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Show -J A - ,.w THE EVENING NEWS. revu.mxa daixt. rcDATS bicdtxdi ax t ... soca "Ci-oc-x. - , u th.i imw. jd he were a white chief fighting for his rights, hi land, his horn, . t it u.wm nil tha by r wsstxa f nU -- The Gazelle says, Bishop gets less votes Jn .Hamilton twunty . than canaioata lor gover- any democratic ..' In a a t.h waw la 17w tsfk wwi arrnri: a. j,! t inn The t77itrctcu says there are abendanr reason for tbe republi TELEGRAPH. maos TsaaoaAra .!; 'lkI ; j . " i j , hi - I people,he would ee counted a hero. TlMJAX 'O UlOrAXUiltS can defeat' wlthtut reins further Importers andj)ealeri in But as be La an Indian and not Hum weakness of the the xerjunliA E STERN VSuceenon to A. Uoppcr.) can party; The democrats do not supposed to have any rights which - PITO ASD PTMJSHWA. owe success te their own white men are bound to respect, It rartleelars ef U.MUJe their b SECTrooirrrrCTnEET good- - management. . would not be at alt surprising if the n ii iiiaaii . with Cblef JMpb and Ids Baad strength-r.or:were wean ucxeis Best of Main. neir blocks a and i half objecand Ons eau Mile llaward a I far a . I a 1ST7. halter was his doom. 111 11. Vletary Oetober Tbureday Hie Arrlvea After tbe aarreader auci sirjrns or When the causes of the Nex ' Tl Eleetlea. la lew. ervleee aet Repaired. Perces outbreak are fully disclosed, MOTOTESa 11. The tnt1 tv.11 EDITOMA1V KQIES- Nkw Y ork. 1 L Th Wt has the Is DE3 It will be found that the wrongs following: about 250,000: of these" Gear has 71 Wo are nnr offertcir a Full Line of JUST r;,'3R REPRIVRn. finnrW whites. commenced were the child Irish fifth by V"VlVl. JVP.VV 80,000; greenlsu.oooj Stubbs, The Princess Thy ra, . U 4 other tribes. 77' V7of rp tha wto earUuMk Govern! S1!!0 Denmark, ther entire 1st, The, sis- the by CHOICE, SEJfSONABLE on joint ballot will be about 8a I;. ( LT I reservaUon meat em f Prlnce-otheir and i 4 a the after- 2 jr. i o'clock to occurred at Agents, the married z MmU ttrmu I soon of October 5th. The savages ."- - .xirrrmtmUy Wales, is engage! In martlage to I has been Intruded upon by settlers rave . women were Three aosrrot sriins and ammhni up their TimMt. Augustus, son of who have squatted upon their r.ir last In before review lly niaterl-aInjured, Qen. evening, at the tion, passing ' or me 01a Colony i? crofwing railroad.' This Is the sixth within a ' Tilnce 1 rich, the Princess poor. I of the treaty made with the N I Uonal sarrender. ii JXiiiat once occupied the month. Perce, who have been a frlendlj The troops ' Indian entrench men ta, and., the "A miner named Burt, who had tribe with a noble character. 4. first victory orer the redskins, dur- General keen deaf and Uauib from' lafaocy, I At the KBiseopalian was two. the aignalpast years, ing ' ; was "working In one ef the mines of Convention at Boston, last Thnrs laod... .:l '': railureef elArce Fl.nu Call and Examine Ou, diswas war After the Perces Indian had Lk been Ncx Folntlron Crown camp a tha Company, dsy, surreunded. and the soldiers had, San Fbamcisoo, 11. M. Ullman Vermont, a short' time since, when cussed, and It wa conceded that secured the defensive position, only ic Cot, importers of cloths, v in was the in had and an Chief Jeeeph right he lost a hand and eye solfour casualties The occurred. have an made eta., assignPin his skoll fractured by an explosion. the present dlfllcalUea. The oat-- diers closed in upon the savages ment to the creditors. The house LEE 1 ad were detail .and tribe la thm after and the bis en of nrsi but the the kind in' the slowly, Bus h gained his hearing surely, rages largest aiT the lime extending their city. Th cause ofJ tlrtf failure is men endorsed the day, . a t power of speech. He 1 now con many eminent Ka nuir- i uuu iuuie. jrvt sifla will. ws IIvia ln Ir. aven . Ait wm rw -iomm. inii. fiu iiua iuo uuezirftorflinur .i . t . mmw ! to Mats big talk. views oil noo. aww "JiTJ" nn nra Thar. ,a .qM "V . vT valescent, and CarriI to . , Kfn ;! si Uls profit and loss account relating hn spoke in defence of the In-- 1 I men. t day. .... . . 1. a.t 1. I I n . a. n a a VIM shows iUB lUUIUt UBJT tu UMaVli UiaOS. to this singular accident I of the : ' raised the more far Joseph fight, cost the favor. r has his in country It balAnce good m I whits) flag for the third and ' time, clone to be the seem la dollars, which thrniIhin in(.rnnitfl. nfrHr'i tn noto Tor Low Prices and Choice G say : woolen ruling consideration, were alC R ta A T BRITAIN.' . surreader, provided Here Is, an item for they been lowed to keepx their guns. Allies . ;; t:ill Auserleae. faotorles: .Mlt'Ia pointed but: in thing of the lives that have " sent word must surrender he that into hostlles these to chastise JLondon il. The Bank of Bug-lan- d, J&pTtiG H h o i ii a Keimann's Farter Zsitung that lost, without battle reserve, and the! been would hive than with .the view of J yesterday, was again renewed, fabrics, especially ifioke of wool, submission, Its eaglea for a time, raisred The retaining , white was hig which have for a long time been expended in protecting the dUp'ayed . ed 1U price a halfpenny. It la unl.a on n Hff K Lbui. aim b ..a... vm wisa. utui men in their rlghts,and thus avoid mmtiA V. t , jla.... uajr, sole reason this, was exposed to air and light, acquire a when Jeeeph appeared in front of derstood ' WSAthe outbreak. JTOld any latrAn the not ing Why far of fixing coloring stronger power lines, and advanced to meet New York as The trouble In the Black Hills his anticipated. fJj; ,.l GROCERIES, Kto whom ."he tendered his matter than portions of the same was' THE Miles, L ....... intrusion white caused by He was followed by sixty gun. fa India. mater 1st which have been kept In Indito the also who over lands turned warriors, guaranteed upon immediate apprehension of HiiiRbw OESERET NATIONAL BANK the dark. Thi circuccuUnce often ans. OURS IS THE ONLY I'LACK TO mry their arms and shook hands with 4r!All land was not Indian famine why It HANDSOME In If northern even an 'next of India, . J;:J:. Miles.. prevents the production n'lv l.1 has year, first were forcibly the prospectors passed away, Of Ball though iAko which Utah. high City, When, the .troons .entered the prices and some pressure on the hd?, those parts 00 the the expelled from the Black Hills by rifle A"D dis- poor will were CROCKERY. warriors fallen had pits light taking remain light Paid up CapiUl, I .. $200,000 disabled by .wounds. They J2P.!5 assured, until the spring more readily and acquiring a strip United Btatea trooper When can covered from .emigrants were to removed the first were the AS a camp hospital. tne threatened tracts are ln.Hc it be said the savages a Authdrlzed Capital, $1,000,000 ed or banded appearance. a. The number of .Indians killed Is returning and heme, is aggressonT Ail tne nceuiiues mat not known j as Wll. R. HOOi'ltR. President. already aotlve everywhere. agrlcnlture terror and conster- buried their dead,theyt had ever have .. ).',..! spread t with the Investigatloos Our Prices are as Low as frontiers and been Jlllea left at noon, on Sunday for . . Tfce anie neecra oia bled . have shown that the fatal nation on theKnrHhla Yfml. ZHreetort. JENNlNUij, Worn Boston on inn BiveT. TaklnflT With hlu nrualtlaa and I Tonxue j; tauu Electro, .Ta.a.t J I U disorder called "BrlgliVa disease of rit.ft.riir... riv Ikl. " uiu w uuuucuJ auu iua iui June 29, for Ban Francisco, FKHAMOUa LITTLE. tii Lowest ! (Jia first I put into U 8. HJIX8, CaabJer. which is one oX the devilish outrages, have, qovert the kidney cu 5tn V Jr. f act Bee 011 r Prices; and leaking Qen. Bturgis did not arrive in condition. (went a. most difficult aliments with which place, originated in some Deals la Kxeluusge, Cols., Oeld liast, on or to lime ef Uke fiixht. a hand the in treaty obligatlops disregard is to and have contend, physicians and the glory of; the victory rests of race." : Consols 85 pronounced by most of them Incur the part Is the "superior with Miles. bonds CALL AND EXAMINE OUR Colleotiom mads and promptly re- While the at There .trouble 1071: 67's 10 40'a counon 1071 Rrl. Howard, with an escort at seven 1 able, is taosed by a minute insect " mutea. ji Chip-pawhe reservation AND BE Earth teen 13, among STOCK, New Cenon York 24; men, arrived on; the field called the When the preferred, fOOSIUN EXCHANGB TOH 8 ALB. I of Minnesota; and the tne moml of the surrender. ; His (rat iu4. tut cause of a disease Is ascertained the CONVINCED. ear Interttt paid on Saving? JTeposMs. . st presence there was not understood, ' and fear been have whites in ef discovery of a remedy soon follows. he made ne attempt to assume Bulllon'fn thai TtonV f ;; T?.-..- i those hitherto peaceful and Bclence is doing wonders for the alIt ft his Infantry at decreased command. He GyC.000 the past week. leviation of human suffering, and Indians should start on the war the Missouri Biver, and with his .i ue or juank reserve to pruporuon as to scene of The the cavalry proceeded difficulty originated, the microscope la one of, science's path. S5 is cent. liability per n battle. "f V IIKillBST PRICES PUD: DAVI usual, with the pale faces. A the most important instruments. state The 'i intrenchments Ibmmm. occupied by Catholic priest and an Episcopal lan the Indians ceasisted in all of over The Banic of! England rate In LICE! izn 7 FOR A colored preacher near Atlanta, missionary, each of whom have 160 rifle pits, which communicated creased, ii.i .11 met with some success among the with each other, so that assistance " ';" "Baaters. VTae newa. Ga., losing a key a'couple of weeks PLDUBBR, TIIIIIER, could be If The each v of v became rendered, necessary. t ue- - nd isso. jealous .t Until further orders no corres- squawt fought by the aide of ths Gas and Steam Fitter. .v.n.tvrfu cause his little daughter, twelve s s a warriors,r took car of lha wmmdml. EndenU will be allowed with the w e & --. s Amtouvoss 0 i . BSBrxOTruiXtT ftnl buried the dead. at Plevna. ...THAT, I: H U years of age, could not find It. jeinaa Btw.ejwnu-.rej7 . la Government supthe agents It UAYIRO BEEN AWARDED THE "TIAMILIES should call on us for their hbuaeliolj Be I Ml as faveat.gatlas.Cesa expected that General Zimher with a Whip until her tion, l.het merman's army will shortly asa so aix Kijrus or & FOR hAYI(. THE back and shoulders were cut to bortlng the Proteatant, who is of rWfllitltl ' sume the offensive. ' f dep was Off! : .1 11 own The ;TFATR faith. T.aH l their PIPES, O.a . . . I.. 11!l cspea ir priest i The Tribune Washington spe -- .a. u snail niaKe uuu pieces, and then tried to make his fended con;is ' uuiit uorreeponuent oupiuiua, uunij some .Indians of on cial And .the set A? a lafee stopk ot Plumblog: ,' by says the investigation firms ; the report: that Mukhtar .F:t'': J.i bayios; wife wash the wounds with salt On nAnn. ha 1. nnw Tw.rw. mvI Material a com- foot, after the Patent Ofilce firee, to Pasha had evacuated iVase and Water and water. She refused and fled. with deadly weapons,toand ana cially to their advantage, by sjiowing ilic Best Aa Katzelpa jflpea In Ajr . be sent to ascertain what measures were ne Boubatin. retirirjg to the summit of rablle BalldlMca. He then beat the child till she died, pany of soldiers had of to records the cessary preserve Slab Dtigah.'cThe Wah rr..t.J TVPfiu,ln MarVU is to the Government from destruction Aladju and knocked her-o- n tvmnr n.Iand the head for the scene of the tumult. It 7.tu JttxBating these movement correspondent says are necessiStack no be will QalvaMtod and. Mow jPtoc and Fit sortmcnt and making the1 Lowest Trices in the Qy. there by fumes, has . resulted in some tated .by Makhtar's h&vtno inot . .. plajing possum.' Subsequently be hoped that some. , f for ting For dlsc.oau.ea. instance. fbir 8,000 men.dorina; the battle of Oct, tcTAprenoy Demoa J he buried .her in fa wood.; He was bloodshed, but if there U, Christian startling lime. Afrent RUMSET'S for Tare. T.i ue.-' -I ' WKS uiscoverea tnst me war Drive Wtll Pumna and extras. uubuu occuins ltusIans srj, arrested, but denied the whole bigotry and white, not red deviltry Reliable no rents alone Jess Paiiernai rcBH than pied the X 'Ipartment Pumps repaired. All work guaranteed. vaoateil by the aOalr, until taken to the spot and are to be blamed for the evil thatltwentnTe BuldlDgrs for which iL Turks..;,-,-.- positions . v Office and WorktJi&n. xvt& rMw ir-- ; BROTHERS. , annually uyi $5JAXh these are In the body was exhumed, when he follows. The . later en SPANISH Street; FORK Meat Market. opposite City . The primary cause of most of the addition to the Department build in consequence of u i favor-abl- e broke down and made a fultoonfee-sdoor tne umt one is wnicn Is iiseir, With difficulties ing the to tha posi- COabr!atnea weather, This is one of the worst cases oombustlble buildings in the city. tions they retired as treat human to formerly them failure the In these dangerous structures are Operations, therefore.are occupied. of brutality on record. INSTITUTION. human stored rights. beings, having original manuscripts of the The Russian loss to the postpone'.' is present accounts of the; revolutionary war 3,300.' ' Dealer in General Ueriaaai. The Democratic victory In Ohio, When they are robbed and or tne tne .Mexican war, and A Galaix special says a passenger and lsi:., ; dise ami drain. where the "dead" party has run up spoiled, and plundered war of the rebellion, and ail Indian from the St. George mouth treaties and and contracts wars, as well as offleial reports of all uw a majority of about 5,000 votes, Is cheated, noun a Manufacturers of Harness, Beets and Tu leba. the ofilcers who participated in struck a Russian torpedo a strong Indication of the popular made with them are is totally I dlsretfarded. what wonder it that them. The mllltarv record of every uutew up wiw au nanus. This Have a irood FLOnaiNO MILL Inoon- feeling In regard to the Hayes ad; of the ucvuw wiw our outer ousineM, and keen t ?rlglu iepo, ministration. The Radicals can they are roused to retaliation? Their I IT " " wv .. conatnjilly on hand a aood artlele of X X x I v uaiue. r4" ' ' . ' A r " f tr not endure the Hayes policy of con- crueltlea are Inhuman, and their these papeis. and they contain evi a' a .WIIJ MU I.I.i(.m controlled when the; by actions, of dence which the upon payment ciliation. They are nothing If hot a.:. aw. a I war. are demoniac. But aoout 9:z,uuu,uuu or penvions is an- WfaO t. belligerent. The Republican party, nirltofmade. . The bare Statement lor from mlddav until six in th. nually Superintendent. .A : : seem sufficient eyenine ine losses are by the; defection on heavy la im make an weakened sides. wing, terribly Movements are I a,..) "civilized I mediate appropriation for protect- both, this mornlnfr in th n the breach widens will 'become derstand the courtesies ofwhen their ing the Invaluable record of the camp, which eeeni to indicate This warfare, particularly thoroughly demoralised. Government not only In the War a renewal their are Imitated barbarities by , off he light, i, r, -means victory for the Democrats but in all other .Department departmu and and i if CeUfetesiMsW'.: conquerors, scalping and the complete downfall of the destruction by i ments, from powdble ' and horrible revenge are ore. ' tilation . QOEKWSTOWXC II. TtiA Ainu it.. of party hate, corruption, Intrigue d an CoreU from to a their hlp Aaaeauet. for New resorted, by Antwerp and centralization. ;rallr :.U The Sun's Durham Pa., special iV"inTeaners yim her bows tagonists, which' rarritd The true Indian policy was dis- say. the wPar1l1",Bt . Heusewives are frequently ana collision over near here. ?,A.w,th. the canal the river, the above Convention cussed at fell loss .Ibeaeaade afMetlsera noyed by the separation of forks referred to. We will into the waUr, give one of two XiO.000. NavltraUou from the handles. They should la ausrindeda I P00' w,tin. H paMemjers for Mel reoora loeir Deuer. thnt tn oil u..i.t.. TFe are opening and oiTerina for sale an entirely ncno 'stocfc :wi?lnV never put the handles of knives of the resolutions adopted, and it the village flooded, and hundredi & are euigeot,.. .vi or welt ,ra8lnet and forks into hot water, but if will be seen they are in accord with thrown out of employment. 11, Th 1" on Mry uooas ana Motions all fresh ana of trie mosi.mwz-I sank and tbe COraetl TamwM atsterreaeeat':''';---sveftaer ,1 Destils er and i "Mormon" ' the sentiment, f reenttHl Hear Melts all asieviesis htn,1. need a cement for "taey repairing sj the most unexcerlonable of oorrrctlrra Tbe announcement Is made that styles and pest manufactures j :r i them,- the following will answer practice on tats important ques'i aa reasons rar tali uaiiemuvei. FRANCE' so at denouncdied much which ate are Melggs Henry obvlou. Lima, Peru, forma a delicious and most it reUers their purpose. It is given by the tion, , tfocX: ihe bowels Of Mpeele Oeeraaej iple, complete and varied in Heptember 29. He had been sick by Inhuman persons who would on Scientific American "Take oae ed for some three months, having had . rever, L Z2, . Ka. .'l "era." i". Pa VA his see the red man exterminat- two strokes of goods Jcnown to tJie trade, and comprises a greaterAmnctyh4W x pound of rosin and half pound of rather paralysis, and his of; rauce decree ed 2S nun I tralisesacki in the stomaeh. cures flam- 4" ed and civilized: reclaimed than final malady Is said to have been frautu the nast wcm-I-t ' t I ;JE?'ll Ms"entIesUnilanU atones thepowdered sulphur; melt together, and lower prices than has ever been offered in Utak grades wfasi. mnn nerwaai rouuvr ' Hit" jr iaof the brain.' and mix In about twelve ounce of "Indians are men, not much dif softening wnas numiy eaasurord to faewfthAll the Journals here publish vola VI in tr m the opening of the Institution. outraoh a rasotuoeln from others, with the same slekacs--f Sold by 4 Our, resident buyerih i r i .1 fine sand or powdered I brick. Fill fering a tu obi all uminous ilea druaalsta of de Melggs.1 ;,' same wants and the governed by the cavity of the handle with this Impulses as other men. ..pari CeaOraaee, Xor), fori Cdhftuis 'secured rare'and i; . . tailing fill great works lu Houth .purchasing largel CoNSTANTiwoPLB,!!. America. TheTork mixture, melted. Make the shank "It la certainly mors economical ; t usual bargains in the leading lines, and these ad canlageg will WIIjSON & COMPANY. isn war omce. coo firms 11m ra of the knife or fork quite warm to feed Indiana Bejraa Cl vll Ser.lee felley. than to fight them, of.1? Junction of Chefket r in every instance, be shared with" our patrons, f and insert in place and let it re- as well as more humane and Chris rL r.'J: ir:t In a conversation unon the nollcrv wun Unman Pasha, and tha Pash ahtrv ., is and reservation the of the system tian, BanxersancLBrokers, 'T main uatll cold.whea.lt will be administration, tbe President of reinforcements and Bopplles in- to recent arrioals iji .MglisliJ . : : attention accepted aa a temporary expedient said no matter what happens be We&ttspe'cial found to be (Irmly fixed.' tr. S. HLlaL Beads. ?ikwrr,r" in preparing them for shall endeavor thoroughly to carry French and America tU ki t but great ear should be taken that out his civil service .1 liUea. ato. to the policy be too not continued feeding long, sua. t f V. eeiaara etrklOea aad'tf jBasaHe.l Mr. and Mrs. Bliss, "spiritual and shades arid colorings, and in taiesl designs aml cm- me araaieat iMftaKii..M. k. the reservation should terminvery Ad In dele. ! Mediums, are on trlat at Phila- ate before it becomes a hindrance EflTH, .;11 Herr ITfcsa, Hie bincUions, which offer unusal attractions ltocdl bby . . to i has informed as The Uuugarian efiect hero on swindlers. the Is premier, delphia It to be citizenship, j . Bsnk.of . a. I .1. the Diet that 2.WX). rlllea and thro Siaaa..n class Retail traded We are displaying thirty styles ofMglish, raid was a10 saTiDCe ena "When life and property are thus toa SJ hoped they will be severely punishta veal e si se wtll ui. boxes la VV mi of were to and for dynamite but advance rate the Indiana aeixed, and tha take the ed. Helen F.Tnyder I the malo protected Scotch andDdmestic Cheviots. Forty styles of Ethal Plaid first step towards civilization, they demand sterling; to 483 from 485. only eiablr peraons arrested 4n oon- - IDTMinmU. Ilrlr. wttnese agaluet them. 8be was the should can e find all obataaLea ramavad I The 5 per Cent, discount market In oecwon wun VheTransylvanlan af- trebled la 30 dais. Z. thousand jriec persona tor of a great number of sap-- 1 to their acquisition of real estate I London makes a difference here .r that 13?1"" .th demand and sixty-da- y posed spirits in the M materiallza.1 DJ homestead or ..: IAS- !f ?oeS ..; tc.tvuo'j """MM'W.i Miwiciesber, Jracijic. jx iiicn.cjuvvn.tn , i .are a v a rVM v aarr. eiaaes . t a1?nft aA'i isi si per cent. tion seances" given by BUsa. Mrs, oy reaching the condiuoo or sai;--1 i The i awa, wmrm 7"" skma oiua Tweed Befave ths rsaaaalttse. Bliss was secured in the cabinet support, they may take their place t ' Weslerri C3rrJle we offer the Ftnin.7.) Hop and MLm Bayder entered it from a our AmsrtceViUlon: Prints IriBleached -or o vjt miutuB asTiori Bu.Ms oi, mioennen. iouix irareirs. f i"wic applicatioa. Cellar below, where her costume I are oft n heard' but 'To suoceasfulJv aceomDliah the I H(V olUnformatipnaamt.oit th r., WJ ' ' r- - r ' ' 7l .7" . 7V --. 7 were kept, through a very V Obleeta Atyfducts. Dwigt; Pocahontas, FuJioe Idevotlon Is ' 7 t "a. IV haraln - taUIa. innoceok persons 1W me IWIIa. . rr " .n,.m.r.t : ' V. a,v"?wHfryj even.oh J 'J ....J W M4 I M w H . .JR. " Ingeni Uise, 7" w v . .1 .w w rTI and. hrinr the I lirtlr,,, ni th v l.,KrVt I the occasion tt Uielr mn.k odi and. other brands of leading mMs ; ously concealed trip door. A great Indiansto enlizhten ao. 37 jBroad op to the highest and bast m mi Attorney uenerai. zie oe-- 1 T7i sjtreec I, pew acuooimutressi .t WdfJ fctij!-.nx tiouble article of 'jtnpyfjyj.V IIVVInfr. tiTninortof manhood, we regard the - - . ziy)kn. V W fnr W WfV aw WfCUI na and imagined they saw their dead I style Lord and Savior meuuonea was enirajreu in any '7. teachings of our a ' pupua as an , 7.wfthan friends. MbaHnvder has rlr.n I Jesus Christ aa indlsnensable and fraudulent a amusing rather n. whatever. serious v treeo practices forniance. and led tA' or the maUrlalixa- - th J5rocuHcla Pf jh missionary avswla Ui i 7r.e.e Onr .WWW Flannel Department is thoroug7MttndompU. . iHt- aala ef ;; un -- Li ui lomi . i nor " tien humbugTbut It will nobe rU;JLm0D,P "?t si Tles.es stseatxa. u w crajtr." una or tha ull recent choice designs, i B avers are requested to order eariy fmm far lh Thm .w. Ik. I .a . . I on reaching" " home. i ai3 . Imf a .aa w 1BWAlrvta WU WW Brfh Y lnmerUUOnrf rn 7 ; of tickets for Edwin Adams' I joiner, . you, never see i such tas now full. QLZ la cheaper H?QArttI' o' "It 7ing, rhnn,.T inarm: be-she Just. got down bn flTT 0 U amount to $7,000..1 It Is 1 fcnooi great . : benefit so T a. rl ak..a estaaa S. i w . ; uevea uae total amount raised by I r.. i. and swore Retailers in this and neighboring tejU(ieswiU savejtme strong the desire to learn something . like a trooper.' are benefits the which to dlfierent. a illi :4a QVt, dew-rtepolicy 'jl of the dear E8 n raAcrrcxs ra ram instead of sendingt infinity jnttoey'and'eamew nae seen so treat tne red people as occur, will be f20 Ouu. - Mr. Adams , L w M mi..-:. 4 7 i ' !r'-an uncomfortable night last h iuojwiDz uonaTkar ti tj. fwiM.. ii W mm jsuprcme an4 Dhtrlct Courts men and woman, and to assist psAsed s our assortment . t so .' . , f will f r is VBaaaaM bfatte t large; they w Du lllul oP01" priricesf . them as fax as possible. Sut when nignu TUB INDIAN QUESTI02T. w ilw Condtelt Cuci is the UAUad Ifiee. no ; ner Jets rtOUhotit sleen arvita fact' atarfeia moioc v r. u vsr wfwvvv srew w v In the mornlizir till.ah were y In to ..if. they clearly thejrrong COX MalaXSTlctorTOTi.r I BAXTIMORK, 11. A counterfeit the fire and out on Hvb. can 1 . ir.iai . JBaUnta SOtctUd, and General XaW - aSuab ThlM'X.- - I m.V.- - MlUmMt t tha ftowever tM -remote from business or ; manactufing2cres : SMIBttfflWlir . National Bank I and. than mMtAih&.h..i.. ,1 rercea vaa nny or the CentralIw.an,. ' vu. ' wo com-- 1 qui maae . UOer resnecs nower ir of . riwl rf . Vaa.,7 . .a alX .J fI New York, I,.. rr- - -- aiHiVA -.' 'Z.CiwTC' A3r OfflA lnTmdlatal Vmh AiAria ueiu'iiar-Beremissioned officers killed and four I ther did not annrerJate Undftaa. .tt: u:.xt i - J 77, ,T ".7., 7 VT T" ar.L "W- oy mis city zoiwi a. view or, jruzvu"w na. wuiDinn, juas i7.y. r B. ju. Ultj. mm Uie onia I eruelaIaabella- -' ranclsca i d'Assize- - .lja'i reaaaaaata wounded, twenty-tw- o fluctuations norwwm-- 1 gfn slinrf rH.rf.nn vrviaT. And so far as the Indians of these A NOTARY ALWAYS Ef TIES OITICS. V1rmH1t-Qciia-Franmissioned OiUcerS and rH,M UIUa ammnMmal If Ik. ' i rw.s . ia. .1it mi.- 'i uwarraccio la .KitnHn. ix the i the nriMJt cf general merclandise,we still tiled2d forty-two- T wounded, be- - I of thlaCharch are unmoleateJ In trs froni tiw uid EAvniHj,. sides several Indian allia. mv. I .thafr" .flrt. nWr:LMnMelwa,f)lThere! . M tw --v,.m-. cr. prices and more favorable terms than" any house west 1 LUe .. . 7 elecUhn: T ruo.xLnr vm.iiiiie sou Ion ths Ohio who weaxe Mo ' oj no rear that the I iw hi--wuoie oommaaa, jmmbered onlwIfT nee I opporvuniiy . jrt i. i i .r, 4 ,vJJOTICC. t tr ," w "if i could oniv t n .:!. notice avid who have never favoredpi with-eirYVi'is SfaiiOwl TaaTtxTmyereof tbo ltlitbe 4th TjistriL and ton the Q. CANNON, BRIO U AM jiOUNCI, CJEOROK -- r; b m m m aw mm r i Ift w : L,Tbeerbed lmMtj l. . 1 1. - Wacon to the family of.'kM "t . i a 1 -- 'II I I or 1 j r -- . . l . ; -- - " ft ... ! ' -- . FOREIGN., 1 oils - Eaa-lee- I j -- . W I I In palHngdone none. Department. trim-ming- .1 ? . Complete in Eery -- ; ; l guarantee!. : ) U . J ; . fffltBDILTTuuRDP I !. - : , Elega.t style second to' r oca reasonable. lllaekiiinltliln in all ite lranelies. age Pa in ting aiitl in Trimming a raperior manner. e g speciality. s. ; . 'seetta ' i -- . 1 -- -- a a, 4i A i - f&S-t'- 1 ! ! j Thhlp V -- . j 7-- W 9-1- BOYS' CLOTHINGi . 8; 1 . as fly-mi- te. j trem-blingje- " . ' ,; to-fiv- SPECIAL JAMES, ; : to-day- u,.. ' Caa-laaA- NOTICE; e. 1 , ' - .iia Ffifll! DRIED 1 - m m t- . . , - - j'" . . - PRODUCE. j ? . I if -- . S i Wk.' a. 4 a. a L ; ' WALKER : I Ruj-eians- Wed-need- ay, - OPERATIVE n. I 1 . j -- i vel rr ac-clden- uily P";r,iU:e,L,.8fU J"! va a. . W a. a.' . Mfm FALL TRADE 77. (? a w dia-cerna- ble .4 IUui-aia- t r I pale-face- . K Z.th Tr 9''r: l.!?.?00 rLi r ,1 j ;; (o-day- i MM ' f . 2. C. TIOM : I -- i ..- . '' li v b-u- - . west " ; li ". 'i Vi. etiryfy refreshing-drauf.it- 1 1 !' - sif&ZV, i ; iJVa-- s - ervs-MSs- a wlam . . - ; t 1 p; . -- j ': t self-euppo- rt; K. p f lMMlu.i..f f 1 - pre-emptio- ,; ! V- - t PPro "7 1 Jmiy Qifi w uoi-a- "dimft, Ii 4 - 4 r, - tVk s Ba fT n";'.Sr7f "aff ni.5r7"'r 1 i- i; rLXi 1 n, .i 1TB 'J2f . -- w s : -- . ' 9. war . " 11t' d. . . 17 Asn aa .. a a. ''. V - t ' IEY-JIT-1A- - Sa fl . aLl V JB ' V(a- a Wej-jrir-fjTrnf- " .'"C ai . l 1 ' ? "i 7 t il" 1 n- "-'- -at - '11 a ;viifalzlfi 'br cfere -- -- ThAvnJ lLS7MEnil23riw.! ""v,.rr 1 I - fJ.Laal Lt ate the I reiorm and Lea alnIa 7 ., . ; 7T; . w7777tJ' ,oa in tno to vnmna , feprweau.; . lttrn.nS''."? Wa..aA vww -- a.. ' - L- -IJ Tr- -. A.aJl lSf! I not be ion? before the denredatloraa iurvnfiu raMuar tares 17 Tho honor of tha Kaai jui.uir T--i I . IM ha of the r . T.: '"".V i ,v v . i C jxI v KARH1SOH SPKiUiV. ' "w P. Qea- - far betweenT "1 . than twenty vesLra. had a t WW j Howard, aa tuual, lacHnr behind. n a... TI j; Ji. rff llarrarTwnderaneaiof U'i ;j . ? . vetrtinthe e nr.! anf not reaching the scene of ho .ii, m ;' w aacy-- a . rU2. i fQ.Jai . IV von vint ..'Tr- -' : iin, uiiu64 tin Hi PT.were over. la horse thlsf re-- ior vae oemocracy another chance tokits II.: .7. policy of elvee you. if I The qnestioai now, What will I ;OITO-- as me Tallow left tha neih- - a republican adnfeLiytraUoa, : wo'sea I b a yolirsaif Z FlATlir:C2AVi::Z3 Of Ti77777 "a . r,..V-7- hi a ?aaer mut newer and better aa nnmlatakrahlv lr tK be Caaa with Jcetmh? A. h. i.l Jt0..000 can be bad 0C tbe TE1CPLB, at ln. a77 m 1 r" I ; t-- .t -- J '.1- 'j&t off ius -' h w-d-l- sewr. r -- -- -- ,,af uckm-.wiix- -- U--tA a.. 0 w"" imtgiis 17, WW ft?-.- ' J un , aai '..: s tCJT Uis'aj: .lrt, ' r i. . ft!' 'l 9eto - r. 7a r rnake f fall a trial of our goods for - -- I- 1 i i . I i steel e. from O. J. TIIolIAS, Teoiple Block. . am Awl'. J i EC. S. EI-tH-KDGH- S, J 1 i:: a ik'-- ' |