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Show Stanley Bryan who recently received a physical discharge CLAWSON from the army and who has been in Cedar City since with his Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shefwife, spent several days with his field and E. Killpack and Bishop P. family of Hiawatha Enow. Music was furnished by mother, Mrs. Eva Bryan, recentthe were Sunday visitors at a ladies chorus and by Mrs. ly. Mrs. Robert Mr. and home of Gerald Stanton Is home on Frieda Behling, Mrs. Harriet from Farragut, Idaho. Riley. furlough LaVell Mrs. Mr. and Baker and Ivan Akelund is moving his Mr. and Mrs. Morris On Sunday Johnson. Mrs. Irma Snow read to Dragerton this week. family a at a tribute. Prayers were by Mel- Singleton entertained at the Horse He is employed vin Bryan and Hyrum Zwahlen family dinner in his honor. Mine. Canyon Lee small Mrs. Gledhill and and the grave was dedicated by Mrs. Mary Tatton entertained Pres. L,. P. Ralphs. All of her son Wayne, Mrs. Clyde Black a crowd of young people SaturFrand-sen Mrs. Mr. Duane and children and their families were and day evening at a party at her of Salt Lake were week-en- d in attendance, also her brothers, home in honor of the birthdays here. visitors Niels Hansen and his wife and Max Peacock and LaVell John- of her son, Lamar, and Harold children and Mr. and Mrs. Rob-'ciwas son and Coach Jensen accom- Blackburn. The evening lunchof Springville, and Mrs. ancj games spent playing Mortenser,- of Emery, and An- panied the South Emery bas- eon was served. drew Hansen and wife and Mr. ketball team to Greenriver FriMrs. Melba Blackburn enterand Mrs. Harold Hansen of day. Carbon will play here to- tained at a quilting party WedEmery. Also Mr. and Mrs. Ern- night. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Killpack nesday evening. est Jensen and family of Castle Lynn and Lyle Wright attendas their guest Mrs. Max had Dale and Mr. and Mrs. I. Olsen a party Monday evening at ed Killpack of Orangeburg, South the home of Dragerton. of Miss Afton Edwards Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Devon Leamast-e- r Moore. of Dean Killpack phoned his of Springville visited here The officers and children of family Sunday from Pampa, the Sunday. Primary enjoyed a Valentine adwhere he Is taking Mrs. Arvllla Brown of Price Tex., party Monday afternoon at the vanced flying. was a week-en- d guest of Mr. The Stake Presidency will Church. Mrs. Mary Ronndy of Ameriand Mrs. Jess Larsen. hold a special meeting Saturday W. O. Carlock of the Merchant with all members of the stake can Fork was a visitor at the Marines left for San Diego after MIA board and their partners. homes of William and Willis his shore leave. His wife Mervin Nelson Is home with a Price. Mrs. Clen Barneys husband and son will remain in Los An- medical discharge. He was regeles until his return, when they cently married and brought his is now stationed at Charleston, South Carolina in the Medical to come back to Utah. Ferrou Department Funeral services were held Sunday for Edith Hansen Ralphs, 79, who died at her home last week. Speakers were Lawrence Barney, Dr. Bruce Easley, Clive , MAGAZINES FOR BOYS IN THE SERVICE J ns We take subscriptions for all national Magazines Subscribe for one or two and have them sent to a BOY IN THE SERVICE HUNTER DRUG CASTLE DALE, UTAH 30-d- ay expect 1A H CJ AT FERRON 22 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY Leo Lenards Orchestra of Price TICKETS: SPONSORED BY: American Legion Post 42 and Aux. Gents 75c 50c Boys under Extra Ladies- .15c 14- REFRESHMENTS! - - HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM wife home with him. Mrs. Bea Petley of Helper fcpent Sunday with relatives. Mrs. Hal Worthen Is visiting the Tom Worthens. The Triple L Club met at the home of Mrs. Tom Worthen Thursday. Saturday the husbands will entertain their wlfes at a turkey supper In the town hall. Dennis Nelson and Burt Funk leave Saturday for induction. Gerald Stanton left Wednesday for Farragut, Idaho. His wife and small daughter accompanied him as far as Payson to visit relatives. Jack Funk was home from Salt Lake over Sunday. After the ballgame Friday night the FFA will hold its Sweetheart Ball. The Future Farmers will select a queen and the Dux club a king. Price Trading Co. NEW SHIPMENT o Team Harness o Horse Collars SIX SETS BEEN ORDERED FOR A YEAR AND HAVE JUST ARRIVED! - 84.95 99.95 1107.95 PRICE, UTAH BROWNE & PARKINSON Corps. Miss Val Jean Henrie enter- There was a mistake In the Emery news last week: Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey of Perron are the grandparents of Mrs. Marlyn Baileys baby. Mrs. Stanley Judd of Spring Glen is a sister-in-laThe Boy Scouts of Emery held their Court of Honor at the Ward Chapel last Sunday evening. The meeting commenced with the flag ceremony. Chief James Anderson of Price was here for the occasion and issued the badges earned by the boys and he gave an interesting talk on his Scouting here and abroad. Most of the Scouts took part. Relatives of Mrs. Arda Williams Jorgensen were shocked to learn of the death at Coalville last Friday, so soon after that of her mother, Mrs. Kistia Williams, who was buried here two weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Addley and Mrs. Mary Anderson went to Peoa to attend her funeral, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Olsen announce the birth of a granddaughter on1 Feb. 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Olsen. Mr. and Mrs. Quince Jolley announce the birth of a baby girl on Feb. 9. Mrs. Lettie Torgensen and Mrs. A. Petty are In Salt Lake. Mrs. Nephi Jorgensen who has been visiting in Salt Lake with her daughter returned home. There are still a number of cases of mumps, measles and scarlet rash in town. Mrs. Ruth Johnson, whose Western Auto Supply Co. J husband is in. the Pacific, is teaching school in Huntington. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Alford Hansen, Mrs. Niels Hansen, of Springville, and her daughter, Mrs. Jenel Mortensen, and Mrs. Edna Keele all attended the funeral services at Ferron for Mrs. Edna Hansen. Mrs. Eunice Larsen and children visited with their relatives at Mt. Pleasant over the weekend. Mr. Peter Jensen clebrated his 70th birthday anniversary at his home last Sunday. His sons and daughters were all here to honor the occasion, except two sons in the service and ne other. MIA Gold and Green Ball will be held Saturday at the school auditorium. Special music will be provided. Reva Olsen is queen. The Relief Society quilted two quilts Tuesday in work and business meeting. Mrs. Georgia Anderson gave the social service lesson and a hot lunch was served. Elden Jorgensen and Jim d have passed their examinations and are expected to be called into the service soon after the first of March. Elden the army and Jim the navy. Mrs. Adrian Keele entertained at luncheon for friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Williams of California are here to join their two sons who have been staying with their grandparents. They will leave after the funeral for their Salt lake home. All-re- riRIEEJ SOUND FILM DEMONSTRATION and SUPPER In CASTLE DALE AUDITORIUM and LUNCH ROOM Saturday February 19, 8 P. M. Sponsored by Automobile Accessories Oil Tires Batteries PHONE Street 725 Price, Utah CLEVELAND Don Bishop, a former resident the St. Marks Lake with a In Salt Hospital broken leg and lacerated shoulder, suffered in a mine accident at Sunnyside. The little Erickson boy is in Salt Lake not the Price City hospital, as we reported last of Cleveland is In week Mr, and Mrs. Ray Ward visited here last while Ray Is on furlough. Reed Wayman is enjoying a short furlough with his wife and young daughter. Duncan and Mrs. Dorothy young son of Salt Lake are visiting at the Bob Bishop home. Mrs. Caroline Giliard of Price visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Davis and left Tuesday for Mississippi to be with her soldier husband who will under Her sister, go an operation. Leola Davis accompanied her. Mr. and Mrs. Don Justesen and children of Dragerton visited with her mother, Mrs. E. E. Dorlus Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Easterbrook announce the arrival of the first grandson, born to Mr. and Mrs. Andy Easterbrook Jr. at Santa Monica, Calif. Andy is bomba-diinstructor at Boise, Idaho. The Relief Society has quilted er Following MIA meeting Tues- ball games last week. day evening, a dance was held Because Seventy Missionaries and refreshments were served by Charles Larsen and Nelson Alger of Elmo were here Sunday, the officers. the Scout program will be held this week. CARD OF THANKS The Primary held a Valentine We wish to express our deep party night. and sincere appreciation for the Mr, Monday Mrs. Joseph White and beautiful flowers, kindness and entertained the mine officials expressions of sympathy given of Hiawatha at dnner last week. by friends and relatives in the Mr. and Mrs. Kay Wilberg loss of our dear husband and have moved from Castle Dale to father. where Mrs. Wilberg Cleveland, Mrs. Ed Robertson, will stay with her parents while Mr. and Mrs. Orin Scovill is in the armed forces. Kay and Family. Stokes is home oh furGrant o lough. SELL YOUR SURPLUS in The Mrs. Grace Stokes and Mrs. Progress Classified Dept. Reed Stokes who have been working in Provo have returned. The Relief Society literary lesson was given by Mrs. Hazel White. FOR TRACTOR OWNER and OPERATORS AUTHORIZED DEALER Roll of Honor tained her friends Tuesday in two quilts this past week. Carbon and Cleveland Junior honor of her 13th birthday anSchools split two basketHigh niversary. Emery Department w. 15 Main FRIDAY FEB. i8, EMERY COUNTY PROGRESS, CASTLE DALE, UTAH PAGE EIGHT UTAH OIL REFINING COMPANY and ERROL LITSTER, Distributor One of these pictures was made by the ETHYL CORPORATION and the other was taken on farms in UTAH and IDAHO. Men from the Engineering Department of the Utah Oil Refining Co. will be present. This program will be very educational and entertaining. Every tractor owner and tractor operator is invited to be there. The following have our thanks for subscribing or . renewing their suDscriptions to the Progress during the past week: Ira Mounts, Kent Wash. Ben- Sgt. Buster Nordell, Fort nings. Chad Anderson, Dotre Dame. Dee Humphrey, Orangeville. NEW SHIPMENT of Furm Mrs. Elmina Nelson, Ferron. Just arrived. See it Earl M. Christiansen, N. Y. OLTVETOS In Price, Utah Pfc. Jessie E. Fox, N. Y. Errol Litster, Huntington. WANTED (Two Used Pia Cpl. N. R. Burr, San Francisco Den Huntington, Castle M. I. Oveson, Ophir. I Dorothy Christensen, DragertoMrs. Vern Kof ford, Castle Dale. FOUND Red Baldy Cow t A. M. Marshall, Salt Lake. Fig. 4 .brand on left ribs Geo. A. Anderson, Emery. H. D. Rowley, Hunting Dale. A. J. Allred, Castle Owner may redeem by pa Mrs. Clell Erickson, Spring Can. feed bill and for this ad Ferron. Royal Swasey, Ferron. Mrs. Bruce Easley, BABY CHICKS Mrs. Roy Sherman, Huntington Pvt Stephen Tucker, Seattle. Write for our price list to PATERICKS HATCHE Lucile White, Cleveland. Mrs. L. S. Wood, St. Louis. GRAND JUNCTION, COL( Texas. Francis T. Beach, WANTED Electric Was! In good condit Write or see Wm. Peter Castle Dale, Utah. MOLEN Machine Attorney Duane Frandsen ol Salt Lake was a visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Christensen COAL Delivered $1.25 a ton and baby of Columbia were week Paul Cavallo, Hunting Albert Hadfield, Castle D end visitors at the home of Mr. Wm. Houskeeper, Orangey and Mrs. W. D. Nielson-Alma Christensen and baby of Dragerton were here a short the BABY CHICKS time Sunday visiting at Send a postcard for quo home of his aunt, Lucy Nielson. Mrs. Delores Nordell and son tions and delivery dates on varieties of baby chicks that Rajidy of Ferron visited friends U. S. approved and U. s. here Sunday. tested. Order now to The deep snow is bringing lorum sure delivery. Oscar Carls flocks of pheasants to the farmHiawatha, Utah, A state liceni yards for feed. agent.' Some chicks availa W. D. Nielson made a trip to now. tc Salt Lake on business last week. sat from I s Sire id 0 Seta CASTLE VALLEY MARKETE & PURCHASING ASSN., n In the District Court Within have on hands flour, da of and for Emery County, State feed, hog feed and laying ma Utah: Green groceries once a we In the' Matter of the Estate At new warehouse at resider of FRANK R. LUNDY, Deceased. of Preston Huntington, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Creditors will please present claims with vouchers attached to the undersigned administratrix at her residence in Cleveland, Utah, on or before the 19th day of April, 1944. JOSEPHINE M. LUNDY, Administratrix of the estate of Frank R. Lundy, Deceased. Orangeville. tc Do you have fat hogs? W not take them to your lo market and receive greater r profit. Every Friday at Huntington Stockyards. Russ Jensen will buy any amount top nogs, packing sows az THERALD N. JENSEN, stags that you have to sell. Mo Attorney for Administratrix, important his prices will net y( Price, Utah. as much, or greater profits tbs CLEVELANDS INFANTILE 1944. First publication: Feb. 18, you receive elsewhere, he h, PARALYSIS DRIVE Last Publication-- March 10, 1944. the market, you have the hog In the story in last weeks Progress about Clevelands Infantile ROLLER SKATING every Sat- why not get together. For fu; ther information, call H'ui Paralysis Drive, due to a typo- urday evening from 8 to 11 p. m., ington 2412, or contact Mr. Jti graphical error we erroneously at Davis Hall. Cleveland. sen at stockyards any Friday. reported that the total turned in was $4.76. This should have read: . . . total turned was $44.76. (Continued from page 1) Harriet Hickman has returned from Salt Lake where she has been visiting her daughMrs. YOUR SPARS ELECTRIC APPLIANCES ARE UEEDEV .by a family that Is doing withovt ters. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wayman of spent Sunday at the home Mr. and Mrs. Homer Snyder of Spring Glen. Dinner was served In honor of their son Harry, home on furlough from Camp Wolters. It has been announced that regular monthly union meeting will be held at Castle Dale Sunday. High counsel meeting will begin at 12 noon. Stake presidency and bshopric meetings will begin at 1:30 p.m. followed by a general session. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bardsley and children, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dix and baby of Price, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Harding of Huntigton were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Jensen- Sunday. At the regular meeting of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers held at the home of Gladys Giainarakis Wednesday, plans for their annual party were completed. The DUP will entertain for their husbands Saturday evening, Feb. 26, in the Lions Clubrooms. Word was received by friends here the first of the week, that Anna Petersen who was accompanying her husband Leo, to San Francisco, and enroute had at Los Angeles to visit stopped a ' son and daughter, is in the hospital at Los Angeles with a kink in the intestine. Mr. and Mrs. Neldon Williams accompanied their son Neldon, who is here on furlough, to Salt Lake the first of the week, where they enjoyed several days visit with relatives and friends. Neldon, who arrived here from Texas, is being transferred to California. Mrs. Francis Jensen and baby of Sunnydale are now comfortably located in the Parley Anderson home while her husband serves in the armed services. Last Wednesday Mrs. Jensen went to Salt Lake expecting to visit with her husband while he was still at Ft. Douglas but found that just an hour before he had been sent out. She stayed there until Sunday at the home of Mr. Jensens sister, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bennie. I Every Electric Appliance you can spare will help a family that is doing without. How about rounding up all Electric Appliances you can spare, and sell them through a "Wartime Trading Post? And heres another suggestion war stamps or war bonds. WARTIME TRADING invest the money in POST" COUPON Date.. Q sell Q trade Q (check transaction in which you are interested) the following used Electric Appliances: I would like to buy (Type ol Appliance) (Approximate Valuo) (Typo oi Appliance) (Approximate Value) (Type oi Appliance) (Approximate Value) My Name Telephone Number Address (Street. ?. O. er H. F. D.) City State.. Note: Thie listing is lor lilteea dayo alter date receleed. good u appliances are eull oa hand alter that time, they ehould oe i. listed. e dealere luted below, or your office. Your inquiry wt) Light Company 5,ah Pw ," D:aroT;'u,0aWyaotn' EUC,liC UTAH The following AppUmC' POWER & LIGHT CO. Electrical Dealers operate "Wartime Trading to assist you in buying, Castle Dale Post selling, trading Used Electric Appliances Co-Op- ., Castle Dale Hunter Drug Co., Castle Dale Guymon Merc., Huntington per |