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Show Magna Time, Magna, Utah Friday, April 26, 1957 MAGNA SCHOOL SETS due to Decoration holiday and also on Thursday and Friday, July 4th and 5th. The classes will end July 12th. KINDERGARTEN TIME Registration for the Magna Principal P. H. Debs announces Elementary School kindergarten that classes will start Tuesday, will be held Wednesday, May 1st, May 28th and be conducted from at 9:15 a. m. 8:00 to 10:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 . Teachers are Edna Parents are asked to bring a Margaret Pugh and Maughen, examhealth certificate and birth Fern Richards Bcrling. ination completed form for their Classes will not be held Thurschildren. A charge of 90c is being made for crackers and milk. day and Friday, May 30 and 31, Club Eniarlainad NEW POSTAL POLAR KING HOURS GIVEN WILL OPEN LAKE RIDGE RESIDENT BETTER Two Fine Shows FROM SEVERE Mrs. Roland J. Reid entertained members of her Sewing Club The wards comprising Taylorsand special guest, Mrs. A. L. ville Stake will present two outWednesday afternoon at standing LDS motion pictures on her home. A gay time was held Friday, May 3rd at 8:00 p.m. at Mrs. Vivian Casto, 28, of 3350 the Taylorsville Stake Center. by the ladies. . Marigold Street (7540 West), alThe plays in color arc: Oliver though still in critical condition The Choice at St. Mark's Hospital with a Cowdery" and ZONING MEET SLATED FOR MAGNA SOON Land. skull fracture and spine injuries, Tickets are now being sold for is reported improving. the motion pictures. All proceeds Mrs. Casto and two men were will go for the building fund. hurt Thursday about 745 p. m. when two automobiles collided with severe impact at 7540 Wes. Due to the many telephone 35J0 South. calls and requests for another She was a passrnger in an zoning meeting in the Magna area automobile operated by from 7200 West to 9200 West, the her husband, Glendon West Casto, County Planning Board is now 31. who escaped with lacerations completing arrangements to hold such a gathering. an 1 head abrasions. Protests have be:n received by Driver of a westbound vehicle, Grant Rcntmeistcr, 18, of 4285 the Board on several places that South 3600 West, was reported in are to be cons', ructed near resifair" condition at St Marks dential districts. Date and place of the mass Hospital with chest injuries, probable rib fracture and hand in- meeting will be announced by next week, according to juries. According to investigating de- - McClure of the Board. puties Bob Jack and W. A. (Dell) Sheppick, the collision occurred when the Casto vehicle negotia'.-e- d a left turn in front of the Rentmeister auto. The Casto vehicle was hit UNDERGROUND ALL -- RUBBER broadside and knocked 37 feet onto a lawn about six Let from LAWN SPRINKLING SYSTEMS a residence on the northwest corner of the intersection. WoA-fre- e regular waterBoth vehicles were damaged ing need never be put off beyond repair. to valve a preturn 1 just Sunny Brook vent lawn bum-outs- ! Permanent cant rust, corrode, or decay . . . unharmed by freezing! bends around Flexible trees and corners. east-bou- once was an intelligent young man named Arthur Maxwell. Therethought he would like to car. to a 'medium-pricestep up" than a So he went and looked at a model just a few dollars more Ford. At first glance it looked good. But when he got inside the car he exclaimed, You call No No radio? thinluwwy" he wanted became a RICH d heater?-N- with equipment ajScar young man priced car. So, being an intelligent He soon saw -- low-pric- e field-w- ith than the stripped-dowlets money Why don't you do as Arthur did? that goodyear and bought a JordJairfans the true all the equipment he wanted, for he dashed off to his Ford Dealer luxury car in the automatic tranamisaion? o 5:00 p. m. Mr. Huish asks the cooperation of the public and especially the business firms in depositing their mail for dispatch at least 15 minutes ahead of the 5:00 p. m. dispatch schedule. IN MAGNA The Polar King" will open in at 8519 West 3100 South about June 1st, announces Mr. Magna and Mrs. Alfred Fuller, operators. It is located across the street south from the Magna Elementary School. The building will be about 23x 32 feet and is of block construction. Ice cream, shakes, hamburgers, hotdogs, etc. will be sold. Former Magna Bank Official Succumbs Mylan Bentz, former mansger of the Magna bank, succumbed April 18 h in Los Angeles, CaliAll members and new members fornia, according to word received of the Utah Copper Ladies Golf h.re. are urged to attend a meeting on Mr. Bentz visited in Magna last Tuesday, April 30th, beginning at summer. 5:30 o'clock at the clubhouse. I shall never permit myself to Following the business ga luncheon will be serv.d at stoop so low as to hate any man. 5:45. Card games will follow. Booker T. Washington Golf Ladies To Meet The best words for cheer, friends model he thought he wanted. n r, Byron L. Huish, Magna desires to call to the attention of local postal patrons the new hours for window service at the Magna postoffice. In accordance with instructions issued by Postmaster General Summerfield that window aervice be limited to bhk hours daily', the windows will open at 8:30 a. m. and close at 5:00 p. m. Mail will still be dispatched at the regular time of 9:30 a. m. an poat-maste- CRASH HURTS THURS. Arthur Maxwell Hie decision of Taylorsville Stake Plans ... bourbon. Webster Holds Final PTA Meet Efficient controls spray precisely . . . into comers, along walks . . . without misting or waste! No trenching to mar the lawn . ..sod is slit, pipe it buried, and turf tamped back. Marks disappear tn a 7ord prices are lower. . . Ford trades are higher Ford prices start as low as 1 82400 "Only Ford Dealers Carry A-- l Used Cars & Trucks" AL r.a.A.r. few days. WeU handle the installation for you! Magna Lumber & Hardware Co. FORD PARKER The final meeting of the Webster School PTA was held on Thursday evening. A fine program tyas enjoyed. Mr. Auggie" Navarro of the Salt Lake County sheriffs office was the featured speaker. Hit Juvenile Delinsubject was quency. A clever baton twirling demonstration was presented by Miss Shawna Harris and Miss Sandra Herron. New officers were installed for the coming year to include Mr. LaVelle Sadler, president; Mrs. Bette Cutler, vice president; Mrs. Irene Farnsworth, secretary; Mrs. Helen Duckworth, treasurer. ABourbon Sunny Brook its Name Cheerful as a Lao availablBi Ksntucij Bltndtd IVkukij In the traditional round bottla PR00UCTS CORPORATION BY NATIONAL DISTILLERS KV DISTRIBUTED THE OLD SUNNY BROOK COMPANY, LOUISVILLE, 65 CRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS KENTUCKY BLENDED WHISKEY CONTAINS BOTH 86 PROOF . PHONE 2700 MAGNA llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Magna Mother of the Year Ballot Mr. Yai Mori Mrs. Stalls Pthrson Flortnct Hsrmon Mrs. Gladys Halts Mrs. Wilms Kltkss Mrs. Mrs. Ross Brown My vote for one of the above mothers to be Mother of the Year is (Vols For One) This Ballot Valid Only If Deposited At: A1 Parker Ford IlllllllllllllimillllllllllllllllillllllllSIlimilllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiil - production a S3 year This week, Kennecott honors 60 employees who have completed 30 years of continuous service with the company, and 297 employees who have completed 20 years of service. These 357 employees have served a total of 7,740 years in the production of copper from a mine that was established 53 years ago. And they represent just a portion of the veteran employees engaged in copper production in Utah. In all, 1,138, or 17 of Kenne-cot- ts 6,600 employees have been following careers in copper for 20 or more years. Koch drop of this fine Kentucky whiskey goes c,own 80 !Lg ficnt,y r SO KENTUCKY BOURBON AT ITS BEST bottle '' 6 . . . n DIS "MUerS COUP, Lrii. W .' v ' old mine By developing skills over the years and by passing on to younger men the invaluable lessons of experience, Kennccotts 20 and 30 year employees have been an important factor in the company's success. And successful operations by Kennecott result in payrolls, tax payments and supply purchases that make an important contribution to our states prosperity. In honoring its 20 and 30 year employees, Kennecott pays tribute to their role in helping to make Utah a better state for all Utahns. Kennecott Capper Corporation A Good Neighbor Helping to Build a Better Utah |