Show historic road on which master walked crowded by christians of many nations 11 BETHLEHEM april I 1 many am erieana took part in the devotional walk made today by hundreds of 0 christians including delegates to the international missionary council along the six elx mlle road which jesus christ and his disciples traveled to jerusalem rn the first palm sunday nearly 1900 year years ago it was a curious gathering of humanity that streamed along the modern asphalt highway which coders what was a dusty road when trod by the savior and his ills followers in addition to the christian pilgrims were ere many quaint old world jews jess in velvet gab cab ardines who were acre hurrying to jerusalem to celebrate the passover christians and jews jeus alike rubbed elbows with sith moslems from all over oer palestine who are pouring into jerusalem for their annual pilgrimage to the reputed tomb of moses and festival of nebi musa at the head of this motley crowd starting out from bethany was atis a modern a automobile uto mobile which seemed strangely out of place I 1 delegates to the international missionary cout council icil participated |