oreb- te Viet Nam, for long time matters have been going from hod to wares. There an1 various teed reasons why this is so. One is too tastobimy Of the South Viet Nam government Another to on apparent of toe Vietnamese people as a whole, tartadtag the Army . as opposed to toe ibnortralglouB of the mimtot Vtot Cong, Another to toe character of toe wMdi heavily favors the cnerilto taetta of tto VtotCong. Another Cs been the tight rain kept totto Anmv ton commend and Hones, faeimuiig the NCvy end Air Fane. knows, for Com-Beou- , That reluctance still exists. Bat the force of events, tt certainly i Is brtaglim about major changes to . mh ettlhrlf. Ike bombings of North Viet Nam have established a new situation, lisp tovd spokesman have cold that these wen por ly retaliatory moves, made to answer to is (tot Cong bombing of U. S. bases to too South. Purttor inch ectlons(ttMgr add, advance of pabtteatten. Hyis com- No u Pentagon end our Field menders cannot today preoc- cupy themadvas with thess academic hypotheses. Right now we must continue to sweat-ocontingency plana to checkmate any oftotally unprenalf-a-hundr- irartTlni m Hww nt involved, to understandable. ninwfcrir.uitai W4- - cUMc enemy moves, that traadatee Right now we have one Ianinto mw the bridge to cron: Wo most win every a decisive victory In toil war, but wa however necessary. "Wo love And we will. mac." jy commended for having such a program broudit before the people of ttoctty. ted Yet, accordtog to Just About every ov-O- ut the hear, Pnridant said wm i mentate wto has been on the ground ovott would it an even iy new saw to t tbston, ptace tawh& to Ura. B 5 he toe finest appearing JnSoutheestem Idaho mdNortomi uSK The mayor and dty council are to be tab. to do and wlmt, under the drive of circumstances, one must do. , Ibis truism can be applied to the course of events in Viet Nam oad Southeast Asia. based. . Administration policy ob OQB&fliBlBC tho usdodovod vMbhmm war, wito the hope that tha . Sooto Vtat muiununi ok luvoiiinL wnn American mlitaiy aid and partidpattoa, win ft. Our. otamftaMm was to remain a Anted one. Tho conflict was not to to antaigsd or, to use the IMs was lfr. Joha-aopostthm during end after the cam-paig- """I some Boy w a rlghtcommun- - ian, cS SSidSSy fromany ESfiatSr At Stake io the Rut he gouto-Sinc- . Prestige win taw despite our bust efforts htp e the Presidents recent moves, may eventually angulf tha unharnessed atom aait Asia, intended to lntimldete ue all, in Russie, the pessimists i : BrtKM w. tt lived up to our assumed ob-we pncrastinate.N that remembers GoMwatar ligation. We wm be able to when he proposed our strikes "Uve against Nora Vlet Nam he g 11 ttonaltied. Any one who in the city benefits from the stimprovemenL Anyone who eervleee IMaim the dty benefits from the st improvement Some of these bene-fit elmoet as much as some of the abutting property owners. at least pert of toe This way toe cost cost would be spread to those who have most of aTready had their streets paved which was paid for by too dty and tooaa who eoppiy too arras with services and 'goods. However, wo do feel that tot hugest amount ofthecoet should be horn bytha abutting proparty owners, This program is ter rsachtag one and should bo given cerafUl contention. Be--' fora tossing It aside, study it, careftilly. Wa honest fed that fils could be on of toe finest projects undertakra by the City 3f Preston. Not only would It stop toe present system of repairing streets that can not posribfy stay repaired. hut it would save money on new construction by doing ' itanmesM and tt would afro give toeen-thcummunffy u tecs lifting. If you Bvo In Praten look out your window and a JwnraY Jud whet a new etraet would do fltet nt . the on, hSet wiH concur with this. We also fed that the cote of toe totenrattonsasanda each should bo bon by too dty whole. IMs is too generally accepted tic si money from the dty ecriM dettr-anythin- ETBraSe tonSJ M FAIRVIEW Edwin Crie Bd Mrs. Donna Brown visited in Salt Lake Cily with Brown nrior to her de -P"11 Austria with a Tm efrold, Argyle, the diroctora will weal an students from expleaatlea for flSS.OSI Iom than Thats the way the ru music and Ger cookie crumbles! De-tAn- ne f" - r , nun. |