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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1931 --I FARM BUREAU NEWS I - East Tremonton - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peterson and family attended the funeral of Mr. Peterson's mother, Mrs. Charlotte Peterson, of Logan, last Wednesday. Mrs. George Abbott and daughter, Katherine were visiting in Logan Friday. George Abbott and Nick Chamous went to Monte Cristo, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson had as dinner guests on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Vera Jensen, of Hyrum. Mrs. O. A. Seager is in Salt Lake City visiting her daughter, Mrs. Harry Furse and helping to care for a new grandson, who arrived a week ago. Vernal Johns went to Ogden Tuesday for a short visit with his mother. Miss Rae Abbott held a class on Friday morning. Miss Izola Jensen and Mrs. P. E. Ault were present. The girls received some good instruction which they are going to put into H 4-- H . -!- -j- Miss Izola Jensen, Demonstration Agent, and Mrs. P. E. Ault visited all clubs on Friday. They the girls found two clothing clubs and eleven foods clubs with over one hundred There are twenty .girls enrolled. of their time as ladies giving young leaders of these clubs. This year there will be contests in health, judging and demonstrations at the county fair. These contests will be county wide and the competition is going to be very keen. club leaders training The next class will be held at the High School on June 2nd, from 10 o'clock a. m. until 4 p. m. All leaders, advisory members and any others who may wish to visit are cordially invited. Miss Izola Jensen, Miss Rae Abbott, Mrs. Leland Crystal will give the 4-- . -- 4id 7p?ssons. The Bothwell Ladies Farm Bureau Dr. Stewart of the was met in the meeting house last Friday a dinner guest Sunday university of K. H. afternoon. There was a good attenJr. and family. Fri-da- l, dance and all were interested in the Mrs. C. W. Merrill, of Brigham City clothing talk given by Miss Ellen was a Sunday guest of her daughter, Agren, clothing specialist of the U. S. Mrs. Ira Fridal, and in the afternoon A. C. they all enjoyed a trip to Logan. The clothing girls met at the home of Mrs. Crystal, Tuesday, May 12th and organized a club of thirteen News members, with Mrs. Crystal and Miss Vaudis Zesiger as lerders. They elect- .i In the estate of Ariel V. Hansen, ed officers as follows: Miss Goldie e deceased, an order is made Mc Farland as president, Miss appointing Zundel as vice president, Miss Gertrude E. Hansen, as administraand trix, upon giving a bond in the sun Dorothy Ballard as secretary treasurer, Miss Gladys Richardson as of two hundred dollars and taking and song and cheer leader and Miss Ruth subscribing the oath of office as reMeister as reporter. quired by law. The clothing girls met at the home of Miss Margaret Kay, with ten In the case of Utah Home Fire Inmembers present. They started their surance Company, plaintiff, against first lesson in sewing and agreed upon Stoddard and others, defendants, judgS. S. S. as the club's title (Social ment is rendered and entered in favor Service Sewers). The afternoon was of plaintiff and against the defenspent in sewing after which a delicious dants Roscoe Stoddard and Mary Stod lunch was served. dard, in the sum of $1188.09, together with $100.0 attorneys fees and $30.50 Ogden Building permits in city dur cost incurred in this action. ing April totaled $14,700, as compared with $11,300 for March. Brigham City Dairy Day held here. 4-- H Court Mar-jori- 4-- H it. Ij. scott Drug to. Tremonton, - - Utah I For Those Good P fountain Drinks 1 PHONE 47 is I the way to TtqvgImm LOW FARES EAST and WEST Beginning Beginning Return Limit Fares from TREMONTON ' 4 "A Denver Ordaha .:,...- -. Kansas City $38.45 . 65.35 ... 65.35 New York New Orleans Los Angeles Portland Boston Washington -e- uth MAY MAY 22nd Than daily to October 15th Examples of Low Round Trip "-- 137.25 85.70 41.30 46.50 Na-CWe- For Further Information Con8ult Aent , U. S. SPENCEn 131.41 Ami cfniLakPiMfi(tr c,,r tpPi! B We Talk Fast, Go Slowly When Best Minds Change The Maggot and the Lion Gas Pistols and Guns Al Williams, ctoe of our finest young American flyers, recently of the American Navy, said recently "The United States talks fast and flies slowly. England flies fast and talks slowly." Britain holds all the speed records that have any real meaning, the airplane record, 357 miles per hour; the automobile record, 246 miles; the motor boat record of over 100 miles, and motor cycle record of over 150 miles. And they have achieved these records in "hard times." The British manage to do what they have to do. Incidentally the British are far ahead of us in the construction of airplane and other engines. They have developed horsepower in their engines by methods concerning which we know nothing. For instance, they took an 850 horsepower engine, weighing 1,540 pounds and got out of it 1,900 horsepower, the engine weighing less than one pound per horsepower. Perhaps our big oil companies could tell us what the British put in their engines to get such horsepower and make them go so fast. The composition of their fuel is a mystery to American engine builders. This year the Italians, British and French will compete in the Schneider Cup race for the world's p.peed records. Uncle Sa:n, who invented the airplane, will be absent. What's the matter with us? Are we getting too old, fat and rich? Dr. G. H. Warburton, Graduate Famous Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York, was so convinced of the great good in Sargon that he recently declared: "Jt is not what we eat that counts, but what we assimilate. Sargon helps us get more good out of our food, thus aiding the natural building up of enduring strength, firmer flesh, calmer nerves, improved brain power and a sense of physical weflbeing. You eat with a keen appetite, sleep with a new peaceful "soundness and wake up with a feeling of renewel strength and energy." While those who actually benefit from the use of Sargon marvel at the results of this triumphant compound, only the trained physicians who have been retained to examine the formula can understand why Sargon is now considered one of the great outstanding health giving remedies of the age. Sold by Scott Drug Company, Tremonton, Utah. (Adv). Utah Weekly Industrial Review - - The following record of industrial activity lists items showing investment of capital, employment of labor and business activities and opportunities. Information from which the par agraphs are prepared is from local papers, usually of towns mentioned, and may be considered generally correct. Brigham City George Hodges opened Milady Beauty Tarlor in Knud-so- n building on South Main Street, occupied by Paris Grill Cafe. formerly If you ask a prosperous "best mind" Price 19.2 miles of gravel road to give impartial consideration to Gov- from here east to Cat canyon to be ernment ownership of natural monop- constructed. olies, he will start at you haughtily. J. B. and R. E. Walker received But when a natural monopoly suddencontract for gravel surfacing $51,000 ly ceases to pay any profits to private 7.43 miles of road between Mills Juncowners, that "best mind" will admit tion and Grantsville. that, "under certain circumstances, It Price Bids opened for construction to might be well for the Government on South First West exof line sewer take charge." to Fifth South thence west tending Your name was if you suggested Government to State highway leading to .Salina. Moroni Contract let for construcownership of railroads two years ago. tion of power line from city limits and Now many of them are losing money east to Jensen brothers' grist mill, let and even a member of the Interstate Commerce Commission says the best by Big Spring Power Co. Jensen W. W. Clyde & Company! thing might be to have the Government take all the railroads and run them "as and J. W. Whitney received $79,528 contract for construction of seven a unit." You may even hear Government miles of highway east of here. Salt Lake City Construction start ownership in power companies, advo- ed on Airport Highway and five road themcated by the power companies selves, when Diesel engines give power projects in county. Junction New cheese factory of companies such competition as motor trucks and buses have given to the Leo Munson opened. Emery Link canyon road being re railroads. That may come. General Mitchell says the new Ger- paired from here to Clay Springs man "pocket" cruiser has Diesel en- ranger station. Togan Bids opened for new diesel gines that weigh seventeen pounds per unit to be installed in local power sevenof It carries gnns horsepower. teen mile range, could destroy all our plant. j - h rV-- - Bear River City t I Antone Christensen, of this city, was operated upon at the hospital in Tremonton Friday evening for Hernia. He is getting along as good as can be expected. Mrs. H. P. Thorsen motored to Ogden Tuesday on business. Miss Gwen Archibald was rushed to the hospital in Tremonton for treatment following a sever heart attack. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jensen and family spent Sunday in Malad, Idaho, visiting their daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Budge and family. C. C. Johnson met with what might have been a very serious accident while chopping wood at his home. The ax catching on the clothes line in such a manner that it swung around and the blade struck him cutting a deep gash in his forehead which required five stitches to close. Mrs. George Bott is improving after being confined to her bed for the past three weeks. Mrs. Lueinda P. Jensen, Mrs. Margaret T. Johnson and Mrs. Sina Thorsen attended the annual convention of the State Federation of Business and Professional Women's Club held at Ogden Saturday and Sunday, These three ladies are members of the club. Friday evening Mrs. Edna Christensen, Mrs. Bertha Hunsaker, Mrs. Rachel Mantelo and Miss Harriet entertained the Primary officers and teachers at the home of Mrs. Christensen, After several matters of business were discussed, games were played, after which a delicious tray lunch was served to fourteen guests. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Hailing were in Tremonton Saturday shopping Fielding I I Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Olmstead of Salt Lake City visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Grover, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cannon had, as their guests Sunday, their sister. Miss Ravsten and Rudolph Kaiser, of Brigham City. Mrs. J. H. Lamb is visiting with her daughter. Mrs. Wendel McDer-mai- d, of Salt Lake City. Mr .and Mrs. Dan Garn and daughter, Luella visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Apgood of Salt Lake City, last week. Mrs. Elwood Hess was hostess to the members of the .Social Development club at the home of her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Hess Thursday afternoon. Miss Janice Earl gave two read ings and Elder Richards of Logan gave a travelogue on Germany, where he has recently been on a mission. Luncheon was served by Mrs. Hess assited by Mrs. Bert Thomas. Mrs. Elizabeth Hess and son, Emery were in Farmington Sunday to attend the funeral services of Mr. Orson Hess, brother of the late James H. Hess. Funeral services were held Monday 1 o'clock for the babq of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jardine. The baby was born May 10, and Wednesday of last week was taken ill from which it passed away early Sunday morning. Bp. M. A. Garn officiated at the services which were held at the home of Mrs. Jardine's father, Henry Hess., Ezra Packer offered the opening prayer and the ladies quartette sang, "I Need Thee Every Hour." The speakers were Jarvis Johnson and James Jar-diof Clarkston. The ladies quarevening. Mrs. June Thompson and children tette sang, "Prayer Perfect", and the of Elwood, spent Friday evening vis- closing prayer was by C. W. Bourne. Beautiful flowers and the many iting her sister, Mrs. Emma Ohman. Mrs. Golden Petersen and two chil- friends and relatives present bespeak dren, of Snowville, Utah, spent Tues- the words of love and sympathy for day visiting her mother, Mrs. Augusta Mr. and Mrs. Jardine. Burial was in the Fielding cemetery. Iversen. Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Petersen were Brigham City visitors Tuesday mornPrice City Council plans spending ing. $10,000 on local water system. Hyrum J. Hansen and daughter, Vernal Gurr and Erickson to opZula, were Ogden visitors, Monday. erate two Texaco Service Stations Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jensen and two here. children were Brigham visitors SunProvo Improvement underway on day. West Drive. Pleasant GrovePlans underway for establishment of $8,000 community consideration. Natatorium officially playground for local students. Cedar City Cedar City Plans underway to imopened. 0 prove local water system. Panguitch 200,000 trout, and Eastern brook to be planted in Park City Work started on white local streams at early date. way here. Redmond Local water system beContract for construction of eight miles Federal-ai- d gravel road between ing improved. Rockville Construction on ward Woodside and Green River let to chapel to cost approximately $9,000 Young & Ogden. Salt Lake City $7,000 addition underway. Mount Pleasant Consolidated Furcompleted to Cottonwood State Maniture Company to establish mortuary ternity Hospital. Milford New ore struck at Moscow here. Salt Lake City Morrison-Knudso- n Mine in Star district, near here. Salt Lake City J. A. Rockwood Company received $156,089 contract Furniture Store formally opened in for constructing artesian water basin supply main. Sugar House. at iSor-ens- en ne 750,-00- Sir James Jeans, whose works you should read, doesn't think anybody is living on the planets that accompany He us through space, with the sun. thinks life is scarce anywhere in the universe. It is some comfort to know that there can't be any depression, on Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune or Little Eros, since it takes foolish human beings to make a slump. But science, in the near future, should be able to prove that there is consciousness, life, thought, pur pose, In millions of other planets, per haps on the sun itself. We cant im agine life at a temperature of 50,000,000 degrees centigrade, which is the temp erature of the sun's insldes. On the other hand, a cold white maecot could not imagine life in the highly heated body of a bounding Hon. It would say: "Wait till that thing dies, grows cold, and we Inhabit it. Then it will have w --New .ftrwwu life." New York will provide "gas pistols" for Its police force, small enough for the pocket, firing gas cartridges that incapacitate the person at whom they are fired. Police also will have gas guns to shoot gas through windows and subdue criminals inside. Weapons of the same kind probably will be acquired by criminals, which will help to make the lives of ordinary - citizens more exciting. THE LEADING TIRE Enjoy your The King of Slam does not agree with the rotund Mr. Chesterton, of Great Britain, concerning New York City. Mr. Chesterton, hta architectural view perhaps influenced by his own architectural outline, not unlike that of a tub of butter, thinks New York shocks good taste. The intelligent Siamese King says that If a stranger came from the planet of Mars "as a member of the human race, I would show him New York, and tell him that this Is what the human race has been able to do." (fe IMO. bf Klnf Pmiwm Srwliatt, Uc) 2-d- ay 111 EVERY PRICE RANGE Famous Lifetime Guaranteed Goodyear Pathfinder, 4.40-2- 1 (29.4.40) (t,4.W 04.9O 3WW AO Ham SiM &.. (t4.Tl) Low rrk- - 05.69 6.6$ Factory Firsts Fronk Chevrolet Company TREMONTON MB GUARANTEED C holiday without tire trouble, Lowest Prices Ever 150-2- 0 BMDtFDC The Overland Route Arthur Brisbane La Guardia, New York Congressman, sometimes Republican, sometimes Socialist, and always energetic, wants a law that would nationalize everybody and everything "from Tex Gulnan to J. P. Morgan," In case of another war. It la an amusing suggestion, but wouldn't work. The next war, like preceding wars, will b run bearing In mind the Bible text, "As His part it that goetn down Into the battle, so hall Hi part b that tarrieth by the tuff.- - And the tarrlera "by the tuff" will aa usual t the bigger part. October 3Jst Travel over the smoothest roadbed in the workL.Union Pacific.and arrive at your vacation destination hours or days sooner, and without fatigue! Take advantage of the low summer excur-;an fares. Liberal stopover privileges. atcrcsting side trip to Zion National ar'c anc otner wonders of southern Utah, r to Yellowstone, or Grand Teton jonal Parks, at slight additional cost Denver anj Rocky Mountain Na- ;onij park at no extfa railroad fare. 143.11 hj Tells Of Sargon's Power Elimination of hazardous curves cruisers quite easily, and our cruisers Hot Springs property bethrough with short range guns have engines tween Brigham City and Ogden, under 100 more than pounds per that weigh we have still but Strange, horsepower. something to learn, apparently. PRESCRIPTION SPECIALIST THIS This Week NY. Physician Phone 20 TIRE REPAIRING -- UTAH COOP USED TIRES I: |