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Show V ndthej Donate to the iaw American ehej ' v Ihwnn J lied Cross yond can tka iildetH f veter test years le 0f Utatj benefit which are e elan's gs Of CCJ. e have gg. ?erior sno! to natm; ns to have bft uring wit. . s buck taj p-t- t . I .Jiv t m-'- ; f ) ur;l 1 nvng li'om the total sum .a been impounded during c t jin1 8a & Light com-- e Monday evening meet-- c iu cil, returned to the as the result of the me com t upholding the educed rates, that ' 1 . rriiT o. pi ,,u. Power L'loh ris'-- f , was presented with a e amount of $4.044 90 v 1, ir tvi; ly !! befie The ap-i- rs mnu-.'ion. c U i tween October, 1943, cr. 1944, while the case resented and consider-.ig- h state judges, reduction being pa.s-ut- v it is expected that cent uoximately ten ie to the residential cus-- 1 I x-- r :.e municipally-owne- d light system, according colder Ben Ward. At ' a committee consisting ion Sheldon Anderson .. o Johnson, Assistant k Olsen and Len Frand-- t lerirician, was named to e )'! posed new rate in Mr. Ward reported that where an electric water :n use the reduction will than ten per cent. Ti.e Puce city contract with the lt:.!i Power & Light company, h supplies the electric f.rm v is then distributed by pt.v.t the i,u a. polity through its own Inch is currently operaa,. t:ent's on March 1, 194(1. The acb'us'ir nt of the residential rates is beim made under the current Rc-.- ! ie work- - 1.98 42c ! u-- s.V'-r- t - 15c cortract. However, it is possible of contract may be that a awarded to the power company for another ten years, according to Mr. 1.98 29c 49c PRICE, HELPER JOINT MEETING Lieutenant Clovernor Maddison mil ol Piovo ,.f the o K wan is district will pay an visit to the Price and Helper i lulls this ( Thursday) evening in a jou.t meeting of the two orgam.a-- t ons at the Price municipal hall liampi, t room. It js also piobahle that J"hn Booth, district governor o! Kiwams. may be present, according to R. T. Mitchell, piesulent ol the Pi ice club. Ill sides an address by Mr. Merrill. "Local Responsibilities of a Kiwams Club, a special program has been arranged consisting of musical nuntbeis by a trio composed of Margie Cuitis, Helen Tanner and Katherine Harmon, accompanied by Kathryn Ammco, The Pi ire club's famed 'bartenders quartette," with Art Baker, Barney DeVietii, Dwight Wadlcigh and Russell Williams, will present vocal numbers. Dorothy Brown will accompany them at the piano. Three new members will be initiated by the local Kiwanis and include Robei t Sundwall, Carryl White and Tom ONeil. The Helper club will have one initiate, Maurice Smith. Past Lieutenant Governor Edward Sheya, will perform the ceremonies. It is expected that about seventy-live Kivvanians will attend the alfair. Byron Chappelle, Carl Olsen and Barney DeVietti are in charge of program urrunagements for the host club. M I'taii-bia-h- i of-tie- Kenilworth Boy Is Reported Seriously Injured In France It is w, . 23c College President Refutes Claim High Student Cost At School On - A D VOCATE ELECTED HERE e, a S..U of Mr. ami Mrs. lhkakas of Price, was Number SATURDAY EVE week as having Frank Averill, commander of the n whale serving w itii the Carbon county Hist of the Veterans m the lwo Jima marines of Foreign Wars, under w hose di- -. conflict with the Japanese. he ami. mneing was eetion that 01 ganization has do leceivet Saturday, the Carbon ' eh.ped in less than two years from count v until having fust been re-- 1 inception to a unit of one hun-Jort.- 'd l'd (il ;uui thirty-- t wo members, was as having been wounded. to that office at the spe- The iepo:t was tliat he had bw-cial mectili, of the group Saturday ouiidcd on Marcli 1, had died as t'H a salt of ha wounds on Marcli night. Hlh. Mr. Averill was the organier of Resident- - of Sunnysule for many the post, served as temporary comyiais, the Bikakas famJy has made mander and subsequently was its home m Price during recent named for a full term which be is lie will serve year--LuP.er iv.i- - nineteen yeais now complctm old ..nd was a graduate of Carbon during the foitheoming year. Kirk Abrams of Price was namA brother, senior high school Mitchell, is seivmg with the Am-- ci ed as senior vice commander, Willean armed foices sonvwhcre m liam lanes, lermeily of ColumI.tiii e. Tilde is still another bia, being chosen for the post of rothcr, Nick, of Columbia. Two junior vice commander. Harvey sisters also survive, Mrs. Steve Thomas of Pi ice was selected as Zoulcs of Columbia and Miss Gold- chaplain, Dean Murdock of Price ie lhkakas ef Price. being chosen for quartermaster, B. L. Dart, Price, adjutant. Appointive ol beers will be named later, it was announced. In accoi dance with a recent l.e-- t Eight Others Suffer Injuries In Explosion Wednesday Afternoon Knifing Victim In Price H ospital; Is Severely Injured Three miners died in the Price city hospital last night as the result of burns suffered when a coal dust explosion took place in the third east dip of the Independent Coal & Coke company operations at Kenilworth yesterday afternoon, twelve having suffered severe burns at the time. One of the miners who died last Members of the Carbon County Associated Industries will hold night was a resident of Price, their next meeting at Helper on sol Jackson, and the other two, the evening of Tuesday, Marcli 20, Clem Hawks and Gilner Nielsen, according to notices sent out thereto residents of Kenilworth, Jackson was the father of four fore part of the week. The meeting is listed as one )f 'children and Nielsen is survived by there pending arraignment before the more imixirtant mtx'tings to be three children. Hawks has two Citv Judge S. J. Sweeping. held this season, of particular in- - fcr..tior who are also employed in lerost to northern Carbon county ' 'e mmos' d members of the executive board; four other victims of the to Price the were dent the! brought for Helper, plans galling entire evening being devoted to! hospital and the condition of all of new in throe constitution, change discussion of problems affecting them was reported this morning as members of the board of trustees that area, according to Secretary critical. Four of the others injured were elected at the meeting. The were placed in the Kenilworth A. Theobald. J. new membeis and periods of time UNIT and their condition was hospital A Ki from committee Helper they will serve are Irv Leonard, One P'M ted this morning as fair ' wanis, und or the direction of MayPrice, three years; II. B. Ford, tho en )Umcd ruc D. K. or has been ;ble(to Downey, n per, two years; Pete Borla, Helper, turn almost immediately to pionted to present the problems home. and projects that may be proposed, The twelve men were members and for which assistance of the a crew operating in that of C Indus-Associated Carbon t ounty Price Saturday evening, organiza- - Eaquinta, Helper, S. A. Barkerand tee consisting of all past presidents section of the mine where the ex1)0 helpful, c;m tnes announewas lot local it Gate. Castle the ion being carried out with aid of Hamlett Griffith, group, the other four The new officers will be install-- 1 ed at the meeting last evening,' Ballots have been mailed out plosion ix'curred, oflicials of the men's parent unit. escaping injury. names ten from which of on Earl to chairman. a as serve Durrant e the reat listing ed Fifty-ninevening meeting applications were -' The dust blast was reportedly The anniversary will be May G vvill be selected. These will be ceived irom those desiring mem- - Tuesday, April 10, Mr. Averill an- touched off when a direct current anfor turned and the refreshfor of call n this nounced. canvassing, Plans thirty-seveyear. assuming the line power broke, its arc flash ignouneement of members elected Candidates for club officers for obligation at the meeting Saturday ments to be served at that time. the caused by a bounce, dust niting will be at made the were named its the Helper The meeting night forthcoming year post changed night. Like the men's post of this to have occurred said which was -, A fumeetof seventeen as list at the Wednesday evening ing. names, the new unit is to also, selecting Tuesday for the forced the earth Wil-t- o when E. Dr. pressure Aaron 1945 elec for of follows, tion leaders the Jones, ing, only one of the Ladies Auxiliary ture to coal from face of the break the G. Hal ham be held on Wednesday, March Campbell, in Eastern Utah thus far. 23. according to Isaac McQueen, Ervin Wimber, Joe Dowd, Thorit dip. Mrs. Minnie E. Gordon of Salt The crew and a shovel Lake City, state president of the LEGION secretary. Jack Hussey and Elton Hatch, J. P. Phalen, William C. to William were Arthur Ta Maack, have been workas candidates lor were named Walker, in reported at the attendance Auxiliary was for president; Lowell Rasmussen Carlson, J. M. Webb, C. N. Mem-- I ing in the vicinity when the exmeeting and directed operations of and lhil Horsley being chosen to mott, A. D. Keller, L. T. Hunter, plosion occurred, the clothing of organization. Mrs. B. C. Anderson make the race for the vice presi- - Clyde Roberts, Carl Westerberg the twelve injured men being igof Salt Lake City, district presidency. Eight were placed in the 'and J. C. Forrester, are carried on nited. All fought to protect themin also attendance. BIG was dent, field for the board of directors, the ballot with instructions to vote selves from the flames which were The new organization will meet confined and prevented from four to be chosen. Those named for ten. on Tuesday evenings, the same Among projects now under way spreading by use of rock dusting, night on which the local post will Introduced as a countywide pro- .as candidates are Cal Larsen, J. the safety precaution system. hold its gatherings in the future. gram for the first time by the vetOfficers named at the meeting erans organizations in the county, Immediately following the accident the injured were rushed to the are Mrs. Laurel Gilligan, presi- - members of the Hiawatha, Helper Wayne Johnson, M tunnel mouth where physicians dent; Mrs. Catthcrine Murdock, arKj prit-- posts of the American1' from Price and Helper were waitsenior vice president; Mrs. La- - Legion and the Auxiliary units in Verne Virden, junior vice presi- - these communities will join in gram last night, Golden Lambe.., ing to attend them, uninjured weld- - dule, and that extra efforts must workers on talk his vocational treasurMrs. at!gving aiding in giving emergdent; Phylis Dixon, holding a grand birthday party be made to see its completion ency treatments. er; Mrs. Jarama Lauritzen, chap- - Helper on Saturday evening, March ing. C. E. Beveridge reported on v'sts to California Rotary clubs on mg the present year. Miss June Leonard, secretary; 17 No fire was reported in the mine recent trip in that state. Gus a Mrs. Zelma McIntyre, historian; other than that of the suspended The organizations have previ-jMiss Josephine Veltri, guard; Miss ousjy held their annual parties asiHakanson was voted in as a new coal dust and the clothing of the Jeanette Cances, conductress; Mrs. separate affairs, the current ar- - member, Mr. McQueen reported. injured men. Guests included Carryl White Lois R. Smith, patriotic instructor. rangement having been brought! Others who were injured were Trustees selected include Mrs. about by the Forty & Eight, Le- - and Captain Randall II. Taylor of as Richard Sarrimond, reported Price, Vaughn A. Cutler of Salt Charles Semken, Mrs. Jabriall gion affiliate. Arthur Smith, David Bennett, ArR. Malaby of the Bertot and Mrs. Louise Davis. The thur Lermusiax, Nick Marakis, The party will be held in the Lake City, II. color bearers named are Mrs. Bar- - Helper civic auditorium, starting Eastern Carbon County club, W. Iven Jensen, George Archique, Campbell of the Grand bara Day, Mrs. Fern Larsen, MrsL aj- 7;30 oclock, according to an-jFelipe Armizo and Alcaria Quinta ne. Bragdon and Mrs. Doris nouncement. A dinner is sehedul-- 1 tion, Colorado, club, and Henry Excellent response in Price to Morley. ed to be served and will be fol - Dones of the Montrose, Colorado, the annual American Red Cross lowed by a program of entertain-- 1 club. campaign is reported this week by those in charge, the business disEntertainment committees of the COMMISSIONERS TO trict having reacted exceptionally various posts are in charge of ar-- j MEET TUESDAY; MAY of well, according to those in charge. chairmen e! 1 rangements, Walter C. Williams, flying inSELLCl vcT'FT'Tnif Claude J. Empey is directing the structor for the groups having immediate handling Valley Air service, in the business area. He! a Those in of the entertainment. Grand Junction, Colorado, concommissioners campaign that Carbon countys to B. Willis, Helper,; up charge are J. arrived here this week to hold their next regular meet- - reported the returns in Wednesday this divis- cern, R Lee Kirk Hiawatha, and Jack!wl morning of the Carbon airport take March 20, on charge in Tuesday evening, ion amounted to $2,362. He point- which his Program num- Hussey, Price. leased from the 7:30 oclock. Consider- - ed out at company starting that one of the large dona- Carbon Carbon countys chapter of the hers are to be supplied by lhe commissioners last to selection the be county ation given may tions jn the area wag receive(j from Foundation members of the posts and the Aux Infantile Paralysis o w es B. to a successor Jew Tuesday. of J. the utah Qil in the Fund will be richer by $1,713.80 ns! iliary units, it has been announe Mr. Williams comes from Laraetxnt ly resigned his position as amount of $250 cornpany the result of the campaign carried ed. Dr. J. C. Hubbard, Price post he was stamie, Mrsas F. Earl Hills is directing the tionedWyoming, where on for funds here recently, it was commander, has been listed last for the four understood that is It years as inspector. in the residential area of chief reported by Charles Semken, toastmaster, according to an cne of the army and navy has been received campaign pilot application the city, reporting that returns war rouncement. chairman of the county drive. ill for been todate. Mr. Jewkes, has training servise. He states . , there, too,L.,are very good up to the that the This amount represents half of , The three Carbon county posts 6, Valley company has seven man7 camail residen-the money secured in the of the American Legion have been Tnno rarrv present. She listed from i planes which to would unable may be used for be ces the amount of $1,131.62 up to f paign after expenses in the amount, actively operating as community r mmS Purposes ere. of the out the responsibilities "g a of $96.15 were deducted. Largest' organizations during the past quaryesterday noon, giving the city item of expense was the federal ter of a century. The Price post Ptof re.l'OME BIRTHS URGED TO tax. Supplies and express on those was the first one to be formed in Green And plan items costing $25.31. Membership the county, one of the earlier ones card printing cost $15.70, Mr. Sem-- I jn the state. It is the number three n has been selected for urgent in their requests that Failure of ken's report revealed. post in Utah. Helper formed its .which ball Gold Green and responsible parties to annual the in8 contributions be continued. ' from same $129.20 year, Receipts include organization later that of children in pribirths Second and First Price the register The response to date has been the basketball games, $239.45 from holding number twenty-onThejhy vate homes has left Carbon county at be held will ball The wards. the; e Mr. said was from $570.85 coin very satisfactory, Hiawatha post collectors, the organized with the least complete birth regMarch of Dimes and $2,548.25 shortly after that. Most of thePrice city auditorium gymnasium, pey but we are still considerably istration in the state, according to to ticket be admission budget hy our of short and to 1 wish contributions. formed were compara-Auxiliaries goal through special -, a recent communication from the announceto the on according those who have not press Canyon, Kenilworth and tively shortly after initiating of the ony Hosof Commerce. Gate made excellent con-- ; activities of the veterans groups, ryent; Music will bf supplied by rea(jy made contributions the ne- - Department are but births complete orchestra. the Anderson fairly pital tributions to the fund, according wives, mothers and daughters of the important lacking quality, it is . to the report. The former for- -, the First World War fighters hav-- ! , mers Opera ors ee o ay pointed out, is that of registration warded $645.54 to the committee, ing carried on actively as commun- homes. It units during the lastj Representatives of the operators cent participation is certainly hop- of births in the private that received from Kenilworth be- to children and is Fuel important highly Utah Co. and f Kaiser the ed for. e years. ing S390.85 and Castle Gate report- twenty-fivThe committee in charge solic- - parents that all births should be Many community projects have company concerns at Sunnyside ing in with $240. Price aided with is pointed out, and Mine! United the of its land delegates been originated and advanced by your donation to this worthy registered, it $923.57. of the public in the sehedul-1 were cause and if you are not contacted Following are the town listings, the Legionnaires of the county Workers of America is line this very much by urged to McEwen, meet with the commund Harry jn of various chairmen in the campaign, your contrib- Eva W. organized during the years of the didirector Ramsey, this! tion will be gladly received by utes and the amounts received istenee, one of the chief programs war labor board conciliator, of vital statistics. vision issues to settle move a in Mrs. Hills or either We interest of each: benefit and the morning from myself. general Castle Gate, Willard Craig, $240. being the junior baseball setup, involved in the strike recently want Price to make its quota and a ELKS HOLD MEETING lot more is needed to complete the staged at that camp. Clear Creek, Jack McCarthy, $88.- - Helper has played a amount required of our conrmun- - Regular meeting of Price Lodge 80. Columbia, Eugene DeAngeles, part in that line superior to the ex- Issue J No. 1550, B. P. O. Elks, was held License MeMarriage two of the other $135.29. Consumers, Terry ity. posts in,ne perience at the club rooms last night, March relicense Gowan. $38. Dragerton, Harold the county, the railroad commun-- 1 Only one marriage 14. Ballot was taken on C. A. H. O. of Utah,' office official of the the issued sent as Kiwanis $43.40. Ririe, diamond by Helper, many Hansen, ported ity having of Helper and J. Allen durPower H. at and Hiawatha Ernest teams to state and some regional County Clerk Brig Light company Young Club, S252.30. member-Dow- n Horse Canyon, tournaments. The Price post had ing the past week was granted to erican Fork, was a Price visitor Browne of Price for life Nixon, $106.09. to S. J. 4he n order, Draaccording ship of at this week local Valdez the office! Viola early Jesson, $645.54. Kenilworth, ta rather elaborate program in that Vigil and Joe of the company. Sweetring, secretary. gerton on Monday, March 10. (Continued on Page Eight) (Continued on Page Eight) Speedy aition of Tony Silvagni and G. N. Robertson, Puce police ofliccis, Monday night in rushing William Conrad to the Price city hospital alter he had sullered seven1 kmte wounds allegedly by Arthur H.u ns, undoubtedly saved the v ictim's life. Conrad was severely cut on the arms, shoulders and body by the kmle thrusts, according to the of-- I leers, who anested Harris i lately alter the alleged attack in the ati Bar. llanis was placed in the county jail and is being held . j AUXILIARY IS ROTARIANS TO FORMED; ELECT OBSERVE 25TH j acci-an- ANNIVERSARY LEADERS llel-Aux- i j il- apf 16-m- an meet-organi.uti- on ' Mac-Knight- , POSTS 16-m- an FOR PARTY dur-lai- n; ' Junc-Bet- ty Pilot Takes Over Carbon Airport Here LARGE POLIO FUND RAISED THRU COUNTY . - . , "t T l,fi '' ls ;:!-- i w cle from n ' the March Sun-Advoc- :. iturally follow your arti- ti.e first place, it should be tod that the proposed ap-l'- r' nations to Carbon college are l(r ail the activities of the college, wn on the campus, at the mines '"d at cither industries, and for tvei.ir.g schools. It is also for the Vvar 'induction training of those 0Vt 16 in trades essential to the 9n-li- 1 lie ' va , V hf,n 10c ts we eonsider all the we have in Carbon college clas'm the number is quite differ-cr- ,l l.' m 45. We have several men at and in the mines stu-er.- ;,rid m nUr shops r induction nrl state 8 issue Regular students concerning funds, $498. ta costs at Carbon college War production students from misleading, and I should federal funds, $159. uatc an opportunity to clear War production and regular acame misunderstandings that demic students from state and fed... tiLle in i:i who are taking training. Count-C of the 115 in our shops n addition, counting 1080 of instruction at the Ginn.. one student. Carbon col-l- p will have 235.5 such students, m addition, we will average about ' students on our campus or. academic college work. these enrollments, the per ('3t it, costs would be about as fol- r- Con-oo-'ii- f r 1944-4- 5; ng 11 PLAN JOINTLY war-Lon- 39c N FAYS Three Miners Die From Burns After Kenilworth Mine Blast OFFICERS ARE 1 KIWANIS HOLD i Select OF THE SUN AND been killed in ueti. possible that the countake action on this latter Word was received by Mr. and pr. p.sd at its next meeting, almost ceitain that it will be up for Mrs. Calvin Jewkes of Kenilworth Monday that their son, Sergeant study, it was reported. At the Monday evening meeting Calvin J. Jewkes was seriously inthe ci'v council advanced the jured in action in France on Febr.v nti.ly of salary City Judge S. J. ruary 14. Since the time of his inSwelling to S300. The previous jury, his parents have gotten a letsolary was $250 but permission to ter from him in which he states advar.ie salaries of city judges was that he is doing well. granted at the recent session of the Sergeant Jeewkes was born at Kenilworth May 31, 1924. He gradLegislature. Two business licenses were uated from the Carbon high school granted at the meeting, one to the and attended part of a year at the Browne Cafe soon to be opened on Brigham Young University, before South Carbon avenue and the oth- joining the army in the engineer-- i er for Deration of plumbing busi- ing corps in July of 1943. ness by Hammil Reese of Price. Brief Filing Time Extended Wounded Man Visits Here Time has been extended to 31 for Price City Judge S. on March action in wounded Fciitly Lre It ilian section of the t. J. Sweetring to file a brief opposPrivate Max Grabstein of ing Dr. Francis W. Kirkhams peSal: Hike City has been visiting tition for a writ of prohibition in at "i.e la 'me of his parents-in-lathe Utah supreme court restraining li .nd Mrs. Gordon, in prosecution of a contempt citation Harry Tn M.s, Grabstein, the former based on the election pamphlet, Til ; Gi.ninn, and her sister, Frie-e- a Morals and the Mayor, circulated !.... v Iso been guests at their during the last gubernatorial camH :it- - home. Private Grabstein paign. t noit soon at the Modesto, Judge Sweetring had alleged ta1 where that the pamphlet was contemptuhospital, military ' be 'e operated on for a spine ous in reference made to the Price city court. Ward cil will quality Charles Sim-n''ui- ard late lr ' Luther If.kakas, native of us-- r assured for the near, of the jimmluture as ilf result ied low. nng of charges to the city & Light combv the l't..h Power ll1 will he made ixissihle' G pany tv ti.e t nt ideved some time ago business regulation j,y pH. a.,; Dj. )mrnissio, at rates for residential and light in Inee Kcdu-n- 17 told and Price Boy Wounded, Later Dies In Urr; Botji A t Suntuside City de, A CONSOLIDATION Price, ('arboM County, Utah, Thursday, March 15, 11H5 May Extend Power Contract Soon; Rates For Residences To Go Down ?ar eep 51 Vol. d at Red Cross AS INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER W JtahJ Donate to the American A eral funds, $228. Per capita cost to the state of Utah for the entire Carbon college program, $101. Of course, the per capita costs for 50 students is high because we have to run as many classes for them as we would for 150 or 200 students, so as soon as the war is over and students come back to the campus, the per capita costs at Carbon college will decline to a more reasonable amount. Included in the appropriations which the legislature makes to the school are dedicated credits, or money raised locally. Twenty-fou- r thousand dollars of these funds come each two years from the Carbon county school district and is of given to pay for the education should and students high school not be charged against the college as was done in vour article. These dedicated credits have been eliminated from the per capita costs I herein. hae given AARON E. JONES, President of Carbon College. - ,0tfS6L,ce ... hoia-,bce- e. Em-th- im-Hor- se tle 1 j ' ex-je- top-ranki- ng ' j Am-;Knob- bs |