Show LEGAL advertising alias summons in the district ourt of the sextil Judi judicial rial Di of the or of utah in and for the cont t of sevier mari jino jine george ab plaintiff s alma prows and W 11 barli co partners doing business under the firm datre stile and otle ut of prows prok co defend defending anti inti liaa alias summons Sum inong thi th stile of rutih UL III to aji sni I 1 defend into ants you are hereby herch ammone I 1 to ap pear within wenty das after service of this summons upon sou if erel within the count in chih thin is bro brought otherwise within airty f airty lays days gifter service 11 1 ilch nd the above aboc entitled action and in else of our failure so eo to do judgment will be rend rendered cred aou ou ic qc cording to the demand of the complaint which aich within ten daj da after scribe c ot of this summons alb upon iou ou will oc filed with nith the clerk oi 01 this court tins this action is 13 brought to recover of the defendants defer danta th surn sum of nt 42 balance due on in a promis pro miso ol 01 ix le and interest t thereon it the late of tn tin per cent per annun fro ii eldi alth to may alth in ind one jer or cent per month thereon from may alth 1909 until paid ind to ob am ain a decree of this court a mortgage given gien tu to secure nd or note on ten an aej 51 i lou dicres of land in the north list eist quarter of section 32 To nhip hip 23 25 auth of ringe 4 wet wept alt I 1 ike meridian in lenjer counts count rutih ani for an order ardi r of if sile sale thereof and to lo apply the pro coeds to the payment of said prom issor not interest and costs WILLIAM F KNO 51 plaintiffs attorney P 0 address Addre qs beaver city utah |