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Show 4 as I 1 c, k0uld -- rained r- - ' aIt Comics any plained a , : ed,-V- By Janrfs Search Lt It was the Atomic TTieory claa, anJ the instructor of the physics class wrote down on equation on the blackboard and stated that a certain number of elettrons were Involved From this he developed an entire bonrd of equations, u indint! up at the bottom vuth, "So you have five less electrons than Bt tlie start What became of IX'. maid." Km lint Uf. them" Not a sound from the class. the mstruitor asked attain, "Gentlemen, where are those electrons" It was tune for action and from a riar seat came a gruff command Don t nobody leave this room." 1 ' Nnu, (Hi, KM W UN MAN ,tA w ng "Don't go Nigh away mad!" awakene, braui FUUY FU y imuuottjj btckarin, q x fetly pv dny door next By Gluyas Williams mvtKs i BifBt D MTOW At yw ffsc CPEt$ One eye. and PULLS CCVLRS DP MOPE SNUGLY AnP COES TO SLEEP AGAIN OGont? . Sleepily to indicate he HEARD MOTH EEC'S CALL Y A lawyer had a witness on the stand. "Now repeat word for word what the defendant said," he instructed. "I'd rather not. Theyre not words to tell a gentleman." "In that case, lean over and whisper them to the Judge." - vt o get- up iroueh tie !' period ;e. CALLS again OPEN'S EYE? AND 1 AY? HE. HEARD hER,hE'? CETTNCi DP Ktheij a lghjtreig I THERE Pull. E. HI? WORD OOCP by PCOPP-INwimSELF up on one exbov, BUT ?ECH? TO GET STUCK hakes BOTH 2 yre )? Bokj from hot Jili ndtorellinr; am'j Frivate Enterprise Coij-ct- call AM'S 3vc ir ml DECIDE? TO GET WARM PR?r Pull? COvEP? UP. C URLS HI'SELF into a ball and REGISTERS INDIGNATION AS MOTHER CONIES IN AND VVHlSKS COVERS OFF GOES SOUHD ASLEEP adflNT lALlS BREAKFAST MOT-E- vans upr nit cop n IS READY AnP OUT OF BED, WASHED, PRESSED POWN ON TIME MUTT AND JEFF By Bud Fisher lotuuo MbeSctf mini, W mni and board aad CtAVE HOME AGAIN BACK and pba int Com oUtdoutf ted p Covoaal in noda By Ed Dodd ABOUT you HEARdYvVHAT the Guy good THAT?-- IS What ARE HE WHO CROSSED A CABBAGE SHOULD HAVE WITH A I CROSSED IT WITH CORNED BEEFI RaDISH?. r rDSk , (m improving otT I SKINLESS Y VEH, IM GONNA V, ORANGE? CROSS AN ORANGE LUTHER BURBANKS SEEDLESS ORANGE.1 IM GONNA MAKE ,T SKINLESS ) W(TH WALNUT THEN YA WON'T 'tfy r-- TS.1 i4loani V A HAVE TO X PEEL oranges-- . $0 00 ( 0 'ALL YOU LL HAVE TO DO had CPACK OPEN! 12 children. Slight Portion Trucker. "I'll have a dollar dinner, please." On rye or whole Waitress: wheat' Games by Clark bLINNVSIDE HOLD IL GO IN AND UP MR DEE WITH OUR WATER PISTOLS WE Haas S SORRY BOVS BUT YA DON T WANT TO STARTLE OL TWO SELTZER GUN -7 JAMES DEE THATAWAV H : 7" "W yi ..." 1,1 cdti SPfWfi ! W A!' . SIS 5IUHJ SAM DOUBLE-TAK- E CMk, Mh ' tg Over "Before we got married, you used to give me the loveliest presents. Who ever heard Meal Ticket: of a fisherman giving bait to a fish after he caught it7 Wife: George, & wont v, 3a When the wife of a harsh, puritanic New England minister was going to have her first baby, her husband appeared to be unaware of the fact. Modestly she tried to convey the information to him by indirection, such as sewing on tiny clothes. That had no effect. Then she tried the direct approach. she said, "I am go"Jonathan, ing to have a baby." "How dare you mention such a subject to me?" he thundered. After that she treated childbearing as her private business and I'' 7 By Arthur Pointer JITTER By Jeff Hayes - BOYTHAT S THE LIFE -EKPLOH m UNCHARTED RIVSPS SHOC7TIN6 WILD 6AMf D0D6iaU HEADHUNTERS WHY. IF WF HAD A BAFT WE COULD FLOAT DOWN THIS RIVER AND EXPLORE IT . . NO J tellin v what we d discover Two goofs were talking about jobs. Are you working?" asked the first. No," replied the second goof. I just quit a job in Coney Island. A man bad me put my head through a canvas and they threw I couldnt sit baseballs at me. down for a week. "Wbat has throwing baseballs at your bead got to do with sitting YEAH, BUT WHERE VE601N' SET A R JL TmryY down? The "Oh, I forgot to tell you. man rented out the back for a dart game." GRANDMA Tr By Charles Kuhn NOW YOU YOUNG SCALAWAGS GET RIGHT T SCHOOL BEFORE 1 CALL THAT TRUANT OFFICER BACK" THANKS, fGRANDMA F' vt NO FOOLING teacher sent this note home to a young students father: Your son displays serI ious signs of astigmatism. corto will take steps you hope rect this difficulty." Next morning the teacher got a note which read . . . "Dear Teacher: I have walloped him good and you can wallop him some more. If that dont helD, let me know, and Ill beat the daylights out of him. The |