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Show September 1, Associated Beehive Seed Growers- of the Uintah Basin. - 1927. Harvest Time to The First of September, 1927 seems to come mighty close the first days of spring, doesnt it? Just the same, tne weather feels like fall and the time for harvest is here. HOW FAE ALONG IS YOUE CEOP? Have yon started to cnt? Are yon ready to start? Are yon going to have to wait awhile yet? A few growers are , cntting now and a little 1927 seed has been threshed already. Most crops appear to be ripening nnevenly and will need to be cnt in patches, if the seed is to be saved to best advantage. to growers are finding difficulty in deciding jnst when to time same cnt in order to save most of the seed and at the preserve a fair color in the seed crop they expect to thresh. The safest rule for most of them will be to cnt whenthey can get the largest amonnt of ripe burrs, burrs that have reached the buckskin yellow color. The green unfilled burrs will be too late to wait for if most of the crop is ripe or buckskin. We would recommend that if there is a big percentage of the buckskin burrs, the seed be piled into good sized bunches to finish ripening. Some FEOST . We get a daily weather forecast from the Weather Bureau. This forecast comes to us by telegraph every morning. It will hours advance notice of approaching give about twenty-fou- r r start on your cutting may save you This hours twenty-foufrost a lot of money. GET THE WEATHEE FOEECASTS AT OUE OFFICES OE FEOM OUE MEN. CLEAN HIGH QUALITY SEED Every seed grower knows that high grade seed is worth more money. Every grower knows too that hih quality in seed means GOOD COLOE and FEEEDOM FEOM WEEDS. To a large extent good color means cutting when seed is ripe but before it gets frozen and protecting it from getting wet. MAEKETS 'and PEICES SUPPLY AND DEMAND The question of markets and prices on alfalfa seed is brought up quite often. It will be of interest to you, however, to know some of the following facts: Some of the districts that produced immense crops of seed last year will have none at all in 1927. Part of the Arizona crop was seriously damaged by weather. Eight here at home our Basin crop may vary 25 per cent either way from present estimates depending on when the first frost comes. We understand that there is possibility of even greater variation in Millard county. Anyway there are thousands of acres in both sections that would be damaged by frost before September 15 and there are more thousands that could make splendid crops by October 5th. The Canadian crop is said to be short. On the demand side Seed dealers carried a large part of Carrying this seed kept them paying storage, the 1926 crop over. J. Duchesne insurance and interest and at the same time tied up a large part of their working capital Seed now being sold for fall planting a cutting off some of these expenses and releasing some money f reinvestment in seed. j At the same time many other seeds are selling for a great deal less money than in 1926. Seed dealers may feel that it is better to put their money in the other crops and farmers may be inclined toi buy and plant them next year in place of alfalfa. THE WHOLE NEITHEE SUPPLY NOE DEMAND CAJ be estimated yet. ANYONE WHO BUYS ALsatisfactorily FALFA SEED NOW, except for fall sales, has got to figure that t HE IS BUYING IT CHEAPLY ENOUGH TO BE SAFE in case there should be a large supply and rather poor demand. In other words he must figure that he is getting a bargain. ON - THE J. G. PEPPAED SEED COMPANY WANTS YOU TO MAKE MONEY on your seed. That means that the company wants you to get a fair price for your crop. A fair price is a price that is as high as it can be and still be low enough that the farmer who plants alfalfa can afford to buy and plant your seed. ; This company paid high' cash prices last year for a vast quantity of your seed, paid storage, interest, and insurance oi it, and carried it over into the new season because the demand that was expected did not develop. This buying and carrying made your money available for you to spend and at the saint time has helped to keep prices up. DONT BOEEOW ON YOUB CEOP Now we are being asked to lend money on the new crop of seed that is about to be harvested. Have you ever stopped tt think that in carrying your seed over into this season we realb advanced you one hundred percent on last years crop, and tod over all your chances of loss ? on your serf Money borrowed must be repaid. Borrowing crop gives the other fellow a lot to say about when you may ha to sell that crop. The lender may have to ask you to sell on a lo market and pay up so that he can pay up, and so on. If you can finance your harvest by changing work, sellins stock that you do not need, or in any other way that you car keep paid un, then you can seU when you see fit and its all yo r money in the crop when ydu do sell. This company does not want to see you sell your crop chean Let us advise you earnestly to watch your step, dont borrow c aa you can help it, .and be in a position to wait for the market watch it for the right time to selL CEETIFIED SEED If you are raising certified seed or if you have planted cef tiffed seed to produce more certified seed be sure that all.J Records are filed and inspections made. Mr. Clark Shaw tfl Kp is the State Inspector. We are always glad to discuss your problems with P eppard Seed- Company you- - Roosevelt eOernal - 4 |